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随着高含硫酸性油气田的开采,双金属复合管的应用越来越广泛,双金属复合管的焊接成为必须要面对的问题。本文以用于高含硫酸性油气田UNS N08825复合管热丝TIG全位置自动焊接为例,从焊接设备、焊接特点、焊接工艺、参数选择对焊缝的影响等方面,开展了UNS N08825复合管热丝TIG全位置自动焊的试验研究,对热丝TIG全位置自动焊在类似材料的应用具有借鉴、推广意义。  相似文献   

刘思贤 《石油化工建设》2011,33(1):51-52,56
针对A335 Gr.P91钢的特点,结合笔者的现场施工经验,论述了A335 Gr.P91钢的焊接工艺的操作方法,并对施工现场的焊接管理经验进行了总结说明.  相似文献   

大型立式钢制储罐是石油化工行业重要的原油、成品油储运设备,焊接是储罐建造的主要工序,对施工质量、进度有着决定性的意义.当前国内大型浮顶储罐焊接工艺广泛采用自动焊接技术,既罐壁纵缝采用立式二氧化碳保护焊,罐壁环缝采用埋弧自动横焊,罐底搭接角焊和大角焊缝采用埋弧自动平焊.  相似文献   

通过试验证明了316L焊接接头做晶间腐蚀时,经常会由于熔敷金属塑性不足而发生焊缝开裂或断裂,影响了正常的试验过程与结果评判;并对GB/T4334.5提出补充建议。  相似文献   

L415M管线钢环向焊接接头焊接工艺填充盖面焊丝采用E81T8-Ni2代替E71T8-Ni1,替代原则不符合GB/T 31032—2014《钢质管道焊接及验收》的覆盖原则,需要重新进行焊接工艺评定。基于施工单位焊接工艺需求,为了验证E81T8-Ni2能否用于L415M对接焊缝的填充盖面焊接,采用焊条电弧焊打底,自保护药芯焊丝半自动焊填充盖面组合焊接方法,根焊焊接材料为E6010,填充盖面为E81T8-Ni2,依据GB/T31032—2014进行焊接工艺评定。对评定试样进行外观检查、无损检测、拉伸试验、弯曲试验、刻槽锤断试验以及冲击试验。试验结果表明,L415M管线钢环向焊接接头各项指标合格,拉伸试样断在母材上,焊接接头满足高强匹配要求。焊接工艺评定试验研究成果可为长输管道用L415M管线钢焊接工艺以及焊材选择提供参考。  相似文献   

分析了全地形高通过性越野轮胎(M/T)高速性能不良的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施.通过采取加宽带束层宽度、加大带束层角度,改变冠带条缠绕方式,调整胎面胶料和胎面基部胶厚度,以及调整轮胎花纹块和花纹角度、增加散热孔等措施,可以大大改善轮胎的高速性能,提高轮胎的品质并降低成本.  相似文献   

本文通过对不锈钢做为低温容器用钢的焊接性进行了分析、研究,并制作了焊接工艺评定,最终采用了高效的埋弧自动焊进行了不锈钢低温容器的焊接。  相似文献   

本文阐述了埋弧自动焊在不锈钢厚板容器制造中对坡口、焊材及工艺参数的选择及施焊工艺的确定.  相似文献   

本文对CO_2气体保护焊焊接接头与焊条电弧焊、埋弧自动焊焊接接头的性能、可涂搪性进行了对比试验,并对CO_2气体保护焊和焊条电弧焊两种焊接方法的焊接费用作了比较,进行了搪玻璃设备上应用CO_2气体保护捍的可行性分析。  相似文献   

利用现有的焊接装备,进行了控制系统、摆动系统的设计,实现筒体两道外环缝的同时打底、填充、盖面,极大的提高了焊接效率,降低了劳动强度,并在生产实践中成功应用。  相似文献   

A computational procedure is presented for solving the set of coupled parabolic partial differential equations describing the simultaneous adsorption oOrthogonal collocation is used to solve for the first time the general form of these equations for simultaneous adsorption which include the effects ofSimulated results obtained from this model are compared with experimental data for the adsorption of mixtures of 2-butanol and t-amylalcohol. When  相似文献   

本文采用激光粒度仪LS3320测定分散染料C.I.分散蓝79高温处理后的平均粒径变化以衡量染浴中高温分散稳定性。实验结果证明:分散剂MF和木质素磺酸盐在提高其高温分散稳定性上具有协同作用。阴/阴或阴/非离子表面活性剂复配物的使用可以改善C.I.分散蓝79高温稳定性,浊点较低的非离子表面活性剂用量较高,会对提高分散染料的稳定性有负面影响。  相似文献   

The gene for insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was constructedfrom chemically synthesized deoxyoligonucleotides and expressedin Escherichia coli, under the control of a trp promoter, asa set of fusion proteins which were connected with a portionof human growth hormone through the recognition sequence fora sequence-specific protease, either blood coagulation factorXa or -thrombin. Upon induction with 3-indoleacrylic acid, fusionproteins accumulated with a yield of 10–30% of the totalprotein. A fusion protein connected through a tetradecapeptide(Asp-Asp-Pro-Pro-Thr-Val-Glu-Leu-Gln-Gly-Leu-Val-Pro-Arg) wasefficiently and correctly cleaved by -thrombin, and the purifiedIGF-I possessed somatomedin-like activity, as determined bythe enhancement of sulfation of glycosaminoglycans in culturedcostal chondrocytes from rabbits.  相似文献   

The main problem with biodiesel is the high cost of oils made from oleaginous crops. For this reason, various raw materials have been analysed with a view to reducing production costs and obtaining a product that can compete with the price of petrodiesel. Recycled oil is one of the most promising alternatives in the production of biodiesel because not only is the cheapest raw material but it also avoids the expense of treating the oil as a residue.Another way to reduce costs is to make the process more economical. Conventional technology uses sodium hydroxide as the basic catalyst and large-scale batch reactors, whose mechanical agitation requires high energy consumption due to residence times of at least 60 min and temperatures of 60 °C.In this paper we use a recycled pretreated oil to compare conventional transesterification with continuous transesterification in a tubular reactor. In this reactor the reactants (oil, methanol and sodium hydroxide) flow through a helicoidal tube submerged in a heating bath at 60 °C. The reactor has five outlets distributed non-uniformly to enable samples to be taken at different reaction times. This is to reduce the reaction time and avoid the need for mechanical agitation. With the aim of improving the quality of the biodiesel obtained, we varied the helicoidal system by incorporating a static micromixer and supplying energy in the form of ultrasound from the heating bath. This reactor produced biodiesel and glycerine at compositions roughly equal to those obtained in the batch process (89% FAME content at 75 min) but did so continuously (2.5 mL/min) and just 13 min after the reactants were integrated in a single line using a T device. Both the oil and the biodiesel were characterized and analysed in accordance with European standard UNE EN14214 for biodiesel.  相似文献   

《Progress in Polymer Science》2014,39(12):2010-2029
Hydrogels are widely used as provisional matrices for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, showing also great promise as platforms for 3D cell culture. Different bio-functionalization strategies have been proposed to enhance the biological performance of hydrogels, particularly when they lack intrinsic bioactivity. In this context, the design of artificial materials that mimic structural and functional features of the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) has been pursued. This review presents an overview on bioengineering approaches of integrating protease-sensitive motifs into hydrogels, for the creation of cell-responsive biomimetic scaffolding materials that degrade in response to their proteolytic microenvironment. The successful incorporation of protease-sensitive motifs in several synthetic and natural polymers, which has been achieved using various chemical routes, is described. In each case, the selected peptide sequences and their target proteases are highlighted, along with the main achievements of the study. A critical analysis of current limitations and recent advances is also provided, along with suggestions for further improvements.  相似文献   

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