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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among job characteristics, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction of foreign workers in Taiwan. Overall, 440 Thailand foreign workers were recruited and structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The results of this study supported all proposed hypotheses. Job characteristics had a positive effect on job satisfaction of foreign workers. However, the results showed an indirect effect of job characteristics on job satisfaction via organizational commitment. Moreover, the findings suggested that job autonomy is better compared to other job characteristics. This study contributes to the existing literature by stressing the importance of such relationships in the cross‐cultural management enterprises, particularly those concerning foreign workers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine halo effect and organizational commitment in relation to employees' job satisfaction and organizational supportive culture at universities in Taiwan. The study used a questionnaire to collect data from 210 female faculty members of Taiwanese universities. The conceptual model was tested mediating the effect of structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation. This study not only found the mediating role of halo effect and organizational commitment between supportive culture and job satisfaction, but also proved that a supportive culture in universities is directly and positively related to job satisfaction and that emotional and identification‐oriented organizational commitment may affect job satisfaction in a positive way among female faculty members. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges facing the Indian IT services industry is the high rate of turnover among Indian IS professionals. Turnover rates have been reported as high as 100% annually. Despite the serious problem, we are unaware of any academic research that has studied the determinants of turnover among Indian IS professionals. We aim to contribute to the literature by understanding Turnover Intentions of Indian IS professionals. We developed an initial model of Turnover Intentions based on the IS and Organizational Behavior literatures. The most commonly identified determinants of Turnover Intentions in these literatures were Organizational Commitment (emotional attachment to an organization) and Job Satisfaction. However, the research that identified these determinants was primarily tested on Western workers. We assessed the applicability of this model by interviewing 25 Indian IS professionals. We found strong support that Job Satisfaction affects Turnover Intentions among Indian IS professionals. However, Organizational Commitment was found to be a troublesome construct. Many Indian participants did not relate to the concept of an emotional attachment to an organization. Instead, they talked in terms that better mapped to the construct Organizational Satisfaction. The interviews also uncovered another important determinant of Turnover Intention: Social Norms. Social Norms, as evidenced by significant family pressure to reside in the same city as the employee’s family, emerged as a major reason for Turnover Intentions. Our revised model identifies Job Satisfaction, Organizational Satisfaction, and Social Norms as the main determinants of Turnover Intentions among Indian IS Professionals. We also identify four implications for practice. The most worrisome implication for Western clients is that Indian IS professionals do not like performing routine IT maintenance work or merely programming from predefined specifications—the bulk of work sent offshore. Indian IS professionals preferred client-facing activities, design and development work.
Prasad S. RudramuniyaiahEmail:

Dr. Mary Cecelia Lacity   is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Research Affiliate at Templeton College, Oxford University, and Doctoral Faculty Advisor at Washington University. She has published seven books on outsourcing, most recently Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work (Palgrave, London, with Joe Rottman, 2008). Her publications have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly, MIS Quarterly Executive, IEEE Computer, Journal of Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM and many other academic and practitioner outlets. She is a Senior Editor (USA/Americas) for the Journal of Information Technology and co-editor for the Palgrave series on Work, Technology and Globalization. She is on the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly Executive, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. Vidya V. Iyer   is a third year PhD student of Information Systems at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. She obtained an MBA in Information Systems from Indore University in India and an MS in Information Systems from Texas A&M International University, Laredo. She worked as a software programmer for two years for Sonata Software in Bangalore, and Ruchi Software in Indore. She has also taught graduate level MBA courses at Prestige Management Institute, Indore before joining the PhD program at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. Her research interests include outsourcing of information systems, turnover among IS employees, and computer mediated education and e-mentoring. Prasad S. Rudramuniyaiah   is a Doctoral Student in Information Systems at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. Prasad holds a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University, India and a Master of Science from Middlesex University, London, UK. Prasad started his career as a first generation entrepreneur and subsequently worked in the IT industry in Bangalore, India in various positions before joining the doctoral program. His research interests include outsourcing, knowledge management, organization behavior, e-commerce and logistics and supply chain management.  相似文献   

Social media are frequently used in enterprises for both work-related and non-work-related (social) purposes. Drawing on the organizational commitment theory, we developed a research model to explore how different purposes of social media usage affect employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention in the Chinese context. Online and offline surveys were conducted in China, generating 298 valid responses for analysis. The results suggest that the following: (1) work-related and social-related social media usage positively affects employees’ organizational commitment through their organizational engagement; (2) social media usage improves job satisfaction and reduces employees’ turnover intention through improving their engagement and organizational commitment; and (3) in the process of social media usage influencing employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention, employees of different genders show significant differences.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between coworker incivility, emotional exhaustion, and organizational outcomes measured by job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover intention. Working with a sample of 286 retail bank employees in South Korea, structural equation modeling is employed to test four hypotheses drawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory and affective events theory (AET). According to the analyses, while employee incivility positively affects emotional exhaustion, emotional exhaustion has a negative effect on job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, emotional exhaustion has a positive impact on turnover intention among organizational employees. These results imply that to better understand the relationship between coworker incivility and organizational outcomes, it is necessary to consider emotional exhaustion as an important mediating variable. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed, together with its limitations and future research directions.  相似文献   

Our purpose in this study was to examine an explanation of how experienced compassion relates to employee outcomes, such as affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover intention. The model tested suggests that compassion at work influences these organizational outcomes by developing positive work‐related identity, which in turn prompts employees to accelerate affective commitment toward their organizations and organizational citizenship behavior, while at the same time decreasing turnover intention. The findings of our study demonstrate that compassion at work is an antecedent to positive work‐related identity, which in turn fully mediates the relationship between compassion at work and organizational outcomes (i.e., affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover intention).  相似文献   

We used person–job fit theory to examine the relationships between the match in IT developers’ preferred and perceived actual role stress (role stress fit) with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Self-esteem was considered as either a potential moderator or mediator of those relationships. Results from surveys completed by IT developers in 12 Fortune 500 companies indicated that role stress fit was positively related to both job satisfaction and organizational commitment and that self-esteem significantly moderated the relationship between role stress fit and job satisfaction. The results of our research has provided insight into staff assignment and the design of coping interventions.  相似文献   

We examined cyber incivility in the workplace of Singapore and also examined its impact on employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment, quit intention, and workplace deviance. Data were collected from 192 employees. Results of the survey showed that male supervisors engaged in active forms of cyber incivility while female supervisors engaged in passive cyber incivility. Regression analyses also showed that cyber incivility was negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Employees who experienced cyber incivility were also more likely to quit their jobs or engaged in deviant behavior against their organization. Thus, cyber incivility has negative consequences on both individuals and organizations. Consequently, it is important that firms educate employees and have appropriate policies to discourage cyber incivility.  相似文献   

Cyberloafing is the personal use of the Internet by employees while at work. The purpose of this study is to examine whether employee job attitudes, organizational characteristics, attitudes towards cyberloafing, and other non-Internet loafing behaviors serve as antecedents to cyberloafing behaviors. We hypothesize that the employee job attitudes of job involvement and intrinsic involvement are related to cyberloafing. In addition, we hypothesize that organizational characteristics including the perceived cyberloafing of one’s coworkers and managerial support for internet usage are related to cyberloafing. We also hypothesize that attitudes towards cyberloafing and the extent to which employees participate in non-Internet loafing behaviors (e.g., talking with coworkers, running personal errands) will both be related to cyberloafing. One hundred and forty-three working professional from a variety of industries were surveyed regarding their Internet usage at work. As hypothesized, the employee job attitudes of job involvement and intrinsic involvement were negatively related to cyberloafing. Also as predicted, the organizational characteristics of the perceived cyberloafing of one’s coworkers and managerial support for internet usage were positively related to cyberloafing. Finally, results showed that attitudes towards cyberloafing and participation in non-Internet loafing behaviors were positively related to cyberloafing. Implications for both organizations and employees are discussed.  相似文献   


In this paper we describe the process of developing a questionnaire survey that evaluates the causes and consequences of turnover intention among information technology (IT) workers, with specific attention to issues of importance to women and minorities within the IT workforce. The questionnaire development process consisted of four steps:
  1. Creation of the initial questionnaire from a literature review of existing scales

  2. Pilot study using interviews to test the questionnaire

  3. Modifications to the questionnaire based on feedback from the pilot study

  4. Implementation of the revised questionnaire survey.

The process used for the development of the questionnaire survey is systematic and addresses issues specific to the IT workforce, in particular the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the IT workforce. The questionnaire survey allows the collection of reliable and valid data on causes and effects of retention and intention to turnover, thus making it possible to better understand the reasons for the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the IT workforce.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the process of developing a questionnaire survey that evaluates the causes and consequences of turnover intention among information technology (IT) workers, with specific attention to issues of importance to women and minorities within the IT workforce. The questionnaire development process consisted of four steps:
  1. Creation of the initial questionnaire from a literature review of existing scales
  2. Pilot study using interviews to test the questionnaire
  3. Modifications to the questionnaire based on feedback from the pilot study
  4. Implementation of the revised questionnaire survey.
The process used for the development of the questionnaire survey is systematic and addresses issues specific to the IT workforce, in particular the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the IT workforce. The questionnaire survey allows the collection of reliable and valid data on causes and effects of retention and intention to turnover, thus making it possible to better understand the reasons for the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the IT workforce.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether employees’ assessment of their primary task quality has a significant impact on their well‐being and job satisfaction, respectively. Furthermore, the paper hypothesizes that professional values and norms affect employees’ quality expectations on their work tasks and thus their assessment of primary task quality. The paper proposes a measure for primary task quality and uses it in the analyses of responses from 1,247 preschool teachers and teaching assistants in 94 public daycare centers in Denmark. The results indicate that an important factor for employees is their experience of quality in the job they perform. Moreover, quality expectations can differ between employees performing the same task due to, for example, difference in professional training. This leads us to propose a new research direction for job design theory that addresses employees’ assessment of the quality of their primary task job performance.  相似文献   

The thin film technology liquid‐crystal displays (TFT‐LCD) industry has become one of the main industries in Taiwan. In this research, we take Taiwanese TFT‐LCD industrial companies as the research objects and try to identify the interrelationships among internal marketing, job satisfaction, relationship marketing, customer orientation, and organizational performance. Although these companies are classified as part of the manufacturing industry, it is suggested that their service components could be the focus of greater attention to enhance the success of their business operations. Analytical results indicate that internal marketing, job satisfaction, and customer orientation have significant influences on relationship marketing as well as the organizational performance of TFT‐LCD manufacturing companies. Therefore, Taiwan TFT‐LCD manufacturing companies need to implement relationship marketing continuously, increase employee job satisfaction, and inspire employees to become more customer oriented in order to increase productivity. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined the influences of website design on prospective job seekers. A total of 182 participants accessed and reviewed an online job ad. Afterwards, they rated: (a) the attractiveness of the ad’s formatting, (b) the usability of the website, (c) overall evaluations of the organization’s web appeal, (d) impressions of the organization, and (e) willingness to pursue employment with the hiring organization. Although both the formatting attractiveness and usability of online recruitment materials influenced participants’ inclinations to pursue jobs, formatting was more important than usability. Moreover, impressions of the employer mediated the relationship between satisfaction with the website and willingness to pursue employment with the organization. Overall, this research advances knowledge by applying signaling theory to the web-based recruitment domain and by testing a mediated relationship implied therein. In addition, this is the first study to introduce relative weights analysis to the recruitment literature.  相似文献   

The present study empirically examines the relationship between computer anxiety, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and stress. Based on self-efficacy theory and self-worth theory of achievement-motivation, it is hypothesized that the relationship between computer anxiety and job satisfaction is curvilinear and attitude towards computer moderates such relationship. The relationship between computer anxiety and career satisfaction and job stress were empirically examined in this study. Two hundred and thirty undergraduate students (125 female and 105 male students) at a university in south-western part of Louisiana completed computer anxiety, computer attitude, job satisfaction, career satisfaction and stress surveys. Hierarchical moderated regression results support that the attitude towards computer acts as a moderator in the relationship between (i) computer anxiety and stress, (ii) computer anxiety and job satisfaction, and (iii) computer anxiety and career satisfaction. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The study focused on factors affecting life satisfaction of the elderly in Bangkok. The purposes of this study were to (1) study the level of life satisfaction of the elderly in Bangkok based on their individual factors, (2) study the relationship between related factors and life satisfaction of the elderly, and (3) investigate factors affecting the level of life satisfaction of the elderly. Questionnaire on life satisfaction of the elderly was employed as a research tool to collect data. The research found that life-satisfaction of the elderly in Bangkok was between the levels of somewhat satisfied to satisfied. The research participants defined the factor of general environment as the first rank followed by well-being, personal information, self-acceptance and lifestyle. The research further discovered that factor most directly related to their level of life satisfaction is self-acceptance followed by well-being, general environment and personal information. Lastly, the research additionally revealed that the factors of self-acceptance and general environment most affect the level of life satisfaction of the elderly. The equation for forecasting life satisfaction of the elderly residing in Bangkok was 0.414xself-acceptance + 0.307 general environment.  相似文献   

This study focuses on smart phone acceptance in a major delivery service company in Taiwan. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was tested in two different forms, the original and with self-efficacy added. A two-dimensional improvement to the theory of self-efficacy was investigated in this research. Only assisted self-efficacy was related to both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, but Individual Self-efficacy was only a predictor of perceived ease of use. This result offers new evidence to the debate of the role of self-efficacy on TAM constructs. Interesting findings including a strong influence of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness and behavioral intention were compared to prior studies to add additional insights for future research.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(7):915-928
In this study, we investigated the organizational factors that influenced Indonesian companies in their decision to adopt software as a service (SaaS). Based on a multiple-case study of 18 Indonesian companies, we identified three patterns: Top management support is an enabler for SaaS adoption; small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more likely to adopt SaaS than large companies; and organizational readiness is not an enabler for SaaS adoption. The last two patterns contradict existing information technology (IT) innovation adoption research. We explain this by examining the nature of SaaS as an IT innovation and the characteristics of Indonesia as a developing country.  相似文献   

本文分析了软件行业在我国的发展现状,针对现状分析其存在的一些问题,并且就这些存在的问题提出改进意见,并结合行业发展状况软件企业的市场发展方向提出建议。  相似文献   

在新时期,玩具业发展面临严峻挑战,信息化需求迫切。分析了玩具业信息化存在的问题,介绍SaaS的概念和发展趋势,讨论了基于SaaS的玩具业信息化框架,对SaaS的发展和行业信息化有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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