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In this study an investigation has been made on the properties of impedance hygrometer fabricated using cellulose and copper phthalocyanine (Ag/Cellulose/ CuPc/Ag). The 5 wt% suspension of cellulose was prepared in water while the CuPc was dissolved in methanol. Film of cellulose was deposited on glass substrates with preliminary deposited metallic electrodes followed by deposition of CuPc film. The resistances and capacitances of the samples were evaluated under the effect of humidity. The impedance was calculated from resistance and capacitance measurements. It was also measured during the experiment. It was observed that the capacitance of the sensor increases and resistance and impedance decrease with increase in the relative humidity level. It was found that impedance-humidity relationship showed more uniform changes in the interval of 31%-98% RH than the resistance- and capacitance-humidity relationships that showed visible changes in the humidity interval of 31%-80% RH and 80%-98% RH respectively. Humidity dependent impedance of the sample makes it attractive for use in impedance hygrometers. The impedance hygrometer may be used in the instruments for environmental monitoring of humidity.  相似文献   

This work reports the fabrication and investigation of surface-type organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) based diode. Thin film of CuPc of thickness 100 nm has been thermally sublimed onto glass substrate with preliminary deposited metallic electrodes to form surface-type Ag/CuPc/Au Schottky diode. Current-voltage characteristics are measured at room temperature under dark condition. The barrier height is calculated as 1.05 eV. The value of mobility and conductivity is found to be and , respectively. It is found that at low voltages the device shows ohmic conduction and a space charge limited current conduction mechanisms are dominated at higher voltages.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the fabrication and investigation of a surface-type organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine(CuPc) based diode.A thin film of CuPc of thickness 100 nm was thermally sublimed onto a glass substrate with preliminary deposited metallic electrodes to form a surface-type Ag/CuPc/Au Schottky diode.The current-voltage characteristics were measured at room temperature under dark conditions.The barrier height was calculated as 1.05 eV.The values of mobility and conductivity was found to be 1.74×10-9 cm2/(V·s) and 5.5×10-6Ω-1·cm-1,respectively.At low voltages the device showed ohmic conduction and the space charge limited current conduction mechanisms were dominated at higher voltages.  相似文献   

程艳  文丰  任勇峰 《电子器件》2015,38(2):382-385
针对市场上的温湿度计存在着精度高但价格昂贵、价格低但精度低和功耗高的问题,提出了一种基于MSP430F149单片机的低功耗温湿度计的设计方法,MSP430F149是超低功耗单片机,用它作为温湿度计的控制器,能够降低系统功耗,且该型号单片机价格便宜。设计的温湿度计能够实现温度和湿度采集并通过液晶显示屏显示,测温精度为±2℃,测湿精度±5%RH,且能在温湿度严重不合格时以蜂鸣器预警,该温湿度计因其低功耗特别适合家居使用。  相似文献   

This study presents the fabrication and characterization of a novel surface-type capacitive humidity sensors using Vanadyl Phthalocyanine (VOPc) as an active material. The devices comprising three different thicknesses have been fabricated using thermal evaporator. Thin film of VOPc is deposited on thoroughly cleaned glass substrates with pre-patterned Ag electrodes. The capacitive effect of the samples under humidity has been investigated. Comparison of the samples with different thicknesses reveals the fact that the device with lesser thickness seems more sensitive towards humidity. The humidity dependent capacitance properties of the sensor make it beneficial for use in commercial hygrometers.  相似文献   

主要讨论了二端口网络的特性阻抗与影像阻抗。特性阻抗和影像阻抗是在电路分析中二端口网络部分引入的概念。在教学过程中,笔者发现,对于特性阻抗,不同版本的教材有两种不同的定义,有的认为特性阻抗与影像阻抗是同一概念。为了弄清楚二者的关系与区别,笔者翻阅了相关书籍并请教了部分专家,针对特性阻抗的两种不同定义,说明了自己的观点,澄清了一些比较模糊的概念。  相似文献   

推导出了有机二极管交流阻抗谱的公式,当迁移率为常数时的计算结果与文献中的解析公式相符合,表明推出的公式和编写的程序是正确的。进一步根据文献中与温度、载流子浓度和电场强度有关的通用迁移率模型,计算了NRS-PPV有机二极管的交流阻抗谱。结果表明阻抗的实部总是取正值,虚部总是取负值。阻抗的实部和虚部的绝对值在低频极限下的数值都是随温度和直流偏压增大而减小。实部总是频率的单调减函数,且减小的速率随温度和直流偏压增大而变慢;虚部绝对值在低温下是频率的单调减函数,在高温下将出现极大值,极值的峰高随温度和直流偏压增大而减小,极值位置相应地出现蓝移。  相似文献   

传输线的阻抗控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了传输线特征阻抗的物理含义,介绍了2种传输线阻抗计算的经验公式,在此基础上讨论了影响传输线阻抗控制的主要因素。重点分析了当光发射模块的驱动器芯片和激光器之间的传输线阻抗不匹配时对信号眼图的影响及其改进情况,并进一步从PCB板上电路的工艺设计来解决传输线的阻抗控制问题。  相似文献   

This study presents the fabrication and characterization of novel surface-type capacitive humidity sensors using vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) as the active material. The devices, which comprise three different thicknesses,have been fabricated using the thermal evaporation technique. A thin film of VOPc is deposited on thoroughly cleaned glass substrates with pre-pattemed Ag electrodes. The capacitive effect of the samples under humidity has been in-vestigated. Comparison of the samples with different thicknesses shows that the thinnest device seems more sensitive towards humidity. The humidity dependent capacitance properties of the sensor make it beneficial for use in commercial hygrometers.  相似文献   

丁智勇  雷涛  张正平 《通信技术》2015,48(1):108-111
本文在传统λ/4阶梯阻抗谐振器的基础上,提出了一种新型的宽带双频滤波器改进设计方案。改进的滤波器增加了传输零点,此传输零点能有效的改进通带的选择性和阻带特性,且上阻带带宽很宽。结构简单,在传统类似滤波器同谐振频率基础上有效缩小了尺寸,并且设计的滤波器通带的中心频率和带宽是完全独立可控,方便我们应用到实际。工作在4.1 GHz和6 GHz两个频段,3 dB相对带宽分别为7.2%和2.2%,实测和仿真吻合良好。  相似文献   

The photovoltaic and electrical properties of organic semiconductors are characterized by their low dielectric constant, which leads to the formation of polarons and Frenkel excitons. The low dielectric constant of organic semiconductors has been suggested to be significantly influential in geminate and bimolecular recombination losses in organic photovoltaics (OPVs). However, despite the critical attention that the dielectric constant has received in literature discussions, there has not yet been a thorough study of the dielectric constant in common organic semiconductors and how it changes when blended. In fact, there have been some inconsistent and contradictory reports on such dielectric constants, making it difficult to identify trends. Herein, at first a detailed explanation of a specific methodology to determine the dielectric constant in OPV materials with impedance spectroscopy is provided, including guidelines for possible experimental pitfalls. Using this methodology, the analysis for the dielectric constant of 17 common neat organic semiconductors is carried out. Furthermore, the relationship between the dielectric constant and blend morphology are studied and determined. It is found that the dielectric constant of a blend system can be very accurately predicted solely based on the dielectric constants of the neat materials, scaled by their respective weight ratios in the blend film.  相似文献   

费艳锋 《电声技术》2009,33(10):27-31
通过对微型扬声器的阻抗曲线测试分析,说明微型扬声器在测试电压加大的条件下微型扬声器所特有的现象.对此特有现象进行了初步分析。并对通常条件下微型扬声器阻抗曲线测试时的电压怎样选择和怎样测试作了说明。  相似文献   

利用压电理论中的正压电与逆压电效应,针对纤维素基电致驱动纸(Electro-active paper——EAPap)的智能特性进行了研究。结果表明:同一样品在0.15~0.35V/μm电场强度下,产生了逐步增大的驱动效应;0°,45°以及90°三种样品在0.35V/μm电场强度下,45°样品产生了最大的平面内应变,达到428×10–6m/mm。同时对三种样品的正压电效应进行了测定,45°样品在弹性区和塑性区的压电常数分别为53.2pC/N和504.0pC/N。利用XRD验证了电场激励前后样品的结晶度产生了变化。  相似文献   

为调节延时、满足系统时序设计要求,印制电路板一般设计有长度相对较长的蛇形走线,并精确地规定了印制导线的允许电阻;同时,随着电路信号传输高速化的迅速发展,要求PCB在高速信号传输中保持信号稳定的要求日趋严格;这就要求所使用PCB的倍号线的微电阻及特性阻抗控制精度化的提高。这种更为严格的精确化控制是对PCB厂的极大挑战,为此,文章针对如何精确控制印制电路微电阻及特性阻抗方面进行了探讨,希望能对PCB制造业同行有所帮助。  相似文献   

低压电力线信道阻抗测量与匹配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了测量电力线的阻抗,设计一个电力线载波通信信号发射系统,分析了电力线信道的阻抗特性,根据LC谐振原理,设计低压电力线阻抗测量方案并制作了实际电路在学校各个地方进行实际测量。根据实际测量结果,得出电力线电抗呈感性,包含电阻和感抗两部分,并且阻抗变化的主要因素是感抗的变化。对于实验室、宿舍、办公室这类用电器较多的环境,电力线的电感值较小;而对于教室、走廊、活动室这类用电器较少的环境,电力线的电感值较大。这一结论对电压电力线的阻抗匹配是非常有用的,最后提出一种简单实用的匹配电路设计。  相似文献   

引用根据自由梁振动原理得到的一维梁结构机械阻抗解析表达式,并考虑压电陶瓷锆钛酸铅(PZT)和梁结构之间的粘结层对二者的应力应变传递过程的影响,改进了一维梁结构压电阻抗模型.在粘结系数ξ分别为0.01、0.02和1.00的3种粘结状态下,对5~80 kHz频率范围内PZT耦合电阻抗进行了数值计算.测量计算得到α-氰基丙烯酸乙酯、环氧树脂和改性丙烯酸酯三种粘结剂的粘结强度,分别为0.882 MPa、7.621 MPa和10.198 MPa,并在3种粘结状态下测量了5~80 kHz频率范围内PZT的耦合电阻抗.研究表明,数值模拟和实验测量所得的耦合电阻抗谱符合良好,数值计算与实验结果峰值对应频率的相对误差范围是0.25%~6.06%.  相似文献   

In this study, Au/Cellulose-PEPC/Au surface-type humidity sensors were fabricated by drop-casting cellulose and poly-N-epoxypropylcarbazole (PEPC) blend thin films. Blend of 2 wt.% of each cellulose and PEPC in benzol were used for the deposition of humidity sensing films. Blend films were deposited on glass substrates with preliminary deposited surface-type gold electrodes. Films of different thicknesses of cellulose and PEPC composite were deposited by drop-casting technique. A change in electrical resistance and capacitance of the fabricated devices were observed with the increase of relative humidity in the range of 0−95% RH. It was observed that the capacitances of the sensors increase, while their resistances decrease with increasing of the relative humidity. The sensors were connected to op-amp square wave oscillators. It was observed that with increase of relative humidity, the oscillator’s frequencies were also increased in the range of 4.2−12.0 kHz for 65 μm thick film sample and 4.1−9.0 kHz for 88 μm thick film sample and for 210 μm sample, the oscillator frequency changed in the range of 4.2−9.0 kHz. Effects of film thickness on the oscillator’s frequency with respect to humidity were also investigated. This polymer humidity sensor controlled oscillator can be used for short-range and long-range remote systems at environmental monitoring and assessment of the humidity level.  相似文献   

基于四取代铜酞菁的有机近红外电致磷光器件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
制备了结构为ITO/NPB/TPBI:(4-tert)CuPc/BCP/Alq3/Al的近红外(NIR)有机电致发光器件(OLED),器件在室温下的发射峰位于1110nm附近,来源于(4-tert)CuPc分子的磷光发射,器件的最佳掺杂浓度为14wt%。制备了结构为ITO/NPB/TPBI:(4-tert)CuPc/DCJTB/BCP/Alq3/Al的器件,结果表明,DCJTB层的加入没有改变器件的NIR电致发光(EL)峰位置,而器件的NIR发光强度与没有DCJTB层的器件相比,提高了50%左右,这是由于DCJTB向(4-tert)CuPc进行了有效的能量传输。  相似文献   

有机半导体薄膜三极管的研制   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用真空蒸镀法和有机半导体材料酞菁铜,制作Au/CuPc/Al/ CuPc/Au三明治结构的肖特基型栅极有机静电感应三极管.该三极管导电沟道垂直于CuPc薄膜,与采用MOSFET结构的有机薄膜三极管相比导电沟道大幅缩短,有利于克服有机半导体电学性能的缺点.实验结果表明,该三极管驱动电压低,呈不饱和电流-电压特性.其工作特性依赖于栅极电压和梳状铝电极的结构.通过合理设计、制作梳状铝电极,获得了良好的三极管静态、动态特性.  相似文献   

在高速电路设计中,信号源、传输线、负载之间的阻抗是否匹配是决定电路系统中信号完整性优劣的关键因素。针对该问题,从微带线的信号返回路径宽度与传输线特性阻抗之间的关系出发,经研究分析发现:通过改变微带线的信号返回路径宽度,可以有效控制传输线的特性阻抗,从而实现信号源、传输线、负载之间的阻抗匹配,使系统获得较好的信号完整性。同时给出经验公式。并通过实验仿真,其结果表明提出的方法是解决电路系统中阻抗匹配问题的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

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