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本文从研究景观生态学的发展和基本理论出发,以广西崇左弄官白头叶猴生态公园规划为例,探讨在生物多样性保护条件下的景观规划途径,寻求生物多样性和生态环境保护可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

生物多样性的保护就是保护人类赖以生存的自然环境。在如今面对如此严重的生物多样性问题,景观生态规划为我们对生物多样性的保护提供了一个全新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

景观生态建设可实现资源节能高效,缓解城市热岛效应,保护生物多样性,降低城市内涝,提高人类发展和资源及环境的可持续性,保护生态系统平衡的目标。本文的研究对象是城市滨水区,通过研究生态驳岸、植物生态配置、生态道路规划、水环境治理等技术,对上海前滩滨水生态进行评价,并对其主要景观要素进行生态设计。  相似文献   

基于10多年来在城市规划和景观设计中荒野生物多样性保护案例的回顾与整理,指出荒野保护包括对荒野地的保护和对不同用地荒野性的保护两个层面。依据荒野的起源可以分为:(1)城市扩张中直接面临对未开发荒野的转化;(2)城市转型中面对棕地(工业用地的退出与转型);(3)废弃地(农田与乡村土地的弃置)的野化;(4)城市收缩中面临人工管理的退出、自然过程的进入等。提出应用野外调研、监测生物多样性和生态评估的方法,构建景观生态评估决策支持系统,在不同规划目标体系下,对荒野生物多样性进行保护规划。虽然中国城乡发展中对生物多样性、荒野保护的认识与制度建设还远远不够,但在城市治理与生产实践中已展开各类实践探索,各个层面决策者保护荒野与生物多样性的主观意愿不断增强,使得基于现场调查与生态评估的景观决策支持系统在荒野生物多样性保护规划中具有了极大的理论与应用价值。从允许开展对城市规划与建设的生物多样性效益后研究,到开展对规划建设前的预研究,到主动进行保护为主的城市发展规划,到生态农业中对生物多样性进行主动保护的探索,10年间,荒野生物多样性保护研究因全社会对生物多样性的认识渐渐深入而越发科学。随着《生物多样性公...  相似文献   

郊野公园是指位于城市郊区、以自然风光为主要内容,满足居民周末出行游憩康乐活动需要的公园。深圳市马峦山郊野公园规划,对郊野公园的生态保护与游憩开发两方面进行了探索性思考,针对二者对立统一的关系,通过规划理念的创新探索、生物多样性调查与研究和景观资源评析,提出郊野公园总体布局、游憩活动策划以及生物多样性保护规划,介绍并阐述了如何在保护的前提下,为市民提供更广泛、更多样的亲近自然的游憩方式,以及确定生态保护与修复的重点。  相似文献   

景观保护设计(Landscape Conservation Design,LCD)是一种动态性的景观保护方法。该方法以保护生物学和景观生态学的原理为基础,运用GIS技术和空间保护规划软件,识别出场地中对物种、生物多样性和生态系统保护具有关键意义的区域和廊道。LCD的结果可以为自然资源和生态保护的决策者提供基于科学的空间保护策略依据。在中国越来越重视自然资源和生态环境保护的今天,在未来城市的建设中,景观保护设计的概念和方法将对我国的自然资源和生态保护规划起到重要的借鉴作用。以美国渔业和野生动物保护局(U.S Fish&Wildlife Conservation Service,USFWS)与佛罗里达大学景观保护规划中心合作完成的佛罗里达州西南部景观保护设计项目为例,从数据基础、研究方法以及规划结果等方面来对景观保护设计进行探讨,并提出景观保护设计理念在我国生物多样性保护及生态文明建设中的应用前景和挑战。  相似文献   

本文研究探讨了空间尺度与生物多样性保护层次的对应关系,认为在城市一区域这一特定尺度上,景观多样性是生物多样性宏观保护的关键层次,基于城市一区域整体环境的系统性和差异性以及生物流与过程,建立城市一区域框架内的生物多样性保护格局。寻找“最优景观格局”就是生物多样性保护规划的核心任务之一,并藉此总结出城市一区域尺度的两种空间类型及其生物多样性保护规划的两种途径:第一种是针对城市基质的区域空间类型提出了“城乡景观格局优化途径”,该途径包括有“集聚间有离析”、“景观安全格局”,“绿色基础设施”3大模式及5大格局优化策略;第二种是针对自然基质的区域空间类型提出的“自然保护区途径”,该途径包含有“保护区圈层”与“保护区网”2大模式以及6大保护区设计原则。  相似文献   

【目的】生物多样性是乡村景观的重要生态基础,无论是在乡村自然景观、生产景观,还是在乡村聚落景观中,生物多样性都是非常重要的组成要素,发挥着重要的生态服务功能。乡村生物多样性的概念、变化、维持机制及保护策略亟待研究。【方法】通过综述国内外乡村生物多样性研究现状及发展趋势,阐述乡村生物多样性概念构架,探讨乡村生物多样性现状及特征,分析乡村生物多样性变化趋势及其影响因子。【结果】乡村生物多样性维持机制既包括由非生物因子调节和生物因子调节的自然机制,也包括人与自然的协同调节机制。【结论】提出乡村生物多样性保护的创新策略,并以重庆梁平区印屏村为例,进行乡村景观营建及生物多样性保育的案例分析。最后,对乡村生物多样性保护的未来发展趋势进行展望,提出乡村生物多样性研究的发展方向和重点研究内容。  相似文献   

郭敏 《中国建材科技》2019,28(3):159-160
城市双修规划背景给景观人提出了新的要求和设计高度,迅速开展兰州市城市景观修补与生态修复工作意义重大。良好的绿地系统景观不仅可以改善兰州的小环境、防风固沙,还可以保护当地的生物多样性,提供给动植物赖以生存的栖息地。良好的景观改造是以保护自然为前提,尽最大可能恢复生态平衡,并且考虑人们的物质和精神需求。  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫传粉服务功能对乡村生物多样性至关重要,亦是中国乡村生态振兴的基础。目前,昆虫传粉服务功能的快速衰退对乡村生物多样性造成威胁,亟待对其保护对策展开深入研究。【方法】通过文献分析,针对国际上昆虫传粉功能保护研究进行系统性梳理。【结果】基于传粉昆虫科学研究协同不同尺度乡村景观特征,已形成“国际—国家—地方”的多层级保护策略体系,其保护途径包括乡村生态系统传粉服务评估、传粉者友好型乡村景观格局优化、作物生境与非作物生境协同管控及多元的支撑措施体系。【结论】提出针对中国农业景观规划实践中传粉昆虫及其传粉服务功能保护策略的优化建议:深化基于传粉昆虫的乡村生物多样性保护政策体系;推动基于传粉者友好型的乡村景观多样性规划;完善基于传粉服务功能提升的生态基础措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the ecological network concept as a suitable basis for inserting biodiversity conservation into sustainable landscape development. For landscapes to be ecologically sustainable, the landscape structure should support those ecological processes required for the landscape to deliver biodiversity services for present and future generations. We first show that in multifunctional, human-dominated landscapes, biodiversity conservation needs a coherent large-scale spatial structure of ecosystems. Theory and empirical knowledge of ecological networks provides a framework for the design of such structures. Secondly, ecological networks can bridge the paradox between reserve conservation (fixing nature in space and time) and development, which implies change. This is because ecological networks can change structure without losing their conservation potential. Thirdly, ecological networks facilitate stakeholder decision-making on feasible biodiversity goals. They help to focus on an effective spatial scale. We conclude that extending the ecological network concept with multifunctional indicators is a promising step towards sustainable landscape development and stakeholder decision-making.  相似文献   

平原农业区的生产和土地利用方式严重影响区域的生物多样性,利用融合多学科的景观空间规划构建有效的评价方法和格局优化模式以实现多样化的生境保护和恢复,提升生物多样性具有重要的作用。以辽宁省黑山县为例,首先梳理了平原农业区对于生物多样性威胁的机制和研究的框架;其次识别平原农业区的特殊生境类型,使用景观格局指数和In VEST模型的生境质量评价构建多尺度生境质量评价机制;同时使用基于图论和电路理论的LinkageMapper软件,识别和分级空间中的重要生态源地、潜在廊道及廊道上的关键夹点区域。结果显示,农业景观中空间异质性和连接性影响生物多样性;研究区有主要生境23类,整体生境质量较差,农田面积较大是造成该问题的主要原因;识别出核心斑块33个,重要廊道34条,通过与卫星图比照,廊道位置与线性生境重合;关键夹点区域位于靠近农村居民点的自然生境上,故营造人类干扰与生态平衡农村居住区是空间规划的重点;同时根据以上研究提出了多尺度的空间规划途径,为平原农业区生境优化和生物多样性保护提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

沈一  陈涛 《中国园林》2005,21(3):6-10
公园是城市中的自然生态斑块之一,它对城市生态环境的改善起着举足轻重的作用。银川大西湖湿地公园规划通过湿地生境系统的保护、再造与利用,营造多样性的生物景观序列,从而构建丰富的景观类型与内容。  相似文献   

戴伟  孙一民 《风景园林》2018,25(4):79-84
在当今世界土地资源极度紧缺的大背景下,研究不同土地利用情景下的生物多样性,评估其达到生物多样性预期目标的能力,已成为土地规划领域的重要研究方向,具有重要的理论研究意义和实践价值。本文在大量文献研究的基础上,简要分析了土地利用对生物多样性的作用机理,详细总结了土地类型组成、土地利用连接度、土地利用强度与土地利用聚合度4个关键性因子对生物多样性绩效影响的研究现状。针对现有研究进展,从多样性指标、生态机制、时空异质性、参与情景模拟、非线性系统规律5个方面阐述了如何进一步完善土地利用与生物多样性的研究内容。研究结果表明,土地利用与生物多样性绩效的关系符合复杂适应性系统在风景园林规划中运用的规律,满足构建研究规划协同实践的概念性框架。进而重点从引导以生物多样性保护为重要目标的用地控制策略、建立多尺度一体化的生物多样性保护格局、发挥不同尺度蓝—绿网络体系的载体作用、构建区域层面的生物多样性发展骨架、提高城市环境下生物多样性的引导措施、推进不确定性规划减少决策风险6个方面提出了土地利用—生物多样性绩效关联分析对风景园林规划中可资借鉴的思考。  相似文献   

Incorporating ecological sustainability into landscape planning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The ecological component is crucial in landscape planning according to the principles of sustainable development. We define “ecologically sustainable landscape” and develop a tool to measure how ecological sustainability is incorporated in landscape plans. This method acknowledges the critical role of spatial scale and pattern to the conservation of biodiversity. The metapopulation concept is used as a spatially explicit ecological theory, appropriate to describe the relation between biodiversity and the pattern of ecosystem patches (“ecosystem network”) in intensively used regions. We propose that ecological sustainability is achieved if quality, area and configuration of the ecosystem network permit target species to persist. A simple decision-making model represents a theoretical framework for a tool comprising two sets of ecological indicators. One set indicates the awareness of actors to consider ecological principles of sustainable planning. The other set indicates their performance to apply these principles quantitatively in designing the ecosystem pattern. The method is applied on a sample of reports on Dutch landscape development plans. A majority of the reports shows awareness of the importance of spatial conditions for achieving planning goals, but perform inadequately on the quantitative indicators. We conclude that the tool could be developed as a guideline and assessment method for the ecological sustainability of landscape plans.  相似文献   

Amenity is a long-standing component of town planning and municipal governance. Biodiversity is a far more recent concept, yet interpreting the conservation mandate in a local context is a significant challenge for landscape and urban planners. This article explores the concepts of amenity and biodiversity and investigates their compatibility in an urbanising world. Their historical expression in law and urban planning is considered, and empirical research on the links between human well-being, green environments and biodiversity is reviewed. We argue that amenity is an underutilised vehicle for achieving biodiversity goals in line with new urban greening paradigms because of its long-standing currency with planning professionals. However, conflict between biodiversity and amenity can arise in practice, depending on a city’s social–ecological context. These challenges can be overcome through setting clear objectives, utilising scientific evidence, engaging with local communities and ensuring landscape policy is sufficiently flexible to accommodate local needs and characteristics.  相似文献   

Greenways are promoted for land conservation in both rural and urban areas, but less attention has been paid to the potential of greenways to serve urban biodiversity conservation goals. This paper presents results of a biodiversity planning study of a highly urbanized environment in Washington, DC (USA) that demonstrate the critical role of ecological greenways and parks in urban species conservation. The Cameron Run study raises fundamental questions about the way biodiversity is defined in urban areas, the scale of analysis required in heterogeneous urban environments, the role of sociocultural factors in urban biodiversity conservation, and the importance of regional greenway connections across the urban gradient.The Cameron Run study is a pilot project for an urban biodiversity information node (UrBIN) in the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) program of the US Geological Survey (USGS). This paper draws connections between the rapidly expanding literature on biodiversity conservation and the smaller, but growing, body of research concerning the ecology of greenways and urban areas, and it does so through the lens of landscape planning. Findings on the Cameron Run watershed are reported, and biodiversity conservation in the watershed is discussed in the context of greenway efforts at local and metropolitan scales.  相似文献   

Strategies for the conservation of biodiversity have historically tended to focus on key sites rather than the wider countryside. It is now widely accepted that both are important for effective countryside management. Landscape ecology offers an organising framework for the integrated study of patches within their surrounding land use matrix, and offers opportunities for the planning and management of large tracts of countryside. An area of proposed substantial land use change in western England is studied in terms of its landscape ecological properties. Preliminary results are reviewed in terms of their potential land use implications.  相似文献   

Strategies for the conservation of biodiversity have historically tended to focus on key sites rather than the wider countryside. It is now widely accepted that both are important for effective countryside management. Landscape ecology offers an organising framework for the integrated study of patches within their surrounding land use matrix, and offers opportunities for the planning and management of large tracts of countryside. An area of proposed substantial land use change in western England is studied in terms of its landscape ecological properties. Preliminary results are reviewed in terms of their potential land use implications.  相似文献   

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