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食品中化学物累积风险评估方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品中存在的各种污染物、农药和添加剂等化学物可能会通过多种机制的联合作用对人体形成累积暴露,但传统的风险评估方法多以单一化学物暴露为基础。近年来,化学物累积暴露形成的健康风险受到越来越多的重视,一些累积风险评估方法,如类别每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)、危害指数(HI)、相对效能因子(RPF)、生理毒代动力学(PBTK)模型等也逐渐发展起来。本文对这些方法的特点及其应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的初步评估龙舌兰酒中甲醇的急性和慢性暴露健康风险。方法通过毒性资料检索与分析,确定甲醇的人体经口暴露急性和慢性限量值,参照我国居民酒精类饮料的消费模式,以我国饮酒者的白酒高端消费量代替龙舌兰酒高端消费量,基于专家咨询结果,选择龙舌兰酒中甲醇限量值3.0 g/L为龙舌兰酒中甲醇含量最大值(以100%酒精计),计算我国成人饮酒者经龙舌兰酒一次摄入甲醇的量;以我国饮酒者的白酒平均消费量代替龙舌兰酒平均消费量,结合已发表文献的龙舌兰酒中甲醇含量的平均值1.8 g/L(以100%酒精计),计算我国成人饮酒者经龙舌兰酒慢性摄入甲醇的量。结果我国居民通过饮用龙舌兰酒一次性摄入的甲醇为11.25 mg/kg BW,低于一次经口暴露限量(20 mg/kg BW);慢性摄入的甲醇为1.69 mg/kg BW,低于推荐的甲醇每日参考剂量(2.0 mg/kg BW)。结论我国成人饮酒者通过龙舌兰酒摄入甲醇的急性暴露和慢性暴露的健康风险较低。  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, fishes are adulterated by hazardous chemicals at different steps from farm to consumers. Formalin (FA) is reported to be frequently added as preservative either by dipping or spraying to the fresh fishes by the fish traders while transporting to domestic marketing chain to prevent spoilage and extend shelf life. Thus, the objective of the present study was toconduct quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for formalin treated fish in Bangladesh. The probabilistic QRA of formalin treated fish was performed based on available secondary data. Available data on concentration of formalin in fish, daily fish consumption by the consumer and their body weight were used to estimate the risk of residual formalin to the consumers. Based on the data, three different scenarios (average consumption, two and four times of average consumption considered as scenarios 1, 2 and 3, respectively) were used for exposure analysis using @Risk program version 6.0.FA concentration in consumedfresh and cooked (boiling) fish was 5.34x10-02 and 2.340x10-02 (mg/kg bw/day), respectively and national average fish consumption was 200 g/day. QRA reveals that FA intake under scenario1 and 2 was lower than acceptable daily intake (ADI 0.2 mg/kg bw/day set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency) thus lower risk observed for both fresh and cooked fish. However, scenario 3 revealed that 0.01% population was at risk (FA intake 0.21 mg/kg bw/day higher than ADI) upon the fresh fish consumption, where cooked fish (FA 9.38x10-02 mg/kg bw/day) consumer remains safe at the same scenario. The result confirmed that cooking has significant effect to reduction of formalin. Therefore, probabilistic quantitative risk assessment of formalin treated fish could provide important risk information to the risk manager (government), whether the population is at risk or not? The result could be applied to establish effective risk management strategy in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省市售食品中铝污染状况,评估陕西省居民膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的健康风险。方法 2013—2015年在陕西省10个地市随机采集8类食品共计666份,按照食品中铝测定的标准操作程序进行检测,结合陕西省开展的居民膳食营养状况调查中各类食物的消费量数据,采用点评估方法,对陕西省不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的风险进行评估。结果陕西省居民全人群膳食中铝平均每日摄入量为0.154 9 mg/kg BW,不同性别-年龄组人群以18~59岁女性摄入量最高,为0.178 5 mg/kg BW。当食物中铝含量取P97.5数值时,膳食中铝摄入量最高的人群是2~7岁儿童。各性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝平均暴露量(铝含量数据采用平均值)安全限值(MOS值)均1,偏高暴露量(铝含量数据采用P97.5数值)MOS值均1。2~7岁和8~12岁儿童膳食中铝摄入贡献率较高的食品是油炸食品和焙烤食品,其他组人群膳食中铝摄入贡献率前3位的食品均是油炸食品、凉皮和淀粉制品。结论陕西省居民不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝偏高暴露量已超过最新的健康指导值。女性和儿童是暴露量较高的人群,油炸食品是不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入的最主要来源。  相似文献   

膳食铝暴露评估研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铝的毒性不容忽视,食品添加剂联合专家委员会多次修改铝的暂定每周耐受摄入量,2011年最新铝的暂定每周耐受摄入量为2.0 mg/kg bw.本文阐述普通人群铝的暴露来源,膳食铝的生物利用率及其影响因素,国内外膳食铝暴露评估研究情况.  相似文献   


After the incidences of induction of aristolochic acid nephropathy after consumption of herbal weight loss preparations that accidentally contained aristolochic acids (AAs), several countries defined national restrictions on the presence of AAs in food, including plant food supplements (PFS) and herbal products. This study investigates whether the risks associated with exposure to AAs via PFS and herbal products are at present indeed negligible. Data reported in literature on AA levels in PFS and other herbal products and also obtained from a new series of PFS in the present study were used to calculate the estimated daily intakes (EDIs) and corresponding margins of exposure (MOEs). Available literature data revealed that 206 out of 573 samples were found to contain aristolochic acid I (AAI) and/or aristolochic acid II (AAII). The results obtained from recently collected PFS revealed that both AAI and AAII were detected in three out of 18 analysed PFS at levels up to 594.8 and 235.3 µg g–1, respectively, being in line with the levels reported in literature. The EDIs resulting from intake of these PFS resulted in MOEs that were generally below 10,000, corroborating the priority for risk management. Although these results refer to PFS collected by targeted sampling strategies, the data reveal that AA-containing PFS are still freely available. When considering that the use of these samples may be limited to shorter periods of time, the EDIs might be lower, but MOE values would still be lower than 10,000 for more than 50% of the AA-containing PFS and herbal products. In conclusion, the presence of AAs in PFS and herbal products even several years after instalment of the legal restrictions still raises concern, especially for people who frequently use the respective PFS and herbal products.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, occur widely on many staple foods and cause a broad range of detrimental health effects in animals and humans. As a consequence, maximum tolerated levels (MTLs) have been legislated in many countries. However, in developing countries where food safety compliance can be low and significant levels of the food supply are locally consumed by the producers or purchased at local markets, more comprehensive strategies are required. In this regard, risk analysis with its components of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, is an important tool in dealing with food safety issues. Risk assessment for aflatoxin B1 in Africa has been performed using the carcinogenic potency, established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and applying it to typical food products and consumption across the continent, to illustrate the significant health implications caused by the intake of high levels of contaminated foods. Highlighted in this assessment is the fact that even low levels of contamination, which might of themselves fall within legislated limits, can have serious health implications due to high levels of consumption, i.e. meeting a MTL does not of itself guarantee food safety. Recent developments have highlighted the growth retardation and immune suppression caused by aflatoxin exposure in human populations in west Africa. Using the limited data available on both these health effects, a first step has been taken to incorporate them into a risk assessment paradigm quantifying the risk of immunosuppression, malnutrition and stunting in children exposed to aflatoxins and highlighting again how excessive consumption of foods meeting MTLs can carry significant health risks.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍总膳食研究实施的方法步骤,阐明其在食品安全风险评估中,尤其是在人群膳食暴露评估中的应用进展。  相似文献   

目前食品安全问题已成为一个日益受关注的问题,开展与食品加工相关的风险分析是保障食品安全的重要手段之一。风险评估在食品加工中的应用主要是针对食品加工过程中的物理、化学、生物等不良影响做出的科学评估。本文将介绍风险评估,并对其在食品加工中的应用做简单介绍。  相似文献   

目的研究目前国际上食品中遗传毒性致癌物风险评估方法,为建立我国遗传毒性致癌物风险评估技术体系提供方法学支持。方法收集目前国际上食品中遗传毒性致癌物风险评估方法的科研文章和指南文件,梳理、对比各种方法的优缺点及其适用范围,研究其中可为我国风险评估借鉴和参考的内容。结果目前国际上对食品中遗传毒性致癌物进行风险评估的主要方法包括尽可能低作用水平(ALARA),毒理学关注阈值(TTC),低剂量外推和暴露限值(MOE)。尽管ALARA原则容易理解,但是它不能给出任何一个风险程度的指导,所以不能为制定现实的风险管理建议提供可靠的依据。在致癌剂量-反应关系数据缺乏或不足的情况下,若符合毒理学关注阈值适用范围,可以采用毒理学关注阈值的方法进行筛选评估。当来自动物试验的致癌数据可用时,可以采用暴露限值法,也可采用低剂量外推的方法,但推荐优先采用暴露限值法。结论我国应在充分参与国际遗传毒性物质风险评估相关工作的基础上,深入开展遗传毒性物质基础研究,尽快建立遗传毒性物质风险评估技术体系。  相似文献   

目的掌握广西主要食品中砷污染的水平,评估居民膳食无机砷暴露量及其潜在健康风险。方法利用2010-2015年广西主要食品中总砷及无机砷含量数据和食物消费量数据,采用简单分布评估的方法 ,计算广西居民膳食中无机砷暴露水平及其分布情况,并利用暴露限值(MOE)法评估其潜在健康风险。结果 16 567份食品样品中,总砷检出率为42.71%(4 735/11 087),无机砷检出率为48.07%(2 634/5 480)。总砷平均含量以海洋甲壳类最高,其次是海水鱼类和软体动物;检测无机砷食品样品中,平均含量为0.018~0.072 mg/kg,其中以大米无机砷平均含量最高。除大米、新鲜水果、蛋及其制品、畜禽内脏直接采用其检测的无机砷结果外,其他食品均通过总砷转换到无机砷而进行暴露评估。一般人群和高消费量人群膳食中无机砷的平均每天暴露量MOE值均1,但18~34岁男性组高消费量人群每天无机砷暴露量的MOE值≤1。大米的贡献率远高于其他食物,是居民膳食中无机砷的主要来源。结论广西居民膳食中无机砷暴露风险总体上是安全的,而对于18~34岁男性组高暴露量人群可能存在一定的健康风险,大米是广西居民的主要食品,大米的安全问题需加以关注。  相似文献   

本文针对动物及动物产品安全涉及到的多方面、多环节和多层次的问题, 确定影响动物及动物产品安全的主要因素, 指出动物疫病预警研究是公共卫生应急及城市预警应急系统的重要组成部分。本文提出如何构建动物及动物性食品质量安全风险预警框架、形成风险评估及预警决策的模型的方法, 提出采用基于地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)的数字化监控系统, 将流行病学数据库、地理图形、非空间应用模型和空间应用模型有机地结合, 实现图形和数据资源共享。系统可及时跟踪疾病的蔓延, 通过动物疫病流行病学图形分析, 可提出适宜的防治措施, 达到重大动物疫病的预警预报目的。借鉴国外成功经验, 提出适合国情的风险预警框架体系研究内容, 并指出在进行动物卫生评估和动物产品安全性评价时, 如何提高GIS系统与风险分析在预警体系中的应用。最终为开展风险评估工作提供更多的素材, 不仅能促进中国畜牧业的健康持续发展, 也能满足国家制定相关政策的需求。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国9省居民铁皮石斛食用情况,评估铁皮石斛消费人群铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)、砷(As)4种重金属的累积暴露量和潜在的健康风险。方法 基于2019年和2022年中国9省居民铁皮石斛消费量数据和文献筛选得到的部分地区铁皮石斛4种重金属含量数据,采用简单分布模型计算4种重金属暴露量,评估其健康风险;并在此基础上利用危害指数法(HI)进行累积暴露评估。结果铁皮石斛消费者主要以食用干品为主(37.3%),其中以泡饮方式食用较多,单次消费量的平均值为8.2 g/人;铁皮石斛鲜品食用人群占总调查人数的12.9%,以榨汁为主,单次消费量的平均值为30.8 g/人。暴露评估结果显示,在铁皮石斛(干/鲜)4种重金属暴露量中,干品均高于鲜品且Pb的平均暴露水平(干/鲜)最高;以健康指导值或基准剂量的5%进行判定,在铁皮石斛干品中不同性别-年龄组消费者As、Pb的平均暴露量的暴露边界值(MOE)>1;Pb P95暴露量的MOE值<1;Cd和Hg暴露量均低于其健康指导值的5%。不同省份居民铁皮石斛重金属暴露评估结果表明,江西省铁皮石斛消费居民4种重金属暴露量均最高。江西和浙江两省...  相似文献   

Phytosterols are nutritional phytochemicals that may undergo oxidation and be transformed into phytosterol oxidation products (POPs), thus inducing pathological and toxic effects. This work investigated four main phytosterols and 28 POPs in 104 kinds of commercial baked food by using GC-MS. The dietary exposure and hazard index values (HI) associated with POPs from baked food consumption in China were estimated by using Monte Carlo simulation. Concentrations of the total phytosterols were between 3.39 and 209.80 μg/g. The total concentrations of POPs, including 5α,6α/5β,6β-epoxysterols, 7-ketosterol, 7α/7β-hydroxysterols, 6-hydroxysterols, and triols, ranged from 0.37 to 27.81 μg/g. The median dietary exposure of POP contents in baked food for four age groups in China were 10.91 (children), 6.20 (adolescents), 3.63 (adults), and 3.40 (seniors) mg/(kg×day). Risk assessment of median HI with respect to POPs indicated no risk (HI <1) for people in adolescents, adults, and seniors in the country area of China, while a risk (1 < HI < 10) would refer to the baked food consumption of people in urban area and children in country area of China. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis showed that the most significant variables for each age group in China were POP concentration, body weight, and ingestion rate.  相似文献   

目的对中国东南地区5省市居民黄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯暴露的健康风险进行评估。方法利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查5省市18岁及以上人群黄酒消费量数据,以及2010、2011年在5省市采集黄酒样品的检测结果,采用简单分布膳食暴露评估方法对人群经黄酒摄入氨基甲酸乙酯进行估计,并对造成的健康风险进行评估。结果 5省市黄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯的平均含量为0.103 mg/kg,最大值为0.498 mg/kg。18岁以上人群黄酒氨基甲酸乙酯平均暴露量为13.4 ng/kg BW,暴露限值为22 388。黄酒饮酒者氨基甲酸乙酯平均暴露量为427.8 ng/kg BW,暴露限值为701。结论 18岁及以上全部人群黄酒氨基甲酸乙酯暴露的健康风险较低,但在黄酒饮酒者中存在较高健康风险。  相似文献   

食品中反式脂肪酸的风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据风险评价理论,从反式脂肪酸来源、吸收代谢方式、对人体健康的危害及中国居民膳食调查和各种食品中反式脂肪酸暴露水平,推算出现在中国居民反式脂肪酸暴露量低于安全摄入剂量,表明中国食品中反式脂肪酸风险尚属可接受范围;最后从降低食物中反式脂肪酸、建立反式脂肪酸的标签制度及实施限量标准两方面提出了风险管理措施。  相似文献   

The food industry uses dyes mainly to overcome color loss during the processing and storage of products, with the azo dyes currently being the most employed. Studies on the safety of using these dyes in foods started in the 1950s and have indicated the potential for concern. This review discusses the risk assessment of food intake containing artificial azo dyes. There are case reports and, subsequently, double-blind placebo-controlled trials in some individuals who may experience adverse effects from the intake of azo dyes, but it is unclear whether these adverse effects are restricted to specific populations or more generalized. In view of this, different toxicological endpoints are evaluated to verify toxic effects in in vitro and in vivo models and to establish the no observed adverse effect level. Exposure estimation studies have shown that human exposure to azo dyes via oral intake is mainly below the acceptable daily intake established by advisory bodies. However, most countries do not have studies that estimate the oral intake of azo dyes. In this case, local food diversity and racial–ethnic specificities are not considered when stating the exposure estimate is below the acceptable daily intake for the human population and thus may not represent actual intake. Concerning the scenario established above, this review discusses the most critical gaps to be overcome to contribute to the direction of future studies and the development of more effective public policies concerning the safety of the intake of artificial azo dyes.  相似文献   

国内外食品安全风险评估在风险管理中的应用概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
食品安全风险评估是制定食品安全标准等食品安全监管措施的科学基础和依据,为了发挥食品安全风险评估在食品安全监管中的作用,一些国家建立了专门开展食品安全风险评估的机构,我国也按照《食品安全法》要求成立了国家食品安全风险评估专家委员会开展风险评估工作。食品安全风险评估技术手段在食品安全标准制定、突发食品安全事件处理及风险交流中发挥越来越重要的作用,但基于我国面临的食品安全形势及食品安全监管的需要,还需要从机构、风险评估能力、技术和人才队伍等方面加强我国食品安全风险评估体系建设。  相似文献   

双酚A被广泛应用于食品接触材料中,人体暴露于双酚A可能会带来健康问题.目前中国是世界上最大的双酚A生产国,在全国范围内尚未对双酚A的暴露量进行系统性评估,缺乏相应的食品接触材料数据库.因此,了解食品接触材料迁移的双酚A暴露风险及国内外主要的风险管理措施,对于中国食品安全风险管理策略的制定及消费者食品选择指导具有重要的意...  相似文献   

目的 调查中国猪肉中指示性多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染水平以及我国居民膳食暴露情况和风险。方法选取2020年中国13个省(自治区、直辖市)为监测点采集猪肉样品,采用同位素稀释-气相色谱-高分辨磁质谱联用法测定203份猪肉中7种指示性PCBs(PCB28、PCB52、PCB101、PCB118、PCB138、PCB153、PCB180)的含量,并分析其指纹特征。依据各省(自治区、直辖市)猪肉的消费量数据,评估居民通过猪肉暴露指示性PCBs的健康风险。结果 猪肉中7种指示性PCBs(∑7PCBs)的平均浓度范围为0.053(广西)~0.826 ng/g脂肪(浙江),P95浓度范围为0.091(广西)~2.702 ng/g脂肪(浙江)。PCB28和PCB52为主要的指纹特征。中国居民通过食用猪肉每日摄入∑7PCBs的平均水平和P95水平分别为(0.062±0.076)ng/kg·BW和(0.158±0.207)ng/kg·BW,暴露风险指数(ERI)均小于1。结论 中国猪肉中∑7PCBs的污染水平较低,居民通过猪肉膳食暴露指示性...  相似文献   

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