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OBJECTIVES: To clarify the prevalence and mechanism of supraventricular tachycardia in patients with right atrial isomerism. BACKGROUND: Paired SA and dual atrioventricular (AV) nodes have been described in patients with right atrial isomerism. However, the clinical significance remains unclear. METHODS: From 1987 to 1996, a total of 101 patients (61 male, 40 female) and four fetuses were identified with right atrial isomerism. The diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia exclude the tachycardia with prolonged QRS duration or AV dissociation, and primary atrial tachycardia. RESULTS: The median follow-up duration was 38 months (range 0.2-270 months). Supraventricular tachycardia was documented in 25 patients (24.8%) and one fetus (25%) (onset age ranged from prenatal to 14 years old; median 4 years old). Actuarial Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that the probability of being free from tachycardia was 67% and 50% at 6 and 10 years of age, respectively. These tachycardias could be converted by vagal maneuvers in one, verapamil in seven, propranolol in four, digoxin in two, procainamide in one, and rapid pacing in five. Spontaneous conversion was noted in six (including the fetus). Seven cases had received electrophysiological studies. Reciprocating AV tachycardia could be induced in five and echo beats in one. The tachycardia in three patients was documented as incorporating a posterior AV node (antegrade) and an anterior or a lateral AV node (retrograde). Two of them received radiofrequency ablation. Successful ablation in both was obtained by delivering energy during tachycardia, aimed at the earliest retrograde atrial activity and accompanied by junctional ectopic rhythm. The patient with echo beats developed tachycardia soon after operation. CONCLUSIONS: Supraventricular tachycardia is common in patients with right atrial isomerism and can occur during the prenatal stage. Drugs to slow conduction through the AV node may help to terminate the tachycardia. Radiofrequency ablation is a safe and effective treatment alternative to eliminate tachycardia.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of cell death induced by 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) was investigated. FUdR caused cell death to induce dNTP pool imbalance and following DNA double strand breaks in mouse mammary tumor FM3A cells. We isolated a new endonuclease from FUdR-treated cells, named endonuclease S, that played an important role in FUdR-induced cell death. Cells treated with FUdR showed intracellular acidification before cell death formation. We observed that the endonuclease S in acidic cells may lead the DNA fragmentation. On the other hand, we observed that protease inhibitors (such as TLCK, TPCK, PMSF, p-APMSF, Pefabloc SC and Z-Asp-CH2-DCB) blocked intracellular acidification, DNA fragmentation and FUdR-induced cell death. But the inhibitors did not affect dNTP pool imbalance in the cells. These results suggest that proteases act at the point of downstream of dNTP pool imbalance and upstream of the intracellular acidification.  相似文献   

Toxicities of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) and its liposome incorporated dipalmitoyl derivative (FUdR-dipalmitate) to mouse bone marrow, spleen, liver and ileum were compared after treatment for 6 consecutive days. The applied doses of the two formulations, which were shown earlier to have equal antitumor activity in mouse tumor models, were 600 and 2 mumol/kg respectively. When applied in these doses, toxicity to the hemopoietic system, measured as a decreases in progenitor and precursor cells of the erythroid and granuloid/macrophage lineage in bone marrow and spleen, was more severe for FUdR than for liposomal FUdR-dipalmitate. In the liver, mitotic figures, as indicators of cell division, were absent for both drugs while in control livers the number of cells in mitosis was approximately 2%. Toxicity to the ileum was more severe for liposomal FUdR-dipalmitate than for FUdR and was manifested by granulocyte infiltration, the presence of cell debris, loss of columnar epithelial cells and enlarged nuclei with prominent nucleoli in these cells. Thus, by prolonging the retention time of FUdR in vivo, using liposomes as a vehicle and FUdR-dipalmitate as a lipophilic prodrug, the dose-limiting toxicity appears to shift from bone marrow to the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

A previous study has shown that lipophilic prodrugs can be delivered efficiently to normal lung endothelium by incorporation into liposomes covalently conjugated to monoclonal antibody (mAb) 34A against the lung endothelial anticoagulant protein thrombomodulin. In the present study, the potential use of these lung-targeted immunoliposomes (34A-liposomes) for delivery of a lipophilic prodrug, 3',5'-O-dipalmitoyl-5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (dpFUdR), to the tumor-bearing lung was examined using BALB/c mice bearing experimental lung metastasis induced by i.v. injection of EMT-6 mouse mammary tumor cells. Immunohistochemical examination of the tumor-bearing lung showed specificity of mAb 34A to lung endothelium. Tumor cells appeared to localize just outside of the normal blood vessels and were within a small diffusion distance from the mAb 34A-binding sites. 111In-labeled 34A-liposomes containing monosialoganglioside (GM1) were prepared that included [3H]-dpFUdR at 3.0 mol% in the lipid mixture. In vitro cell binding studies further demonstrated that 34A-liposomes bound specifically to normal mouse lung cells that expressed thrombomodulin but not to EMT-6 cells. Biodistribution study showed efficient and immunospecific accumulation of [3H]-dpFUdR incorporated into 34A-liposomes in the lung at a level parallel with that of 111In-labeled 34A-liposomes, indicating that the drug is delivered to the target organ in intact liposomes. Liposomal dpFUdR appeared to be metabolized in the lung to the parent drug FUdR at a rate slower than in the liver and spleen. Furthermore, treatment of lung-metastasis-bearing mice with dpFUdR incorporated into 34A-liposomes on days 1 and 3 after tumor cell injection resulted in a significant increase in the median survival time of treated mice as compared with control mice (%T/C value, 165%). dpFUdR either dispersed in emulsion or incorporated into antibody-free liposomes was ineffective in prolonging the survival of mice. These results indicate the potential effectiveness of organ-specific immunoliposomes containing a lipophilic prodrug for the targeted therapy of metastatic tumors.  相似文献   

Despite more than 30 years of intensive studies on new drugs against advanced colorectal cancer, the fluoropyrimidines remain the drugs of choice for systemic treatment and for hepatic artery infusion (HAI). This overview describes new developments in advanced colorectal cancer chemotherapy, providing a rationale for more effective use of the fluoropyrimidines, with biochemical modulation, scheduling or by revealing biochemical mechanisms of action that correlate with antitumour activity. In human colorectal cancer cell lines and various animal tumour model systems 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) is more effective than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Comparably, FdUrd's modulation by leucovorin (LV) is more potent than 5-FU. In animal studies it is shown that intermittent high-bolus administration of FdUrd generates better antitumour activity, compared with equal toxic doses or any other schedule of 5-FU. These effects are related to prolonged-thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibition and the prevention of TS induction, rather than RNA incorporation. Preclinical studies with modulators such as N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA), WR-2721, mitomycin C and platinum derivatives provide a rationale for clinical use in the future. The first choice systemic chemotherapy of patients with advanced colorectal cancer remains 5-FU combined with LV. Some improvement in therapeutic efficacy has been achieved with locoregional HAI. In randomised studies HAI FdUrd improves the quality of life and survival as compared with optimal systemic therapy. Chronomodulation decreases toxicity, allowing dose intensification, while modulators such as LV or dexamethasone increase survival of patients treated with HAI FdUrd to 86% after 1 year. In conclusion, the clinical use of FdUrd has not been fully explored. Intermittent high-dose FdUrd, chronomodulation together with the use of modulators or drugs focused on prolonged TS inhibition, should be studied in large randomised studies.  相似文献   

Shionogi Carcinoma 115 (SC 115) cells are a cloned cell line derived from androgen-dependent mouse mammary tumor. They can grow in serum-free culture if a physiological level of androgen is present in the medium, but can not proliferate in culture without testosterone. In the present study, the mechanism of cell death in SC 115 cells after androgen withdrawal was examined. Based upon the temporal sequence of DNA fragmentation, morphologic changes and loss of cell viability, androgen withdrawal induces programmed cell death (apoptosis) of SC 115 cells in serum-free culture. Northern blot analysis was used to identify a series of genes whose expression per cell is enhanced during the recruitment of cells from a nonproliferative (i.e. G0) state into G1 (i.e.,cyclins D1 and C), from G1 into the S phase of the cell cycle (i.e., cdk2), and during the programmed cell death pathway (i.e. testosterone repressed prostatic message-2 (TRPM-2), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and glucose regulated 78 kilodalton protein (GRP-78). Expression of TRPM-2, TGF-beta1, GRP-78, and calmodulin genes increases, but that of cyclins C and D1, and cdk2 genes decreases during programmed cell death of SC 115 cells. These results demonstrate that androgen-dependent SC 115 cells undergo programmed cell death induced by androgen withdrawal, and that this death does not require proliferation or progression into G1 of the proliferative cell cycle. SC 115 cells should be a good model for investigating programmed death of hormone-dependent cancer.  相似文献   

To evaluate the possible intrathecal use of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) for neoplastic meningitis, its antitumor activity and neurotoxicity in vivo were assessed. FdUrd at doses in the range 5-100 microg/animal was effective against meningeal carcinomatosis using Walker 256 carcinoma cells in rats and MM46 mammary cancer cells in mice and against meningeal gliomatosis using 203 glioma cells in mice. After four intrathecal injections, FdUrd at these doses also showed minimal neurotoxicity in the C57BL/6 mouse brain. To estimate the mechanism of FdUrd efficacy, thymidine phosphorylase (TPase) and thymidine kinase (TK), key enzymes in the metabolism of FdUrd, were measured in rat, mouse and normal human brain tissue, and in human brain tumor tissues and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with malignant brain tumors including meningeal carcinomatosis. TPase levels were lower in brain and malignant brain tumors than in other organs and their tumors. Moreover, the activity of TPase in the gray matter of human brain, which faces the cerebrospinal fluid across the cortical surface and into which malignant cells invade in meningeal carcinomatosis, was lower than that in the white matter. TK was undetectable, and TPase was detected (at very low concentrations) in only 4 of 56 patients with brain tumors or meningeal carcinomatosis. These findings indicate that brain tissue and CSF are favorable sites for FdUrd chemotherapy because the rate of conversion of FdUrd to 5-FU would be minimal. In conclusion, FdUrd is potentially useful for intrathecal treatment of neoplastic meningitis from primary brain tumors and systemic cancer.  相似文献   

The combined cytotoxic effects of the antimetabolites gemcitabine (dFdCyd) and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) were studied. Cytotoxicity, biochemical perturbations, and DNA damage seen with dFdCyd and FdUrd alone and in combination were evaluated in HT-29 human colon cancer cells. A 4-h exposure to dFdCyd followed by FdUrd for 24 h produced more than additive cytotoxicity and marked S-phase accumulation. Cells progressed through the cell cycle, however, after a 22-h drug-free interval. [3H]dFdCyd was rapidly metabolized to the 5'-triphosphate and incorporated into DNA. [3H]FdUrd was anabolized exclusively to FdUrd monophosphate, and preexposure to dFdCyd did not affect FdUrd monophosphate formation. Thymidylate synthase catalytic activity was inhibited by 48% after a 4-h exposure to 10 nM FdUrd and by 80% after exposure to the combination. Sequential 4-h exposures to 15 nM dFdCyd and 10 nM FdUrd led to greater depletion of dTTP pools (29% of control) than with either drug alone. Greater effects on nascent DNA integrity were seen with sequential dFdCyd followed by FdUrd. Although parental DNA damage was not evident immediately after exposure to 15 nM dFdCyd for 4 h followed by 10 nM FdUrd for 24 h, high molecular mass DNA fragmentation was evident 72-96 h after drug removal. Sequential dFdCyd/FdUrd was associated with prominent disturbance of the cell cycle, dTTP pool depletion, dATP/dTTP imbalance, and nascent DNA damage. Induction of double-strand parental DNA damage and cell death was delayed, consistent with postmitotic apoptosis.  相似文献   

The characterization of cell death induced by 1-(3-C-ethynyl-beta-D- ribopentofuranosyl) cytosine (ECyd), a potent inhibitor of RNA synthesis, was performed using mouse mammary tumor FM3A cells in vitro. Accompanied with the cell death induced by ECyd (3.0 muM) -treatment, about 100-200 kbp-sized and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation were observed by orthogonal-field-alternation gel electrophoresis (OFAGE) and conventional gel electrophoresis, respectively. Protease inhibitors, carbobenzoxy-L-aspart-1-yl[(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)oxy]methane (Z-Asp-CH2-DCB), N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) and N-p-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (TPCK), effectively blocked the cell death, suggesting that the proteases inhibited by Z-Asp-CH2-DCB, TLCK or TPCK were involved in the process of cell death.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FrdU) on the developing brain and postpubertal reproductive function of male mouse offspring treated prenatally was investigated. FrdU was administered intraperitoneally to pregnant ICR mice at 1.5, 3, 6, 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation or 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg/day on days 14 through 18 of gestation. Dams were allowed to deliver spontaneously. Dams treated with FrdU at 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation did not deliver because of entire intrauterine death of embryos. Male offspring were aged for 10 or 15 weeks and then cohabited with untreated female mice for assessment of reproductive performance. Histological examination of the testis, epididymis, prostate, and seminal vesicle of offspring at 12 weeks of age, and sperm analysis of offspring at 12 or 17 weeks of age were performed. Dose-dependent decreases in body weight gain were noticed throughout the life of offspring. A marked decrease in the copulation rate was noted in the group treated with FrdU at 6 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation. However, neither histological examination of testes and sex-accessory glands nor sperm analysis revealed adverse effects of FrdU on the reproductive function in the male offspring of dams treated with FrdU at 6 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation. There were no significant differences in the relative weight of testes and epididymides between the group treated with FrdU at 6 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation and the control group. Absolute brain weight in the groups treated with FrdU on days 8 through 13 of gestation significantly decreased, while relative brain weight increased in the group treated at 6 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13, and at 25 and 50 mg/kg/day on days 14 through 18 of gestation. Dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles was observed in all of the male offspring of dams treated with FrdU at 6 mg/kg/day on days 8 through 13 of gestation, when inspected at 12 and 17 weeks of age. In the subsequent study, ICR mice were treated intraperitoneally with FrdU at 6.25-100 mg/kg on day 12 of gestation, and the fetuses obtained 24 h after treatment. Histological observation was performed in the ventricular zone of telencephalon, and in the ependymal and mantle layers of diencephalon in the fetal brain. The incidence of pyknotic cells in these areas was increased linearly with increasing FrdU dose. From these results and our previous findings, we suggest that damage to the central nervous system, a substantial neuronal deficit, resulting from excessive cell death in the developing brain may lead to reproductive dysfunction after puberty.  相似文献   

A method is described that permits the selection of spontaneously transformed mammary epithelial colonies from an untransformed mouse mammary epithelial cell line, NMuMG, and utilizes a long-term anchorage-independent growth of the transformants on soft agarose. These transformed cells (NMuMG-ST) are shown to be distinguishable from the untransformed cells by morphology, growth characteristics, induced carcinomas when transplanted into nude mice and ability to metastasize. This transformed phenotype displayed focal, multilayer growth and higher saturation density in comparison with the untransformed phenotype. Transplanted tumors as well as metastatic lung tumors in nude mice were adenocarcinomas morphologically similar to typical mammary tumors in humans. This selection procedure of mutant mammary cells from an immortalized cell line derived from normal mammary glands could be very useful to identify the genomic biomarkers in the growth regulation and malignant progression of breast cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of cyclosporine (CsA)-induced nephrotoxicity are not fully understood. While hemodynamic changes may be involved in vivo, there is also some evidence for tubular involvement. We previously showed direct toxicity of CsA in the LLC-PK1 renal tubular cell line. In the current study we examined mechanisms (apoptosis or necrosis) of cell death induced by CsA in the LLC-PK1 renal proximal tubular cell line. The possible role of the Fas (APO-1/CD95) antigen-Fas ligand system in the mediation of CsA-induced cell death was also investigated. METHODS: Cells were treated with CsA (0.42 nM to 83 microM) for 24 hours and alterations in DNA and protein synthesis and membrane integrity were examined. Flow cytometry was used to investigate: (i) alterations in the DNA content and cell cycle; (ii) the forward (FSC) and side (SSC) light scattering properties (indicators of cell size and granularity, respectively); (iii) the externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS) as a marker of early apoptosis using FITC-annexin V binding; and (iv) expression of the apoptotic Fas protein. DNA fragmentation in apoptotic cells was also determined by the TUNEL assay. RESULTS: CsA (all doses) caused a block in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle as indicated by a decrease in DNA synthesis and supported by an increase in the % of cells in the G0/G1 phase with concurrent decreases of those in the S and G2/M phases. The effect on protein synthesis appeared to be much less. Lower doses of CsA (4.2 nM) caused the appearance of a "sub-G0/G1" peak, indicative of reduced DNA content, on the DNA histogram that was paralleled by a reduction in cell size and an increased cell granularity and an increase in FITC-annexin V binding. DNA fragmentation was evident in these cells as assessed using the TUNEL assay. Higher doses of CsA increased cell size and decreased cell granularity and reduced membrane integrity. Expression of Fas, the cell surface molecule that stimulates apoptosis, was increased following low dose CsA exposure. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that CsA is directly toxic to LLC-PK1 cells with reduced DNA synthesis and cell cycle blockade. The mode of cell death, namely apoptosis or necrosis, is dose dependent. Fas may be an important mediator of CsA induced apoptosis in renal proximal tubular cells.  相似文献   

As well as many other hormones and growth factors, insulin is known to influence several processes in the CNS; its specific effects, however, are still poorly understood. Neuroblastoma cell lines represent a useful experimental system for the analysis of the insulin-specific effect on neurons, in the absence of possible regulatory mechanisms elicited by other neuronal/glial cells and/or soluble factors. The expression and the binding properties of insulin receptors, as well as the insulin effects on both membrane fluidity and cell surface architecture, have been investigated in 41A3 mouse neuroblastoma cells, by radioligand-binding fluorescence spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively the same cells, insulin-induced modifications on cytoskeletal organisation also have been studied. Binding studies were performed using 125I-insulin, while the cationic fluorescent probe trimethylammonium 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene was used for biophysical investigations. The results presented in this paper provide evidence that insulin interacts with 41A3 neuroblastoma cells through a receptor-mediated mechanism and that, in these cells, insulin binding modifies the cell surface morphology and stimulates endocytosis.  相似文献   

In recent work we showed that the EGF receptor (EGFr) was activated in tumor promoter treated mouse epidermis (Cell Growth & Differentiation, 6: 1447-1455, 1995). In the present study, we have investigated the possible role of other erbB family members in the process of tumor promotion. Both erbB2 and erbB3, but not erbB4, were expressed in cultured mouse keratinocytes and in mouse epidermis in vivo. In cultured mouse keratinocytes, EGF stimulated rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of erbB2 followed by a time-dependent degradation of erbB2 protein. Furthermore, an increase in erbB2:EGFr heterodimer formation was also induced by EGF. In contrast to the results with erbB2, EGF did not induce tyrosine phosphorylation, the degradation of erbB3, or erbB3:EGFr heterodimer formation in cultured keratinocytes. Further analyses revealed that c-src kinase activity was dramatically elevated in cultured mouse keratinocytes exposed to EGF. In mouse epidermis following multiple treatments with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), the phosphotyrosine content of erbB2 was significantly elevated in a dose-dependent manner. Concomittantly, erbB2:EGFr heterodimer formation and c-src kinase activity were also elevated in TPA-treated epidermis. Structure-activity relationships with several phorbol ester analogs showed that the elevated phosphorylation of erbB2 in mouse epidermis followed closely with tumor promoting ability. Activation of erbB2 and c-src kinase were also observed in the epidermis of TGF alpha transgenic mice where expression of human TGF alpha was targeted to basal keratinocytes with the human K14 promoter. Collectively, the current data suggest that the activation of erbB2 in phorbol ester treated skin can be explained solely by a mechanism involving elevation of EGFr ligands and activation of the EGFr. In addition, activation of c-src may be an important downstream effector in mouse keratinocytes both in vivo and in vitro, following activation of the EGFr, erbB2, or both.  相似文献   

Chronic infection with Taenia crassiceps cysticerci produces a 200-fold increase in serum estradiol levels in male mice. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression pattern of c-fos and c-jun, two estradiol-regulated genes, as well as that of p53 and bcl2 in the testes, spleen, and thymus of male mice infected with T. crassiceps cysticerci. In parasitized animals the c-fos mRNA content was significantly increased in all tissues studied, whereas the c-jun mRNA content was increased only in the thymus. The p53 mRNA content was markedly reduced in all tissues of the parasitized animals analyzed, whereas bcl-2 gene expression was abolished in the thymus. On the other hand, thymic cell analysis performed by flow cytometry showed a diminution in the content of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ subpopulations in the parasitized mice. Our results suggest that the increase in estradiol levels of the host should change the expression pattern of several genes that participate in apoptosis regulation in the thymus of male mice during chronic infection with T. crassiceps cysticerci.  相似文献   

Cells normally have five options. These include renewal or proliferation, terminal differentiation, quiescence, senescence, and apoptosis. Many factors interact with cell cycle regulators to direct the cells toward these different options. Tumor suppressor genes play a pivotal role in this process. Alterations in these genes may limit the options that cells have and thus play a significant role in the multistep process of carcinogenesis. We will focus on tumor suppressor genes and especially tumor suppressor genes that interact directly with the cell cycle proteins.  相似文献   

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