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网络信息传输安全容易受到多种因素的影响,如果仅对影响因素进行单一的分析,则会降低信息传输的安全性,因此提出基于信息融合的计算机网络信息传输安全监测方法。构建以计算机网络信息传输阶段基础运行性指标参数状态、脆弱性指标参数状态、威胁性指标参数状态和风险性指标参数状态为核心的一级影响因素,并结合网络信息传输机制将其分解为若干个二级影响因素。在网络信息传输安全监测阶段,利用人工鱼群算法对各二级影响因素的权重进行寻优,并以整体鱼群的输出结果与实际计算机网络安全态势值之间的差异为目标函数,根据寻优结果对因素参数和权重系数进行融合,计算得到计算机网络信息传输安全态势值,完成信息传输安全监测。在测试结果中,设计方法的监测结果与实际值之间的误差小于0.05,具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

简淦杨 《电子器件》2020,43(2):239-244
目前配电终端安全加密芯片与MCU之间主要采用SPI总线进行同步通信,由MCU输出网口数据实现配电终端应用层安全加密通信。为进一步提高安全加密防护能力,本文选用IPSEC安全加密芯片直接输出网口数据,芯片与MCU之间采用异步数据传输,实现网络层安全加密防护功能。在此基础上研究了基于安全加密芯片的配电网络双层加密防护应用,通过对内嵌安全加密芯片的终端进行软硬件设计,并研究配电终端与主站之间的加密应用,提升了配电终端加密通信的安全性与可靠性。通过IPSEC极限通信测试、应用加密测试以及现场实际测试,验证了内嵌安全加密芯片的配电终端的加密防护性能。  相似文献   

目前我国的涉密单位中,涉密信息系统按照BMB17-2006、BMB20-2007、BMB22-2007、BMB23-2008进行了安全建设。以电子邮件、OA自动化办公系统、U盘光盘为代表的传统涉密内网文件传输方法已经无法适应现阶段业务发展的需要,且在传输过程中带来一定  相似文献   

当前,智慧城市在建设过程中面临数据安全性问题,而5G消息因依托运营商网络具有安全可信等优势,且具备原生终端、实时交互、功能融合、体验升级等特点,在新一代信息技术中脱颖而出。5G消息的广泛普及能够保障智慧城市应用与用户之间数据的安全性,为广大用户带来全新的体验,促进我国新型智慧城市的整体发展与突破。  相似文献   

无线信道安全传输的目的是保证期望用户具有良好的通信质量(高速率、低误码率),同时尽可能地提高窃听者的误码率,从而防止信息被窃听者截获。本文重点讲述无线信息安全传输机制。  相似文献   

本文基于SM2签名、SM2加密、SM3密码算法简述国密算法的技术类型,从数据传输体系以及传输过程对安全传输系统的设计加以说明,并针对网关平台、信息模块、双向加密、测试过程等方面阐述此技术的应用。  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的不断发展,计算机网络的应用也更加的广泛,在这个过程中,广播电视台网络系统在网络数据传输上也暴露出了一些问题,这些数据阐述的安全隐患,对于广播电台的发展是一种潜在威胁,并且影响广播电台的安全播出。所以为了更好的保障广播电视台网络数据传输的安全性以及效率,保证节目的树立播出,我们应加强对于广播电台网络数据安全传输相关技术的探讨。文章将首先论述广播电视台信息网络安全等级保护以及相关的制度,并浅谈当前电视台内外网数据传输的问题,针对性的提出相关对策和建议,希望可以为广播电视台网络数据传输工作提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了多路径传输机制的概念、相关工作及其他在Ad hoc网络中应用的必要性,然后分析了如何基于多路径传输机制来支持非实时和实时业务,同时比较了分层编码机制和多描述编码机制的优缺点,最后对全文进行了总结.  相似文献   

As one special case of the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), vehicular ad-hoc networking (VANET) is featured by its high mobility and constantly changing topology. In VANET, nodes can work properly only if the participating vehicles cooperate with each other during communications. However, as a distributed network, individual vehicles might be non-cooperative for their own benefits. In order to prevent non-cooperative vehicles from tampering packet relaying in the network, we propose a cooperation enhancement mechanism using “Neighborhood WatchDog” to generate “Trust Token” based on the first-hand observation. Therefore, trust relationships and packet-acceptance decisions of the receiving nodes are based on the instant observation and the token-proved relaying behavior of the benign neighboring vehicles. With the inherit mapping between the Electronic ID of one vehicle and its public key, keys can be distributed on-the-fly. As a network layer solution, the cooperation enhancement mechanism proposed in this paper is built on the top of our previous proposed Media Access Control (MAC) protocol: Relative Position Based-MAC (RPB-MAC).  相似文献   

消息认证是保证信息安全性与可靠性的重要方法,然而在车辆密度很大的车联网环境中,由于节点接收到的消息数量很大,因此常常会产生认证时延,导致周边节点发来的许多重要消息丢失。为了解决这一问题,文章使用基于k-d树剪枝的k-means算法,我们把它称之为过滤算法,将收到的消息划分成若干个簇(消息区域),并映射到多优先级队列中,按照优先级的先后顺序认证,可降低重要消息的丢包率,加强消息认证的有效性。文章证明了过滤算法是一种快速高效的聚类算法,适用于对时间要求严格的车联网环境。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a statistical analysis based on the 2k factorial methodology to determine the representative factors affecting traffic safety applications in Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Our purpose is to determine what are the key factors affecting Warning Message Dissemination (WMD) in order to concentrate on such parameters, thus reducing the amount of required simulation time when evaluating VANETs. Simulation results show that the key factors affecting warning messages delivery are: (i) the transmission range, (ii) the radio propagation model used, and (iii) the density of vehicles. Based on this statistical analysis, we evaluate a compound key factor: neighbor density. This factor combines the above-mentioned factors into a single entity, reducing the number of factors that must be taken into account for VANET researchers to evaluate the benefits of their proposals.  相似文献   

张玉林  张树粹 《信息技术》2003,27(3):79-80,86
首先介绍了Windows消息的有关概念,然后分析VB中的事件与Windows消息的关系及消息处理机理,最后给出基于VB的窗口程序的一般结构。  相似文献   

Researchers in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) commonly use simulation to test new algorithms and techniques. This is the case because of the high cost and labor involved in deploying and testing vehicles in real outdoor scenarios. However, when determining the factors that should be taken into account in these simulations, some factors such as realistic road topologies and presence of obstacles are rarely addressed. In this paper, we first evaluate the packet error rate (PER) through actual measurements in an outdoor road scenario, and deduce a close model of the PER for VANETs. Secondly, we introduce a topology-based visibility scheme such that road dimension and geometry can be accounted for, in addition to line-of-sight. We then combine these factors to determine when warning messages (i.e., messages that warn drivers of danger and hazards) are successfully received in a VANET. Through extensive simulations using different road topologies, city maps, and visibility schemes, we show these factors can impact warning message dissemination time and packet delivery rate.  相似文献   

The evolution of smart vehicles has widened the application opportunities for vehicular ad hoc networks. In this context, the routing issue is still one of the main challenges regarding to the performance of the network. Although there are multiple ad hoc routing proposals, the traditional general-purpose approaches do not fit the distinctive properties of vehicular network environments. New routing strategies must complement the existing protocols to improve their performance in vehicular scenarios. This paper introduces a novel intelligent routing technique that makes decisions in order to adaptively adjust its operation and obtain a global benefit. The nodes sense the network locally and collect information to feed the cognitive module which will select the best routing strategy, without the need of additional protocol message dissemination or convergence mechanism.  相似文献   

吕虎猛  叶雪梅  安利  王渊 《电子科技》2011,24(12):102-105
车载自组织网的目标是尽最大可能为道路行行驶提供安全。为达到该目的,车辆间通信需要充分利用安全消息。文中将安全消息分为两类:心跳安全消息和紧急报警安全消息。引入交通流理论,探讨在Free-low阶段基于心跳安全消息的安全应用。重点分析单跳数据成功传输率和心跳消息发送频率对安全的影响,从概率的角度建立数学模型并进行分析。通...  相似文献   

张政治 《现代导航》2021,12(6):420-423
针对当前物流信息服务难以较好满足客户多样化、特定化需求的现状,介绍利用北斗位置服务、短报文通信以及集团管理功能设计物流信息监管系统.该系统主要包括前端采集设备和中心监控管理平台,通过监测分析车辆和货物的实时状态和参数,实现物流信息的有效管理和发布,为货物的安全、可靠、及时运输提供有力支持.  相似文献   

研究了Netlink消息通信模型和在IP服务中的作用,分析了Linux内核中IPsec模块的Nedink消息通信机制。结合应用层密钥管理进程与内核的通信交互,给出在IPsec VPN中的具体设计和实现。通过Neflink机制,IPsec VPN安全网关为不同用户动态创建各自的安全通道,高效实现了安全密钥的动态管理。  相似文献   

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