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Commensurate with development of in situ storm-water control and treatment is the need to quantify the delivery and granulometry of the suspended particulate fraction in storm water. Consistent with this need, this study examined the so-called “first flush” phenomenon for suspended particles with a measured range from 2 to 75 μm (typically <50 μm), the appropriateness of a single- versus multiple-power-law model of particle-number density (PND), and the application of process selection diagrams for particle separation. In comparison to a defined concentration “first flush” during the early portion of the examined rainfall-runoff events, results indicate that a disproportionately high and in some cases a continuous suspended particle delivery phenomenon that followed the hydrology of the event occurred. Such results suggest that the entire event may require treatment, not solely the commonly designated “first flush” based on indices such as suspended solids. While a single-power law reasonably represented granulometric characteristics of suspended storm-water particulates, and in theory a continuously size-based power law is the most accurate representation; within the given suspended particle-size range a multiple-power law provided reasonable simplicity and accuracy for total PND, surface area, and particulate volume. Despite a wide range of hydrologic conditions for a series of nine rainfall-runoff events examined, process selection diagrams based on the number-volume mean size (lnv) and total PND led to a similar conclusion. Based on the combination of lnv and PND in the urban catchment sedimentation in a typical transportation land use drainage facility is capable of removing 90% of particulate matter by mass within a detention time of 120 min.  相似文献   

By applying the kinematic wave method to a homogeneous, rectangular overland plane, the influence of the constant and proportional-loss models on the design discharge are examined. The examination shows that with the use of the proportional-loss model, there is no partial-area effect and the design discharge is governed by the full-area contribution. On the other hand, with the use of the constant-loss model, there is no partial-area effect if the loss rate is small. For larger loss rates, there is a partial-area effect; and for this case, the design is complicated, since there is a need to search for the critical storm that governs the partial-area effect. The characteristic of the critical storm is that its rate of decrease in rainfall intensity with duration equals the corresponding rate of increase in the contributing area. The preceding findings are consistent with the design concept in the rational method that uses the proportional-loss model, and the results from earlier studies that used the constant-loss model.  相似文献   

Modification of rainfall-runoff processes by urban infrastructure and anthropogenic activities impacts receiving waters and the surrounding terrestrial environment. Infiltration–exfiltration systems such as a partial exfiltration reactor (PER) when loaded by transient sheet flow have the potential to attenuate the impact of both the quantity and quality of urban runoff. These in situ systems are subject to highly variable water quality and quantity while functioning under variably saturated flow conditions. To improve the understanding of field-scale PER performance as a rainfall-runoff unit operation and process, a two-dimensional (2D) numerical model was used to simulate the effluent hydrograph and water content profiles under transient hydraulic loadings. Richard’s equation was applied in the 2D model using parameters estimated from laboratory experiments and hydrographs measured for an in situ PER. The temporal dynamics of the water content illustrated the ability of the PER to lower peak flow, redistribute volume, and attenuate temporal aspects of the inflow hydrograph. Results demonstrated the role of the PER to attenuate runoff water quantity, while also providing water quality improvements, as illustrated for suspended solids and dissolved Cu. Simulation of historical events for different surrounding soils illustrated the critical role of surrounding soil conditions on PER performance. While the PER demonstrated water quantity attenuation benefits for design storms (1, 2, 5?year return periods), results also illustrate how a given PER design for clayey soils conditions can be limiting for intense events. Evaporation was a dominant mechanism for the drying process in the PER upper layer; with a residual moisture content in the porous pavement layer achieved in less than 2?days in summer for Cincinnati, Ohio.  相似文献   

An existing accumulation and wash-off model was applied and calibrated on a standard asphalt parking lot located in the northeastern United States. The field measured data consisted of rainfall, flow, and runoff samples taken from over 26 storm events monitored from 2004 to 2006. The contaminants under consideration include: total suspended solids, total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range hydrocarbons (TPH-D), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (comprised of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia), and zinc (Zn). The objective of the study was to provide probability distributions of model parameters for contaminants that have not been documented much (TPH-D, DIN, and Zn). The best fitting parameter values were found on a storm by storm basis. Subsequently, the range and variability of these parameters are provided for modeling purposes and other urban storm-water quality applications. A normal distribution was fitted to the optimized model parameter values to describe their distributions. A simulated annealing algorithm was used as the parameter optimization technique. Several examples are given to illustrate the methodology and the performance of the model. Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation was performed to assess the capability of the model to predict contaminant concentrations at the watershed’s outlet.  相似文献   

In urban drainage, metals partition between dissolved (fd) and particulate (fp) phases. Metals also distribute across particulate matter (PM) gradations. In this study, granulometric metal distributions were examined for similar urban paved source areas in Baton Rouge, La.; Cincinnati; New Orleans; Little Rock, Ark.; and N. Little Rock, Ark. Metal distributions were examined for PM fractions from <25?μm to >4,750?μm, as suspended (< ~ 25?μm), settleable ( ~ 25–75?μm), and sediment (>75?μm bed load) fractions. For all areas, analysis of PM indicated that metal mass and concentration (mole/m2) were distributed across the gradation. A cumulative gamma distribution constitutive model related metal mass and PM size. The study focused on Baton Rouge, La. where event-based and composited PM metal distributions were statistically similar. For influent and settled runoff, fp dominated Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb partitioning. Influent Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb exceeded discharge criteria for receiving water beneficial uses on a total metal basis. A constitutive model for Pb and Zn mass distributions at Baton Rouge, La. was combined with Newtonian settling and ideal overflow rate to examine two limiting cases of storm events loading a screened hydrodynamic separator. For low and high flow events, modeling reproduced metal mass of eluted PM (2 to ~ 250?μm) from an HS within 4% of measurement, but when influent Pb and Zn exceeded discharge criteria so did HS effluent. As a separate unit operation, 1 h of quiescent settling did reduce Pb, but not Cu, Zn, and Cd to discharge criteria levels.  相似文献   

The Storm Water Management Model was adapted and calibrated to the Ballona Creek Watershed, a large urban catchment in Southern California. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to process the input data and generate the spatial distribution of precipitation. An optimization procedure using the complex method was incorporated to estimate runoff parameters, and ten storms were used for calibration and validation. The calibrated model predicted the observed outputs with reasonable accuracy. A sensitivity analysis showed the impact of the model parameters, and results were most sensitive to imperviousness and impervious depression storage and least sensitive to Manning roughness for surface flow. Optimized imperviousness was greater than imperviousness predicted from land-use information. The results demonstrate that this methodology of integrating GIS and stormwater model with a constrained optimization technique can be applied to large watersheds.  相似文献   

Excessive quantities of nutrients in urban storm-water runoff can lead to problems such as eutrophication in receiving water bodies. Accurate process based models are difficult to construct due to the vast array of complex phenomena affecting nutrient concentrations. Furthermore, it is often impossible to successfully apply process based models to catchments with limited or no sampling. This has created the need for simple models capable of predicting nutrient concentrations at unmonitored catchments. In this study, simple statistical models were constructed to predict six different types of nutrients present in urban storm-water runoff: ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen, dissolved phosphorus, and total phosphorus. Models were constructed using data from the United States, collected as a part of the Nationwide Urban Stormwater Program more than two decades ago. Comparison between the models revealed that regression models were generally more applicable than the simple estimates of mean concentration from homogeneous subsets, separated based upon land use or the metropolitan area. Regression models were generally more accurate and provided valuable insight into the most important processes influencing nutrient concentrations in urban storm-water runoff.  相似文献   

Bioretention is a relatively new urban storm water best management practice. The objective of this study is to provide insight on media characteristics that control bioretention water management behavior. Eighteen bioretention columns and six existing bioretention facilities were evaluated employing synthetic runoff. In columns, the runoff infiltration rate through different media mixtures ranged from 0.28 to 8.15?cm/min at a fixed 15 cm head. For pollutant removals, the results showed excellent removal for oil/grease (>96%). Total lead removal (from 66 to >98%) decreased when the total suspended solids level in the effluent increased (removed from 29 to >96%). The removal efficiency of total phosphorus ranged widely (4–99%), apparently due to preferential flow patterns, and both nitrate and ammonium were moderate to poorly removed, with removals ranging from 1 to 43% and from 2 to 49%, respectively. Two more on-site experiments were conducted during a rainfall event to compare with laboratory investigation. For bioretention design, two media design profiles are proposed; >96%?TSS, >96%?O/G, >98%?lead, >70%?TP, >9%?nitrate, and >20%?ammonium removals are expected with these designs  相似文献   

Settling velocity is an important constitutive parameter of particulate matter (PM) transported by runoff. Settling velocity is either explicitly or implicitly utilized when designing or modeling unit operations, and in situ or watershed controls for urban rainfall-runoff. Utilizing two common settling devices, a settling column and an Imhoff cone, settling velocities of discrete noncolloidal particles in source area urban rainfall-runoff were measured. A comparison of settling models applicable to discrete (Type I) PM settling was developed. Models were compared to measured results across the noncohesive silt- and sand-size PM gradation from 2 to 2,000?μm, utilizing measured particle-size distributions (PSDs) and specific gravity. Results indicate that Newton’s Law can reproduce measured settling velocity when measured inputs of PM diameter, specific gravity, and temperature are utilized. Alternative models to Newton’s Law (in the Stokesian regime) did not improve agreement with measured settling velocities determined using PSDs from laser diffraction. Settling velocity distributions using Newton’s Law were applied for two limiting classes of storm events loading a screened hydrodynamic separator (HS) at an urban watershed. Results indicate that for a low flow and high flow event, Newton’s Law and a simple ideal overflow model of the HS could reproduce PM separation and the PSD of eluted PM (2 to ~ 250?μm) within 17% of measured results on a gravimetric basis.  相似文献   

In this study, daily Escherichia coli measurements at six locations in an urban watershed in Houston, were undertaken over a period of 12 weeks, and were analyzed using time series and fractal analyses. The time series analysis revealed that the E. coli data series were nonrandom in nature and were characterized by a lack of periodicity. Shorter E. coli time series data sets (on the order of 10 days or less) exhibited a fractal structure, suggesting that micro scale time series may be fractal in nature in urban environments, a finding that has significant implications for bacteriological water quality monitoring. Although stormflow E. coli concentrations were significantly higher than baseflow levels, the range of variability in E. coli concentrations both during dry and wet weather conditions was comparable, indicating the residual impacts of rain events on bayou water quality. While other studies in the literature have shown that afternoon E. coli levels were lower than morning levels, the results from this study demonstrate the complexity of this phenomenon and its dependence on flow, turbidity, total suspended solids, temperature and the location/land use of the monitoring point (upstream or downstream and rural/urban). Spatial variability was highly correlated to land use with key differences between grassland and urban uses: urbanized sites exhibited higher overall E. coli concentrations, experienced rebound in E. coli levels during and after a rain event, exhibited no correlations between total suspended solids and E. coli, and exhibited less daily variability in bacteria concentrations.  相似文献   

Volumetric clarification is a common storm-water unit operation for hydrologic attenuation that couples particulate matter (PM) separation. Recent volumetric clarification can also include integrated filtration. This study examines the unsteady hydraulic and head loss response of a volumetric clarifying filter (VCF) system to urban source area hydrologic loadings in Baton Rouge, La for 19 fully captured events. The rainfall-runoff response of the 1,088?m2 paved watershed is examined as a direct VCF loading. Watershed responses yielded two classes of behavior; high volume events with an equilibrium volumetric runoff coefficient from 0.6–0.8 while low volume events were 0.4–0.6. Runoff PM as suspended sediment concentration (SSC) yielded coarse heterodisperse influent particle-size distributions (PSDs); transformed to finer and more monodisperse PSDs after treatment. While event-mean head loss is less than 25 mm, instantaneous values up to 200 mm were dependent on instantaneous flow to the filters. Without backwashing, filter ripening head loss is small due to the coarse uniform filter media and radial filter configuration, with a loss of 2% porosity across the series of 19 events. Despite filter ripening an Ergun model was capable of predicting head loss across the entire flow rate range. Head loss and flow frequency distributions were exponential. Results indicate that a volumetric clarifier, filter geometry, and engineered media combination are capable of reducing effluent SSC to <30?mg/L through serial mechanisms of sedimentation followed by filtration.  相似文献   

This work examines the basic processes and functions behind urban storm-water pollution delivery into surface waters and develops a set of tools that allow the estimation of pollutant load dynamics on receiving waters. In particular, the group of expressions developed in this paper allows the calculation of runoff parameters (volume, discharge rate and pollutant load) on an event average basis for an unregulated catchment. Using Monte Carlo simulation techniques, the runoff pollutant concentration probability distribution (as event averages) are obtained. Merging these runoff statistics with the stream parameters allows the receiving water pollutant concentration characteristics to be obtained as well as the probability of exceeding threshold pollutant concentrations in the mixing zone of a stream. The simulation can be performed with allowance for different levels of complexity with respect to catchment hydrologic representation and pollutant load functions. As a result, the magnitude of influence of urban runoff on a surface water body can be determined, pollutants of concern can be identified, and certain remedial measures recommended.  相似文献   

Pollutant detachment rates have been determined for four chloride salts during simulated urban storm runoff. Under rainfall and/or overland flow conditions, chloride mass flux was measured and related to boundary shear stress of the test surface. Washoff coefficients, presumed to depend only on pollutant characteristics, were computed based on the slopes of dimensionless mass flux versus dimensionless time plots. Washoff coefficients were found to vary among and between the chloride compounds studied. In general, higher overland flow rates produced lower boundary shear and lower washoff coefficients. The combination of simulated rainfall and overland flow resulted in an increased boundary shear and an increased washoff coefficient. An empirical washoff coefficient based on a load characteristic curve derived from an exponential washoff relationship was also computed from the runoff data and compared with the previous washoff coefficient. A linear correlation between these two washoff coefficients was observed. The magnitude of the latter coefficient under simulated rainfall was consistent with reported values obtained from field data.  相似文献   

The prognostic capabilities of a lumped hydrologic modeling approach may be complicated by routing and connectivity among infiltrative and impervious surfaces. We used artificial rainfall to generate runoff from impervious and bare soil boxes arranged in series to simulate different extents and connectivity of impervious surfaces under different moisture conditions for pervious areas. Curve numbers were calculated from observed rainfall and runoff data, compared with published values, and used in the curve number infiltration algorithm in the U.S. EPA Storm Water Management Model 5 (USEPA SWMM5) to generate runoff hydrographs. Experimental curve numbers were higher than tabular USDA values, ranging from 91 to 96. Simulations of infiltration and runoff response with experimental curve numbers showed overall good agreement with observed data, although SWMM5 was unable to re-create early term infiltration patterns, and simulated runoff lagged observed, which is attributed to implicit accounting for soil moisture and other assumptions of the SWMM5 curve number application. Our results highlight some prospects for the use of curve numbers in modeling infiltration and runoff.  相似文献   

A mathematical and statistical model for simulating contaminant removal from a surface sand filter is reported. The model was based on a mass balance equation and an advection-dispersion transport model. The unknown parameters of the model were the deposition rate and the hydrodynamic dispersion. Changes in space were allowed within the filter media depth and time variability of flow and influent contaminant concentration were taken into account. System field monitoring was performed between 2004 and 2006. A total of 17 storms were selected for the study. Runoff constituent analyses included: total suspended solids, total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range hydrocarbons, and zinc. The objective was to explore the capabilities of a two parameter model for predicting effluent contaminant concentrations. Optimized model parameter values were calculated on a storm by storm basis. Thereafter, a gamma distribution was fitted to the optimized values. A Monte Carlo simulation was performed to explore the predicting capabilities of the model by using two storms left for validation. Results of the validation phase show an acceptable performance of the model since, in general, estimated effluent concentrations fell within the uncertainty limits.  相似文献   

Compared to storm water runoff, urban roadway snow exposed to traffic and winter maintenance practices has a much greater capacity to accumulate and retrain heavy metals and other anthropogenic constituents. Heavy metals once released in the environment are not degraded and partition between the dissolved and particulate-bound fractions. Residence time, solid loadings, alkalinity, hardness, and pH influence partitioning. Accretion and partitioning of Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, Al, Ca, Na, Mg, and Fe from a series of urban highway sites in Cincinnati, Ohio, are compared to temporal accretion trends at a control site removed from the highway environment. Results from partitioning analysis indicate that Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, Al, Mg, and Fe were all highly particulate bound, while Na and Ca were mainly dissolved for all highway sites. Partition coefficients for most heavy metals in snowmelt ranged from 103 to 106?L/kg. Concentrations for Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, and cyanide were orders of magnitude higher than at the control site and exceeded storm water runoff concentrations by one to two orders of magnitude. For residuals analyses, the specific surface area generally increased with decreasing particle size while the predominance of total surface area (SA) was associated with the medium to coarser size fractions. Heavy metal mass trends followed similar general trends to that of the SA. Characterization of accretion and partitioning of these metals is a necessary first step toward development of management and treatment strategies designed to address urban snow pollution.  相似文献   

The present work is concerned with the development of a set of tools for the incorporation of various control measures—best management practices into an analytical probabilistic modeling approach for urban storm-water total maximum daily load (TMDL) estimation. Control measures are divided into two major groups—upstream and downstream, each requiring application of separate modeling principles elaborated in this paper. Applying Monte Carlo simulation to the developed set of expressions allows modeling the “end-of-pipe” parameters of urban storm-water discharges (runoff volume, discharge rate, and pollutant load) on an event average basis, as well as the stream parameters downstream of a storm-water discharge outlet. Model application is illustrated for a catchment regulated with an extended detention dry pond. Representative model results are presented, and a range of potential model applications is discussed. The capability to model the behavior of an urban storm-water system with the application of various control measures is the key precondition for the design of an optimal configuration of a water-protective strategy.  相似文献   

Many stream restoration projects do not include a requirement for long-term monitoring after the project has been completed, resulting in a lack of information about the success or failure of certain restoration techniques. The National Risk Management Research Laboratory, part of the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, evaluated the effectiveness of stream bank and channel restoration as a means of improving in-stream water quality and biological habitat in Accotink Creek, Fairfax City, Va., using discrete sampling and continuous monitoring techniques before and after restoration. This project monitored the effects of a 549 m (1,800 linear-ft) restoration of degraded stream channel in the North Fork of Accotink Creek. Restoration, which was intended to restore the stream channel to a stable condition, thereby reducing stream bank erosion and sediment loads in the stream, included installation of native plant materials along the stream and bioengineering structures to stabilize the stream channel and bank. Results of sampling and monitoring for 2 years after restoration indicated a slight improvement in biological quality for macroinvertebrate indices such as Virginia Stream Condition Index, Hilsenhoff Biotic Index, and Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera taxa; the differences were statistically significant at 90% level of confidence with the power of greater than 0.8. However, indices were all below the impairment level, indicating poor water quality conditions. No statistically significant differences in chemical constituents and bacteriological indicator organisms were found before and after restoration as well as upstream and downstream of the restoration. The results indicated that stream restoration alone had little effect in improving the conditions of in-stream water quality and biological habitat, though it has lessened further degradation of stream banks in critical areas where the properties were at risk. Control of storm-water flows by placing best management practices in the watershed might reduce and delay discharge to the stream and may ultimately improve habitat and water quality conditions.  相似文献   

To meet the need for an operating protocol to measure the distributions of suspended solid settling velocities within urban drainage, the CEREVE research laboratory has developed and validated the VICAS protocol. This procedure makes it possible, through the use of a compact, inexpensive and easy-to-operate settling column, to measure the settling velocity of suspended solids conveyed by either storm water or combined sewage, immediately after collecting a reduced volume sample (4.5 L), and without any pretreatment steps. Two measurement data processing methods were developed and may be easily implemented by means of a series of macros written in Excel. Tests were also conducted for the purpose of evaluating the level of measurement uncertainty specific to the protocol.  相似文献   

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