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文中基于有限体积海岸海洋模型FVCOM,建立了辽河口三维水动力数值模型,利用潮位、流速实测资料对模型进行验证并分析辽河口三维水动力运动特性,可为进一步研究辽河口泥沙运动及盐度、污染物扩散等提供基础。  相似文献   

基于非结构化网格的海岸海洋模型(FVCOM),构建了辽河口鸳鸯岛海域水动力数值模型,并利用实测潮位、流速、流向数据对模型计算精度及可靠性进行了验证,对比结果表明模型计算值与实测值具有较高的吻合度。在验证模型可靠的基础上,进行了不同径流条件下鸳鸯岛水域的流场模拟计算,简要分析了不同径流情况下岛域附近水动力和流场的变化。模拟流场较好地展现了辽河口鸳鸯岛海域的复杂流况,研究结果为进一步探究河口湿地海域的盐度分布、泥沙冲淤及污染物输运提供参考。  相似文献   

基于Google Earth的河流模拟地形前处理新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先阐述了河流模拟地形前处理的常规方法,然后探讨了利用Google Earth进行地形初步处理的新方法,介绍了基于Google Earth的高程数据提取技术,说明了部分Google Earth API接口的功能,指出并解决了其中一类API调用过程中存在的问题。研究证明,利用Google Earth进行河流模拟地形初步处理,可以显著提高河流模拟过程中的地形处理效率。  相似文献   

文章根据漳泽水库边界形态,布设64条监测断面,利用ADCP对水库水下地形及水动力特征进行实测,测量各断面水位、水深、库底高程、横断面面积、流量、平均流速等。结果表明:(1)漳泽水库淤积体的平面分布呈扇形,库底高程由南向北逐渐降低,高程介于891~899.4 m之间。(2)900.86 m水位下,水库底泥淤积量为2 589万m3。(3)64条监测断面流量介于4.85~179 m3/s,平均流速介于0.001~0.022 m/s,中断面流量和流速大于南北断面。各断面流速分布在入库水流和风速双重影响下,呈现不同的形态。测量成果有助于正确认识底泥淤积量与水体中污染物扩散规律,能够为内源污染治理措施的制定提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

根据福安市的暴雨洪水特性和地形地貌特征,构建福安市洪水实时分析计算模型.其中采用一维水动力计算河道洪水,二维水动力模拟洪水在城市面域内的演进,采用耦合模型将河道与城市面域联立,实现河道洪水和城市内涝的水量交换.率定后的模型计算结果可为制定超标准洪水防御对策提供科学可靠的决策依据.  相似文献   

为克服在防洪评价工作中常遇到复杂河道地形或者一些特殊的阻水构筑物,一维模型或常规的二维模型应用容易受到限制的问题,以滹沱河部分河段为例将基于非结构网格的具有良好激波捕捉能力的Godunov格式用于防洪评价。该河段中存在着大量的挖沙坑、桥墩、十多处丁坝,局部流态复杂。为充分考虑这些影响,建立了基于高分辨率地形的精细化二维Godunov水动力模型,并对该河段50年一遇的设计洪水进行了数值模拟。结果表明,新建模型能够很好地模拟复杂研究区域的水流状态,与商业软件的计算结果也比较接近。通过与原有该河段一维计算结果比较发现,项目区位置处水面高程降低了2.95 m,分析认为主要原因是河道地形变化所致,另一原因是新建模型能够提供更合理的计算结果。该研究案例表明基于Godunov格式的精细化二维水动力模型可成功用于复杂河道防洪评价,能够为同类型的防洪评价工作提供参考。  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区国家战略的实施对珠江三角洲河网区防洪保安提出了更高的要求。珠江三角洲地区除受本地暴雨影响外,上游受西、北、东江干流洪水威胁,下游受台风暴潮影响,洪涝灾害成因复杂,急需对珠江三角洲的洪涝特性进行深入研究,而数学模型是最为经济便捷的研究方式。水文水动力耦合模型是当前的研究热点,在珠江三角洲地区,水文水动力耦合模型大范围、跨区域的应用仍是空白。以珠江三角洲为研究区域,以具有三角洲洪涝特色的前山河流域中珠联围为重点研究区域,采用紧密耦合的方式,构建珠江三角洲水文水动力耦合模型。将研究区域的水动力模型与重点研究区域的水文模型耦合,采用2020年6月和2008年6月的实测水文资料进行了率定与验证计算。计算结果表明:模型计算值与实测值吻合较好,满足精度要求,可投入使用。本研究可为大湾区防洪保安研究及相关业务奠定技术基础,为国家战略的顺利实施提供保障。  相似文献   

针对文献中评估方法指标精度过小的问题,设计一种安全评估方法.采用水动力耦合城市河道流量,控制指标精度,计算河道堤防汇流,综合指标的专家范数数值,构建安全评估方法.随机选定一处城市河道作为实验对象,设定测试点后,分别使用文献[2]、文献[6]中评估方法与文中评估方法进行实验.结果表明,文中设计安全评估方法指标精度数值最大...  相似文献   

水温是湖库科学研究中的重要环境因子之一,是认识水体各种理化生现象和动力过程的基础。水温很大程度由太阳辐射决定,最新研究成果表明水体与床体的热交换收支对浅水湖泊垂向水温分布也有很大影响。研究湖泊热循环规律,选择合适的水气热交换计算方法,通过联立CE-QUAL-W2底部热交换模型方程和一种改进的床体热平衡方程求得水体-床体热通量。基于σ坐标变换和相关定解条件建立三维水动力学-水温耦合模型,采用有限差分法对模型方程进行求解。以武汉市东湖为研究对象,根据东湖1978年7月的定点观测资料进行水温模拟,探究东湖水温月变化、日变化过程。  相似文献   

应用湖泊水动力模型EFDC模拟了鄱阳湖2009-2011年的水动力过程。结果表明:模拟日平均水位及流量与水文站观测结果基本一致,相关系数达到0.94以上。针对现场观测数据单一匮乏的问题,借助遥感手段较为全面地验证分析了模型的实用性。通过雷达高度计ENVISAT RA-2和MODIS影像获取的水位、水体面积及淹水范围与模拟结果相关性较好,相关系数均达到0.83以上,证明该模型能够有效地揭示鄱阳湖高动态变化的水动力特征。此外,遥感手段也为模型的多角度长期验证提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

Many of the Upper Missouri River dikes have been notched to create additional shallow water habitat (SWH, operationally defined as areas in the stream with depth < 1.5 m, and velocity < 0.75 m s?1) for fish populations. The goal of this study was to quantify the additional SWH gained from notching these dikes and to evaluate their performance under different flow conditions. A coupled field and numerical study was performed on a reach of the Missouri River, near Nebraska City, NE, which contains a number of dikes notched in 2004. The numerical simulations showed that the SWH criterion for depth was more difficult to satisfy in the study reach than the SWH criterion for velocity. Notching the dikes resulted in a slight shift of the bankline due to local erosion in the vicinity of the dikes and the formation of scour holes downstream of the notches. Results from the study suggested that notching the dikes had limited impact on the SWH because the area gained from the bankline shift was offset by the area lost from the scour holes formation. The performance of the notched dikes in sustaining the minimum habitat suitability conditions for the Missouri River ecosystem was also investigated. These conditions corresponded to discharges < 709 m3 s?1 for the period from mid‐July to mid‐August, or equivalently SWH areas > 5225 m2 dike?1 during the same period. Analysis of the Missouri River annual discharge records at the study site showed that the dikes can provide the minimum required SWH for mean annual discharges < 667 m3 s?1. For mean annual discharges > 667 m3 s?1, new alternative structures or restoration facilities were needed, in addition to the existing dikes, to sustain the minimum required SWH. The dikes were not effective in providing any SWH for mean annual discharges > 2000 m3 s?1. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

经过"八·五"、"九·五"期间国家对大江大河的集中治理,海城市境内大辽河、浑河、太子河的主要堤防、及上游的防洪控制性枢纽工程等为主的防洪体系框架基本形成,基本能防御标准内洪水;但蓄滞洪区建设仍然是一个薄弱环节,一旦遇到超标准洪水,将给沿河沈阳、抚顺、辽阳、鞍山等大型城市的防洪安全构成严重威胁。因此建设浑河、太子河蓄滞洪区的必要性迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

重庆两江汇流水动力模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文分析了长江、嘉陵江汇流的来流条件和河道自身地形特点,以EFDC水动力模型为基础,建立了重庆两江汇流水动力模型。该模型利用坐标变换技术,平面采用正交贴体网格,垂向采用Sigma坐标,利用干湿点法描述河道干湿地的变化.并对比实测资料校核模型参数。对于汇流比对流场影响和滨江路对流场影响等的模拟结果,表明该模型可用于模拟和分析天然河流水动力场的分布以及变化结果,对于预测洪水、城市建设、航道管理等有重要意义。  相似文献   

以溧水河为研究对象,建立水文水动力模型,并进行了模型参数率定与验证.以三陵桥溃口为例,制定了风险分析方案,采用MIKE FLOOD耦合模型对溧水河流域进行了洪水风险分析,绘制了该区域100年一遇超标洪水的淹没范围、淹没水深及流速分布图,并进行了损失评估,为洪水预警、抢险救灾、合理避险等提供决策依据.  相似文献   


This study proposes and tests a new approach to detect and analyze changes in flood regime using a distributed hydrological model (EasyDHM), using the Second Songhua River basin, China, as a case study. Model calibration and parameter sensitivity were used to represent flood regimes in a 60-year series (1954–2013), with three different flood regime periods identified. The changes in flood regime were estimated by model parameters, flood result residuals and the overall process in the hydrological model in the three periods. The results show that human activities significantly impacted flood regimes, with significant flood regime change largely attributed to increases in water storage in multiple small reservoirs. Flood volume was reduced significantly between the periods in all three watersheds. The parameters also changed in variety between the periods. The study highlights the importance of incorporating data on small-reservoir constructions in flood control systems.  相似文献   

利用DEM作为辅助信息推定大区域地下水初始流场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱奎  张祥伟  夏军  牛存稳 《水利学报》2004,35(11):0015-0021
由于大区域地下水位实测资料比较少,信息不足,影响水位空间分布的推定精度,因此,充分利用辅助信息弥补大区域实测水位信息不足,提高地下水位的推定精度十分必要。本文提出了利用DEM(数字地形模型)中的地形标高作为辅助信息修正地下水位趋势面的RK(Residual Kriging)法,并将此方法运用到华北平原滏阳河平原区。推定地下水位空间分布的过程中,利用DEM信息的趋势方程,复相关系数较高,残差值范围小、更好的满足正态分布要求。对推定的水位结果进行分析:单个验证点的地形、位置对趋势方程的影响很大,但验证点的三种平均误差则表明,利用DEM信息的修正RK法得到的推定结果误差较小,且三类方程采用一次趋势面效果更佳。  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydro》2014,8(2):88-94
Replacing existing river groynes with longitudinal training dams is considered as a promising flood mitigation measure in the main Dutch rivers, which can also serve to guarantee navigability during low flows and to create conditions favourable for ecological development. Whereas the bed response in the streamwise uniform part of a river trained by a longitudinal dam can be readily predicted, the bed response at the transition zones is unclear. In the present study, we investigate the local morphological effects resulting at the intake section of a longitudinal training dam, where the flow is distributed over the main channel and a side channel in between the dam and the river shore. A sediment recirculating model with a nearly undistorted geometry with respect to the prototype was setup. Lightweight polystyrene granulates were used as a surrogate for sediment, to properly scale the Shields parameter without compromising Froude scaling, and reach dynamical similarity. A laser scanner allowed collecting high-resolution bed elevation data. Results obtained under typical low flow and high flow conditions show a general deepening of the bed in the area adjacent to the training dam, in response to narrowing of the main channel. Scour at an upstream river groyne embedded in the model showed a scour hole which was deeper than realistic. Throughout the entire domain, bedforms developed featuring geometrical properties that reproduced the prototype conditions appropriately. Based on a comparison with characteristics from the River Waal, regarded as the prototype without a longitudinal dam, lightweight sediments were considered to be a proper choice for this study, in which bedload is the main sediment transport mode. The main conclusion regards the absence of significant morphodynamic developments at the intake section, both during the high flow experiment and during the low flow experiment, which can be attributed to the alignment of the dam with the local streamlines.  相似文献   

In water resource studies, long-term measurements of river streamflow are essential. They allow us to observe trends and natural cycles and are prerequisites for hydraulic and hydrology models. This paper presents a new application of the stage-discharge rating curve model introduced by Maghrebi et al. (2016) to estimate continuous streamflow along the Gono River, Japan. The proposed method, named single stage-discharge (SSD) method, needs only one observed data to estimate the continuous streamflow. However, other similar methods require more than one observational data to fit the curve. The results of the discharge estimation by the SSD are compared with the improved fluvial acoustic tomography system (FATS), conventional rating curve (RC), and flow-area rating curve (FARC). Some statistical indicators, such as the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), percent bias (PBAIS), mean absolute error (MAE), and Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE), are used to assess the performance of the proposed model. ADCP data are used as a benchmark for comparing four studied models. As a result of the comparison, the SSD method outperformed of FATS method. Also, the three studied RC methods were highly accurate at estimating streamflow if all observed data were used in calibration. However, if the observed data in calibration was reduced, the SSD method by R2 = 0.99, RMSE = 2.83 (m3/s), PBIAS = 0.715(%), MAE = 2.30 (m3/s), and KGE = 0.972 showed the best performance compared to other methods. It can be summarized that the SSD method is the feasible method in the data-scarce region and delivers a strong potential for streamflow estimation.  相似文献   

We examined the fractions of particulate phosphorus (PP) in the lower reaches of the Grand River, Canada, to test the hypothesis that the river is a source of both particulate-bound orthophosphate and labile species of PP. At the mouth of the Grand River, the proportion of particulate organic P (POP) was, on average, 57.7% of total PP, which was significantly higher than the proportion of particulate inorganic P (PIP) in PP. Analysis with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy showed that the proportion of P species other than orthophosphate in the NaOH- EDTA extract was 1.75 times greater than that of orthophosphate. Labile P species (e.g. nucleotides and pyrophosphate) were present in the NMR spectrum; whereas, refractory organic P (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate) was absent. These results suggest that during winter and spring, the Grand River supplies primarily bioavailable phosphorus species in organic forms to Lake Erie, rather than inorganic orthophosphate. These results suggest that labile organic P is contained in PP rather than alkaline extractable inorganic P. Future studies should examine POP species in other rivers of the Lake Erie watershed.  相似文献   

在实时洪水预报系统中,如何提高平原区河网的预报精度是研究的难点。该文以河网节点水位三级解法为基础,结合单一河道最优卡尔曼滤波校正模式,通过对节点校正量传播形式的研究和分析,提出基于节点传播的环状河网实时校正模型。通过该校正技术,可根据实测站点校正值,确定其所在河道校正新息分布,并通过节点得到相邻河道所有断面校正量,以实现整个河网的实时校正。通过长江澄通河段的实例表明,该校正方法计算稳定,与无校正模拟情况相比,基于节点传播的河网校正技术能有效提高1 h和3 h峰、谷值的预报结果和短期预报精度。  相似文献   

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