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Chronic rejection is the most common cause of late graft failure after solid organ transplantation. A model of chronic rejection, the rat aortic allograft, has histologic features that parallel those in the vessels of human transplanted organs. However, the molecular tools required to dissect the immunology of chronic rejection are unavailable in the rat. We developed aortic transplantation in the mouse as a new model of chronic rejection. This will allow the use of the diversity of recombinant cytokines and monoclonal antibodies available for the mouse and its well-defined genetics to investigate chronic rejection in greater detail. We describe the perioperative care and surgical technique for the model in which a 1 cm segment of donor thoracic aorta was used to replace a section of recipient abdominal aorta below the renal arteries and above the aortic bifurcation. Mortality rates were initially high (70%) due to thrombosis and shock. Changes in technique and operator facility resulted in a high rate of success (75%). After 192 operations, the current success rate is > 80%. Mice free from complications at 12 hrs postop had indefinite survival, and after 2 months the typical vascular lesion of chronic rejection was present. This new model of chronic rejection will be a valuable tool to study the molecular immunology and genetics of chronic rejection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a microsurgical cluster model of heart plus entire thoracic aorta transplantation and to compare it to the isolated model of heart transplantation as a tool to study transplant rejection. Thirty-six syngeneic (DA x DA and Lew x Lew) and allogeneic (DA x PVG and DA x Lew) cluster heart-aorta transplants were compared to 43 syngeneic and allogeneic isolated heart grafts. Graft survival, recipient survival and histological data on myocardial and aortic tissues were assessed. There was no statistically significant difference in graft survival between the two models studied (P > 0.05). In the cluster transplants, the aortic component was spared the severity of acute rejection noted for the myocardial counterpart. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that the cluster model was technically feasible and highly reproducible. Additionally, it was possible to apply this model to the study of experimental allograft rejection using novel immunosuppressants. The success of the cluster model in strongly mismatched transplant strain combinations underscores its potential for application in slower rejection combinations, making it particularly suited for chronic rejection studies. The inherent capacity for sampling a broader range of vessel sizes in one animal makes the cluster model more suitable than the isolated models of aorta or heart for application to experimental protocols.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diastolic dysfunction seen in early clinical transplant rejection has been difficult to demonstrate in experimental rodent models because of the inability to make sensitive in situ measurements of systolic and diastolic functions. We have developed a heterotopic heart transplant model with Fisher 344 and ACI rats (without immunosuppression), where in situ measurements of diastolic and systolic functions were made sequentially (daily) by use of an implanted left ventricular balloon. METHODS: Syngeneic and allogeneic heterotopic heart transplants were performed. In situ function was determined by varying balloon volume to measure the developed pressure, the rates of pressure rise (+dp/dt) and pressure fall (-dp/dt), diastolic pressure-volume relationship, and the time constant of diastolic relaxation (tau). These results were compared with function measurements in transplanted hearts that were excised and perfused in a Langendorff mode (ex vivo) during the same posttransplantation period. RESULTS: Histologic examination revealed that at day 3 after transplantation, allografts showed mild lymphocytic infiltration indicative of mild or early rejection, and by day 5, there was severe rejection with myocyte necrosis. By day 3, the slope of the diastolic pressure-volume relationship (ie, left ventricular stiffness) was significantly higher in allografts as compared with isografts (436 +/- 96 vs 177 +/- 26 mm Hg/mL, p < .05). Similarly, tau was significantly longer in allografts by day 3 after transplantation. Developed pressure and +dp/dt became significantly lower in allografts beginning on day 6. Function measurements made in the isolated perfused ex vivo hearts yielded the same results at day 3 after transplantation as the in situ group of hearts. CONCLUSION: Using a chronically implanted left ventricular balloon, we have developed a heterotopic heart transplant model where sensitive measurements of systolic and diastolic functions can be made. With this preparation, the early changes in the diastolic dysfunction seen clinically can be reproducibly detected. Thus this model may be useful to study mechanisms and interventions during early transplant rejection.  相似文献   

The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissues or tissue components is a basic function of cell migration and recognition and underlies many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair, and immunity. Adhesion molecules are involved in and mediate most cell to cell interactions, implement migration of leukocytes to inflammatory or alloantigenic sites, and costimulate well activation and transformation. Because of these functions, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining broader interest in the field of transplantation, particularly in the conceptualization and development of future treatment strategies. These molecules influence not only the first interaction between host leukocytes and vascular endothelial cells of the graft but also their migration through the grafted tissues. These contacts seem to be based initially on antigen-independent events of adhesion, which then progress to the antigen-dependent events of antigen recognition and host cell activation. This review evaluates current studies concerning the role of adhesion molecules in the context of the multifaceted processes of allograft rejection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Panel-reactive antibody (PRA) is commonly used before thoracic organ transplantation to estimate a potential recipient's degree of humoral sensitization. METHODS: To assess the influence of an elevated PRA on survival and the incidence of rejection in pulmonary transplantation, the records of 247 patients that underwent single or double lung transplantation were reviewed. RESULTS: Twenty-one of 247 patients (8.5%) had PRA values greater than 10%. Survival of this population was not significantly different from that of patients with low PRA levels: 74% (low PRA) vs 65% (elevated PRA) at 1 year and 58% in both groups at 3 years. The acute rejection rates (episodes/first 100 days) for the elevated and low PRA groups were 2.1 and 1.9, respectively (p = NS). Obliterative bronchiolitis developed in 38.9% of the high and 31.2% of the low PRA groups (p = NS). Six of 247 patients had a retrospective positive lymphocytotoxic cross-match result; three had PRA values greater than 10%. Patients with a positive cross-match result experienced similar survival and incidence of rejection as the remainder of the population. Among 957 patients evaluated for lung transplantation, 16 (1.7%) had a PRA (with dithiothreitol) greater than 15%. All had a history of pregnancy, blood transfusion, connective tissue disease, or previous transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Humoral sensitization is uncommon in the lung transplantation population. A modestly elevated PRA does not predict survival or the development of acute rejection or bronchiolitis obliterans. PRA testing before lung transplantation should be reserved for those patients with specific risk factors for humoral sensitization.  相似文献   

An algorythm of differential diagnosis conduction of the transplant rejection reaction and the diseases caused by herpes viruses in recipients after the kidney transplantation was elaborated, basing on the analysis of results of the clinical, laboratory, immunological and serological examination methods.  相似文献   

Hyperacute rejection due to Galalpha(1,3)Gal (Gal) Ab plus complement (C') is a major problem in xenografting vascularized organs from pigs to primates, but the fate of neovascularized xeno islets is unclear. Nonendocrine islet cells are Gal+, and there is a large rise in Gal Abs after transplantation, but graft remnants persist for some days in monkeys and humans. To define the role of alphaGal Ab plus C' in porcine islet graft rejection, cultured porcine fetal islets were grafted to mice lacking the alpha(1,3)galactosyltransferase gene. Anti-Gal Ab plus C' did not cause islet damage or rejection in mice lacking the alpha(1,3)galactosyltransferase gene, even when additional Ab plus C' was given; in addition, hyperimmune mice (titer >1/ 20,000) did not reject pig islets, showing that islets are resistant to Gal Ab plus C'. However, islets can be destroyed by polyclonal mouse anti-pig Abs. Thus, the focus of islet xenografting should not be on Gal Ab plus C'.  相似文献   

Mice immunized against Strongyloides stercoralis L3 were shown to kill greater than 90% of challenge larvae contained within diffusion chambers. The objective of the present study was to identify the host components responsible for immunity. Serum from unprotected, control mice and protected, immune mice in doses of 25-500 microliters was transferred into naive mice at the same time and location as larval challenge. Transfer of as little as 50 microliters of immune serum was able to confer protective immunity. The serum-transferred immunity was ablated by excluding cells from the larval microenvironment or by depleting granulocytes through monoclonal antibody treatment in the recipient mice. Specific antibody isotypes were isolated using protein G and isotype-specific affinity columns. The resulting transfer experiments identified IgM as the isotype responsible for protective immunity to S. stercoralis L3. Antibody binding studies in vivo were performed and only IgM bound to the surface of infective L3 and host-derived L3 (L3+) in immune animals. Elevated levels of C3 were also found bound to the surface of L3/L3+ in immune mice. Cobra venom factor treatment of immunized mice to deplete complement completely eliminated C3 binding to the surface of L3/L3+ and ablated immunity. Therefore, IgM, complement, and granulocytes are necessary for immune elimination of S. stercoralis L3/L3+. Identification of antigens recognized by IgM may help select possible vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Prevention of hyperacute xenograft rejection in the pig-to-primate combination has been accomplished by removal of natural antibodies, complement depletion with cobra venom factor, or prevention of C3 activation with the soluble complement inhibitor sCR1. Although these strategies effectively prevent hyperacute rejection, they do not address the relative contribution of early (C3a, C3b) versus late (C5a, C5b-9) activated complement components to xenogeneic organ damage. To better understand the role of the terminal complement components (C5a, C5b-9) in hyperacute rejection, an anti-human C5 mAb was developed and tested in an ex vivo model of cardiac xenograft rejection. In vitro studies demonstrated that the anti-C5 mAb effectively blocked C5 cleavage in a dose-dependent manner that resulted in complete inhibition of both C5a and C5b-9 generation. Addition of anti-C5 mAb to human blood used to perfuse a porcine heart prolonged normal sinus cardiac rhythm from a mean time of 25.2 min in hearts perfused with unmodified blood to 79,296, or > 360 min when anti-C5 mAb was added to the blood at 50 micrograms/ml, 100 micrograms/ml, or 200 micrograms/ml, respectively. In these experiments, activation of the classical complement pathway was completely inhibited. Hearts perfused with blood containing the highest concentration of anti-C5 mAb had no histologic evidence of hyperacute rejection and no deposition of C5b-9. These experiments suggest that the activated terminal complement components C5a and C5b-9, but not C3a or C3b, play a major role in tissue damage in this porcine-to-human model of hyperacute rejection. They also suggest that targeted inhibition of terminal complement activation by anti-C5 mAbs may be useful in clinical xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Noninvasive methodologies have shown poor sensitivity in predicting rejection when compared to serial endomyocardial biopsies. We studied the potential role of donor blood troponin T (Tn-T) as a marker for predicting heart transplant rejection. METHODS: Blood cardiac Tn-T was measured from 16 heart donors. Transplant rejection and cardiac function in the recipients were monitored for 1 year. RESULTS: When data were analyzed based on donor blood Tn-T levels, 6 patients who received hearts from donors with low Tn-T (<0.45+/-0.1 ng/mL) showed no rejection, and patients whose hearts came from donors with higher Tn-T (6.01+/-0.81 ng/mL) developed episodes of high-grade rejection (3A) within 38.5+/-2.1 days after transplantation. Eight patients who received hearts from donors with intermediate levels of Tn-T (3.57+/-0.55 ng/mL) showed mild rejection (grade 1). All recipients had qualitatively normal left ventricular systolic function by serial echocardiography. The mean donor ischemic time was 169+/-47 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of the donor heart is an important prognostic factor in heart transplantation. It may be possible to identify severely damaged donor organs before transplantation and avoid their use or to develop more aggressive strategies for reducing recurrent acute rejection episodes in high-risk patients.  相似文献   

In the past 2 decades, progressive improvements in the results of organ transplantation as a therapeutic strategy for patients with end-stage organ disease have been achieved due to greater insight into the immunobiology of graft rejection and better measures for surgical and medical management. It is now known that T cells play a central role in the specific immune response of acute allograft rejection. Strategies to prevent T cell activation or effector function are thus all potentially useful for immunosuppression. Standard immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplantation consists of baseline therapy to prevent rejection and short courses of high-dose corticosteroids or monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies as treatment of ongoing rejection episodes. Triple-drug therapy with the combination of cyclosporin, corticosteroids and azathioprine is now the most frequently used immunosuppressive drug regimen in cadaveric kidney recipients. The continuing search for more selective and specific agents has become, in the past decade, one of the priorities for transplant medicine. Some of these compounds are now entering routine clinical practice: among them are tacrolimus (which has a mechanism of action similar to that of cyclosporin), mycophenolate mofetil and mizoribine (which selectively inhibit the enzyme inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, the rate-limiting enzyme for de novo purine synthesis during cell division), and sirolimus (rapamycin) [which acts on and inhibits kinase homologues required for cell-cycle progression in response to growth factors, like interleukin-2 (IL-2)]. Other new pharmacological strategies and innovative approaches to organ transplantation are also under development. Application of this technology will offer enormous potential not only for the investigation of mechanisms and mediators of graft rejection but also for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

We report a patient who received a right single lung transplant (SLT) for progressive lymphangioleiomyomatosis and required reintubation for postoperative respiratory distress. She developed hemodynamic instability due to mediastinal shift from unilateral auto-PEEP with hyperinflation of the native lung. Placement of a double lumen endotracheal tube (DLET) and institution of differential lung ventilation restored equal lung inflation and hemodynamic stability.  相似文献   

Eleven children who received transplants at less than 2 years of age underwent 59 echocardiograms at the time of endomyocardial biopsy for the assessment of the ability of echocardiography to predict acute rejection in the infant heart transplant recipient. Two patients died of acute rejection and autopsy findings were compared with premortum echocardiograms. Biopsy specimens were graded as no rejection (n = 46), mild rejection (cellular infiltrate, n = 5), or moderate-severe rejection (myocyte necrosis/edema, n = 8). Echocardiographic indexes measured included the following: left ventricular mass, left ventricular volume, ejection fraction, heart rate, and peak rate of posterior wall thinning. Compared with controls, patients during mild rejection had slower posterior wall diastolic thinning (p < 0.01). No significant change was noted in left ventricular mass until endomyocardial biopsy specimens showed severe rejection. No significant changes were noted in heart rate or ejection fraction in any of the groups. In conclusion, decrease in the peak rate of posterior wall diastolic thinning may be a sensitive indicator of acute rejection in the infant heart transplant recipient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antioxidant treatment with lazeroids has proven beneficial for the amelioration of reperfusion injury in experimental lung transplantation. This study compares the effect of donor versus recipient treatment on immediate postoperative graft function. METHODS: A model of acute double-lung transplantation in rats was used to assess graft function. Transplanted controls after 2 (group I) and 16 hours of ischemia (group II) were compared to a recipient (group III; 16-hour ischemia) and a donor treatment group (group IV; 16-hour ischemia) using the lazeroid U74389G (6 mg/kg). Serial assessment of alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, dynamic lung compliance, airway and pulmonary vascular resistance was obtained during a 2-hour reperfusion period. Final analysis included survival, weight gain, and histologic examination. RESULTS: Graft function was significantly better after 2 hours of ischemia than in any of the three 16-hour ischemia groups (II, III, IV). After 16 hours of ischemia, donor treatment provided superior graft function with respect to dynamic lung compliance, airway resistance, and alveolar-arterial oxygen difference when compared with groups II and III. The pulmonary vascular resistance was significantly higher in group III when compared with groups II and IV. Graft weight increase reflecting edema was highest in groups III (104%) and II (98%). CONCLUSIONS: After prolonged ischemia only donor treatment with the lazeroid U74389G was able to significantly reduce ischemia-reperfusion-related graft dysfunction.  相似文献   

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