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本文从三个角度论述方志史学的价值,即方志史学是史学微观化的研究、方志史学推动地方经济建设、方志史学促进地方文化建设.  相似文献   

介绍了中国林业史、中国林业史学、中国林业史学发展史等相关概念,分析了中国林业史学发展史的国内外研究现状,并且指出只有把握林业史学发展史的基本脉络,才能找到林业史学的努力方向,进而促进林业史学的健康发展.  相似文献   

有关历史学内容的报刊的出现,既是史学近代化的产物,又促进了史学近代化的发展.近代报刊为新史学产生、发生提供了平台,在一定意叉上说,没有近代报刊,就不可能产生近代新史学.近代报刊促进了史学理论更新,成为学术争鸣、争论与交锋的阵地.在这一过程中,近代史学学科产生,锻炼与培育了新型的史学人才,产生了有影响的史学大师;形成了不同学术旨趣的史学流派和史学思潮.近代报刊对马克思主义在中国的传播,对中国马克思主义史学的形成和发展,起了十分重要的作用.21世纪,信息化对报刊的形态、发展提出新课题.应当从振兴民族大业、学术创新,从时代性、民族性的要求,思考报刊发展的问题.  相似文献   

德育在学校教育中居于核心地位,起着核心作用.德育决定着教育人的发展方向,体现着教育的本质特征.新时期开展德育工作,必须要与时俱进,德育目标、德育内容、德育方法、德育手段应随着时代的发展而变化.教育工作者在实际学校工作中应把德育工作与学校其他工作紧密结合,加强渗透,不断提高德育工作水平,增强德育工作实效性.作者主要从德育队伍建设、班级文化建设、学生养成教育、德育常规及开拓课堂教学渠道等几个方面对此问题加以论述.  相似文献   

德育学是从教育学中分离出来的,当德育学的著作问世以后,德育便成为了一门新的学科.时至今日,德育学是一门理论学科,还是一门应用学科,或者这两者兼而有之,学术界对这一问题的认识还存在不同的看法.然而,不明学科性质而谈德育建设,这直接影响着德育学学科的建设及其功能与作用的发挥.因此,对德育学科性质的定论,明确德育学科取向,还是规范其取向,都是对德育学发展有着重要意义的.本文就从教育学到德育学,对德育学科性质的科学取向与规范取向作一些理论探讨.  相似文献   

新时期农村中学青少年学生学习生活出现了新情况,给农村中学德育工作者提出了新课题:德育内容、德育机制、德育途径的更新与完善.<农村初中学生德育形式的多样化>探讨了德育内容系统化、德育机制一体化、德育形式多样化的"农村中学德育立体化"的三维体系,并在实践中初步形成了自己的创新特色,大大提高了农村中学德育工作的实效性.  相似文献   

德育评估是判断德育的效率效果和社会作用的重要途径,是整个德育过程的重要环节,也是德育的主要内容之一.科学的德育评估不仅能为德育目标的确立、德育内容与方法的正确选择与运用提供依据,而且能够外化德育效果与价值.现在的德育评估所应该体现出来的功能和实际情况存在着严重的不对等.  相似文献   

本文探讨高校德育生活化的发展对策,德育目标与生活建立关联,德育内容贴近生活,德育方法突出实践,德育环境的合理优化.  相似文献   

当前,学校德育仍面临着重视与落实的背离、期望与现实的落差、付出与收益的尴尬三方面的困境.究其原因,主要是德育理念的错位导致德育功能的弱化,德育目标的偏移导致德育生活的缺失,德育实施的乏力导致德育效果的低下.新形势下,要进一步加强和改进学校德育工作,主要应以思想建设为突破口,树立适应时代要求的德育观念;以队伍建设为切入点,培养适应时代要求的德育教师;以理论建设为推动力,探索适应时代要求的德育方法.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,布罗代尔注重长时段趋势的总体史日益遭到西方历史学界的批评和质疑,引发了西方史学的转型.年鉴学派第三代历史学家也跻身于这场转型之中,聚焦于历史人类学、心态史和微观史学三个方面.本文以埃马纽埃尔·勒华拉杜里的名著<蒙塔尤>为例,具体展现了年鉴学派与西方史学转型的关系.  相似文献   

探讨了对德育课教学与社会现实、学生生活的结合,以及发挥学生在教学中的主体作用,加强德育理论的可操作性,以求改善德育课教学,更好地实现德育课教学目标.  相似文献   

中美两国大学德育有着相同的地方,都开设与德育相关的课程并采取课堂教学的方式,都注重通过各种活动来提高德育的效果,都注重通过社会化来实现德育的可持续发展。也有不同之处,在课程教学的侧重点上,在教育方式的选择上都有所不同。  相似文献   

Understanding the history of the construction engineering and management discipline in Canada can perhaps shed light on where the future of the discipline may lay and on external perceptions of the discipline. In its current state, the discipline in Canada is a unique model. Examining its positive and negative attributes will help inform strategic planning for construction research and education programs in Canada and in other countries as they adapt to rapid changes in their environments. The objective of this paper is to present sufficient information to make that examination possible. Its scope is limited to the last 200 years. Early pioneers in the discipline are described. Their careers are reflected in the developments that are summarized in the following discussion of the emergence of professional societies, and the educational and research infrastructure of the discipline in Canada. Recent developments in education and research are examined in more detail. Some final observations are then made based on this brief history.  相似文献   

科技伦理在高校德育中的出现具有时代意义。科技的发展启发着新的道德观。在高校德育中,科技伦理具有融合科学精神和人文精神,增强大学生社会责任感,有利于培养创新精神和促进思维创新等重要作用。高校科技伦理教育应得到教师的重视,融之于校园文化建设、教学过程、德育过程、科技实践中。  相似文献   

韩愈教育思想初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩愈认为教育的目的是"学为道",并提出"上教、中导、下制"的教育思想;认为教师的作用是"传道、受业、解惑",提出把"道"与"业"作为衡量教师的标准,进而提出"弟子不必不如师、师不必贤于弟子"的师生观念;在教学与治学思想方面,认为学业的精进在于"勤"与"思",应在博的基础上求精,把学习与独创结合起来.  相似文献   

理想信念教育是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的首要任务.要正确认识理想信念教育在大学生思想政治教育中的地位和作用.通过对高职学生理想信念教育中存在问题的分析和解剖,提出了加强和改进高职学生理想信念教育的对策建议.  相似文献   

Reviews the literature on moral development. The major findings discussed are as follows: (1) Moral internalization is fostered by parental affection and inductive discipline and adversely affected by power assertion. (2) Identification with parents apparently contributes to certain visible moral attributes, but not to internal moral states like guilt. (3) As children grow older, parental influence wanes, and spontaneous peer interaction tends to undermine rather than uphold parental teaching. (4) Females are more morally internalized than males, a probable by-product of sex-role socialization. (5) The pervasive effects of TV on aggression and morality have yet to be demonstrated convincingly. (6) The evidence for cognitive-conflict theory (J. Piaget, 1932; L. Kohlberg, 1969, 1973) remains equivocal. (7) Arousal of empathic distress (and arousal of guilt) contributes to helping behavior. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the thesis that the discipline of psychology needs to re-discover and reclaim virtue and moral values as its base for ethical behavior, thinking, and being. Psychology has a short history in formalizing codes of ethics and codes of conduct. Current and historical events, and concepts and values, including those based on philosophy and religion, have influenced the development of psychology's scientific and professional codes. The ethical behavior of psychologists may be inspired by values, regulated by rules, determined by external pressures, or any combination of these. Emerging issues and challenges in today's changing and turbulent society require an incorporation of moral principles in finding acceptable strategies to achieve acceptable goals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fiscal restraint, consolidation of resources and services, and restructuring have led to changes in the case mix of teaching hospitals, which places limitations on the education of medical trainees in this environment and has sparked growing interest in the teaching of clinical medicine in the ambulatory care setting. Early attempts to emphasize ambulatory care in training programs, and the strengths and weaknesses of this teaching forum are reviewed, and a model of its application to the discipline of cardiology is offered.  相似文献   

The nature of undergraduate courses involving psychological testing "deserve close study and scrutiny, with a view to self-imposed discipline and improved standards, with respect both to the teaching of psychology as part of a liberal education and to the development of psychology to a high professional level." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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