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Organization into gene clusters is an essential and diagnostic feature of Hox genes. Insect and nematode genomes possess single Hox gene clusters (split in Drosophila); in mammals, there are 38 Hox genes in four clusters on different chromosomes. A collinear relationship between chromosomal position, activation time and anterior expression limit of vertebrate Hox genes suggests that clustering may be important for precise spatiotemporal gene regulation and hence embryonic patterning. Hox genes have a wide phylogenetic distribution within the metazoa, and are implicated in the control of regionalization along the anteroposterior body axis. It has been suggested that changes in Hox gene number and genomic organization played a role in metazoan body-plan evolution, but identifying significant changes is difficult because Hox gene organization is known from only very few and widely divergent taxa (principally insects, nematodes and vertebrates). Here we analyse the complexity and organization of Hox genes in a cephalochordate, amphioxus, the taxon thought to be the sister group of the vertebrates. We find that the amphioxus genome has only one Hox gene cluster. It has similar genomic organization to the four mammalian Hox clusters, and contains homologues of at least the first ten paralogous groups of vertebrate Hox genes in a collinear array. Remarkably, this organization is compatible with that inferred for a direct ancestor of the vertebrates; we conclude that amphioxus is a living representative of a critical intermediate stage in Hox cluster evolution.  相似文献   

Estimation of Hox gene cluster number in lampreys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hox gene clusters are linked arrays of related homeobox genes with important roles in patterning the main body axis of animal embryos. Almost all invertebrates analyzed in detail, including a cephalochordate, have a single Hox gene cluster. In contrast, mammals have four such clusters inferred to have arisen by duplication. Data from other jawed vertebrates, including teleost fish, suggest they have at least four Hox gene clusters, implying that cluster duplication dates to very early in vertebrate evolution. Lampreys descended from one of the earliest vertebrate lineages and are thus critical in dating the duplication events. Here we analyze the Hox gene complement of a freshwater lamprey, Lampetra, using degenerate PCR. By analysis of the DNA sequences, deduced protein sequences, and by comparison to previous data from the distantly related sea lamprey, we conclude that lampreys have approximately 21 Hox genes from paralogous groups 1-10, plus a group 13 Hox gene. The data support the presence of three Hox gene clusters in lampreys more strongly than they support the presence of one, two or four gene clusters. We discuss how this situation may have arisen in evolution.  相似文献   

The Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome contains a single ten-gene Hox complex >0.5 megabase in length. This complex was isolated on overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome and P1 artificial chromosome genomic recombinants by using probes for individual genes and by genomic walking. Echinoderm Hox genes of Paralog Groups (PG) 1 and 2 are reported. The cluster includes genes representing all paralog groups of vertebrate Hox clusters, except that there is a single gene of the PG4-5 types and only three genes of the PG9-12 types. The echinoderm Hox gene cluster is essentially similar to those of the bilaterally organized chordates, despite the radically altered pentameral body plans of these animals.  相似文献   

The Hox genes are implicated in conferring regional identity to the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo. We have characterized the organization and expression of hox genes in the teleost zebrafish (Danio rerio), and compared our findings with those made for the tetrapod vertebrates. We have isolated 32 zebrafish hox genes, primarily via 3'RACE-PCR, and analyzed their linkage relationships using somatic cell hybrids. We find that in comparison to the tetrapods, zebrafish has several additional hox genes, both within and beyond the expected 4 hox clusters (A-D). For example, we have isolated a member of hox paralogue group 8 lying on the hoxa cluster, and a member of hox paralogue group 10 lying on the b cluster, no equivalent genes have been reported for mouse or human. Beyond the 4 clusters (A-D) we have isolated a further 3 hox genes (the hoxx and y genes), which according to their sequence homologies lie in paralogue groups 4, 6, and 9. The hoxx4 and hoxx9 genes occur on the same set of hybrid chromosomes, hinting at the possibility of an additional hox cluster for the zebrafish. Similar to their tetrapod counterparts, zebrafish hox genes (including those with no direct tetrapod equivalent) demonstrate colinear expression along the anteroposterior (AP) axis of the embryo. However, in comparison to the tetrapods, anterior hox expression limits are compacted over a short AP region; some members of adjacent paralogue groups have equivalent limits. It has been proposed that during vertebrate evolution, the anterior limits of Hox gene expression have become dispersed along the AP axis allowing the genes to take on novel patterning roles and thus leading to increased axial complexity. In the teleost zebrafish, axial organization is relatively simple in comparison to that of the tetrapod vertebrates; this may be reflected by the less dispersed expression domains of the zebrafish hox genes.  相似文献   

The vertebrate Hox genes have been shown to confer regional identity along the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo, especially within the central nervous system (CNS) and the paraxial mesoderm. The notochord has been shown to play vital roles in patterning adjacent tissues along both the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. However, the notochord's role in imparting anteroposterior information to adjacent structures is less well understood, especially as the notochord shows no morphological distinctions along the anteroposterior axis and is not generally described as a segmental or compartmentalized structure. Here we report that four zebrafish hox genes: hoxb1, hoxb5, hoxc6 and hoxc8 are regionally expressed along the anteroposterior extent of the developing notochord. Notochord expression for each gene is transient, but maintains a definite, gene-specific anterior limit throughout its duration. The hox gene expression in the zebrafish notochord is spatially colinear with those genes lying most 3' in the hox clusters having the most anterior limits. The expression patterns of these hox cluster genes in the zebrafish are the most direct molecular evidence for a system of anteroposterior regionalization of the notochord in any vertebrate studied to date.  相似文献   

From our current understanding of the genetic basis of development and pattern formation in Drosophila and vertebrates it is commonly thought that clusters of Hox genes sculpt the morphology of animals in specific body regions. Based on Hox gene conservation throughout the animal kingdom it is proposed that these genes and their role in pattern formation evolved early during the evolution of metazoans. Knowledge of the history of Hox genes will lead to a better understanding of the role of Hox genes in the evolution of animal body plans. To infer Hox gene evolution, reliable data on lower chordates and invertebrates are crucial. Among the lower triploblasts, the body plan of the ribbonworm Lineus (nemertini) appears to be close to the common ancestral condition of protostomes and deuterostomes. In this paper we present the isolation and identification of Hox genes in Lineus sanguineus. We find that the Lineus genome contains a single cluster of at least six Hox genes: two anterior-class genes, three middle-class genes, and one posterior-class gene. Each of the genes can be definitely assigned to an ortholog group on the basis of its homeobox and its flanking sequences. The most closely related homeodomain sequences are invariably found among the mouse or Amphioxus orthologs, rather than Drosophila and other invertebrates. This suggests that the ribbonworms have diverged relatively little from the last common ancestors of protostomes and deuterostomes, the urbilateria.  相似文献   

We have cloned, from an oribatid mite, a gene homologous to the zerknült (zen) genes of insects and the Hox 3 genes of vertebrates. Hox genes specify cell fates in specific regions of the body in all metazoans studied and are expressed in antero-posteriorly restricted regions of the embryo. This is true of the vertebrate Hox 3 but not of the zen genes, the insect homologs, and it has been proposed that the zen genes have lost their Hox-like function in the ancestor of the insects. We studied expression of a mite Hox 3/zen homolog and found that it is expressed in a discrete antero-posterior region of the body with an anterior boundary coinciding with that of the chelicerate homolog of the Drosophila Hox gene, proboscipedia, and propose that its loss of Hox function in insects is due to functional redundancy due to this overlap with another Hox gene.  相似文献   

Retinoids and Hox genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertebrate embryonic body plan is constructed through the interaction of many developmentally regulated genes that supply cells with the essential positional and functional information they require to migrate to their appropriate destination and generate the proper structures. Some molecular cues involved in patterning the central nervous system, particularly in the hindbrain, are interpreted by the Hox homeobox genes. Retinoids can affect the expression of Hox genes in cells lines and embryonic tissues; the hindbrain and branchial region of the head are particularly sensitive to the teratogenic effects of retinoic acid. The presence of endogenous retinoic acid, together with the distribution of retinoid binding proteins and nuclear receptors in the developing embryo, strongly suggest that retinoic acid is a natural morphogen in vertebrate development. The molecular basis for the interaction between retinoic acid and the Hox genes has been aided in part by approaches using deletion analysis in transgenic mice carrying lacZ reporter constructs. Such studies have identified functional retinoic acid response elements within flanking sequences of some of the most 3' Hox genes, suggesting a direct interaction between the genes and retinoic acid. Furthermore, as demonstrated using transgenic mice carrying Hoxb-1/lacZ constructs, multiple retinoic acid response elements may cooperate with positive and negative regulatory enhancers to specify pattern formation in the vertebrate embryo. These types of studies strongly support the normal roles of retinoids in patterning vertebrate embryogenesis through the Hox genes.  相似文献   

Homeobox genes of the Hox class are required for proper patterning of skeletal elements, but how they regulate the differentiation of specific tissues is unclear. We show here that overexpression of a Hoxc-8 transgene causes cartilage defects whose severity depends on transgene dosage. The abnormal cartilage is characterized by an accumulation of proliferating chondrocytes and reduced maturation. Since Hoxc-8 is normally expressed in chondrocytes, these results suggest that Hoxc-8 continues to regulate skeletal development well beyond pattern formation in a tissue-specific manner, presumably by controlling the progression of cells along the chondrocyte differentiation pathway. The comparison to Hoxd-4 and Isl-1 indicates that this role in chondrogenesis is specific to proteins of the Hox class. Their capacity for regulation of cartilage differentiation suggests that Hox genes could also be involved in human chondrodysplasias or other cartilage disorders.  相似文献   

Antennapedia class homeobox (Hox) genes specify cell fates in successive anteroposterior body domains in vertebrates, insects and nematodes. The DNA-binding homeodomain sequences are very similar between vertebrate and Drosophila Hox proteins, and this similarity allows vertebrate Hox proteins to function in Drosophila. In contrast, the Caenorhabditis elegans homeodomains are substantially divergent. Further, C. elegans differs from both insects and vertebrates in having a non-segmented body as well as a distinctive mode of development that involves asymmetric early cleavages and invariant cell lineages. Here we report that, despite these differences, Drosophila Hox proteins expressed in C. elegans can substitute for C. elegans Hox proteins in the control of three different cell-fate decisions: the regulation of cell migration, the specification of serotonergic neurons, and the specification of a sensory structure. We also show that the specificity of one C. elegans Hox protein is partly determined by two amino acids that have been implicated in sequence-specific DNA binding. Together these findings suggest that factors important for target recognition by specific Hox proteins have been conserved throughout much of the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

Hox genes are segmentally expressed in the developing vertebrate hindbrain, neural crest cells and pharyngeal arches suggesting an important role in patterning these structures. Here we discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling segmentation and specification in the branchial region of the head. In addition, based on the recent phenotypical and molecular analysis of loss-of-function mutants in the mouse, we speculate that Hox genes may act like Drosophila selector genes in this system.  相似文献   

Reciprocal inductive signals between the endoderm and mesoderm are critical to vertebrate gut development. Sonic hedgehog encodes a secreted protein known to act as an inductive signal in several regions of the developing embryo. In this report, we provide evidence to support the role of Sonic hedgehog and its target genes Bmp-4 and the Abd-B-related Hox genes in the induction and patterning the chick hindgut. Sonic is expressed in the definitive endoderm at the earliest stage of chick gut formation. Immediately subjacent to Sonic expression in the caudal endoderm is undifferentiated mesoderm, later to become the visceral mesoderm of the hindgut. Genes expressed within this tissue include Bmp-4 (a TGF-beta relative implicated in proper growth of visceral mesoderm) and members of the Abd-B class of Hox genes (known regulators of pattern in many aspects of development). Using virally mediated misexpression, we show that Sonic hedgehog is sufficient to induce ectopic expression of Bmp-4 and specific Hoxd genes within the mesoderm. Sonic therefore appears to act as a signal in an epithelial-mesenchymal interaction in the earliest stages of chick hindgut formation. Gut pattern is evidenced later in gut morphogenesis with the presence of anatomic boundaries reflecting phenotypically and physiologically distinct regions. The expression pattern of the Abd-b-like Hox genes remains restricted in the hindgut and these Hox expression domains reflect gut morphologic boundaries. This finding strongly supports a role for these genes in determining the adult gut phenotype. Our results provide the basis for a model to describe molecular controls of early vertebrate hindgut development and patterning. Expression of homologous genes in Drosophila suggest that aspects of gut morphogenesis may be regulated by similar inductive networks in the two organisms.  相似文献   

Hox genes are important regulators of limb pattern in vertebrate development. Misexpression of Hox genes in chicks using retroviral vectors provides an opportunity to analyze gain-of-function phenotypes and to assess their modes of action. Here we report the misexpression phenotype for Hoxd-13 and compare it to the misexpression phenotype of Hoxd-11. Hoxd-13 misexpression in the hindlimb results in a shortening of the long bones, including the femur, the tibia, the fibula and the tarsometatarsals. Mutations in an alanine repeat region in the N-terminus of Hoxd-13 have recently been implicated in human synpolydactyly (Muragaki, Y., Mundlos, S., Upton, J. and Olsen, B. R. (1996) Science 272, 548-551). N-terminal truncations of Hoxd-13 which lack this repeat were constructed and were found to produce a similar, although slightly milder, misexpression phenotype than the full-length Hoxd-13. The stage of bone development regulated by Hox genes has not previously been examined. The changes in bone lengths caused by Hoxd-13 misexpression are late phenotypes that first become apparent during the growth phase of the bones. Analysis of tritiated thymidine uptake by the tibia and fibula demonstrates that Hox genes can pattern the limb skeleton by regulating the rates of cell division in the proliferative zone of growing cartilage. Hoxd-11, in contrast to Hoxd-13, acts both at the initial cartilage condensation phase in the foot and during the later growth phase in the lower leg. Ectopic Hoxd-13 appears to act in a dominant negative manner in regions where it is not normally expressed. We propose a model in which all Hox genes are growth promoters, regulating the expression of the same target genes, with some Hox genes being more effective promoters of growth than other Hox genes. According to this model, the overall rate of growth in a given region is the result of the combined action of all of the Hox genes expressed in that region competing for the same target genes.  相似文献   

The complete Hox gene complement of the Japanese pufferfish has now been determined, together with the genomic organisation of all four Hox gene clusters. One of the many surprises is that this strange fish has lost an unusually large number of Hox genes.  相似文献   

Drosophila homeotic genes and their vertebrate cognates, the Hox genes, encode homeodomain proteins that are thought to control segment-specific morphogenesis by regulating subordinate target genes. Although expression of many genes is thought to be influenced by homeotic/Hox function, little is known about the genes they directly regulate in the developing embryo. One of the Drosophila homeotic genes is Ultrabithorax (Ubx) that specifies the identity of specific thoracic and abdominal metameres. Towards identifying genes directly regulated by Ubx we have mapped the binding sites of Ubx proteins (UBX) in polytene chromosomes. We found that the UBX isoforms Ia and IVa accumulate in about 100 discrete chromosomal sites. Most, if not all, the sites are the same for the two UBX isoforms. These sites are all euchromatic, include both bands and interbands and are reproducible from chromosome to chromosome. Some of these sites correspond to the locations of known genes that are good candidates, or are known to be, under direct Ubx control.  相似文献   

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