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The COS-based ciphers SCO-1, SCO-2 and SCO-3 (called the SCO-family) have been designed to improve the security of DDP-based ciphers which are all broken by related-key attacks. In this paper we show that the SCO-family is still vulnerable to related-key attacks: we present related-key differential attacks on a full-round SCO-1, a full-round SCO-2 and an 11-round reduced SCO-3, respectively. The attack on SCO-1 requires 261 related-key chosen ciphertexts and 2120.59 full-round SCO-1 decryptions. For the attack on SCO-2, we require 259 related-key chosen plaintexts and 2118.42 full-round SCO-2 encryptions, and the 11-round attack on SCO-3 works with 258 related-key chosen plaintexts and 2117.54 11-round SCO-3 encryptions. This work is the first known cryptanalytic results on the SCO-family.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the formal verification of a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger’s algorithm for computing Gröbner bases of polynomial ideals. This work is carried out in ACL2, a system which provides an integrated environment where programming (in a pure functional subset of Common Lisp) and formal verification of programs, with the assistance of a theorem prover, are possible. Our implementation is written in a real programming language and it is directly executable within the ACL2 system or any compliant Common Lisp system. We provide here snippets of real verified code, discuss the formalization details in depth, and present quantitative data about the proof effort.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the development of Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) filters for both retarded and neutral time-delay systems with unknown time-varying delays. Using a geometric framework, the notion of a finite unobservability subspace is introduced for time-delay systems and an algorithm for its construction is presented. A bank of residual generators is then designed so that each residual is affected by one fault and is partially decoupled from the others while the H norm of the transfer function between the disturbances and the uncertainties in delays and the residuals are guaranteed to remain less than a prescribed value. Furthermore, it is shown that in the case of known delays it is possible to generate residuals that enjoy perfect decoupling properties among faults. Simulation results presented demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed FDI algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish some stability results concerning the Cauchy–Jensen functional equation in generalized fuzzy normed spaces. The results of the present paper improve and extend some recent results.  相似文献   

The problem of constructing optimal designs when some of the factors are not under the control of the experimenters is considered. Their values can be known or unknown before the experiment is carried out. Several criteria are taken into consideration to find optimal conditional designs given some prior information on the factors. In order to determine these optimal conditional designs a class of multiplicative algorithms is provided. Optimal designs are computed for illustrative, but simplistic, examples. Two real life problems in production models and a physical test for predicting morbidity in lung cancer surgery motivate the procedures provided.  相似文献   

In most pattern recognition (PR) applications, it is advantageous if the accuracy (or error rate) of the classifier can be evaluated or bounded prior to testing it in a real-life setting. It is also well known that if the two class-conditional distributions have a large overlapping volume (almost all the available work on “overlapping of classes” deals with the case when there are only two classes), the classification accuracy is poor. This is because if we intend to use the classification accuracy as a criterion for evaluating a PR system, the points within the overlapping volume tend to lead to maximal misclassification. Unfortunately, the computation of the indices which quantify the overlapping volume is expensive. In this vein, we propose a strategy of using a prototype reduction scheme (PRS) to approximately, but quickly, compute the latter. In this paper, we demonstrate, first of all, that this is an extremely expedient proposition. Indeed, we show that by completely discarding (we are not aware of any reported scheme which discards “irrelevant” sample (training) points, and which simultaneously attains to an almost-comparable accuracy) the points not included by the PRS, we can obtain a reduced set of sample points, using which, in turn, the measures for the overlapping volume can be computed. The value of the corresponding figures is comparable to those obtained with the original training set (i.e., the one which considers all the data points) even though the computations required to obtain the prototypes and the corresponding measures are significantly less. The proposed method has been rigorously tested on artificial and real-life datasets, and the results obtained are, in our opinion, quite impressive—sometimes faster by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Xueling Ma 《Information Sciences》2009,179(9):1249-1268
A new kind of generalized fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring, namely, the (∈,∈q)-fuzzy h-bi-ideal (resp., h-quasi-ideal) is studied and the relationships between these generalized fuzzy h-ideals are described. Some characterization theorems of prime and semiprime (∈,∈q)-fuzzy h-bi-ideals (resp., h-quasi-ideals) of a hemiring are also given. In particular, we show that the h-hemiregular hemirings and h-intra-hemiregular hemirings can be described by using some of their generalized fuzzy h-ideals. Finally, the implication-based fuzzy h-bi-ideals (resp., h-quasi-ideals) of a hemiring are considered.  相似文献   

In this note, a simple derivation of the Riccati equation based solutions to the standard control problem, namely the well-known Glover–Doyle solution and DGKF solution is given based on LMI solution. It is hoped that this will be helpful in deepening the understanding of Riccati equation solutions.  相似文献   

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