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Diffusional mass transfer of dissolved substances across the sediment–water interface in coastal waters is an important factor for realistic determination of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and nutrient recycle. The benthic diffusive boundary layer inside a cylindrical chamber commonly deployed for in situ measurements of sediment oxygen demand is studied. In a series of laboratory experiments, the SOD is measured with the chamber operated in both continuous flow and batch modes, and a microelectrode is employed to measure the near bed dissolved oxygen (DO) profile for different chamber flows and sediment types. The dependence of the diffusive boundary layer thickness and the sediment–water mass transfer coefficient on the hydraulic parameters are quantified. Using the derived mass transfer coefficient, it is shown that for a given sediment type, the SOD is a function of the bulk DO concentration and chamber flowrate. The theoretical predictions are validated by both laboratory and field SOD data.  相似文献   

Oxygen Demand by a Sediment Bed of Finite Length   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model of sedimentary oxygen demand (SOD) for a sediment bed of finite length is presented. The responses of diffusive oxygen transfer in turbulent flow above the sediment surface and of microbial activity inside the sediment to a developing diffusive boundary layer are modeled numerically. The developing diffusive boundary layer above the sediment/water interface is modeled based on shear velocity and turbulent boundary layer concepts, and dissolved oxygen (DO) uptake inside the sediment is modeled as a function of the microbial growth rate. The model predicts that the diffusive boundary layer above the sediment/water interface thickens in flow direction, and that DO penetration depth into the sediment is practically constant over the length of the sediment bed. The effect of the developing diffusive boundary layer on SOD is minor, except at very low shear/flow velocities (shear velocity U*<0.01?cm/s) and/or high microbial density inside the sediment. The average SOD over the sediment bed therefore varies only slightly with its length. SOD varies somewhat in flow direction, i.e., SOD is largest near the leading edge (x = 0), decreases with distance, and finally, approaches a nearly constant value for fully developed boundary layer. Including microbial activity in the sediment makes the change of SOD in flow direction much smaller than is predicted by a pure vertical diffusive flux model. The diffusive boundary layer is nearly fully developed at a dimensionless distance x+ = 10,000, regardless of microbial activity inside the sediment. Longer sediment beds are required to eliminate the small leading edge effect on any measured average SOD value. SOD depends strongly on the diffusion coefficient of DO inside the sediment bed. This effect becomes more significant as shear/flow velocity is increased. Overall, SOD is found to be controlled principally by shear velocity of the water flowing above the sediment/water interface, microbial activity inside the sediment, and diffusion of DO inside the sediment. The length of the sediment bed is of lesser influence.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to calculate the rate of dissolved-oxygen (DO) diffusion across a sediment surface taking into account the surface roughness and biochemical reactions of the sediment. Estimates of DO transfer rate from the model were compared with results from laboratory experiments conducted in a rectangular flume using roughness elements. In experiments, there was maximum value for the nondimensionalized DO transfer rate (Stanton number, St) in the transitional region of surface roughness, in which the mass flux was two to five times larger than that of the smooth surface. The reproducibility of the experimental results by numerical analysis was significantly improved by including terms for flushing frequency of water in cavities between the roughness elements and for nonsteady variations in the diffusion rate due to step changes in DO concentration in the flushed region. A simple method to estimate enhancement effect for St caused by nonsteady variations was also presented.  相似文献   

Traditionally, dissolved oxygen (DO) fluxes have been calculated using the thin-film theory with DO microstructure data in systems characterized by fine sediments and low velocities. However, recent experimental evidence of fluctuating DO concentrations near the sediment-water interface suggests that turbulence and coherent motions control the mass transfer, and the surface renewal theory gives a more mechanistic model for quantifying fluxes. Both models involve quantifying the mass transfer coefficient (k) and the relevant concentration difference (ΔC). This study compared several empirical models for quantifying k based on both thin-film and surface renewal theories, as well as presents a new method for quantifying ΔC (dynamic approach) that is consistent with the observed DO concentration fluctuations near the interface. Data were used from a series of flume experiments that includes both physical and kinetic uptake limitations of the flux. Results indicated that methods for quantifying k and ΔC using the surface renewal theory better estimated the DO flux across a range of fluid-flow conditions.  相似文献   

The quantitative effects of hydrodynamic conditions on sediment oxygen demand (SOD) under smooth surface conditions were investigated using the following three practical and compact experimental systems: (1) a continuous flow system containing sediment core samples; (2) a rectangular flume system; and (3) a system combining the first two. Experimental results demonstrated that SOD showed a monotonically increasing tendency as the flow velocity increased with reduction of the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer. The experimental results were compared with numerical models theoretically relating SOD and flow velocity under smooth surface conditions. The features of each experimental system are discussed. The continuous flow system is advantageous because it simultaneously produces a steady state and different dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions. The rectangular flume system is suitable for fundamental studies of hydrodynamic effects on SOD because it makes controlling hydrodynamic conditions easy, while the combined system is appropriate for studying the effect of microscopic phenomena on exchange rates, as it can reproduce natural microscopic physicochemical processes.  相似文献   

A microbial dissolved oxygen (DO) uptake model was developed for a stream bed, including the effect of turbulence in the flow over the bed and pore water flow in the porous bed. The fine-grained sediment bed has hydraulic conductivities 0.01 ≤ k ≤ 1??cm/s, i.e., sediment particle diameter 0.006 ≤ ds ≤ 0.06??cm. The pore water flow is driven by pressure fluctuations at the sediment-water interface, mostly attributable to near-bed coherent motions in the turbulent boundary layer above the sediment bed. An effective mass transfer coefficient (De) coupled to a pore water flow model was used in the DO transport and DO uptake model. DO flux across the sediment-water interface and into the sediment, i.e., sedimentary oxygen demand (SOD), was related to hydraulic conductivity and microbial oxygen uptake rate in the sediment and shear velocity at the sediment-water interface. Simulated SOD values were validated against experimental data. For hydraulic conductivities of the sediment bed up to k ≈ 0.01??cm/s, the pore water flow effect on SOD was found negligible. Above this threshold, the effective mass (DO) transfer coefficient in the sediment bed (De) becomes larger as the hydraulic conductivity (k) becomes larger as the interstitial flow velocities increase; consequently, DO penetration depth increases with larger hydraulic conductivity of the sediment bed (k), and SOD increases as well. The enhancement of vertical DO transport into the sediment bed is strongest near the sediment-water interface, and rapidly diminishes with depth into the sediment layer. An increase in shear velocity at the sediment-water interface also enhances DO transfer. Shear velocity increases at the sediment-water interface will raise SOD regardless of the maximum oxidation rate if the hydraulic conductivity is above the threshold of k ≈ 1??cm/s. The relationship is nearly linear when U*<0.8??cm/s. At shear velocity U* = 1.6??cm/s, SOD for oxidation rates μ = 1000 and 2000??mg?l-1?d-1 are almost five times larger than those with no pore water flow. When pore water transport of DO is not limiting, SOD is a linear function of oxygen demand rate μ in the sediment when 0 ≤ μ ≤ 200??mg?l-1?d-1.  相似文献   

The “velocity pulse model” simulates the transfer of turbulence from flowing water into a sediment bed, and its effect on the diffusional mass transfer of a solute (e.g., oxygen, sulfate, or nitrate) in the sediment bed. In the “pulse model,” turbulence above the sediment surface is described by sinusoidal variations of vertical velocity in time. It is shown that vertical velocity components dampen quickly inside the sediment when the frequency of velocity fluctuations is high and viscous dissipation is strong. Viscous dissipation (ν) inside the sediment is related to the apparent viscosity depending on the structure of the sediment pore space, i.e., the porosity and grain diameter, as well as inertial effects when the flow is turbulent. A value ν/ν0 between 1 and 20 (ν0 is kinematic viscosity of water) has been considered. Turbulence penetration into the sediment is parametrized by the Reynolds number Re = UL/ν and the relative penetration velocity W/U, where U=amplitude of the velocity pulse; and W=penetration velocity; L = WT=wave length of the velocity pulse; and T is its period. Amplitudes of vertical velocity components inside the sediment and their autocorrelation functions are computed, and the results are used to estimate eddy viscosity inside the sediment pore system as a function of depth. Diffusivity in the sediment pore system is inferred by using turbulent or molecular Schmidt numbers. Turbulence penetration from flowing water can enhance the vertical diffusion coefficient in a sediment bed by an order of magnitude or more. Penetration depth of turbulence is higher for low frequency velocity pulses. Vertical diffusivity inside the pore system is shown to decrease more or less exponentially with depth below the sediment/water interface. Vertical diffusivities in a sediment bed estimated by the “velocity pulse model” can be used in pore water quality models to describe vertical transport from or into flowing surface water. The analysis has been conducted for a conservative material, but source and sink terms can be added to the vertical transport equation.  相似文献   

This paper is written to mark the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Hans Albert Einstein (1904–1973). It casts his career as that of the archetypal researcher protagonist determined to master intellectually the way water flows and conveys alluvial sediment in rivers. In that effort, Einstein personified the mix of success and frustration experienced by many researchers who have attempted to formulate the complicated behavior of alluvial rivers in terms of mechanically based equations. His formulation of the relationship between rates of bed-sediment transport (especially bedload transport) and water flow comprised an innovative departure from the largely empirical approach that prevailed at the time. He introduced into that relationship the emerging fluid-mechanic concepts of turbulence and boundary layers, and concepts of probability theory. Inevitably the numerous complexities attending sediment transport mire formulation and prompt his use of several approximating compromises in order to make estimating bed-sediment transport practicable. His formulation nonetheless is a milestone in river engineering.  相似文献   

Stepped waterways are commonly used as river training, debris dam structures, storm water systems, and aeration cascades. The present study was focused on analysis of basic air–water flow properties on a low gradient stepped chute, combined with dissolved oxygen measurements. The oxygen aeration efficiency was found to be about 30% for 12 steps with a total drop in invert elevation of 1.4?m, nearly independently of the inflow conditions. Detailed air–water flow measurements, including void fraction, velocity, bubble count rate, and interface area, were used to integrate the mass transfer equation and to estimate the aeration potential of the waterway. Direct comparisons with dissolved oxygen measurements showed good agreement between the two methods.  相似文献   

The diffusive release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from sediments to water under low-flow conditions was measured for surficial sediments with different PCB concentrations collected from the Grasse River near Massena, N.Y. Data on PCB sediment-water equilibrium partitioning and PCB mass release flux from sediments were used to assess the extent and mass transfer rate of PCB release under low-flow conditions in the Grasse River. Microcosm studies were employed to evaluate the release flux of PCBs under quiescent conditions for various river sediments and sediment mixtures. The observed total-PCB release fluxes ranged from about 1 to 20 mg/m2?year, showing predominantly dichloro- through tetrachlorobiphenyls. Analyses of water column samples from the Grasse River under low-flow conditions also indicated the predominance of dichloro- through tetrachlorobiphenyls as in the microcosm tests. Data on PCB equilibrium partitioning between water and sediment were used to estimate sediment porewater concentrations, and these data combined with the microcosm flux data were used to estimate average, aqueous-boundary-layer total-PCB mass transfer coefficients of 0.3–1.5 cm/day. These values are consistent with estimates of mass transfer coefficients based on aqueous-boundary-layer correlations, and with PCB mass transfer coefficients inferred from the field data for low-flow conditions in the fall and winter (approximately 2 cm/day). The correspondence of the laboratory results with the field measurements and mass transfer rates demonstrates the usefulness of the microcosm technique for estimating fluxes of PCBs from river sediments under low-flow minimum bioturbation conditions.  相似文献   

The interbasin water transfer project is an alternative to balance the nonuniform temporal and spatial distribution of water resources and water demands, especially in arid and semi arid regions. A water transfer project can be executed if it is environmentally and economically justified. In this study, the feasibility of two interbasin water transfer projects from Karoon River in the western part of Iran to the central part of the country is investigated. An optimization model with an economic objective function to maximize the net benefit of the interbasin water transfer projects is developed. The planning horizon of the model is 23 years (the length of historical data); and it is solved using genetic algorithm. In order to consider environmental impacts of water transfer projects, a water quality simulation model has been used. Then, an Artificial Neural Network model is trained based on the simulation results of a river water quality model in order to be coupled with the optimization model. The outputs of the optimization model are the value of economic gain of the sending (Karoon) basin to offset the loss of agricultural income and environmental costs. The optimal polices for water transfer during the planning horizon has been generated using the coupled simulation-optimization model. Then, operating rules are developed using a K Nearest Neighborhood model for the real time water transfer operation. The results show the significant value of using the proposed algorithm and economic evaluation for water transfer projects.  相似文献   

The oxygen-transfer characteristics of an upflow biological aerated filter filled with angular clay media were determined over a wide range of gas and liquid flow rates. Liquid-side, oxygen-transfer coefficients (KLa) were measured using a nitrogen gas stripping method under abiotic conditions and were found to increase as both gas and liquid superficial velocity increases, with values ranging from 12 to 110?h?1 based on empty bed volume. The effect of gas and liquid velocity, wastewater to clean water ratio, and temperature dependence was correlated to within ±20% of the experimental KLa value. Stagnant gas holdup is roughly double in wastewater compared to clean water, but the dynamic gas holdup is the same. The oxygen-transfer coefficient is directly proportional to the dynamic gas holdup. Stagnant gas holdup does not influence the rate of oxygen transfer. The results suggest that dynamic gas holdup largely determines the specific interfacial area (a), whereas the interstitial liquid velocity largely controls the oxygen-transfer coefficient (KL).  相似文献   

A general review of the mass transfer correlation coefficients available in the literature was done. The emphasis was for liquid-liquid phases and the main mathematical forms of the correlations accessible are reported. In general, there is a necessity of general models. More work has to be done in this area in order to establish more general models that permit reporting only their parameters for a given system and/or equipment.  相似文献   

Oxygen transfer is one of the key processes in the bioreactor. Herein a computational fluid dynamics model for the oxygen transfer in high-speed surface aeration tank has been developed and validated through a full-scale aeration test. The test results indicate that the oxygen transfer mainly comes from the spray water in air and that the gas entrainment by the plunging of spray water and the surface reaeration in the aeration tank contribute little to the total oxygen transfer in high-speed surface aerator. A simple method was proposed to measure the oxygen transfer rate for high-speed surface aerator.  相似文献   

Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) can be a significant oxygen sink in various types of water bodies, particularly slow-moving waters with substantial organic sediment accumulation. In most settings in which SOD is a concern, the prevailing hydraulic conditions are such that the impact of sediment resuspension on SOD is not considered. However, in the case of Bubbly Creek in Chicago, the prevailing slack water conditions are interrupted by infrequent intervals of very high flow rates associated with pumped combined sewer overflow (CSO) during intense hydrologic events. These events can cause resuspension of the highly organic, nutrient-rich bottom sediments, resulting in precipitous drawdown of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water column. To address this issue, a new in situ experimental apparatus designed to achieve high flow velocities was implemented to characterize SOD, both with and without sediment resuspension. In the case of resuspension, the suspended sediment concentration was analyzed as a function of bed shear stress, and a formulation was developed to characterize resuspended-sediment oxygen demand (SODR) as a function of suspended sediment concentration in a form similar to first-order biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) kinetics with the DO term in the form of Monod kinetics. The results obtained can be implemented into a model containing hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and water-quality components to yield oxygen demand varying in both space and time for specific flow events. The results are used to evaluate water quality improvement alternatives that take into account the impact of SOD under various flow conditions.  相似文献   

Thermal stratification is a common phenomenon in deep lakes and reservoirs, which often results in water-quality deterioration, including such problems as hypolimnetic anoxia, the release of pollutants from sediments, and algal blooms. Hypolimnetic oxygenation and destratification are the two commonly used methods for resolving these water-quality problems. A new water-quality improvement device, the water-circulating aerator, was designed to destratify lakes and reservoirs, by circulation and oxygenation of upper and lower layers of water. The design of the structure of the water-circulating aerator is detailed. Three mathematical models were built to optimize this structure, estimate the rate of water flow in the aerator, and calculate the rate of oxygen transfer from air bubbles to water in the aerator. These models were verified by experiments. The water-circulating aerator system has been successfully applied in a stratified reservoir to increase dissolved oxygen to reduce the releasing of ammonia-nitrogen from sediments under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

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