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The prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was studied in 103 cases of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS), 134 control cases with a variety of illnesses including hepatointestinal schistosomiasis, and 600 blood donors, in an area endemic for both schisfosomiasis and viral hepatitis. The patients with HSS proved to be persistent carriers for HBsAg in a significantly higher proportion than the other two groups of cases. The HSS cases who were carriers of HBsAg had more clinical signs of chronic liver disease and strikingly more chronic inflammation of the portal spaces on liver biopsy. It is suggested that abnormal immunological responses in patients with HSS makes them more susceptible to become carriers of HBsAg and that the addition of this injurious factor makes their basic disease worse, and may be responsible for the development of cirrhosis in some cases.  相似文献   

Various flavoring agents were evaluated as to their ability to improve the taste acceptability of Vivovnex-HN, a potent oral hyperalimentation diet. Several imitation flavors were incorporated into the Vivonex-HN powder in different concentrations with and without an artificial sweetener. The mixtures were rated by a taste panel. Among the unsweetened flavors, spray-dried orange juice, Sealva imitation mint No.381 and cherry mint imitation appeared to be the most acceptable flavors. Among the individual flavors sweetened with 0.025% sodium saccharin, rum, strawberry and raspberry proved to be the most acceptable. Among all of the formulations studied, a combination of rum, strawberry and raspberry with 0.025% sodium saccharin was found to be optimal.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B is a very important public health problem. Epidemiologic studies have shown a relationship between the hepatitis B virus (HBV) chronic carrier state and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. HBV belongs to the Hepadna viruses family which includes the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), Woodchucks infected with WHV represent a good experimental model to study the viral oncogenesis. In 85% of the studied cases, WHV acts by insertional mutagenesis in a gene of the myc family, mostly the N-myc2 gene. Expression of the myc genes is increased, suggesting the role of the viral enhancer. Study of transgenic mice have shown the liver specificity of the WHV action. In man, the liver oncogenesis is not explained. Studies are in progress to detect inactivation of tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   

Purified 22-nm forms of hepatitis B surface antigen (Hbsag) representing the three major antigenic subtypes (adw, ayw, and adr) were analyzed for their constituent polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No consistent difference in either the number or relative distributions of the polypeptides was observed for the various subtypes. Seven polypeptides were designated as P-1 through P-7 in order of their decreasing mobilities. By comparison with protein standards, their molecular weights were estimated as 23, 29.5, 36, 41.5, 53.5, 72, and 97 thousand. The P-1 and P-2 components represented the major polypeptides; P-2 and P-5 might by glycoproteins, based on their reaction with periodic acid-Shiff reagent. Each polypeptide contains cysteine residues. HBSAg was radiolabeled with 3H or 14C by reductive methylation or iodinated with 125I by the chloramine-T or lactoperoxidase procedures. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled HBSAg yielded patterns identical to those obtained with protein stain. Comparison of HBSAg labeled by the chloramine-T and lactoperoxide procedures indicated that there was no distinction between internal or external components within the 22-nm structure.  相似文献   

Genetic immunization is a potentially useful strategy to prevent or treat hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We have previously shown that HBV envelope proteins are highly immunogenic using this technique. The large envelope protein (LHBs), however, induced significantly weaker humoral and cellular immune responses when compared with the middle envelope protein (MHBs). We studied the effect of co-immunizations with cytokine DNA expression constructs encoding for interleukin (IL)-2 and (GM-CSF) on the immunogenicity of LHBs at the B-and T-cell level. Co-immunizations of mice with plasmids encoding for MHBs and IL-2 or GM-CSF increased anti-HBs responses, helper T-cell proliferative activity, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) killing. In contrast, co-immunizations of plasmids encoding for LHBs and IL-2 or GM-CSF had no effect on humoral and cellular immune responses. LHBs did not inhibit the production or secretion of IL-2 and GM-CSF. In addition, IL-2, tumor necrosis factor alfa (TNF-alpha), and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) had no suppressive effect on HBV envelope protein expression in vitro. Based on these data, MHBs, but not LHBs, genetic immunization can be augmented by IL-2 or GM-CSF cytokines.  相似文献   

Renal dialysis patients are well known to have a high incidence of hepatitis B carrier state. In studying a group of 63 long-term dialysis patients, 10 were found to be positive for hepatitis B surface antigen by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Surprisingly, however, only three of these RIA positive patients were positive by counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP). The discrepancy could not be accounted for by the difference in sensitivity of the two methods. The cause for the negative reactions by CIEP in seven patients was found to be the marked excess surface antigen in these sera which produced false negative results by the postzone phenomenon. After dilution all seven sera were positive by CIEP, requiring a dilution up to 1/20 to produce a positive result. Also, all seven sera were positive by the less sensitive Ouchterlony double diffusion.  相似文献   

Sixty-one dental surgeons at King's College Hospital were interviewed to establish the incidence of attacks of viral hepatitis and to relate this to environmental risk factors. Six (10%) had a history of hepatitis, in one case due to infection with the hepatitis B virus. Screening blood for HBsAg by radioimmunoassay showed no carriers of the antigen, but transient antigenaemia was observed in one dentist. Antibody to HBsAg, tested by radioimmunoassay, was detected in four dentists (7%), only one of whom had had clinical hepatitis. Dental surgeons may be more at risk from infection with the hepatitis B virus than the general population, although this should be minimised in hospital practice, where the most infected patients will already have been identified and appropriate precautions can be taken. The risk of transmission from an antigen-positive dentist to his patients is probably much smaller, and there is no evidence to restrict his clinical activities.  相似文献   

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