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PurposeThe work is aimed at (i) comparing photopic contrast sensitivity (CS) of healthy subjects in an indoor environment with either blue-violet filtering (BVF) or clear contact lenses (CLs) and (ii) investigating a possible dependence of the CS variation on the subjects' intrinsic CS, measured with clear CLs.MethodsOptical transmittance of BVF and clear CLs was measured by a spectrophotometer. Photopic CS was measured monocularly on forty-one subjects (nineteen in the age range 20–36 years and twenty-two in the age range 44–66 years) by a digital optotype system at spatial frequencies from 1.5 to 18 cpd, wearing either clear or BVF CLs. The results are indicated as CSclear and CSBVF, respectively.ResultsTransmittance curves in the visible range of the two CLs are very similar, despite an absorption band in the BVF CL spectrum with the minimum of transmittance at 428 ± 4 nm equal to about 79%. For both CSclear and CSBVF, no significant CS difference was found between younger and older adults. The difference [log(CSBVF) ? log(CSclear)] showed a decreasing trend and changed sign from positive to negative as a function of log(CSclear) with correlation Spearman’s Rho coefficients ranging from 0.80 to 0.88 (p < 0.01 at all spatial frequencies).ConclusionIn the choice of a BVF CL, practitioners should take into consideration that it can influence photopic CS, improving it for subjects who have a relatively low CS with clear CLs, and worsening it for subjects who have a relatively high CS with clear CLs. BVF can affect positively the CS by reducing intraocular scattering. However, it can also cause a reduction in light intensity, which contributes to the formation of the retinal image. The positive or negative influence of BVF CLs compared to clear ones on CS is attributed to a balance among these effects.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the dairy sector has shown a global tendency toward intensification. This structural change may have significant effects on farm efficiency and, consequently, on the economic results of the farms. The goal of this study was to offer an empirical analysis of the effect of intensification on dairy farming. To do this, we first classified a sample of dairy farms according to their level of intensification by using a cluster analysis. We then estimated independent stochastic cost frontiers for each group of farms to calculate their levels of efficiency. The methodology used in this study allowed for the presence of different technologies within a sample, which is a methodological issue frequently avoided in the agricultural economics literature. The empirical results showed that intensive farms were closer to their cost frontier than extensive ones, suggesting a positive relationship between intensification and efficiency.  相似文献   

Due to volatility in the income of dairy farmers, the 2002 farm bill introduced the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) payments that were extended in the 2008 farm bill. It has been argued that MILC payments would help large dairy farms and squeeze out small dairy operations. This paper contributes to this policy issue by empirically assessing the effect of MILC payments on the technical efficiency of US dairy farms. Using a large-scale dairy farm survey containing information from 2005, we apply a data envelopment analysis method to estimate technical efficiency of the dairy farms. A Tobit regression model was estimated to examine the roles of human capital of the farm operator, different farming practices, farm sizes, and MILC payments on technical efficiency of the dairy farms. Results indicate that the effects of the MILC payments were heterogeneous among farms of different sizes. Significant effects of MILC payments were only evident among large farms. In contrast, no significant effects were found for medium and small farms.  相似文献   

Food labelling can play a key role in increasing consumers’ food-related consciousness, and improving the healthiness of their food choices. However consumers’ use of food labels is affected by a number of variables. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of health-orientation on consumers’ use of different labelled information, making a distinction between mandatory and voluntary information (namely, nutrition facts panel vs nutrition and health claims). Data were collected in Italy through face-to-face interviews on a sample of 300 consumers in charge of their grocery shopping. To evaluate the relationship between health-orientation and label usage we developed an index strictly based on the definition of health-orientation itself and included such measure in our analysis, which is based on a set of OLS regressions. The main results overall stress the idea that different degrees of health-orientation are, indeed, reflected in a diverse use of labelled information. Highly health-oriented consumers are more likely to refer to the extensive information reported on nutrition facts panel, whereas claims are of main interest for consumers with low orientation to health. The results also strengthen the key role played by nutrition knowledge and education in favouring a frequent usage of the nutrition facts panel and confirm previous findings on the relationship between socio-economic status and consumers use of labelled information.  相似文献   

Berlyne’s theory of hedonic appreciation in experimental esthetics includes complexity as a relevant dimension in the development of preferences. However, the soundness of this theory in the field of food and beverages has been challenged. The work reported here investigates the influence of perceived complexity on consumers’ preferences for some dairy desserts. Given the limits on sensory complexity reported in the literature, we (i) controlled for consumers’ level of familiarity with the products, (ii) used enough products to be able to test a quadratic model, (iii) evaluated sensory complexity with consumers, and (iv) analyzed data after clustering. Seven gourmet dairy desserts were tested by 145 French consumers, unfamiliar with this type of product, in a quantitative study. Products were also sensory-characterized by a panel using an adaptation of Sequential Profiling. We distinguished four groups of consumers with different perceptions of sensory complexity. For one group, the influence of complexity on preference was in line with Berlyne’s theory. Individual differences were also underlined between groups as the self-reported eating style and the level of familiarity with dairy products. Finally, our results confirm the importance of a dynamic evaluation to understand sensory complexity. Indeed, our findings show the influence of the number of sensations and their temporal evolution on sensory complexity. For the first time, we underline the potential effect of texture and flavor sensations on perceived complexity.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on whether and how integrating legumes into production systems affects measures of small-scale farm households’ food availability and access. We used nationally representative household panel survey data from Zambia to estimate the differential effects on cereal-growing households of incorporating grain legumes into their farms via cereal-legume intercropping, cereal-legume rotation, and other means (such as legume monocropping). Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that with all else equal, cereal-growing small-scale farm households that integrate grain legumes into their production systems have: (1) more availability of food as measured by total production of calories and protein; (2) more income from crop production or sales; and (3) increased food access. Results suggest that cereal-legume rotation was associated with statistically significant increases in production of calories and protein by a household as well as their gross value of crop sales; it may also improve their food access. In contrast, we found little evidence of statistically significant effects of cereal-legume intercropping and other forms of legume production on household food availability and access in Zambia.  相似文献   

A study was designed to investigate whether pulsed electric field (PEF) has any potential to improve the quality of beef from older animals and to elucidate the mechanism involved. PEF treated beef Semimembranosus samples viz. T1 (5kV–0.36 kV/cm-90 Hz), T2 (10 kV–0.60 kV/cm-20 Hz) and a non-treated control were vacuum packaged and stored for 14 days at 4 ± 1 °C. Samples were analysed for casein zymography, Western blotting, SDS-Page and various physicochemical properties. An improvement was recorded in calpain activity of the samples treated with PEF along with an early activation of calpain 2. Increased proteolysis of troponin-T and desmin was also recorded, however, no significant impact was observed on the shear force and myofibrillar fragmentation index. By influencing the calpain activity of the muscle, this study confirmed the enzymatic nature of PEF and concludes that PEF has a limited potential to improve the quality of excessively tough muscles from culled dairy animals.  相似文献   

Sheng Lu 《纺织学会志》2013,104(5):536-549
This study provides a quantitative evaluation on the potential impact of the implementation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on the economic interests in the US textile industry, particularly with regard to Japan’s accession to the agreement. By adopting the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) computable general equilibrium model based on the GTAP8 database, results of the study show that: first, trade creation effect of the TPP would result in an increase of the US textile exports to other TPP members; however, with Japan’s accession to the TPP, the potential expansion of the US textile exports would be substantially offset. Second, the TPP would negatively affect the US textile exports to the North American Free Trade Agreement and CAFTA regions, particularly in the case when Japan becomes a TPP member. Third, the TPP would expand the two-way intra-industry trade between the United States and Japan for textiles. Fourth, the TPP would cause an expansion of the trade deficit as well as a decline of domestic production in the US textile industry, particularly in the case when Japan becomes a TPP member. Findings of this study augment our understanding of the Textile and apparel (T&A)-specific sectoral impact of the TPP and provide valuable inputs supporting the T&A sectoral negotiation under the TPP.  相似文献   

The objective of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of blending canola meal (CM) with other protein sources on production responses in lactating dairy cows. To evaluate this effect, a data set was assembled containing 22 studies reporting at least 3 isonitrogenous dietary treatments (total of 74 treatment means). Each study needed to report 1 diet with CM <0.3 kg/d, 1 or more diets consisting of CM blended with another protein source, and 1 diet with CM as the main protein source in the protein supplement (>85%). The crude protein (CP) concentration of CM averaged 37.4 ± 3.09% (dry matter basis), and the predictor of interest was the intake of CP from CM, which averaged 0.46 ± 0.413 kg/d among studies. The maximal CP from CM ranged from 0.47 to 1.55 kg/d among studies. The quadratic relationship between CP from CM and responses in milk true protein concentration was significant, the maximum response (3.19%) being reached at 0.79 kg of CP from CM; the quadratic relationships were not significant for the other dependent variables. Responses in dry matter intake; yields of milk, energy-corrected milk, and milk true protein; and apparent N efficiency were related positively to CP from CM and negatively for responses in milk fat and milk urea N concentrations. Remembering that diets were isonitrogenous within studies, this indicates no nutritional benefit of blending CM with another protein source. Taken together, the results indicate that the whole-body N utilization efficiency by the dairy cow improved and that more dietary protein was used to synthesize milk protein when CM was used as the sole protein source in the protein supplement up to 1.55 kg/d.  相似文献   

In “What’s the real penalty in penalty analysis” (Plaehn, 2013), the author provides an alternative method called Penalty Allocation Maps (PAM) of calculating “just-about-right” (JAR) attribute penalties. PAM and a related approach called single product general additive models (SPGAMs) were compared to a method developed by Xiong and Meullenet (2006) in terms of R2 of cross-validation (CV) among other measures. Unfortunately the author’s method of calculating cross-validation results was seriously flawed and far too “optimistic.” After correcting the cross-validation calculations, PAM was slightly lower than the Xiong and Meullenet (X&M) approach in R2 of CV for the given data while the SPGAMs method was a distant third. Several changes to the PAM and SPGAMs procedures were implemented leading to improved results but at the expense of much longer run times. R2 of CV for the revised PAM approach was the highest of the 3 methods. The revised SPGAMs method was similar to X&M in CV stats.  相似文献   

In this study we aim at exploring consumer valuation for craft beer brewed locally and made with locally grown hops. The research is motivated by the fact that, although existing literature shows that consumers generally pay a price premium for locally produced foods or those made with local ingredients, it is still unclear how consumers value localness of production (i.e., brewing location) over localness of inputs (i.e., hops origin) and whether consumers value these attributes as either complements or substitutes. Moreover, little is still known regarding consumer preference for local ingredients in beer. Thus, we address these research questions by means of a choice experiment survey on craft beer consumers in the State of Indiana, United States. Results show that consumers have the highest willingness to pay for craft beer brewed in-state, but preferences over hops origin are heterogeneous. We find evidence of complementarity between brewing and hops origins among frequent craft drinkers and evidence of substitution between these claims for casual drinkers. Segmenting consumers based on how they define local beer, we find one consumer segment that has the highest willingness to pay for beer brewed in-state and made with hops that are grown in-state. These results can inform product differentiation, marketing, and pricing strategies. They are also relevant to state policymakers supporting local hops production and local brewing.  相似文献   

Gamification and serious games have increasingly been used in dietary interventions for children. This review evaluates these game-based interventions by examining the following questions: Can game-based approaches change children’s eating behaviour (positively or negatively)? If yes, what game elements are characterised among the effective interventions? and, What are the potentials of applying game-based approaches to improve children’s eating behaviour? Medline (Ovid), Scopus and PSYCINFO were used to identify experimental studies. Forty-three studies, including video or physical games and gamification, were identified and presented in four topics according to the study aim and eating behaviour target: 1) increase fruit and vegetable intake, 2) modify snacking behaviour, 3) encourage food exploration, and 4) promote healthy eating. Both gamifications and serious games can enhance children’s fruit and vegetable intake, and promote healthy eating behaviour by improving their nutritional knowledge and attitudes. They may also encourage children’s food exploration to increase novel food acceptance and reduce picky eating behaviour. However, playing snack-promoting games (advergames) significantly increases children’s subsequent snack intake, and profound effects were found for unhealthy snacks. As game elements, rewards were repeatedly used across studies to incentivise behaviour change. The combination of narrative context, feedback, progress and challenge was frequently used to motivate and engage children to establish healthy eating behaviour. In conclusion, game-based interventions have potential for increasing fruit and vegetable intake and educating children about healthy eating. Further research is needed to examine long-term effects and the underlying mechanisms for behavioural change.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, first, to what extent adolescents highly involved in food are more worried about weight control and health than less involved adolescents. Second, it studies the impact of both food choice motivations on food packaging relevance, considering both, visual and informative packaging cues. Finally, these relationships are re-tested in two different frameworks: men and to this end, 589 adolescent consumers between 14 and 17 years were questioned. The interviews were done personally by an external company at the door of 30 different schools. Our results have confirmed the relevance of packaging informative cues over visual cues for adolescents highly worried about weight control and health. Women are significantly more involved in food than men, being also more worried about weight control and health than them. Even more, women pay significantly more attention than men on informative cues when they choose a food to control weight.  相似文献   

The Food Consumption Score (FCS) is the World Food Programme’s main food access indicator, a proxy for household diet quantity and quality. The score is based on the number of days in a week eight food groups were eaten, and thresholds classify households as having poor, borderline or acceptable food consumption. The ability of the FCS and its thresholds to classify household’s consumption consistently are vital as food assistance is directed towards areas and population groups where prevalence of inadequate food consumption is high. As there are indications that the current thresholds underestimate inadequate consumption, this paper asks whether FCS thresholds can be identified corresponding to inadequate energy consumption, the quantity dimension of the score. The analysis uses household survey data that include comprehensive modules on food consumption as well as the information necessary to calculate the FCS from six countries. The results show that the FCS is significantly but not highly correlated with calorie intake. Not counting foods eaten in small quantities, clearly improves the association between the FCS and caloric intake, but the analysis suggests that in practice it is difficult to exclude the small quantities. Established sensitivity and specificity criteria for suitable thresholds are not met and this paper concludes that it is not appropriate to identify FCS thresholds that adequately correspond to caloric thresholds. The analysis illustrates that the FCS depicts both quantitative and qualitative aspects of food consumption and concludes that a future strategy should be to anchor thresholds in an indicator comprising both these dimensions.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that the method of preparation can significantly influence children’s fruit and vegetable (F&V) acceptance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of children’s liking of industrial pre-sliced and single packed F&V within the framework of the European Union School Fruit Scheme (SFS). In addition, the influence of the liking of pre-sliced F&V on the choice for pre-sliced vs. non-pre-sliced F&V was determined. A baseline survey was conducted with 118 schoolchildren (aged 8–10 years) receiving normal F&V in the framework of the SFS and involved the preparation and characteristics of F&V. After the intervention group (n = 60) received pre-sliced F&V for 6 weeks, the survey was conducted again with complementary questions concerning pre-sliced F&V, and the results were compared with those of a control group (n = 58) that continued to receive non-pre-sliced F&V. The survey results indicated that the liking of F&V significantly decreased in the intervention group, while it remained constant in the control group. Multiple regression analyses indicated that the sensory deficits and negative packaging characteristics of pre-sliced F&V significantly and negatively influenced the rating for pre-sliced F&V, while savings in effort and time for preparation positively influenced the liking. Furthermore, the liking of pre-sliced F&V significantly and positively influenced the choice for pre-sliced F&V. In contrast, a positive attitude towards F&V preparation negatively influenced the choice of pre-sliced F&V. Based on the results, the general distribution of pre-sliced F&V cannot be recommended in the framework of school-based F&V intervention programs.  相似文献   

In recent decades India has achieved one of the fastest economic growth rates in the world, yet its progress against both child and adult undernutrition has been sluggish at best. While this Indian variant of the so-called Asian enigma presents many puzzles, one of the puzzles pertains to agriculture’s role. Many researchers and policymakers have high expectations of agriculture’s potential to reduce undernutrition, despite a lack of substantive evidence. In this paper we assess this tenuous evidence base by exploring two key channels by which agricultural production conditions can influence nutritional outomes: a food consumption pathway and a maternal employment–time use pathway. We conclude with an appraisal of some possible entry points for pro-nutrition agricultural policies.  相似文献   

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