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本文简要分析了电压波动和闪变的成因,提出了一种基于Prony Analysis时频分析(PA)和Hilbert Tansform变换(HT)的瞬时电压闪变检测的改进方法.该算法可以从实际电网非平稳信号中准确地检测电压包络线,从而获得表征瞬时电压闪变严重程度的定量信息.两个数值仿真算例说明了这种方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文通过对二维Hilbert-Huang变换方法的改进,提出了一种基于二维变分模态分解(VMD)和Hilbert变换的局部放电灰度图像特征提取方法。首先,利用局部放电样本生成相应放电灰度图;其次,以二维VMD算法分解各放电灰度图像,获取各个不同中心频率的模态分量;然后,通过四元数Hilbert变换得到各模态函数对应的特征图,并提取灰度纹理特征,构成各放电样本对应的特征向量;最后,以BP神经网络分类器对提取出的局部放电特征量进行分类和识别。实验结果验证表明,同二维Hilbert-Huang变换和传统放电灰度图特征提取方法相比,基于本文方法所得特征量具有更高的正确识别率,验证了该方法的可行性。另外,本文所采用的二维VMD-Hilbert方法为局部放电信号的频谱分析拓展了新的思路。  相似文献   

无论陆地配电网或是船舶电网中,单相接地所占故障的比例最大.当前采用高电阻接地方式的电网,在发生金属性接地或电缆单次放电时,接地电阻不但不能抑制过电压,反而使故障点电流增加.从单相接地实验出发,提出一种利用数学形态学中的Gradient变换和Closing变换级联的方式识别接地故障类型的方法.该方法能将金属性接地和间歇性接地区分开,并且忽略掉单次放电的情况.通过大量实验和仿真对该方法进行验证,该方法在不同条件下均有良好的故障识别能力.  相似文献   

针对非线性Wiener模型,提出基于小波分析的一种新的模糊辨识方法,具有这种模型的非线性系统可看作了一个线性子系统后接静态非线性增益所组成的模型。利用小波变换分析模型的稳态信息,可推导出形式简单的稀疏矩阵表达式,一致估计出Wiener模型中的静态非线性增益;然后即可利用系统的动态信息一致估计出模型的线性子系统参数,最后通过仿真说明了该系统的有效性和实用价值。  相似文献   

针对冲击-高斯混合噪声环境下的FM信号瞬时频率估计问题,在方向性S变换的基础上,提出了一种基于新型关联随机一致性算法(RANSAC)的瞬时频率估计方法。该算法将原RANSAC算法的随机一致搜索策略与FM信号的物理特征统一起来,构建关联函数以保证在抑制复杂噪声的同时准确跟踪目标信号的时变轨迹。结合方向性S变换的二次平滑特性,算法能够在-7 dB混合噪声的干扰下恢复信号的相位信息。仿真实验在α-高斯混合噪声条件下验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents two simple fault detection schemes for radial and meshed transmission systems based on Fast Hilbert transformations of voltage and current signals at the substation terminal. The novel schemes ensure detection accuracy, selectivity and distinction between the two fault types as a bolted/fixed impedance or a high impedance non-linear fault.  相似文献   

利用Hilbert变换(HT)对配电系统中的电压闪变水平进行检测,并用等纹波滤波器来实现HT.与文献中所用方法相比,该文所用方法在数学上更简单,实现更容易.HT能够检测配电系统中的电压闪变和系统频率的变化,精度高,使电压闪变补偿装置更容易控制.采用了不同的电压闪变信号验证该方法.通过Matlab仿真,简述了影响检测精度的不同因素.仿真结果验证了HT的检测能力,表明HT在检测电压闪变方面具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

Hilbert变换在电压闪变检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用Hilbert变换(HT)对配电系统中的电压闪变水平进行检测,并用等纹波滤波器来实现HT。与文献中所用方法相比,该文所用方法在数学上更简单,实现更容易。HT能够检测配电系统中的电压闪变和系统频率的变化,精度高,使电压闪变补偿装置更容易控制。采用了不同的电压闪变信号验证该方法。通过Mat-lab仿真,简述了影响检测精度的不同因素。仿真结果验证了HT的检测能力,表明HT在检测电压闪变方面具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

为了分析电力系统暂态信号特性和计算暂态信号导数,依据采样信号拟合暂态信号函数表达式是一种可行方法,但现有的暂态信号拟合方法还存在拟合函数确定性和可导性方面的不足.针对这一问题,提出了一种基于希尔伯特变换的电力系统暂态信号正弦表示分析方法,采用暂态信号的正弦表示构成拟合基函数,利用希尔伯特变换以满足拟合函数的确定性.与现...  相似文献   

The paper introduces a practical approach to power system fault location in power networks using advanced fault signal processing. The three-phase fault voltages are converted to the vector of absolute values of its complex space-phasor. This vector represents fault traveling wave and it is further processed for fault location finding with the Hilbert–Huang transform. The simulation results, including single line to ground faults, faults in mixed feeders and high-impedance arcing faults, confirm the accuracy and practical applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper employs Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) combined with Hilbert Transform (HT) to detect the voltage sag causes. Any power quality disturbance waveform can be seen as superimposition of various oscillating modes. It becomes necessary to separate different components of single frequency or narrow band of frequencies from a non-stationary signal to identify the causes which contribute to power quality disturbances. The main characteristic feature of EMD is that it decomposes a non-stationary signal into mono component and symmetric signals called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). Further, the Hilbert transform is applied to each IMF to extract the features. Then, Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) classifier is constructed based on EMD which classifies these extracted features to identify the type of voltage sag cause. Three voltage sag causes are taken for classification (i) fault induced voltage sag, (ii) starting of induction motor and (iii) three phase transformer energization. A comparison of EMD with Wavelet Transform (WT) is made. The performance of PNN is compared with Multilayer Neural Network (MLNN) based on the above mentioned two methods. Simulation results show that the EMD method in combination with PNN is more efficient in classifying the voltage sag causes.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to reduce the high torsional torques induced in turbine-generator shafts during the clearing of multiphase faults. This method is based on controlling the sequential interruption of such faults. In this context, investigations have been conducted on two turbine-generator units of different designs for both three-phase and double line-to-ground faults. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated through parametric studies and simulation results. The effects of the fault clearing time, the strength of the system to which the unit is connected, and the fault incidence instant on the effectiveness of the method have also been investigated  相似文献   

The authors present a method of reducing the high torsional torques induced in turbine-generator shafts during high-speed reclosure of multiphase system faults. The method is based on the sequential reclosing of the faulted circuit. In this context, investigations have been conducted on two turbine-generator units of different designs for various multiphase system faults. The results of both the three-phase-to-ground and double-line-to-ground faults are reported, and the effectiveness of the method is illustrated through parametric studies and simulation results. The effects of the reclosing time and the fault incidence instant on the effectiveness of the method have also been investigated  相似文献   

对上海—西门子型1000 MW汽轮发电机组轴系的西门子技术模化形式进行了分析,根据扭振特性一致原则对西门子技术模化形式的轴系数据进行了等效转换,在此基础上对上海—西门子型1000 MW机组的扭振特性进行了计算分析。  相似文献   

Recently, diagnostic techniques have been investigated to detect a partial discharge (PD) associated with a dielectric material defect in a high-voltage electrical apparatus. Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is an important equipment in a substation, it is highly desirable to measure a partial discharge (PD) occurring in GIS which is a symptom of an insulation breakdown. As it is important to develop a noncontact method for detecting the insulation fault, this paper proposes a new method to detect the wide-band electromagnetic (E-M) wave emitted from PD using the Wavelet transform. The Wavelet transform provides a direct quantitative measure of spectral content, “dynamic spectrum”, in the time-frequency domain. This paper experimentally shows the “dynamic spectrum” of the wide-band E-M wave emitted from PD in the time-frequency domain. This method is shown to be useful for detecting the symptom of the insulation breakdown occurring in GIS  相似文献   

主要研究了上海外高桥电厂二期工程中的 2台 90 0 MW汽轮发电机组的轴系扭振及疲劳寿命损耗。轴系扭振模型采用集中参数等值模型 ,整个轴系分为 6段。计算结果表明 ,机组扭振频率避开了工频与倍频 ,轴系不会因共振而破坏。在短路故障时轴系扭振是安全的  相似文献   

为了提高巴克豪森信号的分析精度,首先分析了巴克豪森信号传统特征提取方法的不足,在希尔伯特黄变换理论分析的基础上提出了一种新的巴克豪森信号特征提取方法,该方法同时包含了时间和频率信息,理论上具有很高的分析精度.通过新特征与传统特征的对比实验发现新特征的用于分类的识别率远远高于传统特征值,而且需要的训练样本量比传统特征值的更小.本文还通过实验发现单个传统特征值用于分类识别的识别率很低,而将传统特征值融合到一起可以明显提高识别率.  相似文献   

This paper eamines the damping effect of flywheel dampers installed at different shaft couplings on torsional oscillations on the 951 MW turbine-generator shafts due to network faults. A studied system is described and torsional fatigue on the turbine shafts following various electrical system disturbances is analyzed and evaluated. Moreover, the influence of the safety factor selected and set at the design stage to the shaft life expenditure due to fatigue damage is also presented. Useful additional insight into their modes of operation is obtained from the fast Fourier transform of the transient response results. All computer simulations thus show that the proposed dampers are effective in suppressing the torsional oscillations on the shafts. In this paper, time-domain torque evaluation is also combined with the fast Fourier transform method to derive a selection procedure for obtaining suitable flywheel dampers to depress the amplitude of these critical shaft oscillations to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

为克服目前小电流接地系统单相故障发生在相电压过零点附近选线方法灵敏度低的缺点,提出了一种基于希尔伯特变换的综合选线判据。将零序电流进行小波包分解的同时,运用希尔伯特变换对分解结果进行瞬时频率分析,计算频带能比因子。将频带能比因子作为启动选线方法的条件,当高频分量多时比较小波高频能量,当低频分量多时比较直流分量能量,将两种方法进行有机综合可以构成完善的故障选线方案。仿真结果表明该方法有效、准确、且适用性强,不受系统结构和运行方式等的影响。  相似文献   

推导了水轮发电机组的电磁力矩和电磁刚度的表达式,建立了考虑转子支臂刚度并在水力转矩和电磁力矩耦合作用下的轴系统机电耦联扭振模型。研究了轴系统扭振特性随转子转动惯量、支臂刚度、转轮水体附加质量的变化规律。分析了不同频率的水力激励对转子扭振响应的影响规律,得出了轴系最大扭矩内力、扭振角和电磁力矩的频响曲线。研究水力激励频率等于零频和一阶频率时的机电耦联共振特性,给出了激磁电流和内功率角对扭振的影响,揭示了机电耦联振动规律,为水电机组的设计与安全稳定运行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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