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An experimental study of the fracture resistance of bimaterial interfaces   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The fracture resistance of a model bimaterial interface has been measured for a wide range of phase angles: the measure of the relative crack face sliding and opening displacement near the crack tip. These experiments have revealed that the critical strain energy release rate increases with increase in phase angle, especially when the crack opening becomes small. The results are consistent with a model based on crack surface contact associated with non-planarity of the fracture interface.  相似文献   

Stationary cracks along and near interfaces between two time-dependent materials are simulated using the finite element method (FEM) to examine crack tip fields and candidate driving force parameters for crack growth. Plane strain conditions are assumed. In some cases, a thin transition layer is included between the two materials. This transition layer features a functionally graded blend of properties of the two materials. An example of such a system is that of weld metal (WM) and base metal (BM) in a weldment, with the transition layer corresponding to the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Numerical solutions for the stress and strain fields of homogeneous and heterogeneous Compact Tension (C(T)-type) specimens are presented. The equivalent domain integral technique is employed to compute the J-integral for elastic-plastic cases as well as the C(t)-integral and transition times for creep behavior. Results from parametric studies are curve-fit in terms of transition layer thickness and crack position, inelastic property mismatches, and other independent model parameters. Results indicate that the incorporation of functionally graded transition layer regions leads to less concentrated stress and strain components along interfaces ahead of the crack tip. It is also shown that the computed fracture parameters are influenced by the transition layer properties.  相似文献   

This work concerns finite-element algorithms for imposing frictional contact constraints on intra-element, or embedded surfaces. Existing techniques typically rely on the underlying bulk mesh to implicitly partition the surface, a strategy that can give rise to overconstraint. In the present work, we first apply a mortaring algorithm to the modeling of frictional contact conditions on arbitrary interfaces. The algorithm is based upon a projection of the bulk and surface fields onto independent mortar fields at the interface. We examine the advantages of this approach when combined with extended finite-element approximations to the bulk fields. In particular, the method allows for bulk and surface domains to be partitioned separately, as well as enforce nonlinear contact constraints on surfaces that are not explicitly “fitted” to the bulk mesh. Results from several benchmark problems in frictional contact are provided to demonstrate the accuracy and efficacy of the method, as well as the improvement in robustness compared to existing techniques. We also provide an example that illustrates the effectiveness of the approach in high-speed machining simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, dynamic fracture of a single solder joint specimen is numerically simulated using the finite element method. The solder–IMC and IMC–Cu pad interfaces are modeled as cohesive zones. The simulated results show that under pure tensile loading, damage typically starts at the edge of the solder–IMC interface, then moves to IMC–Cu pad interface. Eventual failure is typically a brittle interfacial failure of the IMC–Cu interface.  相似文献   

We present a summary of recent advances in the development of an efficient numerical scheme to be used in the investigation of a wide range of 2D and 3D dynamic fracture problems. The numerical scheme, which is based on a spectral representation of the boundary integral relations, can be applied to homogeneous and interfacial dynamic fracture problems involving planar cracks and faults of arbitrary shapes buried in elastic and viscoelastic media. Spontaneous propagation of the crack is achieved by combining the elastodynamic integral relations with a stress-based cohesive failure model. The objective of this paper is to present some of the major differences existing between the various formulations within the simpler 2D scalar framework of anti-plane shear (mode III) loading conditions. Examples are presented to illustrate some capabilities of the method.  相似文献   

Measurements of the mixed mode fracture resistance of bimaterial interface have been shown to be appreciably influenced by the presence of loading point friction and by residual strain. Analyses of the effect of these phenomena on the strain energy release rate and on the phase angle of loading are presented. The analyses are used to interpret experimental measurements obtained on several bimaterial models.  相似文献   

A symmetric‐Galerkin boundary element framework for fracture analysis with frictional contact (crack friction) on the crack surfaces is presented. The algorithm employs a continuous interpolation on the crack surface (utilizing quadratic boundary elements) and enables the determination of two important quantities for the problem, namely the local normal tractions and sliding displacements on the crack surfaces. An effective iterative scheme for solving this non‐linear boundary value problem is proposed. The results of test examples are compared with available analytical solutions or with those obtained from the displacement discontinuity method (DDM) using linear elements and internal collocation. The results demonstrate that the method works well for difficult kinked/junction crack problems. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, strain fields were used to investigate the behavior of subsonic interfacial crack propagation in a bimaterial system. Strain field equations were derived from the available stress field equations and critically evaluated in a parametric study. The feasibility of using strain gages was then demonstrated in model experiments in which values of the dynamic complex stress intensity factor (CSIF), , were obtained. Experiments were conducted using a PSM-1/aluminum bimaterial system subjected to quasi-static loading to determine and mixity φ. The first-order analysis of the strain gage data, which was conducted using two-gage and three-gage methods, resulted in values for CSIF, which compared very well to values of obtained from higher-order photoelastic analysis. Finally, a design curve was prepared to facilitate the analysis of dynamic interfacial crack propagation problems using strain gage techniques.  相似文献   

A method for calculating stress intensities in bimaterial fracture   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A numerical method is presented for obtaining the values of K* 1,K * II and K* III in the elasticity solution at the tip of an interface crack in general states of stress. The basis of the method is an evaluation of theJ-integral by the virtual crack extension method. Individual stress intensities can then be obtained from further calculations ofJ perturbed by small increments of the stress intensity factors. The calculations are carried out by the finite element method but minimal extra computations are required compared to those for the boundary value problem. Very accurate results are presented for a crack in the bimaterial interface and compared with other methods of evaluating the stress intensity factors. In particular, a comparison is made with stress intensity factors obtained by computingJ by the virtual crack extension method but separating the modes by using the ratio of displacements on the crack surface. Both techniques work well with fine finite element meshes but the results suggest that the method that relies entirely on J-integral evaluations can be used to give reliable results for coarse meshes.
Résumé On présente une méthode numérique en vue d'obtenir les valeurs de K* 1, K* II et K* III relatives à la solution élastique d'application à l'extrémité d'une fissure d'interface sujette à un état de contraintes général. La méthode repose sur l'évaluation de l'intégraleJ par la technique d'extension virtuelle de la fissure. On peut ensuite obtenir les intensités de contraintes individuelles à partir de calculs deJ subséquents, correspondant à des perturbations introduites par de petits accroissements des facteurs d'intensité de contraintes.Les calculs sont accomplis par la méthode des éléments finis, mais, par rapport aux calculs à mettre en oeuvre dans le problème des valeurs aux limites, il ne faut procéder qu'à quelques calculs supplémentaires.On présente des résultats très précis pour le cas d'une fissure dans un interface entre deux matériaux, et on les compare avec ceux provenant d'autres méthodes d'évaluation des facteurs d'intensité de contraintes.En particulier, on fait une comparaison pour des facteurs d'intensité de contraintes obtenus en calculant J par la méthode d'extension virtuelle d'une fissure, mais en séparant les modes selon le rapport des déplacements de la surface de la fissure.Les deux techniques fonctionnent de manière satisfaisante avec des maillages fins d'éléments finis; cependant, les résultats suggèrent que la méthode qui repose entièrement sur les évaluations de l'intégraleJ peut être utilisée afin d'obtenir des résultats fiables dans les réseaux à mailles grossières.

Mechanical properties of engineering materials are primarily controlled by interfaces that they contain, i.e., free surfaces, grain boundaries, and phase boundaries. The fracture and fatigue properties, in particular, are a function of the interaction of such boundaries with cracks. In the present paper, we review the various types of interaction between cracks propagating at or near such bimaterial interfaces. Indeed, the nature of these interactions is critical in determining trajectories of cracks in both homogeneous and layered structures, which in turn has a direct influence on their fracture toughness and resistance to subcritical crack growth. Material Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Department of Material Science and Mineral Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Published in Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 119–132, January–February, 1996.  相似文献   

The shear stress required for frictional slip on rock interfaces is known to depend on the history of the slip velocity. At least one physical model that predicts this behavior also indicates that memory of past normal stresses may persist. A constitutive equation that incorporates memory of both past slip velocities and past normal stresses is proposed, and the appropriate physical property functions are identified. Once measured, these functions allow the computation of the shear stress on a slipping interface for general loading histories.  相似文献   

Crack growth along a bimaterial interface consisting of an epoxy adhesive bonded to an aluminium alloy substrate has been studied. The results have been analysed using the concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics and the fracture energies associated with the various failure modes have been deduced. It is demonstrated that residual stresses present in a symmetrical bimaterial joint have a major influence upon both the locus of joint failure and the measured fracture energy.  相似文献   

Contact and fracture in the material point method require grid‐scale enrichment or partitioning of material into distinct velocity fields to allow for displacement or velocity discontinuities at a material interface. A new method is presented in which a kernel‐based damage field is constructed from the particle data. The gradient of this field is used to dynamically repartition the material into contact pairs at each node. This approach avoids the need to construct and evolve explicit cracks or contact surfaces and is therefore well suited to problems involving complex 3‐D fracture with crack branching and coalescence. A straightforward extension of this approach permits frictional ‘self‐contact’ between surfaces that are initially part of a single velocity field, enabling more accurate simulation of granular flow, porous compaction, fragmentation, and comminution of brittle materials. Numerical simulations of self contact and dynamic crack propagation are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic fracture mechanics theory was employed to analyze the crack deflection behavior of dynamic mode-I cracks propagating towards inclined weak planes/interfaces in otherwise homogenous elastic solids. When the incident mode-I crack reached the weak interface, it kinked out of its original plane and continued to propagate along the weak interface. The dynamic stress intensity factors and the non-singular T-stresses of the incident cracks were fitted, and then dynamic fracture mechanics concepts were used to obtain the stress intensity factors of the kinked cracks as functions of kinking angles and crack tip speeds. The T-stress of the incident crack has a small positive value but the crack path was quite stable. In order to validate fracture mechanics predictions, the theoretical photoelasticity fringe patterns of the kinked cracks were compared with the recorded experimental fringes. Moreover, the mode mixity of the kinked crack was found to depend on the kinking angle and the crack tip speed. A weak interface will lead to a high mode-II component and a fast crack tip speed of the kinked mixed-mode crack.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to study dynamic sliding at high strain rates along incoherent (frictional) interfaces between two identical plates. The plates were held together by a uniform compressive stress, while dynamic sliding was initiated by an impact-induced shear loading. The case of freely-standing plates with no external pressure was also investigated. The dynamic stress fields that developed during the events were recorded in a microsecond time scale by high-speed photography in conjunction with classical dynamic photoelasticity. Depending on the choice of experimental parameters (impact speed and superimposed static pressure), pulse-like and crack-like sliding modes were observed. Visual evidence of sub-Rayleigh, intersonic and even supersonically propagating pulses were discovered and recorded. Unlike classical shear cracks in coherent interfaces of finite strength, sliding areas in frictional interfaces seem to grow at various discrete speeds without noticeable acceleration phases. A relatively broad loading wave caused by the interference between the impact wave and the preexisting static stress field was observed emanating from the interface. There was a cusp in the stress contours at the interface, indicating that the propagation speed was slightly faster along the interface than in the bulk. The observed propagation speeds of the sliding tips were dependent on the projectile speed. They spanned almost the whole interval from sub-Rayleigh speeds to nearly the sonic speed of the material, with the exception of a forbidden gap between the Rayleigh wave speed and the shear wave speed. Supersonic trailing pulses generating Mach lines of different inclination angles, emanating from the sliding zone tips, were discovered. In addition, behind the sliding tip, wrinkle-like opening pulses were observed for a wide range of impact speeds and confining stresses. They always traveled at speeds between the Rayleigh wave speed and the shear wave speed of the material. Symposium on Physics and Scaling in Fracture held during the ICF11 (2005) in Turin.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the interface fracture toughness is measured for a pair of ceramic clays which are joined together. The Brazilian disk specimen, which provides a wide range of mode mixity, is employed to measure these properties. Calibration equations relating the stress intensity factors to the applied load and geometry are determined by means of the finite element method and the M-integral. The effect of residual stresses is accounted for by employing a weight function to obtain the contribution to the stress intensity factors. Total stress intensity factors are obtained by superposition. These are employed to determine the critical interface energy release rate as a function of mode mixity from critical data obtained from tests carried out on the Brazilian disk specimens. An energy release rate fracture criterion is compared to the experimental results for .  相似文献   

We present a new node-to-face frictional contact element for the simulation of the nonsmooth dynamics of systems composed of rigid and flexible bodies connected by kinematic joints. The equations of motion are integrated using a nonsmooth generalized-α time integration scheme and the frictional contact problem is formulated using a mixed approach, based on an augmented Lagrangian technique and a Coulomb friction law. The numerical results are independent of any user-defined penalty parameter for the normal or tangential component of the forces and, the bilateral and the unilateral constraints are exactly fulfilled both at position and velocity levels. Finally, the robustness and the performance of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by solving several numerical examples of nonsmooth mechanical systems involving frictional contact.  相似文献   

We introduce a phase-field method for continuous modeling of cracks with frictional contacts. Compared with standard discrete methods for frictional contacts, the phase-field method has two attractive features: (i) it can represent arbitrary crack geometry without an explicit function or basis enrichment, and (ii) it does not require an algorithm for imposing contact constraints. The first feature, which is common in phase-field models of fracture, is attained by regularizing a sharp interface geometry using a surface density functional. The second feature, which is a unique advantage for contact problems, is achieved by a new approach that calculates the stress tensor in the regularized interface region depending on the contact condition of the interface. Particularly, under a slip condition, this approach updates stress components in the slip direction using a standard contact constitutive law, while making other stress components compatible with stress in the bulk region to ensure nonpenetrating deformation in other directions. We verify the proposed phase-field method using stationary interface problems simulated by discrete methods in the literature. Subsequently, by allowing the phase field to evolve according to brittle fracture theory, we demonstrate the proposed method's capability for modeling crack growth with frictional contact.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the development of a new heuristic algorithm for the solution of the general variational inequality arising in frictional contact problems. The existing algorithms devised for the treatment of the variational inequality representing frictional contact rely on the decomposition of the physical problem into two sub-problems which are then solved iteratively. In addition, the penalty function method and/or the regularization techniques are typically used in the solution of these reduced sub-problems. These techniques introduce user-defined parameters which could influence the convergence and accuracy of the solution. The new method presented in this article overcomes these difficulties by providing a solution for the general variational inequality without decomposition into sub-problems. This is accomplished using a new heuristic algorithm which utilizes mathematical programming techniques, and thus avoids the use of penalty or regularization methods. The versatility and reliability of the developed algorithm were demonstrated through implementation to the case of frictional contact of an elastic hollow cylinder with a rigid foundation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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