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J. D. Cashion A. H. Cooke M. J. M. Leask T. L. Thorp M. R. Wells 《Journal of Materials Science》1968,3(4):402-407
Magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out on five series of rare-earth compounds using an ac mutual inductance technique. The compounds satisfy the general formulae RNbO4, R3NbO7, R2TiO5, R2Ti2O7, or RAIO3 where R is a rare-earth ion. The measurements were mainly carried out in the helium range 1 to 4.2° K, and the results analysed in terms of the general Van Vleck formula = C/(T+) +. Many of the compounds were observed to undergo antiferromagnetic transitions, and in some cases showed evidence of extremely anisotropic behaviour above the Néel temperature. 相似文献
The first measurements of the anomalous variation of d.c. magnetic susceptibility of the (50 – x) P2O5-xM-50V2O5 (M = Bi2O3 and Sb2O3, and x=0 to 40 mol% M) oxide glasses around 20 to 30 mol% M are reported here. Similar anomalous behaviour was also observed in the electrical and other physical properties of the glasses (reported in the previous paper). Like electrical and dielectric properties, this anomaly in the magnetic properties was also found to be mostly associated with the anomalous variation of the V4+/V5+ ratio (around 20 to 30 mol% M) with the concentration of M. From the temperature (80 to 300 K)-dependent magnetic susceptibility data the V4+ ion concentrations have also been calculated, which agree quite well with those obtained from chemical analysis, and the small discrepancy is attributed to the presence of V3+ and/or V2+ ions in the glass. 相似文献
Magnetic susceptibility measurements to temperatures below 5 mK were made on powdered samples of two cerium compounds: a complex of cerium thiocyanate and triphenyl phosphine oxide, and a complex of cerium iodide and antipyrine. In addition, an adiabatic demagnetization experiment was performed on the cerium thiocyanate complex which resulted in an observed minimum magnetic temperature of 1.42 mK. Also discussed is an interesting design feature of the3He–4He dilution refrigerator which makes possible the attainment of temperatures as low as 3.5 mK.Work supported by National Science Foundation and Research Corporation. 相似文献
R. M. Waterstrat B. Lachal A. Junod M. Pelizzone J. Muller 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1983,52(1-2):55-61
A number of Ti3P-type compounds, mainly based on Zr and Nb, were investigated for their low-temperature specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. Results are presented for Nb3X (X=Si, P, As), Zr3X (X=Si, P, Ge, As), and V3P. We found an interesting correlation between the two electronic properties in the Zr3X (X=Si, P, Ge, As) series. A tentative interpretation of this behavior is proposed. 相似文献
The magnetic susceptibilities of SnMo6S8, PbMo6.35S8, and PbMo6.2S8 have been measured. There appear to be transitions at about 40 and 100 K. The behavior of the susceptibility is believed to be caused by changes in the lattice, affecting the charge transfer from the tin or lead atoms to the Mo6S8 clusters. 相似文献
A refined method for preventing the incorporation of oxygen into Chevrel compounds is presented. This method has been used in producing Cu1.8Mo6S8, SnMo6S8, and PbMo6S8. The removal of oxygen enhances the magnetic susceptibility of these materials as well as raising their superconducting transition temperatures. The curves of magnetic susceptibility versus temperature show structures that may indicate lattice deformations. 相似文献
The effect of Coqblin-Schrieffer-type interaction between conduction and rare-earth ion localized electrons on the superconducting order parameter of some ternary compounds is studied. A reentrant behavior of the order parameter is found. Superconductivity can be destroyed at two temperatures: at T
c1 due to thermal pair breaking, and at T
C2(< Tc1), when = , being related to magnetic ordering of rare-earth ions and spin polarization of conduction electrons.A brief account of this work was presented at the 16th Solid State Physics Conference held at Warwick, England, January 3–5, 1979. 相似文献
Ji-Hai Xu 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1988,70(1-2):173-186
A single-order-parameter and two-gap model (a modified Suhl two-gap model) is proposed for heavy-fermion superconductors. A simple relation between two gaps is found. The thermodynamic quantities in the superconducting state are calculated in terms of this model. It is shown that the critical values of the physical quantities are quantitatively in agreement with experiment. The behavior of the specific heat, of the ultrasonic attenuation, and of the NMR rate are also in good agreement with those of CeCu2Si2 and UBe13 at all temperatures. 相似文献
A survey of the known highT
c ternary systems of compounds is presented. Special emphasis has been placed on the part played by the crystal structure and
bonding in the exhibition of highT
c superconductivity. The superconducting and other physical properties of the ternary borides have been discussed in relatively
more detail. Finally, the available guidelines from crystal and solid state chemistry points of view, have been reiterated
for a search for new highT
c materials. 相似文献
In La2–x
CuO4 (LBCO) the transition to a low-temperature tetragonal phase and the suppression of superconductivity occur at the carrier concentration p 1/8 per copper. We will discuss the roles of various material parameters that control this instability. An unusual lattice softening has been found by ultrasonic measurement on La2–x
CuO4 (LSCO). This softening is present only in an in-plane shearing mode and is ascribed to the growth of structural fluctuations in the normal state.These phenomena are closely related because both the structural change in LBCO and the applied strain in LSCO lift the degeneracy of in-plane oxygen sites. They clarify the importance of strong coupling between the normal-state electronic system and the lattice by a Peierls-type mechanism. 相似文献
R. D. Blaugher R. E. Hein J. E. Cox R. M. Waterstrat 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1969,1(6):539-561
Twenty-six different binary A-15 compounds were investigated to determine if superconductivity could be related to the degree of long-range atomic ordering on the crystallographic lattice sites. Significant changes in the superconducting transition temperatures and critical fields were produced by quenching from high temperatures followed by low-temperature annealing. These changes inT
cwere accompanied by changes in the degree of long-range ordering as determined using x-ray diffraction methods. The results can be interpreted within the framework of Weger's linear-chain model only when the B-element is a nontransition element. When both the A-and B-components are transition elements, however, the superconducting behavior will apparently depend on the nature of d-electron interactions between the component atoms. Complete ordering is not always an essential requirement for optimizing the superconducting properties. 相似文献
The possibility of a coexistent superconducting and magnetic phase in layered transition metal dichalcogenides of the type MX
is investigated (M =transition metal; X = S, Se; A = magnetic ion; x 0.25). Describing such systems with a model in which a highly anisotropic electron gas interacts with a quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg magnet, we find the following conditions for coexistence: (1) The coupling between adjacent layers of ferromagnetically ordered magnetic ions needs to be antiferromagnetic (S
= 0) in order to have no pair-breaking internal fields. (2) The exchange interaction between conduction electrons and magnetic ions must be very small ( 0.003 eV), since otherwise, due to the high concentration of localized magnetic moments, spin-flip scattering processes and spin fluctuations would destroy superconductivity. The theoretical prediction for the persistence of superconductivity up to concentrations of x 0.25 of magnetic ions is compared with recent experiments on Eu-intercalated TaS
and NbS
and related compounds showing a tendency for ferromagnetically ordered layers of Eu impurities and antiferromagnetic coupling between neighboring layers but no superconductivity for x exceeding a few percent. Reasons for the quick disappearance of superconductivity in these systems and criteria for possible observation of high-magnetic-impurity-concentration superconductivity in other layered compounds are given. 相似文献
Using the formulation due to Fedro and Robinson of magnetic exchange in the presence of superconductivity, the mean field magnetic interaction energy has been calculated for rare earth (RE) ions in the RERh4B4 lattice. It is shown that increasing the strength of the superconducting interaction relative to the magnetic interaction results in a decrease of ferromagnetic coupling, and in some cases may drive ferromagnetic systems into antiferromagnetism. 相似文献
By alloying boron with RPd3 (R=rare earth) compounds, new ternary alloys of the formula RPd3B
(0 ≤x ≤ 1) have been prepared. The parent RPd3 compounds crystallise in the cubic AuCu3 type structure. The addition of boron does not change the structure but results in an expansion of the lattice. Therefore,
it is likely that the small boron atoms occupy the vacant body centred position in AuCu3 type structure. It is also observed that compounds of the composition RRh3B can be formed in the cubic structure for all rare earths R though the parent RRh3 compounds exist only for R=Ce (AuCu3 type) and La, Sm, Nd and Gd (all hexagonal CeNi3 type). This points out the role of boron in stabilising new crystallographic phases. The results of susceptibility measurements
on some of the RPd3B and RRh3B compounds are presented. In particular, it is noted that while GdPd3 orders antiferromagnetically withT
N=6 K, GdPd3B does not order magnetically down to 4.2 K. 相似文献
For superconducting transition metals and their alloys it is shown that there is a strong possibility of having antiferromagnetic interaction in the conduction band. A-15 superconductors noted for their high Tc values are ideally placed to have such an interaction. Electron spin resonance studies carried out by the authors on high Tc films of Nb3Ge strongly coroborate it. 相似文献