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Whereas organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) have remarkable potential in the development of optoelectronic materials, their relatively poor chemical and colloidal stability undermines their performance in optoelectronic devices. Herein, this issue is addressed by passivating PNCs with a class of chemically addressable ligands. The robust ligands effectively protect the PNC surfaces, enhance PNC solution processability, and can be chemically addressed by thermally induced crosslinking or radical‐induced polymerization. This thin polymer shield further enhances the photoluminescence quantum yields by removing surface trap states. Crosslinked methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) PNCs are applied as active materials to build light‐emitting diodes that have low turn‐on voltages and achieve a record luminance of over 7000 cd m?2, around threefold better than previous reported MA‐based PNC devices. These results indicate the great potential of this ligand passivation approach for long lifespan, highly efficient PNC light emitters.  相似文献   

This paper reports highly bright and efficient CsPbBr3 perovskite light‐emitting diodes (PeLEDs) fabricated by simple one‐step spin‐coating of uniform CsPbBr3 polycrystalline layers on a self‐organized buffer hole injection layer and stoichiometry‐controlled CsPbBr3 precursor solutions with an optimized concentration. The PeLEDs have maximum current efficiency of 5.39 cd A?1 and maximum luminance of 13752 cd m?2. This paper also investigates the origin of current hysteresis, which can be ascribed to migration of Br? anions. Temperature dependence of the electroluminescence (EL) spectrum is measured and the origins of decreased spectrum area, spectral blue‐shift, and linewidth broadening are analyzed systematically with the activation energies, and are related with Br? anion migration, thermal dissociation of excitons, thermal expansion, and electron–phonon interaction. This work provides simple ways to improve the efficiency and brightness of all‐inorganic polycrystalline PeLEDs and improves understanding of temperature‐dependent ion migration and EL properties in inorganic PeLEDs.  相似文献   

In response to the demands for energy and the concerns of global warming and climate change, energy efficient and environmentally friendly solid‐state lighting, such as white light‐emitting diodes (WLEDs), is considered to be the most promising and suitable light source. Because of their small size, high efficiency, and long lifetime, WLEDs based on colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (or quantum dots) are emerging as a completely new technology platform for the development of flat‐panel displays and solid‐state lighting, exhibiting the potential to replace the conventionally used incandescent and fluorescent lamps. This replacement can cut the ever‐increasing level of energy consumption, solve the problem of rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves, and improve the quality of the global environment. In this review, the recent progress in semiconductor‐nanocrystals‐based WLEDs is highlighted, the different approaches for generating white light are compared, and the benefits and challenges of the solid‐state lighting technology are discussed.  相似文献   

Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites (RPPs), consisting of alternating organic spacer layers and inorganic layers, have emerged as a promising alternative to 3D perovskites for both photovoltaic and light‐emitting applications. The organic spacer layers provide a wide range of new possibilities to tune the properties and even provide new functionalities for RPPs. However, the preparation of state‐of‐the‐art RPPs requires organic ammonium halides as the starting materials, which need to be ex situ synthesized. A novel approach to prepare high‐quality RPP films through in situ formation of organic spacer cations from amines is presented. Compared with control devices fabricated from organic ammonium halides, this new approach results in similar (and even better) device performance for both solar cells and light‐emitting diodes. High‐quality RPP films are fabricated based on different types of amines, demonstrating the universality of the approach. This approach not only represents a new pathway to fabricate efficient devices based on RPPs, but also provides an effective method to screen new organic spacers with further improved performance.  相似文献   

Single‐crystalline GaN‐based light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) with high efficiency and long lifetime are the most promising solid‐state lighting source compared with conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps. However, the lattice and thermal mismatch between GaN and sapphire substrate always induces high stress and high density of dislocations and thus degrades the performance of LEDs. Here, the growth of high‐quality GaN with low stress and a low density of dislocations on graphene (Gr) buffered sapphire substrate is reported for high‐brightness blue LEDs. Gr films are directly grown on sapphire substrate to avoid the tedious transfer process and GaN is grown by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The introduced Gr buffer layer greatly releases biaxial stress and reduces the density of dislocations in GaN film and InxGa1?xN/GaN multiple quantum well structures. The as‐fabricated LED devices therefore deliver much higher light output power compared to that on a bare sapphire substrate, which even outperforms the mature process derived counterpart. The GaN growth on Gr buffered sapphire only requires one‐step growth, which largely shortens the MOCVD growth time. This facile strategy may pave a new way for applications of Gr films and bring several disruptive technologies for epitaxial growth of GaN film and its applications in high‐brightness LEDs.  相似文献   

Stretchable light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) and electroluminescent capacitors have been reported to potentially bring new opportunities to wearable electronics; however, these devices lack in efficiency and/or stretchability. Here, a stretchable organometal‐halide‐perovskite quantum‐dot LED with both high efficiency and mechanical compliancy is demonstrated. The hybrid device employs an ultrathin (<3 µm) LED structure conformed on a surface‐wrinkled elastomer substrate. Its luminescent efficiency is up to 9.2 cd A?1, which is 70% higher than a control diode fabricated on the rigid indium tin oxide/glass substrate. Mechanical deformations up to 50% tensile strain do not induce significant loss of the electroluminescent property. The device can survive 1000 stretch–release cycles of 20% tensile strain with small fluctuations in electroluminescent performance.  相似文献   

Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have emerged as promising emitters because of their excellent optoelectronic properties, including high photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs), wide‐range color tunability, and high color purity. However, a fundamental limitation of MHPs is their low exciton binding energy, which results in a low radiative recombination rate and the dependence of PLQY on the excitation intensity. Under the operating conditions of light‐emitting diodes (LEDs), the injected current densities are typically lower than the trap density, leading to a low actual PLQY. Moreover, the defects not only initiate the decomposition of MHPs caused by extrinsic factors, but also intrinsically stimulate ion migration across the interface and lead to the corrosion of electrodes due to interaction between those electrodes, even under inert conditions. The passivation of defects has proven to be effective for mitigating the effects of defects in MHPs. Herein, the origins and theoretical calculations of the defect tolerance in MHPs and the impact of defects on both the performance and stability of perovskite LEDs are reviewed. The passivation methods and materials for MHP bulk films and nanocrystals are discussed in detail. Based on the currently reported advances, specific requirements and future research directions for display applications are suggested.  相似文献   

For quasi‐2D perovskite light‐emitting diodes, the introduction of insulating bulky cation reduces the charge transport property, leading to lowered brightness and increased turn‐on voltage. Herein, a dual‐ligand strategy is adopted to prepare perovskite films by using an appropriate ratio of i‐butylammonium (iBA) and phenylethylammonium (PEA) as capping ligands. The introduction of iBA enhances the binding energy of the ligands on the surface of the quasi‐2D perovskite, and effectively controls the proportion of 2D perovskite to allow more efficient energy transfer, resulting in the great enhancement of the electric and luminescent properties of the perovskite. The photoluminescence (PL) mapping of the perovskite films exhibits that enhanced photoluminescence performance with better uniformity and stronger intensity can be achieved with this dual‐ligand strategy. By adjusting the proportion of the two ligands, sky‐blue perovskite light‐emitting diodes (PeLEDs) with electroluminescence (EL) peak located 485 nm are achieved with a maximum luminance up to 1130 cd m?2 and a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) up to 7.84%. In addition, the color stability and device stability are significantly enhanced by using a dual‐ligand strategy. This simple and feasible method paves the way for improving the performance of quasi‐2D PeLEDs.  相似文献   

This paper reports a facile and scalable process to achieve high performance red perovskite light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) by introducing inorganic Cs into multiple quantum well (MQW) perovskites. The MQW structure facilitates the formation of cubic CsPbI3 perovskites at low temperature, enabling the Cs‐based QWs to provide pure and stable red electroluminescence. The versatile synthesis of MQW perovskites provides freedom to control the crystallinity and morphology of the emission layer. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of chloride can further improve the crystallization and consequently the optical properties of the Cs‐based MQW perovskites, inducing a low turn‐on voltage of 2.0 V, a maximum external quantum efficiency of 3.7%, a luminance of ≈440 cd m?2 at 4.0 V. These results suggest that the Cs‐based MQW LED is among the best performing red perovskite LEDs. Moreover, the LED device demonstrates a record lifetime of over 5 h under a constant current density of 10 mA cm?2. This work suggests that the MQW perovskites is a promising platform for achieving high performance visible‐range electroluminescence emission through high‐throughput processing methods, which is attractive for low‐cost lighting and display applications.  相似文献   

The emerging class of lead halide perovskite (LHP) semiconductors offers a surprising combination of low cost, ease of preparation, outstanding material properties, and performance in optoelectronic devices that has not yet been observed in any other class of material. Considering their general ABX3 formula, the halide (X) composition in LHP compositions has proven to be one of the best handles to control the material characteristics such as bandgap, morphology, and electronic properties. However, compared to the amount of effort that has been expended to discover new A cations and B cations, relatively few reports have dealt with the subject of discovering new X anions outside of the series of halides (Cl?, Br?, I?). In principal, a much wider range of anions with a ?1 charge (pseudohalides) may form the ABX3 stoichiometry with Pb2+, yet the general ability of polyatomic pseudohalides to form semiconducting perovskite crystal phases with Pb2+ remains an open question. Herein, the prospect of using polyatomic pseudohalide anions in LHP semiconductors is addressed.  相似文献   

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