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Previous studies have shown that licochalcone A, an oxygenated chalcone, exhibits antileishmanial and antimalarial activities. The present study was designed to examine the antimalarial activity of an analog of licochalcone A, 2,4-dimethoxy-4'-butoxychalcone (2,4mbc). 2,4mbc inhibited the in vitro growth of both a chloroquine-susceptible (3D7) and a chloroquine-resistant (Dd2) strain of Plasmodium falciparum in a [3H]hypoxanthine uptake assay. The in vivo activity of 2,4mbc was tested in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei or Plasmodium yoelii and in rats infected with P. berghei. 2,4mbc administered either orally, intraperitoneally, or subcutaneously for 5 days protected the mice from otherwise lethal infections of these parasites. 2,4mbc administered orally for 5 days reduced parasitemia in the rats infected with P. berghei. These results demonstrate that 2,4mbc exhibits potent antimalarial activity and might be developed into a new antimalarial drug.  相似文献   

Concentrates of late stage parasites of the gametocyte-forming clone HB-3 were mixed with blood rich in reticulocytes from anemic patients, or with normal control blood, and kept under culture conditions for 4 days. Significantly more gametocytes were always formed in the reticulocyte-rich blood than in the control. This was true whether the anemic blood supported a larger asexual parasitemia than the control, or a lower one, or the same and without regard to the cause of the anemia. Gametocytes as a percentage of asexual forms were up to 10 times higher in reticulocyte-rich blood than in normal blood.  相似文献   

A 48 h in vitro test of the efficacy of artemisinine, dihydroartemisinine, artemether, mefloquine and chloroquine was carried out against 3 chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, strains K1 and T996 from Thailand and LS21 from India. A sigmoid Emax model was fitted to all in vitro inhibition data for each combination of drug and strain. Strains K1 and LS21 were strongly resistant to chloroquine, whereas T996 was partially resistant. Artemisinine, dihydroartemisinine and artemether were active against all strains, with complete growth inhibition at 10(-7) M. Artemether and dihydroartemisinine were both more potent than artemisinine, with 50% effective (EC50) values of 0.57-1.6 nM and 0.36-3.1 nM respectively; the EC50 of artemisinine was 1.5-6.1 nM for the 3 strains. The EC50 values for mefloquine were 46-185 nM. At higher concentrations, strains K1 and LS21 were fully inhibited, while with strain T996 mefloquine did not fully inhibit even at the highest concentration, 1.28 x 10(-6) M. It is concluded that artemisinine and its derivatives were highly effective against the 3 chloroquine-resistant strains, one of which showed borderline resistance to mefloquine.  相似文献   

In the current study, we investigated the presence of a cross-reactive antigen(s) in the erythrocyte stage from Plasmodium yoelii (265 BY strain) and Plasmodium falciparum through recognition by T cells primed in vivo with antigens from each of these parasites. BALB/c mice are naturally resistant to P. falciparum but are susceptible to P. yoelii infection. Mice that had recovered from P. yoelii primary infection became resistant to a second infection. A higher in vitro proliferative response to a soluble blood stage preparation of P. falciparum was observed in splenic cells from immune animals than in those from mice with a patent P. yoelii infection. The antigen-induced proliferative response was enhanced when animals were exposed to a secondary infection. Animals exposed to a challenge infection were treated with anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies to deplete the corresponding subset of T cells. There was a marked diminution in P. falciparum antigen-induced proliferative response in the total splenic cell populations from CD8-depleted but not from CD4-depleted mice. In CD8-depleted and nondepleted animals, the antigen-induced proliferation in the total cell populations was markedly lower than in the T-cell-rich populations, indicating inhibitory activities of B cells and/or macrophages. There was no such difference in the stimulation between total and T-enriched cell populations from CD4-depleted animals. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated the presence of an almost equal percentage of CD8+ (59.6%) and CD4+ (64%) T cells in the spleen preparations following in vivo depletion of CD4- and CD8-bearing T cells, respectively. When cultured with P. yoelii blood stage antigen, splenocytes from animals immunized with P. falciparum antigen displayed a significant proliferative response which was markedly diminished by treatment with anti-Thy-1.2 antibody plus complement. Animals immunized with P. falciparum antigen and then challenged with P. yoelii blood stage parasites displayed about a 50% lower level of parasitemia. These results demonstrated the existence of a cross-reactive antigen(s) between a murine and a human Plasmodium species, as determined from both in vivo and in vitro biological assays, and indicated the reactivity of mainly CD8+ T cells with this antigen.  相似文献   

Sporogonic development of Plasmodium yoelii yoelii 17XNL was examined in 5 species of Anopheles mosquitoes; A. albimanus, A. dirus, A. freeborni, A. gambiae, and A. stephensi. The kinetics of ookinete formation differed among species. In A. freeborni, A. gambiae, and A. stephensi, mature ookinetes formed synchronously at 8 hr, then quickly subsided. In A. albimanus and A. dirus, ookinete formation was more protracted, and ookinete densities peaked from 12 to 24 hr. Losses in parasite abundance during the conversion of ookinetes to oocysts were similar between A. dirus and A. gambiae (55- and 41-fold losses, respectively) but were an order of magnitude less in A. stephensi (1.3-fold loss). Ookinete conversion to oocysts in A. albimanus was nil. Melanotic encapsulation of oocysts occurred in 25-30% of infected A. gambiae and A. dirus. Melanized parasites in A. gambiae at days 7-10 were small (10 microns diameter) and retort-shaped, whereas melanized parasites in A. dirus were generally as large as normal oocysts (60 microns) and many were incompletely melanized. Melanotic encapsulation did not occur in A. stephensi, A. freeborni, or A. albimanus. On day 16, sporozoites were present in the salivary glands of A. freeborni, A. gambiae, and A. stephensi, but only half of mosquitoes were mature oocysts also had gland infections. When present in the glands, sporozoites were successfully transmitted to mice via mosquito bite. Parasite populations were not normally distributed in any mosquito species but were adequately described by a negative binomial type of distribution.  相似文献   

The antimalarial action of methylene blue (MB) was first noted by Paul Ehrlich in the late 19th century. Although it has only sporadically been adopted as a serviceable drug, the resolution of its antimalarial action seems warranted, as it is currently used for the treatment of various methemoglobinemias. In this work we have used MB, and its analogues Azures A (AZA), B (AZB), C (AZC), and thionin (TH), as well as the oxazine Celestine blue (CB) and azine Phenosaphranin (PS). All MB analogues inhibit the growth of various strains of Plasmodium falciparum in culture with IC50s in the 2 x 10(-9)-1 x 10(-7) M range, with the rank order MB approximately AZA > AZB > AZC > TH > PS > CB. The IC50s for a mammalian cell line were in the 3 x 10(-6)-4 x 10(-5) M range, and the rank order was TH approximately AZB > AZA approximately PS > AZC approximately CB > MB. As MB could affect cell growth through the oxidation of NADPH, we tested the action of the various compounds on the hexose-monophosphate shunt activity. Appreciable activation of the shunt was observed at 1 x 10(-5) M in both cell types, thus accounting for inhibition of growth of mammalian cells but not of parasites. All compounds were found to complex with heme in a rank order similar to their antimalarial effect. It is therefore suggested that MB and its congeners act by preventing the polymerization of heme, which is produced during the digestion of host cell cytosol in the parasite food vacuole, into hemozoin. In this respect, these compounds seem to act similarly to the 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials. All compounds effectively suppressed the growth of P. vinckei petteri in vivo with IC50 in the 1.2-5.2 mg/kg range, and MB and AZB suppressed P. yoelii nigeriensis in the 9-11 mg/kg range (i.e. at doses similar to those of chloroquine). The potential toxicity of these compounds may restrict their clinical use, but their impressive antimalarial activities suggest that the phenothiazine structure could serve as a lead compound for further drug development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare body mass index (BMI), lipid, lipoprotein and apolipoprotein concentrations according to the Hind III and Pvu II restriction polymorphisms of the LPL gene in obese subjects. DESIGN: Cross sectional study of anthropometric and lipid variables in relation to genetic factors. SETTING: Nutrition Outpatient Clinic of Bichat Hospital in Paris, France. SUBJECTS: 236 unrelated patients (162 women and 74 men) were selected on the basis of 120% of ideal body weight. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Anthropometry (body mass index, waist to hip ratio), blood lipids and lipoproteins, determination of LPL Hind III and Pvu II genotypes. RESULTS: Digestion with Hind III generated two alleles, H1 (absence of cutting site) and H2 (presence of cutting site), with frequencies of 0.30 and 0.70 respectively. Digestion with Pvu II generated two alleles P1 and P2 with frequencies of 0.49 and 0.51 respectively. The Hind III polymorphism was significantly associated with body mass index (BMI) (P < 0.05). The H2H2 genotype was associated with hypertriglyceridemia: 68% of the hypertriglyceridemic subjects have the H2H2 genotype vs 43% of the normotriglyceridemic group (P < 0.05). Plasma triglyceride levels varied significantly among the Hind III genotypes, H2H2 genotype having the highest total and VLDL-triglyceride levels; the Hind III polymorphism also showed a significant association with HDL2-cholesterol. These associations were only seen in women and were not explained by the variations in BMI and age. No significant associations were found between lipid traits and Pvu II genotype. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that genetic variation in the LPL gene in obese subjects is associated with hypertriglyceridemia and possibly with a predisposition to obesity.  相似文献   

The speed and stage specificity of antimalarial drug action on the metabolic activities of cultured Plasmodium falciparum were studied for chloroquine (CQ), quinine (QN), artemisinin (AR), and sodium artelinate (SA). CQ had the most rapid onset of action on [3H]hypoxanthine and [3H]isoleucine uptake, reaching 50% of its maximum effect in 1.8 hr compared with 3.5-7.4 hr for the other three drugs. In contrast there was a lag time of 1-4 hr before AR and SA had a measurable inhibitory effect, although after this delay antimalarial action was very rapid. Parasite glycolysis was relatively drug resistant; the inhibition of lactate production was < 60% of that for [3H]hypoxanthine and [3H]isoleucine uptake. The susceptibility of P. falciparum changed markedly as the parasite matured. Maximum drug effects occurred at the late ring and early trophozoite stage, which corresponds to the time at which the most rapid increases in synthetic and glycolytic activities occur. Mature schizonts and young rings were relatively unaffected by the antimalarial drugs. Young rings were particularly resistant to QN. Schizonts multiplied successfully in the presence of relatively high concentrations of all four drugs. The two artemisinin compounds had the broadest time window of action and may be particularly suitable for the treatment of severe malaria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chondroitin-4-sulfate (CSA) was recently described as a Plasmodium falciparum cytoadherence receptor present on Saimiri brain microvascular and human lung endothelial cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To specifically study chondroitin-4-sulfate-mediated cytoadherence, a parasite population was selected through panning of the Palo-Alto (FUP) 1 P. falciparum isolate on monolayers of Saimiri brain microvascular endothelial cells (SBEC). Immunofluorescence showed this SBEC cell line to be unique for its expression of CSA-proteoglycans, namely CD44 and thrombomodulin, in the absence of CD36 and ICAM-1. RESULTS: The selected parasite population was used to monitor cytoadherence inhibition/dissociating activities in Saimiri sera collected at different times after intramuscular injection of 50 mg CSA/kg of body weight. Serum inhibitory activity was detectable 30 min after injection and persisted for 8 hr. Furthermore, when chondroitin-4-sulfate was injected into monkeys infected with Palo-Alto (FUP) 1 P. falciparum, erythrocytes containing P. falciparum mature forms were released into the circulation. The cytoadherence phenotype of circulating infected red blood cells (IRBC) was determined before and 8 hr after inoculation of CSA. Before inoculation, in vitro cytoadherence of IRBCs was not inhibited by CSA. In contrast, in vitro cytoadherence of circulating infected erythrocytes obtained 8 hr after CSA inoculation was inhibited by more than 90% by CSA. CONCLUSIONS: In the squirrel monkey model for infection with P. falciparum, chondroitin-4-sulfate impairs in vitro and in vivo cytoadherence of parasitized erythrocytes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Since patient cooperation in neonates and infants up to 5 years is always reduced, deep sedation is usually recommended to obtain constant high-quality images during MRI. According to the widely accepted AAP Guidelines, deep sedation is not always distinguishable from general anesthesia, substantiating the demand for state-of-the-art anaesthesia. This is particularly true in this age group, where pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics show wide interindividual variation. In this review we outline the techniques required to provide safe and effective patient care in the unique MRI environment. CHOICE OF DRUGS AND PROCEDURE: From the viewpoint of induction time, half-life of action and success rate, we have found that inhalation anesthetics and propofol present clear advantages. Both offer rapid induction and emergence, allowing outpatient examinations in a tight schedule with a reliable sedation state. Tracheal intubation or a laryngeal mask airway is required to supply volatile anesthetics and to secure the airway, since propofol in appropriate doses causes respiratory depression and loss of the protective reflexes. Positive-pressure ventilation is recommended since the reduction of tidal volumes by sedative drugs (including high-dose chloral hydrate, barbiturates) may cause atelectasis and decreased oxygen saturation. ANESTHESIA MACHINES: Several respirators work well outside a critical magnetic field strength of 10 mT (e.g. Draeger: Titus, Siemens: Servo 900). The use of long low-compliance tubing (4-5 m) allows the respirator to be placed at the distal end of the patient table. Sidestream capnometry and spirometry at the proximal tube connector facilitate compensation for losses in tidal volume due to gas compression. Syringe pumps work properly when kept outside the 10 mT line. Some defibrillators (e.g., Lifepac, Physiocontrol) are approved for use in strong magnetic fields. MONITORING: State-of-the-art monitoring is also attainable for high-risk patients, including invasive pressure measurement. Since wiring without special filters may not cross the HF shield of the examination room, hydraulic and pneumatic systems are used (blood pressure by oscillometry, airway monitoring by side-stream spirometry). Optical fibers are used for pulse oximetry. A telemetric EKG is usually provided by the MRT manufacturer. Because oscilloscopes are distorted by the magnetic field, the monitors are placed outside the examination room. In addition, this eliminates the possibility of erasing the EPROMs contained in most monitors. PERSONNEL: With the setup described, the presence of a second anesthetist within the examination room is superfluous. A second anesthesia team can shorten the time lag between examinations by overlapping induction if a separate anesthesia induction and emergence room is provided. CONCLUSION: The level of sedation required for MRI in newborn and infants can only be achieved safely and efficiently by general anesthesia performed by trained staff. Complete state-of-the-art anesthesia care can be delivered if appropriate instrumentation is used.  相似文献   

Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is at present defined as focal dystonia. Botulinum toxin (BT) injection is the treatment of choice for SD. BT is usually injected by a percutaneous route, but a direct, visually guided transoral approach has also been successful. It is not known whether percutaneous injection is as effective as the transoral approach. This article reviews our experience with both techniques of injection on 29 patients with adductor type SD. Since 1992, we have carried out 48 treatment sessions with the transoral technique and 76 treatment sessions with the percutaneous technique. Two patients did not respond to the percutaneous technique despite several attempts, but they did respond to the transoral approach. Globally, transoral technique was superior to percutaneous technique in terms of effectiveness (48 of 48 responses with transoral technique versus 61 of 76 responses with percutaneous approach, p < 0.01). Dosage of BT, duration, and side effects were similar with both techniques. This article also describes a simple, inexpensive device, composed of materials on hand at every hospital, that facilitates the transoral approach.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of intensive physical exercise on intraocular pressure (IOP) in 66- to 85-year-old subjects IOP was measured before and after a maximal bicycle ergometer test. The non-glaucomatous subjects comprised 85 males and 36 female athletes and 16 male and 22 female controls of corresponding age drawn from a population register. IOP was measured using a non-contact tonometer. The results indicated a decrease (> or = 2 mmHg) in 34% of the subjects, no change in 57% and an increase in 9%. The decrease was more pronounced in subjects with higher pre-test values. In all four subjects with a pre-test value above 22 mmHg a reduction from 4 to 11 mmHg was observed. The change in IOP during physical loading was not significantly associated with the intensity and duration of exercise test. Three of the 5 male subjects with diagnosed glaucoma and undergoing hypotensive medication, who were analyzed separately, also showed a reduction in IOP during loading. In the pre- or post-test values there were no differences between the athletes and controls, while women tended to have higher IOP values than men. It is concluded that physical loading has predominantly a moderating effect, if any, on IOP in elderly men and women.  相似文献   

The authors present the case of a 49-year-old man with an isolated malformation of the left cervical facet joint at C5-6, with secondary spondylarthrotic hypertrophy of the joint leading to involvement of the C-6 nerve root. The etiology of this cervical joint malformation is discussed.  相似文献   

A single Plasmodium falciparum isolate was adapted for growth in serum-free culture medium. The parasitemia increased from 0.5% to 20% on day 7 after thawing. The asexual forms of the parasites appeared morphologically normal and pigment formation was comparable with that seen under standard conditions with serum present. Parasites were coincubated in 96-well plates with serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and PBMC in the presence of autologous serum from healthy non-immune individuals (n = 12), healthy semi-immune individuals (n = 12), and malaria patients (n = 7). Growth was monitored for six days. The concentration of interleukin-6 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in supernatants from the continuous cultures were measured by a bioassay and an enzyme-amplified sensitivity immunoassay. The results of this study showed that parasites cultured in serum-free medium in the presence of PBMC develop more rapidly, particularly with cells from malaria patients, compared with parasites cultured alone. The growth of parasites was different if 10% autologous serum was added to the culture. Parasite growth with sera from acutely infected individuals was similar with that with sera from aparasitemic, nonimmune individuals, and both supported significantly higher parasite growth over the six-day culture period compared with sera from the uninfected semi-immune individuals. Production of IFN-gamma by cells from nonimmune individuals and malaria patients was higher when cultures did not contain autologous serum. Nonimmune donor cells produced high amounts of IFN-gamma, but cells from the semi-immune donors produced little of this cytokine. There was no marked inhibition of parasite growth with any combination of serum and cells over six days of culture. A difference between the groups was observed after two days of culture, when growth with cells and serum from the uninfected, semi-immune group was significantly lower than that from the nonimmune group, but this was not subsequently sustained. The results of the study show that continuous cultivation of P. falciparum in serum-free medium provides a novel in vitro model to study mechanisms of the interplay between components of the human immune system and the malarial parasite, in which any possible influence of human serum is removed.  相似文献   

In March 1993, a study was undertaken in the Komatipoort/Malelane area to monitor the in vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs currently in use in South Africa. Of the 12 isolates collected, 7 were successfully tested for sensitivity to chloroquine and quinine, 6 for mefloquine susceptibility, and 5 for sensitivity to Fansidar. Four of the isolates were resistant to chloroquine at RIII level, 1 at RII level, and 2 were sensitive. All isolates were found to be sensitive to both quinine and mefloquine. Results suggested possible resistance to Fansidar. These findings have implications for tourists travelling to this area.  相似文献   

The response of P. falciparum to chloroquine and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine in vivo and chloroquine and amodiaquine in vitro was investigated in parasitaemic school children from six locations. Mean parasite sensitivity to chloroquine at day 7 was 74% (range 61-97) with parasite clearance rates between 2-3 days and complete defervescence in 85% of febrile children. Sensitivity declined in the four sites followed up to day 14 to 45% (range 37-53). Parasites were significantly more sensitive to pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine at 5/6 sites (100% day 7) but 5% of subjects became parasitaemic by day 14. In vitro isolates were significantly less sensitive to chloroquine than to amodiaquine with a mean 99% effective concentration of 348 mumol/L compared to 6.44 mumol/L. Clearly the role of chloroquine as the primary therapy for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria should be reconsidered especially in the light of increasing disease severity and resurgence. Amodiaquine may be suitable alternative with pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine as second line and for more severe malaria prior to referral. The cost of alternative antimalarials and the dynamic and deteriorating pattern of resistance are powerful arguments for more objective slide diagnosis to minimise drug pressure and a regular drug sensitivity surveillance system. We believe that the latter should concentrate on measuring clinical drug efficacy in symptomatic outpatients rather than in asymptomatic children while the former needs more pragmatic and economical strategies possibly centred on seasonality and risk.  相似文献   

Hereditary ovalocytes (stomatocytic ovalocytes), when examined within 1-2 days from the time that the blood sample is drawn, are invaded by Plasmodium falciparum in culture to the extent of at least 55% of normal control cells. The ovalocytes have extremely rigid membranes, characterised by a shear elastic modulus some 3-4 times greater than that of normal cells. The extent of invasion falls off very much more rapidly than that into normal cells on storage, and we surmise that this is the reason for earlier reports of resistance of ovalocytes to malarial invasion in vitro. The initial loss of susceptibility to invasion with time is not accompanied by any change in membrane rigidity, but is primarily a consequence of a rapid decline in intracellular ATP concentration: this falls to below the threshold level required for invasion (approx. 0.1 mM) over a period in which the ATP in normal cells remains almost constant. Incubation in a metabolic regenerating medium leads to a rise in the intracellular ATP concentration and invasion by P. falciparum is recovered, though to a much lower extent than in normal cells. The resistance of ovalocytes to invasion becomes irreversible, due possibly to degradative processes in the membrane, on further storage. The developing parasites in ovalocytes have a reduced number of merozoites and show distinct morphological abnormalities.  相似文献   

Myocardial contusion is an infrequent, but sometimes serious complication in patients who experienced deceleration (blunt) trauma. We investigated the assessment of the new cardiac markers troponin I (cTnI) and troponin T (cTnT) in relation to the conventional CKMB-activity, the CKMB-activity/CK-total ratio, CKMB-mass and the CKMB-mass/CK-total ratio for the detection of myocardial contusion in 89 patients with blunt trauma (38 patients with thoracic injuries and 51 patients without thoracic injuries). All parameters were analysed at admission (t1) and 24 h after admission (t2). For the patients with thoracic injuries, at t1 cTnI was elevated in three, and cTnT in four patients; at t2 both cTnI and cTnT were elevated in nine patients. At t1, eighteen to thirty patients had increased levels of the conventional parameters; at t2 this was true for six to thirty-five patients. For the patients without thoracic injuries all cTnI and cTnT levels were within the reference ranges at t1. At t2 one patient, who experienced an acute myocardial infarction, had elevated cTnI and cTnT levels. At t1, five to thirty-five patients had increased levels of the conventional parameters; at t2 this was true for four to forty-two patients. From this study we conclude that the conventional parameters are not useful for the detection of myocardial contusion in patients experiencing blunt trauma. The parameters cTnI and cTnT are equally accurate and more reliable for the selection of patients who require intensive cardiac monitoring. If at admission the cTnI or the cTnT levels are within the reference ranges, a second analysis after admission is necessary to reach a reliable conclusion concerning myocardial contusion as a result of trauma on basis of the troponin levels.  相似文献   

The in vitro response of wild Gambian Plasmodium falciparum to pyrimethamine is described. Parasites were grown in 100 microliter cultures through schizogony. The number of rings present after 48 hours in drug-treated cultures was expressed as a percentage of the controls. Neither a medium and drug change after 24 hours nor different starting parasitaemias were found to affect the outcome of the assay, although a medium and drug change did increase the multiplication rate. 60 randomly taken pure P. falciparum infections were studied. 57 were sensitive. The ID50 and ID90 of drug-sensitive infections were 1.7 X 10(-9) M and 4.5 X 10(-9) M pyrimethamine respectively. Three infections were resistant (5%) with individual ID50 values of greater than 10(-6) M, 3 and 4 X 10(-9) M and ID90 values of greater than 10(-6) M, 8 and 9 X 10(-7) M.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a significant contribution of the pulmonary circulation to the perfusion of large airways. In this study we used anesthetized ventilated sheep (n = 19) to determine the functional contribution of the pulmonary circulation to airway smooth muscle. We performed sequential intravenous challenge with methacholine chloride (MCh; 0.25-2.5 mg/ml) to determine airway resistance (Raw) changes in the intact animal, after bronchial artery cannulation that essentially removed bronchial arterial delivery of MCh, and in an isolated lung preparation. After blocking the vagal reflex component of this response, we found that intravenous MCh in the intact preparation resulted in an average 2.2 +/- 0.5 cmH2O.l-1.s increase (181%) in Raw. After prevention of bronchial arterial delivery of MCh, Raw increased by 0.8 +/- 0.3 cmH2O.l-1.s (64%; P < 0.01 compared with intact preparation). In the isolated lung preparation, Raw increased by 0.6 +/- 0.2 cmH2O.l-1.s (63%; P < 0.01 compared with intact preparation). These results demonstrate that in sheep, the bronchial artery provides the major route for delivery of intravenously administered agonists to airway smooth muscle. Considering the large dilutional effect of an intravenously administered agonist by the time it reaches the bronchial artery, we conclude that the pulmonary component of agonist delivery to large airways is < 10% and unlikely to play a major physiological role.  相似文献   

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