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以苯甲醚为溶剂,采用旋涂法制备PMMA(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)转移层膜。当PMMA的质量分数为5%、旋涂速度为2000~6000r/min时,转移层膜的厚度为90~150nm,粗糙度为0.3nm,可满足纳米压印要求。采用接触角测量仪测试计算出PMMA、PS转移层膜的表面能,并通过转移层膜与压印胶之间的粘附功和界面张力的计算,评价了PMMA、PS和Si片对压印胶的润湿和粘附性能。结果表明,PMMA膜可改善压印胶在基片上的润湿铺展性能和粘附性能,而PS膜虽能改善基片的润湿铺展性能,却不利于压印胶的粘附。  相似文献   

纳米压印技术的工艺和图形精度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纳米压印技术通过压印实现了纳米结构的图形转移,具有分辨率高、效率高、成本低的优点。通过对纳米压印过程中影响图形精度的一些因素进行分析,提出了相应的解决方法。结合研制的NIL-01型压印机进行工艺实验,给出纳米压印工艺实验的结果,并对结果进行了分析。试验表明:考虑到影响压印图形精度的各种因素,采用镀有Cr的SiO2模版和NIL-01型压印机,用热压印技术可以压印出具有100nm特征尺寸的PMMA图形。  相似文献   

纳米压印光刻技术已被证实是纳米尺寸大面积结构复制的最有前途的下一代技术之一。这种速度快、成本低的方法成为生物化学、μ级流化学、μ-TAS和通信器件制造以及纳米尺寸范围内广泛应用的一种日渐重要的方法,如生物医学、纳米流体学、纳米光学应用、数据存储等领域。由于标准光刻系统的波长限制、巨大的开发工作量、以及高昂的工艺和设备成本,纳米压印光刻技术可能成为主流IC产业中一种真正富有竞争性方法。对细小到亚10nm范围内的极小复制结构,纳米压印技术没有物理极限。从几种纳米压印光刻技术中选择两种前景广阔的方法——热压印光刻(HEL)和紫外压印光刻(UV-NIL)技术给予介绍。两种技术对各种各样的材料以及全部作图的衬底大批量生产提供了快速印制。重点介绍了HEL和UV-NIL两种技术的结果。全片压印尺寸达200mm直径,图形分辨力高,拓展到纳米尺寸范围。  相似文献   

为了避免纳米压印光刻技术与光刻技术混淆,纳米压印光刻技术严谨的专业术语定义是:不使用光线或者辐射使光刻胶感光成形,而是直接在硅衬底或者其他衬底上利用物理学机理构造纳米级别的图形。这种纳米成像技术真正地实现了纳米级别的图形印制。  相似文献   

为了减少紫外纳米压印技术脱模过程中的接触粘附力,开发了一种新型高流动、抗粘的紫外纳米压印光刻胶。光刻胶以BMA为聚合单体,添加特定配比的交联剂和光引发剂配置而成。紫外纳米压印实验在本课题组自主研发的IL-NP04型纳米压印机上完成。实验得到光刻胶掩膜膜厚为1.21μm,结构尺寸深246nm,周期937.5nm。实验结果表明,在没有对石英模板表面进行修饰的情况下,该光刻胶依然表现出高可靠性和高图形转移分辨率,有效减少了紫外纳米压印工艺中的模板抗粘修饰的工艺步骤。  相似文献   

王智浩  刘文  王磊  左强  赵彦立 《半导体学报》2012,33(10):106002-4
纳米压印技术由于其分辨率高、工艺成本低以及适于大规模工业化生产的优点被广泛利用于纳米尺度的半导体器件的制作之中。然而,传统的硬模板压印技术存在着模板寿命短、大面积均匀性差以及易受颗粒影响的缺点。本文提出了一种高分子聚合物软模板(IPS)压印的方法来改进以上缺点,同时,本文提出在软模板制作和后续的紫外压印中采用变温变压阶梯升降压的方法来提高压印过程中胶的流动性,以提高压印图形的质量。最后,我们利用这种方法方法出了高质量的50纳米线宽的光栅图形。  相似文献   

气体压力施压是实现纳米压印技术中将模板压入转移介质的重要技术路径,在克服应力不均匀、保护基片和模板等方面优势明显。报道了一种旨在提高压印压力均匀性、低压力施压的真空负压紫外固化纳米压印系统的研制。制备真空腔室,腔室顶部利用弹性橡胶环结合紫外透过性好的SiO2玻璃与腔体连接,采用抽真空的方式形成负压,腔室外大气压强通过SiO2玻璃均匀地作用到压印模板上,将其压入液态紫外敏感光刻胶中,再采用紫外光固化光刻胶,分离后实现模板图形向基板的转移。压印力大小取决于腔室内外的气体压强差,通过调节腔室内部气压大小改变施加在模板上的实际压力,内部气压大小通过连通气压表观察。图形转移实验结果表明,所研制纳米压印样机系统能够实现图形的高保真转移,在基片上形成光刻胶材质的结果图形,500nm特征线宽图形转移实验结果清晰,在较大面积基片上的压印压力均匀性良好。  相似文献   

基于光刻版的无留膜紫外纳米压印技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对纳米压印光刻技术中压印脱模后的留膜去除问题,提出了一种基于光刻版的无留膜紫外纳米压印技术.采用传统的光刻版作为紫外压印模版,由于模版上铬层的遮蔽作用.使得铬层下面的光刻胶不被曝光,从而可以轻易地被去除.实验结果表明,该技术综合了压印与光刻各自的优点,可以获得无留膜厚度的压印图形,省去了压印后的留膜刻蚀工艺.从而避免了由于留膜厚度不均匀所带来的过刻蚀或欠刻蚀的问题.  相似文献   

纳米压印技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
传统光学光刻技术的高成本促使科学家去开发新的非光学方法,以取代集成电路工厂目前所用的工艺.另外,微机电系统(MEMS)的成功启发科学家借用MEMS中的相关技术,将其使用到纳米科技中去,这是得到纳米结构的一种有效途经.纳米压印在过去的几年里受到了高度重视,因为它成功地证明了它有成本低、分辨率高的潜力.纳米压印技术主要包括热压印、紫外压印(含步进-闪光压印)和微接触印刷等.本文详细讨论纳米压印材料的制备及常用的三种工艺的工艺步骤和它们各自的优缺点.并对这三种工艺进行了比较.最后列举了一些典型应用,如微镜、金属氧化物半导体场效应管、光栅等.  相似文献   

纳米压印技术由于具有操作简单、高分辨率、成本低、重复性高等优点,近年来受到国内外研究机构的高度重视.本文主要介绍了目前主流的几种纳米压印技术,并简要概述了纳米压印技术的研究现状和应用前景.  相似文献   

We report on a two step soft UV nanoimprint process termed “Press and Release Imprint (PRI) that enables the reduction of both the mold deformation and the local variation of the residual layer thickness, thereby allowing high fidelity pattern replication with a uniform local residual layer thickness. The effect of imprint pressure on the mold deformation, local variation of residual layer thickness as well as required mold release time has been investigated for microscale patterns in the range of 10-100 μm. The potentials of PRI are demonstrated by high fidelity replication of micro-patterns with a uniform residual layer of minimum thickness.  相似文献   

UV-based nanoimprint lithography (UV-NIL) is a cheap and fast way to imprint patterns ranging from nanometres to micrometres. However, commonly used equipment can be expensive and require a clean room infrastructure. Here we present the design and testing of a simple UV-NIL system based on a light emitting diode. The current design permits imprints of 10 × 10 mm2 in size using a 25 × 25 mm2 master. This printer can be used in a semi-clean environment such as a laminar flow bench. The imprinter was used to imprint photoresists as well as UV sensitised hydrogels. The best results were obtained using SU-8 photoresist with features down to 50 nm in size, only limited by the imprint master. Patterns in SU-8 resist were also transferred into silicon substrates by reactive ion etching demonstrating its full potential as a lithographic tool.  相似文献   

Thermal step and stamp nanoimprint lithography (SSIL) offers an alternative to fabricate transparent polymer stamps for UV-imprinting. The fabrication process does not require any other subsequent steps, e.g. dry etching or anti adhesive coating.In this work, we have manufactured UV-stamp by combining patterns of two different silicon masters. The patterns of the silicon masters were transferred into resin coated quartz plate by sequential imprinting. The first master consisted gratings with 50 nm features and the second master consisted dot arrays of 350 nm diameter features. The novel idea is the ability to create a large UV-stamp using a combination of small masters. Thus fabricated UV-stamps were used for demonstrating step and repeat UV-imprinting. The quality of the UV-stamps and imprints were analyzed by AFM. High fidelity patterns were achieved in respect to patterns in the original silicon master.  相似文献   

As a potential candidate for the next generation of nanolithography, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) has drawn ever-increasing worldwide attention. It involves physical contact to overcome the optical limits occurring in sub-100 nm photolithography. Affordable tool cost is one of major attractive points of NIL. This work proposes the idea of incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the resin used for ultraviolet nanoimprinting (UV-NIL). CNTs can make the resin electrically conductive when mixed with it. Patterns imprinted in the CNT-mixed resist can then be used to replace conductive metal structures directly. This enhances the productivity of basic UV-NIL where the imprinted patterns are used as sacrificial etch masks. In this work, several types of CNTs were purified chemically and dispersed before being mixed with UV-NIL resin using ultrasonic vibration. On drops of CNT-mixed resin, soft UV-NIL was performed using a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp with a minimum feature size in the range of 200 nm. Even with increased resin viscosity due to the addition of CNTs, UV imprinting down to 200 nm was successfully done with moderate pattern fidelity. The loading rate of nanotubes should be minimized to prevent the increased viscosity from degrading the pattern transfer resolution. The electrical conductivity of CNT-mixed resist increases with the loading of CNTs. Therefore, the trade-off between the electrical properties and pattern transfer resolution needs to be optimized carefully.  相似文献   

软模板的制作是紫外纳米压印中关键的技术,模版的分辨率直接决定了压印图形的最小分辨率。使用具有高度均匀、100nm级孔洞阵列结构的多孔氧化铝作为母版,使用基于液态浇铸的硅油稀释聚二甲基硅氧烷(硅油和聚二甲基硅氧烷的质量比为1:2)法制备出具有规则点阵结构的软模板。通过SEM和AFM表征发现,特征图形得到了有效转移,特征尺度保持在100nm左右。相对于传统的模板制备方法,此方法成本低、流程简单、适合大规模生产,是一种非常有前途的软模板制备方法。  相似文献   

针对沙粒层的面散射以及体散射,利用小斜率近似(SSA)方法研究了其面散射,将其计算结果和文献中相应测量数据进行比较分析。随后基于辐射传输理论(RT)研究了其体散射特性,将其计算结果与文献中相应的测量数据进行比较分析,通过这两部分结果的比较验证了文中所述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

IC制造工艺与光刻对准特性关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要针对光刻对准特性,从单项工艺和工艺集成的角度,分析了影响光刻对准的各个主要因素,主要包括对准标记、工艺层、隔离技术等,提出了一些改善光刻对准效果的方法.  相似文献   

本文研究晶格矢配较大的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物向Si基底转移薄层的技术,为此制备了Si/SiO2/Si结构的应力缓冲衬底。利用智能切割(smart-cut)技术制备薄层GaAs并以低温SiO2层过渡与应力缓冲衬底相键合,达到GaAs向Si基底的转移目的。并对结果进行了分析和讨论,认为该技术是可行的。同时特别强调了低温淀积SiO2层的完美性对最终转移的GaAs薄层的完整性是重要的。  相似文献   

We show how to use a modified poly-dimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) soft stamp to reduce pattern deformation and residual layer thickness in soft UV-nanoimprint lithography. A soft stamp thinned with toluene reduces the residual layer of a resist by as much as 50% compared to an unthinned stamp. We apply the soft UV-nanoimprint to prepare nanopatterned waveguides for a single-frequency diode laser. This laser operates with a side-mode suppression ratio of 50 dB, which indicates that the patterns are precise and uniform over the whole imprint field. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first single-frequency laser fabricated by soft UV-nanoimprint technology.  相似文献   

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