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应澳大利亚RBS速成建筑系统有限公司的邀请。以上海市建筑材料发展应用管理办公室杨志杰副主任为团长,由上海市建材发展办、标准定额总站、安质监总站、资质与资格办、建设工程交易中心墙材分中心有关负责人组成的代表团.于2004年11月22日~12月5日,赴澳大利亚、新两兰等国进行了新型墙材生产与应用的技术交流与考察。  相似文献   

澳大利亚天然气行业的改革及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宦国渝 《城市燃气》2005,(11):17-23
澳大利亚从1969年开始使用天然气,目前,天然气占其一次能源消费的19.7%(2003年-2004年度)。澳大利亚是天然气资源十分丰富的国家,目前,已探明经济储量为25280亿m^3(2001—2002年度)。与资源量相比,其天然气的产量相对较低,近年来年产量一般在340亿m^3-350亿m^3左右,这是因为其人口稀少,国内需求不大的缘故。为此,澳大利亚正在积极开拓国际市场,将天然气以LNG的形式出口。目前,LNG的出口量约占天然气总产量的1/3(2001—2002年度,天然气出口占其产量的30.5%)。  相似文献   

1石膏建材备受关注当前建筑节能和墙体改革的新形势,呼唤新型建筑体系和节能环保型墙体材料。"两禁"实心粘土砖,多种新型墙体材料争相斗艳,但是,随着生态建筑和绿色建材概念日益为人们所接受,以石膏为主体的绿色建材越来越受到建筑业的关注,这是因为:1)石膏是一种公认的绿色建材。石膏入药,是食品添加剂,石膏无毒无害;石膏粉炒制能耗每吨仅60kg标煤,而水泥煅烧能耗达300kg标煤;石膏建材拆除后经处理可回收循环使用。2)我国天然石膏资源十分丰富,世界第一。全国石膏产量达1800万t左右,每年用量仅1200万t左右。3)由于我国环境保护的迫切性,大…  相似文献   

磷石膏是湿法磷酸生产中从过滤机排出的工业废渣,每吨磷酸(P2O5)排出磷石膏约4t。据统计,目前国内大型磷酸生产装置排出的磷石膏废渣利用率仅为10%左右,中、小型装置的废渣利用率也仅有  相似文献   

我国土地资源矛盾突出.人口众多。人均耕地少.而每年建设占用耕地约300万亩.这还不包括生产粘土砖(瓦)所占用的土地。事实上.各地的砖瓦企业占地面积高达500多万亩.实心粘土砖年产量为6000亿块.破坏土地资源达几十万亩。因此.从促进土地资源保护、保证耕地的角度,大力发展新型墙材势在必行。  相似文献   

2010年5月21日,在BIAD学术报告厅举办了"中国澳大利亚城市可持续发展论坛",BIAD院长朱小地代表主办方致辞,并就低碳经济、世界城市诸命题做了演讲。有特色及有价值的是,朱小地院长通过三段富于哲理的"名句",十分贴切地阐述了新的城市发展观及低碳设计观,也体现了颇为重要的建筑文化遗产的观念。(本刊)  相似文献   

二、从澳大利亚、新西兰看我国小城镇管理及发展中存在的问题在考察澳大利亚和新西兰两国时,深刻体悟到两国与我国的最大差异为人均资源占有量反差巨大,而且两国与我国的政治体制、文化传统、人口素质和发展阶段等也存在显著差异。因此,由国情差异导致的小城镇管理方法及发展途径差别,并非我国管理不当;将我国的现实与超越国情差异的小城镇管理和发展规律相比较,在差距中才能发现问题。(一)我国政府机构设置重横向的行业分工、轻纵向的层级分工实行地方政府民主自治的澳大利亚、新西兰,政府履行公共管理和服务职能,每级政府相对独立,容易实…  相似文献   

刘少才 《园林》2008,(5):76-77
一月份的澳大利亚东南沿海地区正是热旱季,牧场大片的枯黄,我们这些来自中国大陆的游客无不替澳大利亚这片土地担忧,照这样下去,不沙化才怪呢.可是导游却说,等过了这个干旱季节,雨水一来,大面积的牧场就会由黄返绿.  相似文献   

2008年第1期<中国建材>杂志刊登了中国建筑材料联合会科教委吴兆正先生的文章<我国资源化利用磷石膏的若干建议>,读后很受启发,想到云南堆积如山的磷石膏资源,也说说资源化利用磷石膏的几个问题.  相似文献   

Australia has developed world leading solar thermal technologies, with only very low national market penetration. Domestic solar water heating is the most common solar thermal instrument, with around 5% of homes using it and most of these systems are conventional flat plate thermosyphon systems. Other low temperature solar thermal research includes solar crop drying, solar ponds and solar air heating but all on a small scale. There is a worldwide resurgence in interest in high temperature solar thermal through solar concentrating systems. Australia has a number of these systems many of which are near commercial fulfilment; notably, Solar Heat and Power Pty Ltd's Compact Linear Fresnel Array system currently being implemented at Liddell Power station and the ANU 400m2 Big Dish now being commercialized by Wizard Power Pty Ltd. CSIRO has recently opened a solar energy centre in Newcastle that features a solar central receiver tower system and a trough concentrator array.  相似文献   

Vulnerability of structural systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A structure is vulnerable if relatively small damage leads to disproportionately large consequences. A structure which is unacceptably vulnerable in any one way is not acceptably robust. A theory of structural vulnerability has been previously reported by the authors. The purpose of the theory is to identify particular failure scenarios by analysing the connectivity of the structural form. In this paper vulnerability theory is applied to three-dimensional frames and, in a preliminary way, to structural dynamics which is crucially important in assessing impact damage in for example progressive collapse. The concepts are illustrated through examples. The vulnerable failure scenarios may then be examined by conventional response analysis and/or by systems reliability theory and risk assessment. The theory is also applicable to structural damage assessment or for assessing structures under unforeseen terrorist attack.  相似文献   

In an analysis of redundant structural systems in which either or both loading systems and/or member resistances are stochastic variables, all modes of failure are potentially of significance in the calculation of structural reliability. In practice, however, many modes do not contribute very much, and a problem has been to identify those modes which are stochastically dominant.In this paper a general, iterative procedure called the Truncates Enumeration Method [TEM] to determine the most stochastically dominant modes is derived from successive systematic curtailment of the results which would be obtained by complete enumeration. In this way, it is shown that the procedure presented has the capability to produce all dominant modes to within the accuracy of the criteria used for curtailment. The method is similar to that proposed by Murotsu et al.It is also shown that the incremental load method (ILM), proposed by Moses et al., has certain features common to TEM, that both techniques are essentially incremental in nature and that both methods produced the same mode failure probability statement, each using quite distinct procedures. It is finally argued that the methods are not restricted merely to the materials behaviour properties studied thus far by their proponents.  相似文献   

Methods of structural systems reliability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a condensed form this report presents the last five to ten years of development within the field of structural reliability theory with particular attention to structural systems. Besides dealing with effective specific methods of probability calculation it reflects one school of thought with respect to the interpretation of structural reliability measures. This school supports the pragmatic decision model point of view rather than the ideal of a strict physical theory. Since such thinking may not have gained general consensus the approval of the report by the committee does not commit its members to agree either on the general philosophy or on the details of the report.

The main chapters are: Single Element Reliability; Series Systems Reliability; Parallel Systems and General Systems Reliability; Large Redundant Idealized Structural Systems; Modifications Needed to Deal with Variations in Time.

Special emphasis is put to the often suppressed problem of formulating realistic limit state models for structural systems when considered in the night of the load history dependency problem. Attention is given to the ideal plasticity theory because it allows substantial simplifications of this problem. In fact, it seems to be the only constitutive model that can justify the time independent stable configuration type of model. Also ideal brittle systems subject to proportional random loading are analysed in some detail.  相似文献   

R. S. Birch  M. Alves   《Thin》2000,36(2)
Transportation structures rely heavily on the use of structural jointing based on fixing systems such as bolting or welding. Experimental work in this paper offers some insight into the differences between the static and dynamic failure of some joint configurations made using these methods. The main emphasis of this paper is on the examination of a simple dynamic failure of a spot welded lap joint in thin sheet materials that are used extensively in vehicle construction. A comparison is made with similar bolted type lap joints.  相似文献   

A systematic design approach based on applying weights to modes of failure is proposed. Representative individual failure modes are identified on the limit state surface using a nonlinear structural analysis program. Modal failure probabilities are computed in load space (in which randomness in structural resistance is included), and linearized around mean plastic moment capacities. Single- and multi-objective formulations with objectives of failure cost and initial cost, and with mean plastic moment capacities of structural members as decision variables are used. An iterative procedure with successively tighter bounds on the decision variables is employed. The procedure is applied to a simple frame for which optimum plastic moment capacities (single-objective case) and a trade-off curve between future (failure) cost and initial cost (multi-objective case) are found.  相似文献   

In most building codes, there are very limited guidelines regarding the proportioning of the walls and coupling beams. Consequently, the response of the coupled wall assemblies during a moderate to major earthquake has been noted to fall short of acceptable ductile behavior (see J. Moehle (Ed.), ‘Preliminary report on the seismological and engineering aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake’, Report No. UCB/EERC-94/01, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of California at Berkeley, January 1994). The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the current practices in the proportioning and design of coupled wall assemblies, highlight some of the shortcomings of these methods, and provide a new design guideline aimed at a more comprehensive design of structures.  相似文献   

Theorists have long recognized the inherent superiority of the thin-shell hemispherical concrete dome for earth-sheltered applications. This paper describes a patented modular structural forming system which, in prefabricated kit form, has made the thin-shell monolithic concrete dome both practical and economical. Both amateur and professional builders have been constructing these types of structures throughout the U.S. since 1980.  相似文献   

陈向荣  卢小松  李刚 《钢结构》2003,18(6):51-53
对 2 0世纪 90年代几场大地震后的钢结构震害调查发现 ,以往抗弯框架的刚性连接方式并不能达到人们所预期的目的 ,甚至有较大的破坏。在此基础上 ,提出了采用翼缘削弱钢梁 (RBS)的构造方式 ,来达到强柱弱梁的抗震目的。通过对以往大量试验和数值分析结果的研究 ,结合现行规范和工程实际要求提出了采用RBS的计算方法和构造方式  相似文献   

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