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Human ehrlichiosis is a recently described zoonosis caused by a rickettsia that infects leukocytes. Most patients have fever, headache, chills, and myalgias and develop leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, and elevations in serum hepatic aminotransferases. The cause of the peripheral leukopenia and thrombocytopenia is not known. We studied peripheral blood smears, bone marrow aspirates, and bone marrow biopsy specimens from patients with serologically proven ehrlichiosis to characterize the pathologic changes associated with leukopenia or thrombocytopenia, to detect the presence of immunohistologically demonstrable ehrlichiae, and to establish the infected host target cell(s). Specimens were obtained from 12 patients, and immunohistology for Ehrlichia chaffeensis was performed on tissue sections, aspirated bone marrow, and peripheral blood smears. Mean leukocyte and platelet counts available for nine patients were white blood cell count 3,300/microL (range, 1,100 to 10,300/microL) and platelets 61,000/microL (range, 40,000 to 82,000/microL). Findings included myeloid hyperplasia (eight cases), megakaryocytosis (seven cases), granulomas (eight cases), marrow histiocytosis (one case), myeloid hypoplasia (one case), pancellular hypoplasia (one case), and normocellular marrow (two cases). Morulae of E chaffeensis were detected in four of 10 cases examined by immunohistology. Most ehrlichiae were detected within histiocytes, although morulae were rarely present within lymphocytes. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or pancytopenia apparently most often results from peripheral sequestration or destruction; however, hypoplasia of marrow elements is present occasionally. Immunohistologic demonstration of E chaffeensis offers a direct means for establishing the etiologic diagnosis. These observations show the relatively frequent occurrence of bone marrow granulomas and suggest that infection of cells of the reticuloendothelial system may participate in the pathogenesis of human ehrlichiosis.  相似文献   

In order to improve the diagnostic procedure for patients with chest pain suspected of having acute ischemic heart disease we elaborated a mathematical model to predict ischemic risk and then compared its predictive capacity with that of the physician. From September 1989 to December 1992, 564 patients with a chief symptom of chest pain were seen at our Emergency Room (ER). Sixty-two percent of them were male, mean age was 58 +/- 13 years, and none had acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina. Clinical and historical data, serial sampling of enzymes and ECG patterns were collected for 4 hours after admission to the ER. At that point a decision was made to hospitalize or discharge that patient. Follow-up was completed within 2 months. At the end of follow-up, we observed that the physician's assessment resulted in 35% true positive, 55% true negative, 4.7% false positive, and 5.3% false negative judgments for acute ischemic heart disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study describes some unexpected receptor mediated effects of N-methylcarbamylcholine on mouse M1 muscarinic receptor gene transfected cell line (M1Y1) that were not evident from biochemical studies with mouse and rat brain tissue where N-methylcarbamylcholine exhibited only nicotinic properties. Although N-methylcarbamycholine was devoid of muscarinic properties in mouse and rat brain preparations, as determined by phosphoinositide turnover and inhibition of [3H]QNB binding, it exhibited significant muscarinic characteristics in the transfected M1Y1 cell line. At a concentration of 10(-6) M or greater, N-methylcarbamycholine caused a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ of 50 s duration that was reversible by atropine or pirezepine. The Ca(2+)-transient was not elicited by other nicotinic agents such as nicotine and N,N-dimethylcarbamylcholine, a close analogue of N-methylcarbamylcholine, with comparable affinity for nicotinic receptors and devoid of muscarinic activity. N-Methylcarbamylcholine also stimulated phosphoinositide turnover in M1Y1 cells with an estimated EC50 value 10 times greater than that of carbachol, and the effect was blocked by atropine. Both carbachol and N-methylcarbamycholine inhibited [3H]QNB binding in a concentration-dependent manner; however, the IC50 for carbachol was over two orders of magnitude greater than that observed in mouse and rat brain membranes. In considering possible explanations for the differential characteristics of N-methylcarbamylcholine in mouse and rat brain as compared to the transfected M1Y1 cells, it was concluded that the difference may be attributable to differences in the receptor-transduction coupling efficiency and the microenvironment of the muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is a major obstacle to successful cancer chemotherapy. P-glycoprotein, which transports various antitumor agents outside the resistant tumor cells, plays a key role in multidrug resistance. We found that MRK-16, a monoclonal antibody against P-glycoprotein, and cyclosporine, synergistically enhanced the antitumor effects of vincristine and adriamycin in multidrug-resistant K562/ADM cells. On the other hand, the combined use of MRK-16 with verapamil or FK-506 did not show such synergistic effects. Drug accumulation studies revealed that MRK-16 remarkably increased the accumulation of cyclosporine, but not verapamil, in K562/ADM cells. This increased accumulation of cyclosporine by MRK-16 in K562/ADM cells directly resulted in the enhanced accumulation of vincristine and adriamycin in the cells. The synergistic effect of MRK-16 and cyclosporine was further confirmed by isobologram analysis in three different highly multidrug-resistant tumor cells. Moreover, while MRK-16 alone did not enhance the sensitivity of the KB-8-5 cells moderately resistant to vincristine, it increased two-fold the reversing effect of cyclosporine at 1 microM, an achievable blood concentration. Since MRK-16 alone showed therapeutic effects against multidrug-resistant tumors, the combined use of MRK-16, cyclosporine and antitumor agents would provide therapeutic benefits for the treatment of resistant tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the 30-month stability of axis II conditions. METHOD: One hundred eight depressed outpatients received comprehensive, semistructured personality disorder assessments at baseline and at follow-up. RESULTS: The diagnostic stability of personality disorders ranged from low to moderate at the categorical level and was generally moderate at the dimensional level. Most disorders exhibited good discriminant validity, in that the association between a disorder at baseline and at follow-up was greater than the associations between that disorder at baseline and the other 11 axis 11 disorders at follow-up. Two variables, sex and lifetime history of substance abuse or dependence, were significantly related to change in level of personality disorder features over time. CONCLUSIONS: Personality disorders have low to moderate stability over a 30-month period in depressed outpatients.  相似文献   

As an approach to a general theory of olfaction, different specific anosmia phenotypes characterized by different profiles of odorant sensitivities have been proposed for humans. In the present experiments, male inbred mice were tested for relative odorant sensitivity using a conditioned aversion technique and odors classified as primary or complex for humans. C57BL/6J and C57BL/10J mice appeared to be less sensitive to the primary odorant isovaleric acid than were males of seven other inbred strains (A/J, AKR/J, BALB/cJ,C3HeB/FeJ, DBA/2J, SJL/J, and SWR/J). In comparisons of C57BL/6J and AKR/J strains, the relative insensitivity of C57 to isovaleric acid did not generalize to the musklike primary odor of pentadecalactone or to the complex odor of amyl acetate. The C57BL/6J genotype may provide an animal model of a specific anosmia as characterized among humans.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the cytological composition of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in allogeneic BMT patients without lung complications and compare it with that obtained from healthy volunteers. During the first 6 months post-BMT we studied the differential cell counts of 98 BALs from 56 patients as well as the total cell count of 44 BALs from 27 patients. The BAL cellular composition in BMT patients was clearly different from that of healthy subjects: there was a marked increase in alveolar neutrophils (in 82% of the patients when sequential BALs were performed) and an increase in lymphocytes, with a lower percentage of macrophages and similar numbers of eosinophils. A greater variation in cellular populations was found without an evident cause. The total number of cells per ml of fluid recovered appeared similar to that of healthy volunteers. A high frequency of neutrophilic alveolitis was found in patients with asymptomatic CMV on BAL. Owing to the variability of BAL cellular composition in asymptomatic BMT patients and its difference from that in healthy volunteers, great caution should be taken when interpreting the BAL composition data from patients with lung complications. In order to avoid drawing wrong conclusions these data should be compared with those obtained from a control group of BMT patients without lung complications and not from healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

CTLA-4 has recently been shown to act as a negative regulator of T cell activation. Here we provide evidence that blockade of CTLA-4 can result in enhanced host resistance to an intracellular pathogen. The administration of anti-CTLA-4 mAb 4F10 to BALB/c mice, 1 day following infection with Leishmania donovani, enhanced the frequency of IFN-gamma and IL-4 producing cells in both spleen and liver, and dramatically accelerated the development of a hepatic granulomatous response. The expression of mRNA for the CXC chemokine gammaIP-10 was also elevated above that seen in control Ab treated mice, and was directly correlated with the frequency of IFN-gamma producing cells. In contrast, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) mRNA levels were unaffected by anti-CTLA-4 treatment, suggesting that CTLA-4 blockade may exert selective effects on chemokine expression. These changes in tissue response and cytokine/chemokine production were accompanied by a 50 to 75% reduction of parasite load in the spleen and liver of anti-CTLA-4-treated animals compared to controls. Furthermore, administration of anti-CTLA-4 mAb 15 days after L. donovani infection, when parasite burden is increasing in both organs, also resulted in enhanced resistance. Thus, these studies indicate a potent immunomodulatory and potentially therapeutic role for interventions targeted at CTLA-4.  相似文献   

Analysis of the 1,042,519-base pair Chlamydia trachomatis genome revealed unexpected features related to the complex biology of chlamydiae. Although chlamydiae lack many biosynthetic capabilities, they retain functions for performing key steps and interconversions of metabolites obtained from their mammalian host cells. Numerous potential virulence-associated proteins also were characterized. Several eukaryotic chromatin-associated domain proteins were identified, suggesting a eukaryotic-like mechanism for chlamydial nucleoid condensation and decondensation. The phylogenetic mosaic of chlamydial genes, including a large number of genes with phylogenetic origins from eukaryotes, implies a complex evolution for adaptation to obligate intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Four clinically healthy horses which were negative for antibodies to Ehrlichia phagocytophila, the agent of bovine ehrlichiosis, were infected experimentally with E phagocytophila-containing bovine leucocytes, administered intravenously. The horses were examined daily for four weeks, and blood samples were collected daily for cytological, haematological and biochemical examination and for a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). An indirect immunofluorescence test was used to determine when the horses seroconverted and the duration of positive titres. There were no abnormal clinical, haematological or biochemical findings in any of the four horses and all the PCRs yielded negative results. However, all the horses seroconverted with reciprocal titres of up to 1280, and the positive titres persisted for up to five months.  相似文献   

This case report describes a 12-year-old Arabian mare with granulocytic ehrlichiosis. Clinical signs included fever, apathy, anorexia, icterus, limb edema, and reluctance to move. Examination of buffy coat smears revealed Ehrlichia organisms in neutrophils and eosinophils. A band of 1,428 bp was amplified from DNA of leukocytes via nested PCR and was identified as part of the Ehrlichia 16S rRNA gene. It differed from the gene sequences of Ehrlichia phagocytophila and E. equi at two and three positions, respectively. Interestingly, the nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA was 100% identical to that of the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis.  相似文献   

We present a comparative map of genes on human chromosome 22q and homologous loci in the mouse genome. Gene order in humans was established using a panel of somatic cell hybrids. Genetic maps spanning homologous segments on three mouse chromosomes were generated using an interspecific backcross. The conserved linkage between human chromosome 22 and mouse chromosome 16 includes two closely linked loci, Comt and IgI-1. The second conserved linkage involves human chromosome 22 and mouse chromosome 11 and contains two genetically and physically linked loci, Lif and Nfh. Finally, conserved synteny involving mouse chromosome 15 and human chromosome 22 spans 30 cM and contains five loci (Acr, Bzrp, Dia-1, Il2rb and Pdgfb). Loci within this conserved synteny have been sublocalized to different portions of human chromosome 22. The order of genes on mouse chromosome 15 and human chromosome 22 provides further evidence for chromosomal rearrangements within the conserved synteny that have occurred since the divergence of lineages leading to mice and humans.  相似文献   

The serological cross-reactions between the Ehrlichia canis and Ehrlichia phagocytophila genogroups, and the kinetics of development of antibodies in dogs to the E. phagocytophila group after artificial infection with the Israeli strain of E. canis was investigated. Results of this study indicate that the development of antibodies to the E. phagocytophila genogroup in dogs after infection with E. canis is a time dependent event probably conditional on the continued propagation of the rickettsia in the host. After spontaneous clinical recovery, and at the beginning of the subclinical phase, no antibodies to E. phagocytophila were yet detectable. The first evidence of IgG antibodies to E. phagocytophila were found in two of the six dogs, 55 days after artificial infection with E. canis, while another two dogs became seropositive to E. phagocytophila 22 days later. All surviving dogs were seropositive to E. phagocytophila by 150 days PI. It is suggested that the appearance of E. phagocytophila antibodies following treatment of acute E. canis infection may be used to judge treatment failure and/or persistence of infection.  相似文献   

We have studied pH regulation in both intracellular and extracellular compartments of mouse colonic crypts, using distal colonic mucosa with intact epithelial architecture. In this work, we question how transepithelial SCFA gradients affect intracellular pH (pHi) and examine interactions between extracellular pH (pHo) and pHi regulation in crypts of distal colonic epithelium from mouse. We studied pH regulation in three adjacent compartments of distal colonic epithelium (crypt lumen, crypt epithelial cell cytosol, and lamina propria) with SNARF-1 (a pH sensitive fluorescent dye), digital imaging microscopy (for pHi), and confocal microscopy (for pHo). Combining results from the three compartments allows us to find how pHi and pHo are regulated and related under the influence of physiological transepithelial SCFA gradients, and develop a better understanding of pH regulation mechanisms in colonic crypts. Results suggest a complex interdependency between SCFA fluxes and pHo values, which can directly affect how strongly SCFAs acidify colonocytes.  相似文献   

CTLA4 is a cell surface molecule that shares 30% homology with CD28 and binds B7 family members with high affinity. Analysis of surface expression on murine T cells revealed up-regulation after stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb in vitro and further augmentation after the addition of exogenous IL-2 or anti-CD28 mAb. The effects of IL-2 and anti-CD28 mAb were additive and in part independent, as anti-CD28 mAb increased anti-CD3 mAb-induced T cell CTLA4 expression in IL-2-deficient mice. In contrast, CTLA4 expression was only minimally augmented by the addition of IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, or IL-12. Expression of CTLA4 induced by anti-CD3 mAb was inhibited by anti-IL-2 plus anti-IL-2R mAbs. Inasmuch as these agents prevented T cell proliferation, the effects of cell cycle inhibitors also were examined. Drugs blocking at G1 (cyclosporin A, mimosine) or S (hydroxyurea) phase inhibited the up-regulation of CTLA4 induced by anti-CD3 mAb, suggesting that entry into the cell cycle was necessary to increase the expression of CTLA4. The kinetics of intracellular expression of CTLA4 after stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb paralleled those of surface expression, but surprisingly, much more CTLA4 was localized in the cytoplasm of T lymphocytes than on the cell surface at each time point. Importantly, surface CTLA4 was rapidly internalized intracellularly, which may explain the low levels of expression generally detected on the cell surface. We conclude that both CD28 and IL-2 play important roles in the up-regulation of CTLA4 expression. In addition, the cell surface accumulation of CTL4 appears to be primarily regulated by its rapid endocytosis.  相似文献   

The inclusion of specific amino acids in conventional culture media has been shown to enhance mammalian embryo development in vitro. Amino acids have been shown to confer their benefits to the preimplantation embryo in a number of different ways. However, their ability to buffer intracellular pH (pHi) has not been investigated. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine if amino acids regulate pHi in the mouse preimplantation embryo. pHi was determined using carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1 (SNARF-1) and confocal microscopy. Incubation with 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazol-idinedione (DMO), a non-metabolizable weak acid, resulted in a significant intracellular acidification in the zygote, 2-, 4- and 8-16-cell embryo. However, in the presence of groups of amino acids, the degree of acidification due to DMO was markedly reduced in the mouse embryo up to the 4-cell stage. Specifically, non-essential amino acids and glutamine had the greatest capacity to buffer pHi in the early embryo. The ability of amino acids to buffer pHi was not apparent from the 8-16-cell stage onwards. In contrast to the precompacted embryo, the morula did not undergo a significant decrease in pHi until exposed to DMO concentrations > or = 10 mM in the absence of amino acids. This may be due to the generation of a permeability seal during compaction, thus enabling the morula to regulate its own pHi. This regulatory ability could either be reversed by causing the morula to decompact, or created by inducing premature compaction in the 8-16-cell embryo. Data presented in this study indicate that amino acids act as buffers of pHi in the early embryo and play a key role in regulating cell physiology. Further evidence for this was provided by the result that only those embryos cultured in 30 mM DMO in the presence of non-essential amino acids and 1 mM glutamine did not block at the 2-cell stage, but grew on to develop into expanded blastocysts.  相似文献   

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