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<正>全国"扫黄打非"办公室2月3日通报3起制售侵权盗版出版物典型案件。这些案件有的已于近期宣判,有的仍在深入查处之中。据介绍,3起典型案件为:——湖北仙桃"3·05"制售盗版光盘案。2011年以来,唐某在经营音像店期间,擅自刻录复制盗版光盘5980张,并购进盗版音像光盘3.6万余张。2014年3月5日,执法人员在唐某住处查获刻录设备4台、侵权复制光盘4.2  相似文献   

香港贸易发展局于98年11月26日至29日在上海世贸商城举办的首届“香港设计服务博览会”把香港设计的成功经验,全面、系统地介绍给内地企业及设计界的同仁,在上海引起轰动。据了解,香港目前是世界上服务行业占经济比重最大的城市,并成为亚洲的贸易枢纽。在众多的服务行业中,香港的设计尤为出色。据调查,香港现有设计公司1730多家,其中还不包括建筑设计公司,这些设计公司在产品造型设计、包装设计、平面设计、企业形象设计、时装设计,领导着亚洲的新潮流。二十多年前,由海外公司提供设计样本,当地公司进行加工,主导了香港的加工制…  相似文献   

自2009年10月1日起,香港和澳门服务提供者可以在内地设立从事图书印前工作的公司。记者从商务部网站获悉,5月9日和11日,商务部分别与香港、澳门特区政府签署了《(内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)补充协议六》、《〈内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排〉补充协议六》(以下简称《〈安排〉补充协议六》),该协议对印刷出版服务做出了上述承诺。  相似文献   

促进交流与合作共同繁荣与提高———记’97内地与香港工程建设标准交流研讨会何成旗(中建第三工程局)今年4月14日至15日,建设部标准定额司与香港工程师学会联合举办“’97内地与香港工程建设标准交流研讨会”。根据双方商定的议题,会议交流研讨了四个方面的...  相似文献   

去年以来,各种版本的假钞来势凶猛,为有效应对假钞来袭,本期杂志综合香港和内地媒体报道,编发了一组有关人民币、港币防伪的专题文章以飨读者。  相似文献   

从山西省“扫黄打非”办公室获悉,全国“扫黄打非”办等5部门联合挂牌督办的10起侵权盗版重点案件之一,山西太原“10·09”运储盗版和淫秽光盘案宣判。案犯赵国荣以侵犯著作权罪,被判有期徒刑6个月,并处罚金2万元;案犯李永林以侵犯著作权罪、贩卖淫秽物品牟利罪被判处有期徒刑2年6个月,并处罚金3万元。  相似文献   

近日,商各部分别和香港、澳门特别行政区政府签署《(内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)补充协议五》、《(内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)补充协议五》,其中对印刷出版服务做出规定。这两个协议将于2009年1月1日起正式实施。  相似文献   

本文从农药残留、污染物限量两个方面,系统梳理了内地和香港的现行标准,比较研究了两地蔬菜标准相关指标的差异,为内地供港蔬菜的监管和生产工作提供了有效参考。  相似文献   

新型防伪光盘包装随着更快、更便宜、更好的复制方法出现各种媒介的增长 ,象音像带、激光盘、CD、CD -ROM、DVD以及互联网上的产品 ,象Napster等 ,盗版在新闻出现的频率更高了。象CD“宝石”盒这样大批量的塑料包装 ,对于拥有价格不高、高速、高质量印刷和复制技术的盗版分子很容易复制 ,每年避开著作权法涌入国际市场的盗版产品达六百亿美元。目前 ,防伪方法都集中在包装上 ,因为加进媒介本身的成本太高而且影响回收质量 ,或者根本无法实施地毯防滑涂料瓶包装Flexible公司推出一种名为GreatGrip的产品…  相似文献   

新的影片放映时 ,就会有盗版者用便携式录像机偷偷地把影片的内容记录下来 ,做成盗版的光盘——俗称“枪盘”;之后人们很快就会在街市上和国外市场上看到私自贩卖的这种盗版盘。盗版猖獗时 ,甚至在某部影片公映之前 ,该片的盗版制品就已捷足先登了。美国电影行业每年因为盗版而造成的损失近 3 0亿美元 ,其中最常见的是使用便携摄像机这种简易的方法进行盗版。现在美国 Cinea公司宣称他们已能够采用加入干扰的方法来解决这个问题。Cinea公司的创始人和执行主席 Rob Schumann宣布 ,其工作小组花费了 3年的时间 ,发现了人眼与摄像设备对图像…  相似文献   

A field measurement study of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was simultaneously carried out in October-December 2007 at an inland Pearl River Delta (PRD) site and a Hong Kong urban site. A receptor model i.e. positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to the data for the apportionment of pollution sources in the region. Five and six sources were identified in Hong Kong and the inland PRD region, respectively. The major sources identified in the region were vehicular emissions, solvent use and biomass burning, whereas extra sources found in inland PRD included liquefied petroleum gas and gasoline evaporation. In Hong Kong, the vehicular emissions made the most significant contribution to ambient VOCs (48 ± 4%), followed by solvent use (43 ± 2%) and biomass burning (9 ± 2%). In inland PRD, the largest contributor to ambient VOCs was solvent use (46 ± 1%), and vehicular emissions contributed 26 ± 1% to ambient VOCs. The percentage contribution of vehicular emission in Hong Kong in 2007 is close to that obtained in 2001-2003, whereas in inland PRD the contribution of solvent use to ambient VOCs in 2007 was at the upper range of the results obtained in previous studies and twice the 2006 PRD emission inventory. The findings advance our knowledge of ozone precursors in the PRD region.  相似文献   

Qian Ma  Wenlan Li 《Scientometrics》2018,117(3):1479-1491
The handover of Hong Kong launched a new era for Hong Kong and Mainland China, featuring an increasingly closer relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance and dynamics of scientific collaboration between Hong Kong and Mainland China over the past 20 years since the handover. Bibliometric analysis of scientific output, research area distribution, document type and collaborative mainland province were conducted based on publication data from the science citation index expanded database. The results showed that the number of HK-Mainland collaborative publications grew rapidly, contributing to the scientific output of Hong Kong, with the percentage share increasing to more than half in 2016. Research area analysis suggested the occurrence of gradually deepening and widespread communication between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Of fifty research areas in Hong Kong, more than half of scientific publications were completed via collaboration with the mainland in 2017. The mainland provinces that collaborated with Hong Kong showed a widening geographic scope and a simultaneous increase in collaborative activity. A distribution of Guangdong Province and Beijing as the two most active hotspots with a dozen active spots across the mainland was gradually formed. The collaborative activity of Guangdong Province has exceeded that of Beijing since 2011, while that of Guangzhou and Shenzhen increased linearly and exponentially respectively, and contributed at least 70% to Guangdong Province every year. The relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China in science and technology has become closer than ever before.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning contexts influence the learning process and determine the learning outcome or product. Teaching approaches may vary across different engineering and science courses and students. This study was aimed at understanding the differences in teaching approaches between two regions (Hong Kong and mainland China) and their relevant impacts on the learning process in construction engineering education. An exploratory survey was conducted on construction engineering students in China to investigate relationships between teaching approaches, learning approaches, and teaching satisfaction. Results indicate that the “transferring” and “shaping” teaching approaches are commonly used in the first and second class universities in the mainland, while the “transferring” and “traveling” approaches are commonly applied in Hong Kong. Teacher‐centered teaching is correlated to a “surface” learning approach among students at Hong Kong universities but it is correlated to a “deep” learning approach for students in the mainland. Students at universities in mainland China are satisfied with all four teaching approaches, “transferring,” “shaping,” “traveling,” and “growing;” while students in Hong Kong are only significantly satisfied with the “growing” teaching approach.  相似文献   


Although many studies in developed countries on the practice of EIA have been conducted, there is a lack of similar attention in Hong Kong. This gap in knowledge is addressed in this study which summarises and records the current practice and lessons learned from priority projects. In the case of Hong Kong, this lack of understanding is important, since a significant number of infrastructure projects with applications pending for environmental approvals were delayed, awaiting the court ruling of the judicial review. In this research, the EIA system and practices in Hong Kong were comprehensively reviewed by a comparison study between Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore. Then field work of interviews with professionals and focus group meetings with Green Groups were conducted to seek opinions of interviewees and members about the mechanism of EIA. Recommendations on aspects of EIA systems are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

标准制定过程是一个创作过程,标准构成《著作权法》规定的"作品",应受《著作权法》的保护.众多标准起草人是标准版权的共同所有人,标准制定组织通过约定成为标准版权的实际权利人.本文通过理论分析标准版权保护的法理基础,比较分析域外标准版权政策,提出我国国家标准版权保护的若干政策建议,希望对我国良好标准化治理体制的建立与完善有所裨益.  相似文献   

在香港设计界(犹如音乐界一样),创作人到了50岁或60岁以上常被谑称为“老饼”,即暗示其创作能力已过了高峰期,正迈向老套、没有新意、没有火花的“更年期”!我相信,只会在那些极度商业化而步伐又极其快但创作空间和受众面极其狭隘的社会才存在这些错觉!反观在日本、欧美等国影响着本国以至全球的创作人现多为50岁以外的“大师级人马”,  相似文献   

本文对比研究了我国港澳台地区个人信息保护法律法规及标准体系,并分析提出值得我国大陆参考及借鉴的地方。研究表明,港澳台地区已经建立较完善的个人信息保护立法体系及监管机构,尝试制定针对性较强的规范,建立认证体系,并积极参与国际或区域的个人隐私论坛活动。鉴于我国目前个人信息泄露严重的现状,相关部门应加快立法、制定标准规范、着手构建个人信息保护体系,同时加强与国际的或区域的隐私机构的合作。  相似文献   

不同于世界其他大城市,香港因其特有的噪声问题,有时会被冠以世界最嘈杂的城市的称号。对此,香港政府为改善噪声环境付出了极大的努力,并且取得了一定的成效。然而,主要的噪声问题仍然存在,部分缘于其拥挤的城市结构以及八十年代之前城市规划时对噪声污染问题的忽视,这些都不是一朝一夕之间能解决的问题。香港的噪声问题中,又以交通噪声最为严重,80%的香港人在不同程度上受到道路交通噪声的影响。该文介绍了香港交通噪声问题及其现行的交通噪声政策,并讨论了现行政策所遇到的问题,最后介绍了由香港声学学会提议的进一步的交通噪声控制策略。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of burgeoning Chinese publication on academic alphabetical authorship in the 25 subject categories that have the highest percentage of intentionally alphabetical publications. The use of alphabetical authorship is common in the social sciences and humanities, mathematics, and in some physical disciplines. Chinese academic publication has increased rapidly in recent decades (Hong Kong and Macau were excluded from the study because Hong Kong and Macau are much more internationalized than mainland China). However, authors from mainland China do not prefer alphabetical authorship. The increase in publications from mainland China lowers the probability of intentional alphabetical authorship in the natural science and technology subject categories that we examined. In some natural science and technology categories, the influence is strong. But for the social sciences and humanities, the influence is weak, due to the lower share of world publications from mainland China. Yet, in some social science and humanities subject categories such as ‘Economics’, the relative share of publications from mainland China is increasing rapidly, and the results on alphabetical authorship trends will be felt in the near future.  相似文献   

An analysis of accident data for franchised public buses in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses data on accidents involving franchised public buses operating in Hong Kong. The data were obtained from the Royal Hong Kong Police, the Hong Kong Government Transport Department, the two major franchised bus operators and international sources. The analysis includes an international comparison of accidents with emphasis on the situation in Hong Kong compared to urban areas in the United Kingdom. An attempt has been made to identify the characteristics of bus accidents; accident incidence has been related to time of day, day of the week, time of year, weather conditions, driver's age and experience, hours on duty and policy-reported cause. The results indicate that Hong Kong has a high accident rate compared to Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.A., with particularly high pedestrian involvement rates. Bus accidents peak at around 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM but the accident rate is high throughout the day. Monday and Saturday appear to have a higher than average accident rate. The variability of accident rate throughout the year does not seem to be significant and the accident rate does not appear to be influenced by weather conditions. Older, more experienced drivers generally have a safer driving record than their younger, less experienced colleagues. Accident occurrence is related to the time the driver has been on duty. The paper questions the reliability of police-reported accident causation data and suggests improvements in the design of the accident report form and in the training of police investigators. The relevance of the Hong Kong study for accident research in general is also discussed.  相似文献   

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