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A global kinetic model which describes H2‐assisted NH3‐SCR over an Ag/Al2O3 monolith catalyst has been developed. The intention is that the model can be applied for dosing NH3 and H2 to an Ag/Al2O3 catalyst in a real automotive application as well as contribute to an increased understanding of the reaction mechanism for NH3‐SCR. Therefore, the model needs to be simple and accurately predict the conversion of NOx. The reduction of NO is described by a global reaction, with a molar stoichiometry between NO, NH3 and H2 of 1:1:2. Further reactions included in the model are the oxidation of NH3 to N2 and NO, oxidation of H2, and the adsorption and desorption of NH3. The model was fitted to the results of an NH3‐TPD experiment, an NH3 oxidation experiment, and a series of H2‐assisted NH3‐SCR steady‐state experiments. The model predicts the conversion of NOx well even during transient experiments. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 4325–4333, 2013  相似文献   

Single and bi-metallic silver modified ZSM-5 catalysts were synthesized using different methods of preparation, characterized by several techniques and tested in simulated diesel conditions. Additionally the catalytic behaviour of the most active catalyst, containing 5 wt.% Ag and prepared by impregnation (5Ag(Imp)-H-ZSM-5), was studied over a broad temperature range with two reducing agents (octane and propene). To correlate the catalytic activity of the prepared catalysts with preparation parameters the materials were characterized by XRD, SEM, N2-physisorption, octane/propene-TPD, EPR and ICP techniques. A dual bed system consisting of Ag/alumina and the most active zeolitic material (5Ag(Imp)-H-ZSM-5) was shown not only to substantially enhance the activity of Ag/alumina in the low temperature region, but also to completely oxidize the CO and unburned hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with n-octane, methylcyclohexane and toluene over a 2 wt.% Ag/Al2O3 was investigated. Diesel fuels contain, in addition to straight hydrocarbons, varying amounts of cyclic and aromatic compounds, which have a detrimental effect on the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst activity. The results showed that the NO to N2 conversion was significantly promoted, independent of the nature (straight, cyclic or aromatic) of the hydrocarbon, in the presence of 1 vol.% H2. The role of hydrogen is connected to a faster oxidation of the hydrocarbons and to enhanced formation of amines, which react with activated NO to form N2.  相似文献   

Matrix isolation combined with EPR and FT-IR technique at low temperature has been used to study the gas phase species involved in HC-SCR over a highly active Ag/alumina catalyst. A combination of heterogeneous and homogeneous (radical) reactions is proposed to take place over a Ag/alumina catalyst during HC-SCR. Radicals of low molecular weight were trapped in a growing argon matrix behind the Ag/alumina catalyst. In the same matrix, cyanogen isocyanate was detected and is suggested to be a key intermediate for the formation of amines and ammonia via the hydrolysis of isocyanate species.  相似文献   

The role of the Al2O3 support on the activity of supported Ag catalyst towards the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO with decane is elucidated. A series of Ag/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by impregnation method and characterized by N2 pore size distribution, XRD, UV–Vis, in-situ FT-IR and acidity measurement by NH3 and pyridine adsorption. The catalytic activity differences of Ag/Al2O3 are correlated with different properties of Al2O3 supports and the active Ag species formed. 4wt% Ag supported on sol-gel prepared Al2O3 (Ag/Al2O3 (SG), showed higher NO x conversion (65% at 400 °C), compared with the respective catalysts made from commercial Al2O3 (Ag/Al2O3 (GB), Ag/Al2O3 (ALO), (∼26 and 7% at 400 °C). The higher surface area, acidity and pore size distribution in sol–gel prepared Al2O3 (SG) results in higher NO and hydrocarbon conversion. Based on the UV–vis characterization, the activity of NO reduction is correlated to the presence of Agnδ+ clusters and acidity of Al2O3 support was found to be one of the important parameter in promoting the formation and stabilization of Agnδ+ clusters. Furthermore from pyridine adsorption results, presence of more number of Bronsted acid sites in Ag/Al2O3 (SG) is confirmed, which could also contribute to low temperature hydrocarbon activation and improve NO conversion. In situ FT-IR measurements revealed the higher rate of –CN and –NCO intermediate species formation over 4wt% Ag/Al2O3 (SG). We conclude that the physico–chemical properties of Al2O3 play a crucial role in NO x conversion over Ag/Al2O3 catalysts. Thus, the activity of the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst can be tailored by using a proper type of Al2O3 support.  相似文献   

A new Ag/Al2O3 catalyst for removing NOx in diesel engine exhaust gas was developed. The influence of SO2 on the reduction of lean NOx by ethanol over the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was evaluated in simulated diesel exhaust and characterized using TPD, XRD, XPS, SEM and BET measurements. The Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was highly active for the reduction of NOx with ethanol in the presence of SO2 although the reduction of NOx is suppressed at lower temperatures. The activity for NOx reduction is high even on the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst exposed to a SO2 (200 ppm)/O2 (10%)/H2O (10%) flow for 20 h at 723 K and comparable to that on the fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. No crystallized Ag metal and Ag compounds were formed by the SO2/O2/H2O exposure. On the other hand, crystallized Ag2SO4 was easily formed when the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was exposed to a SO2 (200 ppm)/O2 (10%)/NO (800 ppm)/H2O (10%) flow for 10 h at 723 K. XRD, SEM and XPS studies showed that the formation of crystallized Ag2SO4 results in growing of Ag particles in larger size and lowering the surface content of Ag particles. In addition, the specific surface area of the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst decreases from 221 to 193 m2/g. Although the dispersion of Ag particles was decreased by the formation of Ag2SO4, the activity for the reduction of lean NOx was, remarkably, not affected. This suggests that the Ag–alumina sites created by the Ag2SO4 formation are still active for the lean catalytic reduction of NOx. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of steam on NO x reduction over lean NO x trap (LNT) Pt–Ba/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 model catalysts was investigated with reaction protocols of rich steady-state followed by lean–rich cyclic operations using CO and C3H8 as reductants, respectively. Compared to dry atmosphere, steam promoted NO x reduction; however, under rich conditions the primary reduction product was NH3. The results of NO x reduction and NH3 selectivity versus temperature, combined with temperature programmed reduction of stored NO x over Pt–BaO/Al2O3 suggest that steam causes NH3 formation over Pt sites via reduction of NO x by hydrogen that is generated via water gas shift for CO/steam, or via steam reforming for C3H8/steam. During the rich mode of lean–rich cyclic operation with lean–rich duration ratio of 60 /20 s, not only the feed NO, but also the stored NO x contributed to NH3 formation. The NH3 formed under these conditions could be effectively trapped by a downstream bed of Co2+ exchanged Beta zeolite. When the cyclic operation was switched into lean mode at T < 450 °C, the trapped ammonia in turn participated in additional NO x reduction, leading to improved NO x storage efficiency.  相似文献   

The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by propane in the presence of H2 on sol–gel prepared Ag/Al2O3 catalysts (0.5–5 wt.% Ag) was investigated. It was confirmed that hydrocarbon-assisted SCR of NOx is remarkably enhanced by co-feeding hydrogen to a lean exhaust gas mixture (λ>1), attaining considerable activity within a wide temperature window (470–825 K). The samples had marginal activity at 575 K without co-fed H2, but achieved up to 60% NOx conversion in the presence of H2 at a space velocity of 30,000 h−1. NO2 as NOx feed component is not converted to N2 by C3H8 to a substantial extent under lean conditions. This points to an activation route of NO through direct conversion to adsorbed nitrite/nitrate or to a dissociation of NO over Ag0, formed through short-term reduction by H2. The nature of Ag species was characterized by X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed reduction, pulse thermoanalytical measurements, electron microscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. It could be shown that Ag2O nano-sized clusters are predominantly present on all samples, whereas formation of silver aluminate could not be confirmed. Nano-sized Ag2O clusters can reversibly be reduced/reoxidized by H2. A silver loading higher than 2 wt.% leads to a part of Ag2O particles, which are thermally decomposed during calcination at 800 K or higher. The catalytic role of this metallic silver is still unclear. Formal kinetic analysis of catalytic data revealed that the activation energy of the overall reaction is significantly lowered in the presence of H2. The presence of water does not change the activation energy. It is concluded that hydrogen reduces the nano-sized Ag2O clusters to Ag0 on a short-term scale. Zero-valent silver promotes a dissociation pathway of NOx conversion. The fact that more oxidized ad-species (nitrite/nitrate) are observed in the presence of H2 is attributed to a dissociative activation of gas-phase oxygen on Ag0.  相似文献   

考察了Pd/Al2O3、In/Al2O3和Co/Al2O3对甲烷选择性还原NO的催化活性。结果表明,采用浸渍法制备的Pd/Al2O3、In/Al2O3和Co/Al2O3三种催化剂,在有氧气氛下,用CH4作还原剂催化还原NO时,Pd/Al2O3催化剂的活性最佳,热稳定性好,在550 ℃,用CH4选择还原NO,Pd/Al2O3催化剂表现出较强的催化能力,NO的转化率达到100%。在高空速实验中,该催化剂亦表现出较高的活性,其活性顺序为Pd/Al2O3>In/Al2O3>Co/Al2O3。实验研究了助催化剂、氧含量以及空速对Pd/Al2O3催化剂活性的影响。  相似文献   

To understand the effect of H2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with C2H5OH over Ag/Al2O3, surface intermediates were examined using in situ DRIFTS spectra, and by-products were identified using GC–MS. Results showed that H2 addition promoted the partial oxidation of C2H5OH to form enolic species, and enhanced the reaction of NCO with NO + O2 at low temperature. We propose that the enhancement of the enolic species was the main contributor in accelerating NOx reduction under the presence of H2 over Ag/Al2O3 at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Ag/Al2O3 catalysts prepared from boehmite needles (ca. 10 nm×100 nm), which were formed by a hydrolysis of aluminium tri-isopropoxide (AIP), showed good performances for selective catalytic reduction of NOx compared with the previously reported catalysts [N. Aoyama, K. Yoshida, A. Abe, T. Miyadera, Catal. Lett. 43 (1997) 249], especially when ethanol is employed as a reducing agent in the presence of water. Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) study revealed that the Ag species are attractively interacted with the alumina surface and the oxidized Ag species contribute positively for the improvement of the catalytic activity at the temperatures above 750 K. It is concluded that the boehmite needles as a precursor of alumina support are useful to create the catalytically active sites for NOx reduction.  相似文献   

The (computer designed shape) CDS type of Pd‐Ag/Al2O3 catalyst in single‐stage reactor provides superior catalytic activity and selectivity of ethylene in comparison with those of existed two‐stage reactors packed with G‐58B catalyst under industrial operating conditions. In this research, the contents of palladium and silver of catalysts were analyzed by inductive coupling plasma (ICP). The X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that Pd‐Ag alloy has been formed. Higher yield of ethylene may be interpreted by both geometric and electronic effect induced from silver metal. By means of Pyrolysis/GC/MS analysis of used catalysts, the components of carbonaceous deposits were found to be n‐alkenes, including n‐C8 ~ n‐C16 or n‐C18, which may result from oligomerization of acetylene.  相似文献   

Topics in Catalysis - The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO x over zeolite H-ZSM-5 with ammonia was investigated using in situ FTIR spectroscopy and flow reactor measurements. The...  相似文献   

NO adsorption/desorption over 1 wt% Ag/Al2O3 was studied by a combination of isothermal transient adsorption/desorption and NO x temperature-programmed desorption (NO x -TPD) methods. NO x -TPD profiles obtained for Ag/Al2O3 were identified by comparison with decomposition profiles of “model” AgNO3/Al2O3 and Al(NO3)3/Al2O3 prepared by impregnation of Al2O3 with individual AgNO3 and Al(NO3)3 compounds. The data obtained indicate that H2-induced NO adsorption leads to the formation of surface Ag and Al-nitrates. Their accumulation on the catalyst surface is accompanied by an intensive NO2 evolution, which proceeds primarily via reaction of surface nitrates with NO. Thus, NO2 formation appears to result from an intrinsic stage of the H2-induced NO x adsorption process, rather than from the direct oxidation of NO by gaseous oxygen catalyzed by Ag.  相似文献   

Castoldi  L.  Nova  I.  Lietti  L.  Tronconi  E.  Forzatti  P. 《Topics in Catalysis》2007,42(1-4):189-193
The study of the gas-phase NO reduction by H2 and of the stability/reactivity of NO x stored over Pt–Ba/Al2O3 Lean NO x Trap systems allowed to propose the occurrence of a reduction process of the stored nitrates occurring via to a Pt-catalyzed surface reaction which does not involve, as a preliminary step, the thermal decomposition of the adsorbed NO x species.  相似文献   

Lean reduction of NO x with DME occurs with high selectivity to N2 over Al2O3 between 300 °C and 550 °C with a maximum of 47% at 380 °C, and with lower selectivity over Ag/Al2O3 between 250 °C and 400 °C due to the catalysts’ sensitivity to gas phase radical reactions and activity for NO x reduction with methanol.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous claims, the addition of niobia to catalysts containing vanadia supported on titania resulted in much enhanced activity for low-temperature SCR of NO with NH3 only at low vanadia loadings. Niobia promoted catalysts could also be demonstrated to show higher selectivities to N2, especially at high temperatures and low vanadia loading. This enhancement of the activity cannot be explained only on the basis of the observation that niobia stabilized the surface area of the catalyst: calculations of the activation energy suggest that a different mechanism of the reaction may be at work at low vanadia loadings.  相似文献   

A common-rail diesel vehicle was equipped with a full-scale Ag/alumina catalytic converter. The converter consisted of several Ag/alumina bricks, with free space in between each brick to fulfil important gas phase reactions. An oxidation catalyst was placed at the end of the converter to remove formed CO and unburned HC. High conversion levels of NO x , around 60%, were recorded at several speeds and loads using additional HC (diesel) injection corresponding to 2–5% fuel penalty.  相似文献   

邱琳 《工业催化》2006,14(7):49-51
考察了制备方法、活性组分负载量和焙烧温度对Cu/Al2O3 选择性催化还原NO的影响。结果表明,采用溶胶-凝胶+浸渍法制备的Cu/Al2O3催化剂活性最好;负载Cu质量分数为15%时,催化剂的活性温域最宽,最大活性温度最低,催化活性最好;最佳焙烧温度为750 ℃。  相似文献   

Compared to the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst, a two‐stage catalyst composed of an Ag/Al2O3 layer followed by a Sn/Al2O3 layer shows higher low‐temperature activity and a wider temperature window. Its activity below 350 °C is enhanced in the presence of SO2. Even in the presence of H2O and SO2, the performance of the same catalytic system is still satisfactory.  相似文献   

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