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The grade of service of an alternate route is normally based on the average of several hourly blocking probabilities of the alternate route. The contemporary method for estimating the grade of service of an alternate route requires adjustment to the average traffic loads with appropriate correction factors in order to gain sufficient accuracy. This paper introduces the equivalent trunks technique, which can be used for approximating the alternate route grade of service without the need of adjustment to the average traffic loads. Thus, the technique is simple to use. In comparison with the results obtained by the present relatively complex method and the measured data, this technique is shown to give good accuracy. It is suggested that the preparation of engineering charts based on this technique would considerably further enhance the simplicity of its use for alternate route engineering.  相似文献   

流量工程技术的目的是优化网络运行性能,实现网络资源的最优化利用。而且随着网络迅速发展,网络流量的激增特别是突发流量的增加都对作为骨干网的光网络的性能提出新的要求。本文首先简要介绍MPLS网络的流量工程机制,然后重点介绍GMPLS路由协议的流量工程扩展,以及两种不同约束路由计算机制,分别是在线进行路径计算的基于约束最短路径优先算法和离线路径计算的基于设计路由算法。  相似文献   

We present a synthesis technique for circular arrays of antennas that allows to determine an array pattern having side lobes of assigned level and one main beam whose width does not exceed a prescribed threshold. The method develops in two steps. At first it generates, by means of a suitable Chebyshev polynomial, a reference pattern satisfying the conditions imposed by the synthesis problem. Subsequently, it determines the solution as the array pattern minimizing the mean-square distance from the reference pattern. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

通过回顾现有的其他网络流量技术,分析了小波在长相关流量工程中的应用,通过比较,讨论了基于小波的流量模型的优势,并预测了小波在未来流量工程研究中的发展方向。  相似文献   

含强散射体的随机混合媒质的等效电磁参数   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将只能分析两种电介质的广义多重散射理论推广到(n+1)种电磁混合介质的情况,并在此基础上导出了椭球状粒子的混合随机媒质的等效电磁参数ε_(ell)和ε_(ell)的计算公式,在一定程度上解决了含有金属粒子等强散射场的混合随机媒质问题。讨论了本文理论与其他理论的关系。理论计算值与实际测量数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

IP networks have established as a global telecommunication platform with increasing user population and an extending spectrum of services. The traffic is also steadily increasing, recently driven by peer to peer networking in addition to client server based applications. Network planers and operators have to ensure the scalability of IP platforms in a permanent upgrade process for transmission capacities. At present, Deutsche Telekom and other telecommunication network providers are introducing traffic engineering methods to achieve an optimum resource utilization.In a first step, traffic engineering can be applied to a predefined network topology, but a comprehensive approach has to be coordinated with a process for upgrading the link capacities and has to prepare for relevant failure scenarios. We have evaluated the efficiency of traffic engineering together with simple link upgrade strategies in order to get a maximum throughput. Therefore a predefined traffic matrix T is taken into account. The optimization goal is to scale the traffic matrix by a maximum factor max such that the traffic demand max T can still be carried on the available network resources. The influence of the network topology on the evaluation results is shown in examples with regard to single link failures.  相似文献   

因特网上的MPLS流量工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要讨论因特网上多协议标记交换(MPLS)流量工程,首先简述了MPLS、约束路由技术以及增强链路状态内部网关协议,然后讨论了设计MPLS流量工程系统的主要问题,接着说明了配置MPLS流量工程系统的步骤,最后阐述了MPLS网络的QoS机制。  相似文献   

本文分析了纯ALOHA和时隙ALOHA的工作原理 ,给出了两者吞吐量的性能表达式 ,并作出了比较。最后介绍了扩展ALOHA在WCDMA中的应用。  相似文献   

在随机业务条件下,用离线分析法对单层和双层卫星光网络星间激光链路容量进行了优化.引入3种不同特征的网络业务,定量分析了业务分布对系统容量设计的影响.仿真结果表明,优化链路容量在高斯业务条件下变化最缓慢,其次为指数分布和均匀分布业务.研究结果可为卫星光网络链路容量规划提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

介绍了有线电视网络中支持数据业务传输的网络结构,指出了采用流量疏导技术不仅能有效解决有线电视传输网中的瓶颈问题,而且还能达到网络的带宽-成本优化.采用港湾公司的OpCity MSTP光传输设备来构造有线电视网络的数据业务传输,由于OpCity MSTP系列设备具有流量疏导功能及其它卓越的数据业务特性,从而能实现有线电视网络的流量优化和成本的降低.  相似文献   

交通异常事件的检测一直以来都是高速公路监控系统的难点和重点。现有的交通异常事件检测系统在实际应用中检测效果不很理想。而数据融合技术是近年来发展起来的一种新的信息综合处理方法,目前已经在ITS中有许多尝试。本文简述了交通异常事件检测的基本原理,并通过对数据融合基本理论的总结与剖析,重点阐述了数据融合的3个层次(数据级融合、特征级融合、决策级融合)在交通异常检测中的具体应用以及交通异常事件检测的数据融合系统模型。应用数据融合技术的交通事件检测系统能提高系统的有效性,得到最佳协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

流量工程(TE)是目前IETF和大型的Internet服务商正在深入讨论的热门话题,本文介绍了在流量工程环境网络中的IP路由器人有的路由和转发功能,以及目前关于流量工程问题讨论中的主要解决方案。  相似文献   

一种实现流量工程的约束路由算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种在动态网络中实现流量工程的分布式约束路由算法。该算法以增强型内部网关路由协议(EIGRP)收集网络资源信息,以优化的泛洪算法来获取显示路由。该算法采用延时和带宽为约束条件,其实现简单,满足动态组网的要求,并避免了传统泛洪机制在寻路过程中造成的网络资源的浪费。最后,给出了算法的实现框架。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Several techniques are available for face age progression still identity preservation as well age estimation accuracy are big challenges and need attention. So,...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The lightweight cryptography (LWC) is an interesting research area in the field of information security. So, different lightweight mechanisms have been developed...  相似文献   

根据工程项目中文本特点与用户业务需求,基于向量空间模型,结合示例检索与分类检索技术,设计与实现了文本分类检索系统,以面向对象中类图模型形式描述了系统的实现方法。为解决工程应用中出现的性能等问题,提出了各种改进优化方法,如采用特征提取将向量降维,减少存储空间,提高计算速度;采用分类检索缩小搜索范围,缩小检索时间;定时增量更新向量空间提高处理速度,最终使系统成功应用到了工程项目中。  相似文献   

基于最小干扰路由的流量工程动态路由算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析目前流量工程动态路由算法研究现状,以提高网络吞吐量为目标,提出一种改进的流量工程动态路由算法,综合考虑了网络拓扑和流量分布状况,提出分级的链路关键度定义,将流量工程目标有效转化为路径约束。仿真结果表明所提算法性能比Kodialam算法及其它几种典型的动态路由算法好。  相似文献   

张力军 《电子学报》1995,23(4):104-106
本文指出了一般文献中阐述的复信号常规正交条件并不是通信系统中实带通信号复包络正交的必要条件。作者根据等效低通法,利用实带通信号复包络的复互相关函数导出了两个实带通信号复包络的等效正交条件。它可广泛地应用于通信系统带通信号正交性分析。本文着重从同一子信道和相邻子信道两个方面全面地分析OQAM信号的正交性。  相似文献   

武家春  杨铮  李立 《数据通信》2001,(2):13-16,20
MPLS的一个重要的优势在于它可以通过基于限制路由技术对流量工程给予强大支持。为了支持基于限制路由,MPLS对原有的LDP进行扩展得到了CR-LDP。本文结合与MPLS原来采用的LDP的比较,阐述了CR-LDP在显式路由、流量参数、路由锁定、抢占、资源分类以及标签请求和标签映射消息等方面的特点,进一步论证了CR-LDP在流量工程方面的优势。  相似文献   

The scheduling scheme in packet switching networks is one of the most critical features that can affect the performance of the network. Hence, many scheduling algorithms have been suggested and some indices, such as fairness and latency, have been proposed for the comparison of their performances. While the nature of Internet traffic is bursty, traditional scheduling algorithms try to smooth the traffic and serve the users based on this smoothed traffic. As a result, the fairness index mainly considers this smoothed traffic and the service rate as the main parameter to differentiate among different sessions or flows. This work uses burstiness as a differentiating factor to evaluate scheduling algorithms proposed in the literature. To achieve this goal, a new index that evaluates the performance of a scheduler with bursty traffic is introduced. Additionally, this paper introduces a new scheduler that not only uses arrival rates but also considers burstiness parameters in its scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

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