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<正>北京紫光百会科技有限公司的刘鹏在2012年第2期《中国高新技术企业》杂志上发表了题为《借鉴日本经验解决停车难题》的文章,介绍了日本停车管理经验:1、日本停车管理现状。停车场管理一般分为路侧占道停车和路外停车场(库)两种。①路侧停车。由于路侧停车占用道路、影响交通流量,管理思想是临时停放、加快周转,不鼓励长期停放。②路外停车。路外停车场分为公共停车场、大厦配套停车场两类。路外停车场的管理模式和路侧相反,鼓励长时间停放,避免车辆频繁进出,减少交通流量。大厦的自有停车场多是自动立体车  相似文献   

随着潍坊市机动化的快速发展,其中心城区的停车问题日趋严重,由于短时间内路外公共停车设施和配建停车设施无法满足停车需求,路内停车依然是现阶段城市停车的重要组成部分。而当前的路内停车泊位设置普遍缺乏科学、合理的规划设计,因此本文提出了由空间位置选址、泊位定量分配到服务时间限定,最后进行停车位设计的设置方法,以期为其他城市的路内停车泊位设置提供思路和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

城市路外公共停车场建设已经成为城市基础设施建设的重要内容。传统的路外公共停车场选址方法由于无法实现对停车需求的准确计算,故其对空间位置的选择缺乏科学判断。本文综合考虑路外公共停车场的服务对象及其设置原则,基于位置分配模型,通过城市用地估算和模拟人口分布设定公共停车需求和公共停车设施供给点,并结合城市道路网络,确定城市路外公共停车场的位置、数量以及规模,实现了对路外公共停车场选址规划的优化。最后以潍坊市中心城区为例,对该选址方法予以实证应用。  相似文献   

正全国各大城市面临机动车增长过快,停车场建设速度偏慢的矛盾,导致城市内"停车难、停车乱"等停车负面现象日益突显,并对城市交通运行效率产生了不良影响。城市停车难、停车乱等问题首先出现在经济优先发展的大城市,并逐渐向经济后发展的中小城市蔓延。本文以福建省晋江市中心区停车为例,主要从路内停车的角度对晋江市中心区停车泊位布局提出解决对策。一、停车设施的定义及路内停车的功能定位停车设施按停车位置可以分为路内停车和路外停车两大  相似文献   

关于路边停车规划的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭利人  任福田 《城市规划》2002,26(10):88-90
首先探讨了路边停车地位与作用 ,认为 :路边停车是停车系统中不可或缺的一部分 ,但只能作为路外停车的补充和配合 ,要依据不同的城市、区位特征来确定路边停车的地位与作用。接着分析了制约路边停车的道路条件、交通条件、路外停车设施、交通管理水平等制约因素。最后从系统性、协调性、动态性、可操作性 4个方面阐述路边停车规划应遵循的原则  相似文献   

科学合理地进行停车设施选址布点规划已经成为研究并解决“停车难”问题的当务之急。文章在对区域内规划目标的路外停车设施泊位需求量进行科学预测的基础上,借助GIS软件构建了路外停车设施选址“初选—修正—再核实”的最优选址模型,对适宜性选址的布点精确优化。以巩义市老城区社会性客车的路外停放设施为研究对象,探求其路外停车设施选址布点的位置及规模,验证该选址方法的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

通过对城市公共停车管理机制的探讨,提出了城市停车管理机构建议、路外停车费率的制定方法和路内停车管理模式及约束机制,以期寻求一个合理的停车管理机制,促使城市的停车管理系统不断趋于完善,提高城市的综合交通水平。  相似文献   

以北京市西城区为研究目标,通过对公共停车场使用者进行车辆停放行为的调查分析,总结了西城区不同类型停车设施使用情况及存在的问题,并明确了停车者的停车决策特征,调查结果表明,停车费用可以作为调节供需的一种方式,同时西城区停车场存在监管力度不够的问题。  相似文献   

目前,城市停车难已成为制约城市交通发展的瓶颈,停车供需失衡、停车设施利用率低、随意停车、停车信息化水平滞后等一系列问题是导致城市停车难的主要原因。通过借鉴国内、外先进的停车管理系统建设模式,以泉州为例,介绍城市停车诱导系统在城市中的应用。泉州市中心城区停车诱导系统,可均衡路内、外停车泊位,提高泊位利用率和停放周转率,缓解动静态供需矛盾。通过示范工程,以线带面,推动泉州市停车管理、停车服务的优质化。  相似文献   

通过对宜州市中心区主干道的路内停车带的设置及车辆停车行为的特征进行观察分析,提出路内停车带的设置及管理办法:减少路内停车位的数目、设置路内停车严管区域、建立合理的收费机制。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Local governments’ minimum street-width standards may force developers to oversupply, and residents to pay excessively for, on-street parking in residential neighborhoods. Such oversupply is often presumed to both encourage car ownership and reduce housing affordability, although little useful evidence exists either way. This article examines the impact of street-parking supply on the car ownership of households with off-street parking in the New York City area.

The off- and on-street parking supply for each household was measured through Google Street View and Bing Maps. The impact of on-street parking on car ownership levels was then estimated in an innovative multivariate model. The unique set-up of the case study ensures 1) the weak endogeneity between parking supply and car ownership and 2) the low correlation between off-street and on-street parking supply, two major methodological challenges of the study. Results show that free residential street parking increases private car ownership by nearly 9%; that is, the availability of free street parking explains 1 out of 11 cars owned by households with off-street parking.

Takeaway for practice: These results offer support for community street standards that make on-street parking supply optional. They also suggest the merits of leaving the decisions of whether, and how many, on-street parking spaces to provide in new residential developments to private markets rather than regulations.

Research support: This project was supported by grants from the University Transportation Research Center (Region 2) and the Wagner School Faculty Research Fund.  相似文献   

Minimum parking requirements, which mandate off-street parking and have been a staple of American zoning codes for more than 80 years, are slowly falling out of favor due to incompatibility with sustainable urbanism, equity, and social responsibility. A new zoning ordinance in Buffalo, New York completely removes minimum parking requirements citywide, relieving developers and property owners from the mandate to provide off-street parking. This article performs a comparative analysis of guidelines in the zoning code before and after reform and examines the public engagement process that produced the change in parking control. Strong support for and little opposition to this zoning change suggest less resistance than anticipated to policies that formalize a reduction in off-street parking facilities. Findings suggest that removing minimum parking requirements is easiest where off-street parking requirements are least needed, and that the planning team in Buffalo proposed a bold idea after it detected, from special interest groups and the public, initial support for removing parking requirements. The article provides direction for future research to evaluate the repeal of minimum parking requirement and its effects on transport, the environment, and the economy.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Many cities have adopted minimum parking requirements, but there is relatively poor information about how parking infrastructure has grown. We estimate how parking has grown in Los Angeles County (CA) from 1900 to 2010 and how parking infrastructure evolves, affects urban form, and relates to changes in automobile travel using building and roadway growth models. We find that since 1975 the ratio of residential off-street parking spaces to automobiles in Los Angeles County is close to 1.0 and the greatest density of parking spaces is in the urban core, while most new growth in parking occurs outside of the core. In total, 14% of Los Angeles County's incorporated land is committed to parking. Uncertainty in our space inventory is attributed to our building growth model, on-street space length, and the assumption that parking spaces were created as per the requirements.

Takeaway for practice: The continued use of minimum parking requirements is likely to encourage automobile use at a time when metropolitan areas are actively seeking to manage congestion and increase transit use, biking, and walking. Widely discussed ways to reform parking policies may be less than effective if planners do not consider the remaining incentives to auto use created by the existing parking infrastructure. Planners should encourage the conversion of existing parking facilities to alternative uses.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Transit-oriented developments (TODs) often consist of new housing near rail stations. Channeling urban growth into such developments is intended in part to reduce the climate change, pollution, and congestion caused by driving. But new housing might be expected to attract more affluent households that drive more, and rail access might have smaller effects on auto ownership and use than housing tenure and size, parking availability, and the neighborhood and subregional built environments.

I surveyed households in northern New Jersey living within two miles of 10 rail stations about their housing age and type, access to off-street parking, work and non-work travel patterns, demographics, and reasons for choosing their neighborhoods. The survey data were geocoded and joined to on-street parking data from a field survey, along with neighborhood and subregional built environment measures. I analyzed how these factors were correlated with automobile ownership and use as reported in the survey.

Auto ownership, commuting, and grocery trip frequency were substantially lower among households living in new housing near rail stations compared to those in new households farther away. But rail access does little to explain this fact. Housing type and tenure, local and subregional density, bus service, and particularly off- and on-street parking availability, play a much more important role.

Takeaway for practice: Transportation and land use planners should broaden their efforts to develop dense, mixed-use, low-parking housing beyond rail station areas. This could be both more influential and less expensive than a development policy oriented around rail.

Research support: Data collection and initial research were funded under contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation.  相似文献   

There is little knowledge of how much parking infrastructure exists in cities despite clear evidence that abundant and underpriced parking has economic, environmental, and social consequences. Urban parking requirements are very precise and routinely enforced despite the fact that most cities have little to no knowledge about their own parking supply. To further explore these issues, a parking inventory for metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, USA is developed by cross-referencing geospatial cadastral and roadway data with minimum parking requirements. Metropolitan Phoenix is chosen because it is relatively young, rapidly growing, highly sprawled, and car dependent. Historical growth of parking is also estimated by linking year of property development to required off-street and nearby on-street parking spaces. As of 2017, we estimate that there were 12.2 million parking spaces in the metropolitan region with 4.04 million inhabitants, 2.86 million registered personal vehicles, and 1.84 million jobs. Growth of parking in metro Phoenix has also been significant; since 1960, 10.9 million spaces have been added to the region compared to a population growth of 3.41 million, vehicle fleet growth of 2.63 million, and employment growth of 1.56 million jobs. Since the 2008 recession, parking growth in metro Phoenix has significantly slowed, but continued urban growth combined with substantial minimum parking requirements may promote more parking infrastructure than is needed. Planners and policy makers should value quantifying the growth and supply of parking in urban areas and consider reforming parking standards to promote sustainable urban growth.  相似文献   

中国内地与香港公共开放空间游憩规划标准的最主要差异在于游憩设施分类系统及其配置指标,内地《公园设计规范》关于游憩设施分类标准相对较粗,只有人均公园陆地面积、不同陆地面积的公园设施类型用地比例以及停车位3项定量指标,这些指标主要是公园设施大类上的配置要求,缺少对游憩设施类型及人均用地和类型指标等细致、具体的规定,未对不同规模公园的游憩设施类型配置差异进行规定。现有指标主要源自经验的总结,在公园游憩设施类型与居民游憩需求对应关系上缺少具体、科学的配置方法,特别是针对特殊人群的体育运动需求,而香港的公园设计标准在地域性、安全性等方面更加详尽,增加了设计风格和针对特殊人群如残障人士的设计要求。适应需求、分类设置、复合使用、已建公园和新建公园区别对待等是对上海公园体育设施配置的主要启发。  相似文献   

Because of daily traffic congestion and/or frequent traffic accidents, roads in Japan's urban areas do not necessarily meet the basic requirements of providing safe and smooth traffic functions. In addition, chronic illegal on-street parking exacerbates an already difficult situation. In Tokyo, the lack of sufficient parking facilities already is causing severe social problems. This problem must be solved by building more parking areas; however, the increasing urbanization and high urban land prices make this difficult to do. Therefore, future parking facilities will need to integrate various uses of urban space and should be identified as a part of the traffic infrastructure. This paper proposes a tunnel-type parking system that can be constructed in underground space that is not utilized efficiently under present circumstances.  相似文献   

Paul A. Barter 《Cities》2012,29(1):23-31
This paper provides an international comparative perspective on non-residential, off-street parking policy in 14 large metropolitan areas in East, Southeast and South Asia. These are regions where parking challenges are widespread and acute. It utilises a new typology which groups parking policy approaches into ‘conventional’, ‘parking management’ and ‘market-oriented’ categories. Several distinct parking policy orientations are identified among the cities studied. Given their characteristics (most have relatively low car-ownership, high-density development and high usage of public transport) Asian cities might be expected to have off-street parking policies akin to those of many older areas in western cities. Yet, most of the Southeast and South Asian cities studied have parking policies that are surprisingly conventional and promoting of automobile-dependence. It is less surprising that a number of cities, mostly in East Asia, do not have such an auto-centric conventional approach. However, it is a surprise that their parking policies still involve minimum parking requirements and have generally not adopted the most common alternative to the conventional approach (parking management).  相似文献   

This article reports the results of two different approaches to valuing some of what are thought to be benefits of bicycle trails and lanes. First, an adaptive stated preference survey is used to measure how much travel time individuals are willing to spend to obtain particular features of on- and off-street bicycle facilities. These findings indicate that bicycle commuters in Minneapolis and St. Paul prefer bicycle lanes on existing streets over off-street bicycle trails, and also prefer them over streets that have no onstreet parking but lack designated bicycle lanes. Second, I used home sales data to learn the effect of bicycle trail proximity on home value. Though proximity to bicycle facilities is valued differently for different types, it actually significantly reduced home value in suburban locations. Suburban home values were most reduced by proximity to roadside trails, which also reduced home values significantly in the cities. Proximity to other types of bicycle facilities in the cities did not significantly affect home values.  相似文献   

徐键  孙钦毅 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):38-39
在阐述现代物流园区中停车场重要性的基础上,探讨了物流园区控制性详细规划阶段停车场规划的一般方法,总结了物流园区停车场规划可能遇到的问题,提出了物流园区规划中弹性设置停车场的思路。  相似文献   

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