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It has been demonstrated that Miscanthus and willow energy-crop cultivation could be economically competitive with current agricultural land uses at a farm-gate biomass price ranging from €70 to €130 t−1 dry matter [Styles, D., Thorne, F., Jones, M.B., in review. Energy crops in Ireland: An economic comparison of willow and Miscanthus production with conventional farming systems. Biomass and Bioenergy, May 2006]. This paper uses the same farm-gate prices to calculate the economic competitiveness of energy crop electricity and heat production, using a net-present-value (NPV) approach (20-year period, 5% discount rate). Direct and gasified co-firing of willow wood with coal would result in electricity generation 30% or 37% more expensive than coal generation, at current coal and CO2 allowance prices and a farm-gate biomass cost of €100 t−1. ‘Break-even’ CO2 allowance prices are €33 and €37 t−1, respectively. However, co-firing of Miscanthus with peat is close to economic competitiveness, and would require a CO2 allowance price of €16 t−1 to break-even (against a current price of €12 t−1). NPV analyses indicate that wood heat is significantly cheaper than oil, gas or electric heat, excluding existing wood-boiler installation subsidies. Discounted annual savings range from €143 compared with gas to €722 compared with electric heating at the domestic scale and from €3454 to €11,222 at the commercial scale. Inclusion of available subsidies improves the comparative economics of domestic wood heat substantially. The economic advantage of wood heat is robust to variation in fuel prices, discount rates and heat loads. The greatest obstacles to energy-crop utilisation include: (i) a reluctance to consider long-term economics; (ii) possible competition from cheaper sources of biomass; (iii) the need for a spatially coordinated supply and utilisation network.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which obtain their fuel from the grid by charging a battery, are set to be introduced into the mass market and expected to contribute to oil consumption reduction. In this research, scenarios for 2020 EVs penetration and charging profiles are studied integrated with different hypotheses for electricity production mix. The impacts in load profiles, spot electricity prices and emissions are obtained for the Portuguese case study. Simulations for year 2020, in a scenario of low hydro production and high prices, resulted in energy costs for EVs recharge of 20 cents/kWh, with 2 million EVs charging mainly at evening peak hours. On the other hand, in an off-peak recharge, a high hydro production and low wholesale prices' scenario, recharge costs could be reduced to 5.6 cents/kWh. In these extreme cases, EV's energy prices were between 0.9€ to 3.2€ per 100 km. Reductions in primary energy consumption, fossil fuels use and CO2 emissions of up to 3%, 14% and 10%, respectively, were verified (for a 2 million EVs' penetration and a dry year's off-peak recharge scenario) from the transportation and electricity sectors together when compared with a BAU scenario without EVs.  相似文献   

Microalga Chlorella protothecoides can grow heterotrophically with glucose as the carbon source and accumulate high proportion of lipids. The microalgal lipids are suitable for biodiesel production. To further increase lipid yield and reduce biodiesel cost, sweet sorghum juice was investigated as an alternative carbon source to glucose in the present study. When the initial reducing sugar concentration was 10 g L−1 in the culture medium, the dry cell yield and lipid content were 5.1 g L−1 and 52.5% using enzymatic hydrolyzates of sweet sorghum juice as the carbon source after 120 h-culture in flasks. The lipid yield was 35.7% higher than that using glucose. When 3.0 g L−1 yeast extract was added to the medium, the dry cell yield and lipid productivity was increased to 1.2 g L−1 day−1 and 586.8 mg L−1 day−1. Biodiesel produced from the lipid of C. protothecoides through acid catalyzed transesterification was analyzed by GC–MS, and the three most abundant components were oleic acid methyl ester, cetane acid methyl ester and linoleic acid methyl ester. The results indicate that sweet sorghum juice could effectively enhance algal lipid production, and its application may reduce the cost of algae-based biodiesel.  相似文献   

Due to increasing oil prices and climate change concerns, biodiesel has gained attention as an alternative energy source. Biodiesel derived from microalgae is a potentially renewable and carbon–neutral alternative to petroleum fuels. One of the most important decisions in obtaining oil from microalgae is the choice of algal species to use. Eight microalgae from a total of 33 isolated cultures were selected based on their morphology and ease of cultivation. Five cultures were isolated from river and identified as strains of Scenedesmus obliquus YSR01, Nitzschia cf. pusilla YSR02, Chlorella ellipsoidea YSR03, S. obliquus YSR04, and S. obliquus YSR05, and three were isolated from wastewater and identified as S. obliquus YSW06, Micractinium pusillum YSW07, and Ourococcus multisporus YSW08, based on LSU rDNA (D1-D2) and ITS sequence analyses. S. obliquus YSR01 reached a growth rate of 1.68 ± 0.28 day−1 at 680nm and a biomass concentration of 1.57 ± 0.67 g dwt L−1, with a high lipid content of 58 ± 1.5%. Under similar environmental conditions, M. pusillum reached a growth rate of 2.3 ± 0.55 day−1 and a biomass concentration of 2.28 ± 0.16 g dwt L−1, with a relatively low lipid content of 24 ± 0.5% w/w. The fatty acid compositions of the studied species were mainly myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, g-linolenic, and linolenic acids. Our results suggest that S. obliquus YSR01 can be a possible candidate species for producing oils for biodiesel, based on its high lipid and oleic acid contents.  相似文献   

We examine efficiency, costs and greenhouse gas emissions of current and future electric cars (EV), including the impact from charging EV on electricity demand and infrastructure for generation and distribution.Uncoordinated charging would increase national peak load by 7% at 30% penetration rate of EV and household peak load by 54%, which may exceed the capacity of existing electricity distribution infrastructure. At 30% penetration of EV, off-peak charging would result in a 20% higher, more stable base load and no additional peak load at the national level and up to 7% higher peak load at the household level. Therefore, if off-peak charging is successfully introduced, electric driving need not require additional generation capacity, even in case of 100% switch to electric vehicles.GHG emissions from electric driving depend most on the fuel type (coal or natural gas) used in the generation of electricity for charging, and range between 0 g km−1 (using renewables) and 155 g km−1 (using electricity from an old coal-based plant). Based on the generation capacity projected for the Netherlands in 2015, electricity for EV charging would largely be generated using natural gas, emitting 35-77 g CO2 eq km−1.We find that total cost of ownership (TCO) of current EV are uncompetitive with regular cars and series hybrid cars by more than 800 € year−1. TCO of future wheel motor PHEV may become competitive when batteries cost 400 € kWh−1, even without tax incentives, as long as one battery pack can last for the lifespan of the vehicle. However, TCO of future battery powered cars is at least 25% higher than of series hybrid or regular cars. This cost gap remains unless cost of batteries drops to 150 € kWh−1 in the future. Variations in driving cost from charging patterns have negligible influence on TCO.GHG abatement costs using plug-in hybrid cars are currently 400-1400 € tonne−1 CO2 eq and may come down to −100 to 300 € tonne−1. Abatement cost using battery powered cars are currently above 1900 € tonne−1 and are not projected to drop below 300-800 € tonne−1.  相似文献   

South Korea is an important case study for understanding the future role of nuclear power in countries with on-going economic growth, and limited renewable energy resources. We compared quantitatively the sustainability of two ‘future-mapping’ exercises (the ‘Governmental’ scenario, which relies on fossil fuels, and the Greenpeace scenario, which emphasises renewable energy and excludes nuclear power). The comparison was based on a range of environmental and technological perspectives, and contrasted against two additional nuclear scenarios that instead envisage a dominant role for nuclear energy. Sustainability metrics included energy costs, external costs (greenhouse-gas emissions, air pollutants, land transformation, water consumption and discharge, and safety) and additional costs. The nuclear-centred scenarios yielded the lowest total cost per unit of final energy consumption by 2050 ($14.37 GJ−1), whereas the Greenpeace scenario has the highest ($25.36 GJ−1). We used probabilistic simulations based on multi-factor distributional sampling of impact and cost metrics to estimate the overlapping likelihoods among scenarios to understand the effect of parameter uncertainty on the integrated recommendations. Our simulation modelling implies that, despite inherent uncertainties, pursuing a large-scale expansion of nuclear-power capacity offers the most sustainable pathway for South Korea, and that adopting a nuclear-free pathway will be more costly and produce more greenhouse-gas emissions.  相似文献   

At present, the utilization of timber in the Northern part of the Scottish Highlands is low due to a lack of a wood utilizing industry. As a consequence, the majority of forest owners do not receive any income from timber and in some cases stumpage prices can even be negative. At the same time, increasing prices of oil, gas and electricity pose a great challenge for local industries and homeowners. The establishment of wood fueled heating systems is therefore expected to improve the situation and at the same time create a market for the local timber resources. Consequently, a local energy source to produce heat and electricity at a competitive price would have positive benefits for both local industries and forest owners. Due to the current lack of competition, roundwood could be chipped for fuel, which has many associated benefits compared to the harvesting and chipping of logging residues. It is the aim of this research to apply existing Finnish know-how in regards to wood fuel harvesting in order to develop and investigate the price level of sustainable and local wood fuel supply chains.To determine the most suitable supply chain for forest fuels, various research methods were applied. An estimation of the forest resources in the Wick area was the first step of the research. The different cost components of the supply chain such as cutting, forwarding and chipping were then calculated based on Finnish experiences and adapted to conditions in Northern Scotland. Detailed transportation distance calculations and cost of transportation were calculated using GIS tools.Of the various supply chain designs considered, chipping at the landing seems to be the most suitable option. Chipping the roundwood at a central terminal would also be feasible; however, a suitable site would have to be identified since chipping of the material at the heating plant is not an option. Calculations indicate that forest chips can be delivered starting from approximately 20 € MWh−1 within a 50 km transportation distance when chipping is at roadside. If the transportation distance is 100 km wood chips could be delivered at approximately 23 € MWh−1. Results from the GIS analysis indicate that a sufficient supply of raw material will be available in the future. According to these calculations forest fuels can be a competitive energy source for heat and electricity production in Northern Scotland.  相似文献   

Reed canary grass is a potential bio-energy crop in Northern Europe. As plantation biomass production depends on local pedoclimatic conditions, it is important to evaluate yield in the context of soil-specific characteristics. The current study used regression models to evaluate reed canary grass yield variability in the context of soil nitrogen (N) content and in applied mineral N fertilisers. Reed canary grass bio-energy potential was evaluated in a soil-specific manner to calculate the production and energy use efficiency. Soils with low N content produce yields of almost 1 Mg ha−1 in years with unsuitable weather conditions for plant growth. The average dry matter yield of 6-7 Mg ha−1 is achievable within limited years on soils with N contents of more than 0.6%. Fertilisation increases the yield and decreases yield variability in humus-poor soils, but on soils with high N content, production risks increase with increasing N fertiliser applications. Energy use efficiency decreases with increasing input on Histosols; increasing the input from 6 to 31 GJ ha−1 results in energy use efficiency decreasing from 9 to 2 GJ GJ−1. As a consequence of energy use efficiency, a diminishing return occurs on Haplic Albeluvisol, as optimum efficiency peaks at 5.2 GJ GJ−1 using 198 kg N ha−1. The current study integrated the developed models in the soil Geographic Information System and calculated the energy use efficiency of selected areas. This approach enables researchers to evaluate production risks in the region and provides a framework for knowledge-based bio-energy production.  相似文献   

This paper presents calculations of the social cost of electricity generation from fossil fuels in Greece. The interest of these calculations is that they allow a more realistic comparison between the actual price of electricity and the electricity produced by renewable energy sources, mainly wind and photovoltaic. The estimated social cost of energy was found to be in the range of 7.3–5.4 GRD · kWh−1.  相似文献   

One necessary criterion for a biofuel to be a sustainable alternative to the petroleum fuels it displaces is a positive net energy balance. This study estimated the net energy ratio (NER), net energy balance (NEB), and net energy yield (NEY) of small-scale on-farm production of canola [Brassica napus (L.)] and soybean [Glycine max (L.)] biodiesel in the upper Midwest. Direct and embodied energy inputs based on well-defined system boundaries and contemporary data were used to estimate the energy requirement of crop production, oil extraction, and biofuel processing. The NER of canola biodiesel was 1.78 compared with 2.05 for soybean biodiesel. Canola biodiesel had a NEB of 0.66 MJ MJ−1 of biofuel compared with 0.81 MJ MJ−1 for soybean biodiesel. The NEY of soybean biodiesel was 10,951 MJ ha−1, less than canola biodiesel which had a NEY of 11,353 MJ ha−1. Use of soybean as a biodiesel feedstock was more energetically efficient than canola primarily due to reduced nitrogen fertilizer requirement. In terms of energetic productivity, canola was a more productive biodiesel feedstock than soybean due to its higher oil content. A best-case scenario based on optimal feedstock yields, reduced fertilizer input, and advanced biofuel processing equipment suggested that potential gains in energetic efficiency was greater for canola than soybean. According to our results, small-scale on-farm biodiesel production using canola and soybean can be an energetically efficient way to produce energy for on-farm use.  相似文献   

The partial oxidation (POx) reforming of Ultra Low Sulphur-Diesel (ULSD), rapeseed methyl ester (RME) - biodiesel and Fischer–Tropsch synthetic diesel fuels (SD) were studied by using a fixed-bed reactor. The ease of reforming the three fuels was first examined at different O/C feed ratios at constant gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 35 k h−1 over a prototype monolith catalyst (1%Rh/CeO2–ZrO2). The hydrocarbon species (C1–C6) produced in the reformer were analyzed using direct gas injection gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Under the same O/C ratios for 35 k h−1 the fuels conversion and process efficiency was dependent on the fuel type, and followed the general trend: SD > biodiesel > ULSD. The GC-MS analysis shows that both, biodiesel and ULSD diesel produced significantly higher amounts of alkenes compared to SD fuel. Fuel with relatively high aromatics content such diesel can be efficiently reformed to syngas over the catalyst used in this study but the reformer operating range (e.g. O/C ratio and space velocity) is limited compared to paraffinic fuels such as FT-SD. At increased GHSV of 45 k h−1 and O/C = 1.75, the diesel fuel conversion efficiency to syngas (H2 and CO) was improved significantly and the formation of intermediate species such as methane, ethylene, and propylene was reduced considerably as a result of the increased peak reaction temperatures. The reduced HC species and increased H2 concentration in the reactor product gas from the reforming of FT-SD fuel can provide significant advantages to the IC engine applications.  相似文献   

Environmental compatibility, high flammability, richest in energy per mass unit, and easy conversion into thermal, mechanical and electrical energy are the key advantages of hydrogen fuel, which makes it an idealized vision for future energy as a promising alternative to the diminishing fossil fuels. Unlike the methods very well known in the literature, we used environmental benign photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen production method. Pt is one of the promising electrode materials for PEC method, but high cost makes it impractical for commercialization. A methodology for low Pt loading (7.22 × 10−5 g cm−2) based on electrospray technique is explained for the preparation of hydrogen evolution electrode. The resulted films are annealed at different temperatures and investigated by different characterization techniques that showed surface morphological and compositional changes with annealing temperature. The pores-type structure is transformed to vertically aligned plate-like structure with annealing temperature. After annealing at 400 °C, Pt film is more oxidized and enriching about ∼30% of film surface area with oxidized Pt. The solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency in water splitting was raised from an initial value of 8.4–10.6% and Pt loading was reduced by approximately 1000-fold (from 0.07 to 7.22 × 10−5 g cm−2). Thus, present high efficient hydrogen electrode preparation method utilized less Pt material than the conventional Pt electrode and the efficiency was increased by 26%. This can be scaled up for becoming a volume production low-cost method.  相似文献   

Biomass based oxygenated fuels have been identified as possible replacement of fossil fuel due to pollutant emission reduction and decrease in over-reliance on fossil fuel energy. In this study, 4 v% water-containing ethanol was mixed with (65–90%) diesel using (5–30%) biodiesel (BD) and 1 v% butanol as stabilizer and co-solvent respectively. The fuels were tested against those of biodiesel–diesel fuel blends to investigate the effect of addition of water-containing ethanol for their energy efficiencies and pollutant emissions in a diesel-fueled engine generator. Experimental results indicated that the fuel blend mix containing 4 v% of water-containing ethanol, 1 v% butanol and 5–30 v% of biodiesel yielded stable blends after 30 days standing. BD1041 blend of fuel, which composed of 10 v% biodiesel, 4 v% of water-containing ethanol and 1 v% butanol demonstrated −0.45 to 1.6% increase in brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC, mL kW−1 h−1) as compared to conventional diesel. The better engine performance of BD1041 was as a result of complete combustion, and lower reaction temperature based on the water cooling effect, which reduced emissions to 2.8–6.0% for NOx, 12.6–23.7% particulate matter (PM), 20.4–23.8% total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and 30.8–42.9% total BaPeq between idle mode and 3.2 kW power output of the diesel engine generator. The study indicated that blending diesel with water-containing ethanol could achieve the goal of more green sustainability.  相似文献   

Usually in islands both primary energy sources and drinking water are missing. Additionally, municipal solid waste (MSW) must be managed avoiding exclusive use of landfills, which limits sustainable development. Power generation from MSW incineration contributes significantly to replacing energy produced from fossil fuels and to reduce overall emissions. A solution based on thermodynamics, environmental and economic analyses and 3D-GIS modelling for the afore-mentioned problems for Cape Verde is proposed. This model integrates waste transportation optimisation and incineration with energy recovery combining production of heat and power (CHP), the heat being used for drinking water production. The results show that extraction condensing steam turbines are more suitable when power production is a priority (5.0 MW with 4000 m3/d of drinking water), whereas back-pressure turbines yield 5540–6650 m3/d of drinking water with an additional power production of 3.3–4.7 MW. The environmental and economic assessment performed shows the feasibility of the proposed CHP solution, which brings a considerable reduction in net air emissions (1.6 kt), including a significant decrease in the greenhouse gas emissions (131 ktCO2), and that the revenue from energy sales (€15 million) has potential to balance the incineration cost. Moreover, when terrain relief is accounted for in the route optimisation for minimum fuel consumption, savings up to 11% are obtained.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of redox flow battery (RFB) systems allows the technical and commercial performance of different designs to be predicted without costly lab, pilot and full-scale testing. A numerical model of a redox flow battery was used in conjunction with a simple cost model incorporating capital and operating costs to predict the technical and commercial performance of a 120 MWh/15 MW utility-scale polysulphide-bromine (PSB) storage plant for arbitrage applications. Based on 2006 prices, the system was predicted to make a net loss of 0.45 p kWh−1 at an optimum current density of 500 A m−2 and an energy efficiency of 64%. The system was predicted to become economic for arbitrage (assuming no further costs were incurred) if the rate constants of both electrolytes could be increased to 10−5 m s−1, for example by using a suitable (low cost) electrocatalyst. The economic viability was found to be strongly sensitive to the costs of the electrochemical cells and the electrical energy price differential.  相似文献   

The Biofuels Directive sets reference values for the quantity of biofuels and other renewable fuels to be placed on the transport market. Biogas from agricultural crops can be used to meet this directive. This paper investigates biogas production for three crop rotations: wheat, barley and sugar beet; wheat, wheat and sugar beet; wheat only. A technical and economic analysis for each crop rotation was carried out. It was found that wheat produces significantly more biogas than either barley or sugar beet, when examined on a weight basis. However sugar beet produces more biogas and subsequently more energy when examined on an area basis. When producing biofuels, land is the limiting factor to the quantity of energy that may be produced. Thus if optimising land then a crop rotation of wheat, wheat and sugar beet should be utilised, as this scenario produced the greatest quantity of energy. This scenario has a production cost of €0.90/mN3, therefore, this scenario is competitive with petrol when the price of petrol is at least €1.09/l (VAT is charged at 21%). If optimising the production costs then a crop rotation of wheat only should be utilised when the cost of grain is less than €132/ton. This scenario has the least production cost at €0.83/mN3, therefore, this scenario is competitive with petrol when the price of petrol is at least €1.00/l. But as this scenario produces the least quantity of biogas, it also produces the least quantity of energy. In comparing with other works by the authors it is shown that a biomethane system produces more energy from the same crops at a cheaper cost than an ethanol system.  相似文献   

Against the background of strongly increasing prices for primary energy carriers we examine how trends towards high energy prices could affect the development of the German energy system, the corresponding carbon dioxide emissions as well as costs. With the IKARUS bottom-up time-step model we look at a scenario with steadily increasing prices and a price shock scenario, both compared to a moderate price scenario. The results show that high prices lead to a significant reduction of the total primary energy supply and also structural changes of primary energy supply with less oil and natural gas and a noticeable increase of renewables. The corresponding cumulated CO2 emission reduction for the period 2005–2030 is in the range of 830–1310 Mt or 4.1–6.4% as compared to the reference scenario. In the high price scenario there is a continuous additional decrease of energy demand and emissions while in the price shock scenario we find a temporary minimum around 2015 and subsequently a remarkable relaxation towards the reference scenario. Due to technical measures in the model the extra system costs caused by higher prices are reduced by 65–75 billion 20002000 for the period 2005–2030.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is acclaimed to be an energy carrier of the future. Currently, it is mainly produced by fossil fuels, which release climate-changing emissions. Thermochemical cycles, represented here by the hybrid-sulfur cycle and a metal oxide based cycle, along with electrolysis of water are the most promising processes for ‘clean’ hydrogen mass production for the future. For this comparison study, both thermochemical cycles are operated by concentrated solar thermal power for multistage water splitting. The electricity required for the electrolysis is produced by a parabolic trough power plant. For each process investment, operating and hydrogen production costs were calculated on a 50 MWth scale. The goal is to point out the potential of sustainable hydrogen production using solar energy and thermochemical cycles compared to commercial electrolysis. A sensitivity analysis was carried out for three different cost scenarios. As a result, hydrogen production costs ranging from 3.9–5.6 €/kg for the hybrid-sulfur cycle, 3.5–12.8 €/kg for the metal oxide based cycle and 2.1–6.8 €/kg for electrolysis were obtained.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to estimate GHG emissions and energy balances for the future expansion of sugarcane ethanol fuel production in Mexico with one current and four possible future modalities. We used the life cycle methodology that is recommended by the European Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which distinguished the following five system phases: direct Land Use Change (LUC); crop production; biomass transport to industry; industrial processing; and ethanol transport to admixture plants. Key variables affecting total GHG emissions and fossil energy used in ethanol production were LUC emissions, crop fertilization rates, the proportion of sugarcane areas that are burned to facilitate harvest, fossil fuels used in the industrial phase, and the method for allocation of emissions to co-products. The lower emissions and higher energy ratios that were observed in the present Brazilian case were mainly due to the lesser amount of fertilizers applied, also were due to the shorter distance of sugarcane transport, and to the smaller proportion of sugarcane areas that were burned to facilitate manual harvest. The resulting modality with the lowest emissions of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e) was ethanol produced from direct juice and generating surplus electricity with 36.8 kgCO2e/GJethanol. This was achieved using bagasse as the only fuel source to satisfy industrial phase needs for electricity and steam. Mexican emissions were higher than those calculated for Brazil (27.5 kgCO2e/GJethanol) among all modalities. The Mexican modality with the highest ratio of renewable/fossil energy was also ethanol from sugarcane juice generating surplus electricity with 4.8 GJethanol/GJfossil.  相似文献   

Algal biorefinery-based integrated industrial sector is getting increased attention in United States as a sustainable way of producing biofuel, high value products and feed ingredients. However, coproduct market analysis and water footprint (WFP) of algal biorefineries need to be studied before large scale deployment and adoption of this strategy. This article highlights the coproduct market and WFP analysis of two simulated algal biorefineries. The market analysis of primary product (biodiesel) and coproducts (algal meal (AM), omega-3 fatty acids (O3FA), glycerin) from these biorefineries showed that there is clear market for AM and O3FA up to certain level, there after diversification for other coproducts is desirable. Challenges include, vigorously finding new market and sectors to integrate the products and coproducts. Hence, comprehensive assessment of coproduct market and coproduct diversification among the biorefinery to meet the local needs and to avoid market glut by excessive production of single coproduct is needed. Our analysis also showed the clear advantages for multiproduct paradigm to attain high operational profit and to sustain initial industry developmental phase with clear return on investment. Our WFP analysis showed that algal biodiesel production requires 23–62 L MJ−1 of energy produced and our calculations showed that the energy return on water invested (EROWI) for algal biodiesel at different scenarios ranged between 0.042 and 0.016 MJ. Coproducts market analysis and WFP of algal biorefineries with different production scenarios illustrated the new policy and regulatory needs for the sustainable development of an algal biofuel sector to meet liquid fuel needs.  相似文献   

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