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对P2P网络的工作原理和典型应用进行了介绍,分析了P2P在商业应用和业务监管带来的挑战,提出了可管控P2P的思路,指出了需要研究的内容。  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于对等网络(P2P)的自组织网络管理方法,采用普遍采用的通过分簇的结构来减少管理所带来的信息流量。论文主要讨论了自组织网络管理的体系结构和基于P2P的网络管理流程,通过簇头之间建立的P2P通信来维护整个网络的动态信息,以适应网络拓扑结构动态变化的自组织网络管理。  相似文献   

自组织网络技术的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着通信技术的快速发展和人们对通信智能性要求的提高,自组织网络成为网络技术发展的重要方向之一。本文对自组织网络技术的发展历程、发展方向进行了介绍,对自组织网络发展中遇到的问题进行了分析,并且探索了自组织网络技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

文章介绍了无线自组织网络的发展背景和目前的应用情况,分析了无线白组织网络面临的主要安全威胁,针对安全威胁提出了需要采取的安全保密措施,最后提出了建立可扩,可信和可控无线自组织网络的目标和需要实现的关键技术.  相似文献   

随着P2P对等网络(Peer to Peer)的大规模使用,相互信任问题成为P2P进一步研究的一个重要方面.文中对P2P系统中可能存在的安全隐患,以及目前处于研究热点的几个重要的信任模型进行了分析.主要包括以下3个信任模型:基于Bayesian网络的信任模型;分布式Trust模型;基于信誉和风险估价的P2P信任模型.并指出了这些模型的不足之处.  相似文献   

P2P网络信任模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对P2P网络存在的问题进行了分析,阐述了建立P2P网络信任模型的需求。在对现有P2P网络中的任模型进行总结归纳后,指出了以后研究的方向。  相似文献   

P2P技术越来越广泛的应用对互联网产生了深远影响,是继Web浏览器之后互联网信息传递的又一次革命。两层混合式结构化P2P网络继承了第三代P2P软件的高效性和容错性,同时具有较好的自组织性和分布性等结构化特性。文章介绍了一种有较好自组织性的P2P网络体系结构,并进行了实验分析。  相似文献   

该文针对移动P2P网络中节点表现出来的自私性,并结合移动P2P网络的资源受限、自组织以及开放性等特点,提出一种基于不完全信息的双方叫价拍卖模型的节点激励策略DAIP。该激励策略采用虚拟货币的支付方式,节点根据其拥有的虚拟货币量、自身资源状态和消息属性对每次消息转发进行估价,然后根据估价与博弈策略给出相应报价。通过博弈分析给出了DAIP策略的线性策略贝叶斯纳什均衡解,使各节点为最大化其自身利益而积极参与消息转发合作,从而促进网络系统中消息转发合作的成功。分析与实验结果表明该激励策略能够降低系统的能量消耗,提高整个网络系统的消息转发成功率,提高系统的整体效用。  相似文献   

P2P网络流媒体关键技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
秦丰林  刘琚 《电子学报》2011,39(4):919-927
P2P网络流媒体技术一直是学术界和产业界的研究热点.本文围绕覆盖网络拓扑结构,对现有的P2P流媒体系统作了全面的归类总结,深入介绍和分析了覆盖网络构建、数据块调度策略等P2P流媒体核心技术,并概要讨论视频编码、网络编码、覆盖网络拓扑优化、安全与激励机制等P2P流媒体相关增强技术.对典型P2P流媒体系统的性能进行了比较,...  相似文献   

移动P2P网络的移动节点设备资源短缺,网络动态多变,移动节点间的协作显得越发重要.本 文提出了一种灵活的移动节点间资源协作共享方案,为资源的请求者设计了基于可靠性理论 的请求资源预测算法.依据排队理论为资源的提供者,构建了层次型资源调度模型.数学分析 和仿真结果表明该预测算法提高了节点请求任务执行成功率,层次型资源调度模型则提高了 节点协作共享资源的服务能力,降低了资源请求丢失率.  相似文献   

P2P网络层次化信任模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大规模文件共享P2P网络中节点之间发生重复交易的可能性较小而难以建立信任关系,从而导致P2P网络容易受到恶意节点攻击。针对该问题本文提出了基于群组的P2P网络层次化信任模型。该信任模型将信任关系划分为群组之间的信任关系,群组与节点之间的信任关系和节点之间的信任关系3个层次。节点利用本地信任信息或所属群组的推荐信任确定给定节点的信任值。仿真分析表明,该信任模型能够有效识别恶意节点,使P2P网络中合作节点具有较高的成功请求率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed an anonymity scheme based on pseudonym where peers are motivated not to share their identity. Compared with precious scheme such as RuP (Reputation using Pseudonyms), our scheme can reduce its overhead and minimize the trusted center's involvement.  相似文献   

非结构化P2P网络中稀缺资源的共享机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非结构化P2P文件共享网络的应用日益广泛,当前的网络流量主要来自于此类网络中对各类文件资源的搜索。但是目前的搜索机制只适合获取流行资源,存在于个别节点上的稀缺资源很难被搜索到,而用户获取稀缺资源的收益并不小于流行资源,因此高效的搜索命中率将明显提高整个P2P网络的实用性。该文提出一种简单的分布式算法NLIR,使稀缺资源可以像流行资源一样具有较高的搜索命中率。新算法根据度数不同的节点,其处理查询的能力,存储能力,搜索命中率各不相同的特点将稀缺资源的索引副本均匀地扩散到网络中,体现了负载均衡的特性,并且在带宽费用和存储费用都有限的约束条件下,实现了稀缺资源高效的搜索命中率。  相似文献   

为了激励无线Mesh网络中自私节点转发数据,通过分析节点自私行为激励的原因和目标,将适用于无线Mesh网络中对节点自私行为的四类激励机制进行比较.讨论了无线Mesh网络博弈模型,并对无线Mesh网络中重复博弈模型进行理论分析.针对节点的自私行为提出了基于博弈论与信誉相结合的激励方案.仿真实验表明,该方案不仅降低了基于信誉的复杂度又能有效激励更多自私节点转发数据,从而提高了网络的整体性能.  相似文献   

P2P网络中大量存在的搭便车行为给网络的响应速度、可用性、健壮性等造成了很大影响。目前的研究重点是设计有效的P2P信任模型来抑制搭便车行为。文中借鉴社会经济发展策略,提出基于资源均衡利用的信誉评价方法,对资源贡献大、贡献与消费平衡的节点赋予高信誉度。使节点贡献其他节点需要的资源,消费资源时量入为出;同时为新节点提供基本信誉度来保障其尽早开展资源交易。仿真实验表明搭便车行为受到有效抑制,网络资源的利用率明显提高。  相似文献   

网格环境下一种改进的Gossip资源聚集算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网格计算和对等计算有很多可以融合的特征.首先提出了一种集成P2P模式的网格资源管理模型,然后针对传统的Gossip资源聚集算法的弊端,利用小世界理论,提出了一种改进的Gossip资源聚集算法.理论分析和仿真证明了改进的Gossip算法能够有效地聚集资源信息,从而提高P2PGrid环境下的资源聚集性能.  相似文献   

文章把双向拍卖机制引入到Ad Hoc网络中,并给出了两种不同的以双向拍卖为基础的协作激励机制。一种是基于路径的双向拍卖,通过路径的费用集合同各目的节点所提供的竞价进行双向拍卖。另一种则是基于邻居节点的双向拍卖,通过一系列的本地双向拍卖,逐一确定路径的节点,以致形成通讯的路径。理论分析表明,这种机制能够促使各节点相互协作,达到形成通讯路径的目的。  相似文献   

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing is widely recognized as a promising paradigm for building next generation distributed applications. However, the autonomous, heterogeneous, and decentralized nature of participating peers introduces the following challenge for resource sharing: how to make peers profitable in the untrusted P2P environment? To address the problem, we present a self-policing and distributed approach by combining two models: PET, a personalized trust model, and M-CUBE, a multiple-currency based economic model, to lay a foundation for resource sharing in untrusted P2P computing environments. PET is a flexible trust model that can adapt to different requirements, and provides the solid support for the currency management in M-CUBE. M-CUBE provides a novel self-policing and quality-aware framework for the sharing of multiple resources, including both homogeneous and heterogeneous resources. We evaluate the efficacy and performance of this approach in the context of a real application, a peer-to-peer Web server sharing. Our results show that our approach is flexible enough to adapt to different situations and effective to make the system profitable, especially for systems with large scale.  相似文献   

Non-cooperative behaviors in communication networks can significantly adversely affect the entire network. Recently, researchers have begun to study such non-cooperative communication systems within a game theory framework and strive to engineer the system to prevent performance degradation under non-cooperative behaviors. The WWAN/WLAN two-hop-relay system described in [1] integrates two types of wireless technologies to improve wireless access throughput and coverage. The relay nodes in the two-hop-relay system can be wireless relay routers deployed by wireless service providers, or dual-mode users who voluntarily relay traffic for other users. However, it is reasonable to assume that all dual-mode terminals are selfish and are not willing to relay for other users without an incentive. In this paper, we will use the basic concepts of game theory, especially the concept of the Nash Equilibrium, to design our scheduling algorithms. Several scheduling algorithms, including the maximum rate C/I scheduler, the proportional fair scheduler, and the round robin scheduler, are examined to understand performance while operating under the assumption that all users are selfish. Under the C/I scheduler or the proportional fair scheduler, Nash Equilibriums exist at the operating points where no user will relay for other users—an undesirable situation. Under the round robin scheduler, selfish users are indifferent on relaying voluntarily or not relaying. Therefore, we are inspired to design a novel incentive scheduler. By applying the proposed incentive scheduler, all selfish users relay cooperatively at the Nash Equilibrium. Hung-yu Wei received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1999. He received an M.S. and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University in 2001 and 2005 respectively. He is currently an assistant professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University. His research interests are in cross-layer design issues of wireless mesh networks, and integration of mobile ad hoc networks with cellular networks. Richard D. Gitlin has more than 35 years of experience and leadership in the communications and networking fields. He is currently President of Innovatia Networks, a startup wireless company. Previously he was Vice President, Technology of NEC Laboratories America, Inc. and before assuming this position he was Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University. After receiving his doctorate in electrical engineering from Columbia, he was with Lucent Technologies for more than thirty-two years, where he held several senior executive positions. He was the Chief Technical Officer and Vice President of R&D, of the Data Networking Systems Business Unit, and Senior Vice President for Communication Sciences Research at Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he managed and led research in wireless systems, broadband and optical networking, multimedia communications, and access technologies. He is the co-recipient of three prize paper awards including the 1995 IEEE Communications Society's Steven O. Rice Award, the 1994 IEEE Communications Society's Frederick Ellersick Award, and the 1982 Bell System Technical Journal Award. He is a co-winner of the 2005 Thomas Alva Edison patent award. Dr. Gitlin is the co-author of the text Data Communications Principles, more than 95 technical papers, numerous conference papers and keynote presentations. He holds 43 patents in the area of data communications, digital signal processing, wireless systems, and broadband networking. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the IEEE, and is also an AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow. Since May 2002, he has served on the Board of Directors of PCTEL [NASDAQ; PCTI], a wireless networking company.  相似文献   

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