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陈国杰  罗清海  周湘江 《节能技术》2006,24(6):504-506,557
通过对湖南地区住宅建筑抽样调查,统计了其能耗状况、体形系数、窗墙比及窗墙材料等情况,分析了这些因素对该地区住宅建筑能耗影响,指出要降低住宅建筑能耗,在建筑设计时就应做好体形系数、窗墙比及窗户等的规划设计,在使用过程中要注意搞好绿化措施及提高居民的节能意识。  相似文献   

住宅建筑能耗的特点及其评价指标的确定   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文首先回顾了国际上对于住宅建筑能耗的研究工作,然后对住宅建筑能耗的特点进行了分析,指出在研究的初始阶段,可以使用单位地板面积上的能耗等指标作为住宅建筑能耗的评价指标,但是由于这些指标都是针对某一特定的能耗系统提出的,因而都具有一定的局限性,所以如何确定一个更为全面、更为客观的评价指标仍是今后的一个研究内容。  相似文献   

通过分析办公建筑室内照明对能耗产生影响的原因,归结出照明功率密度、灯具安装方式、照明运行方式这3个影响因素。为了分析这3个因素对能耗的影响程度,建立严寒地区的模型建筑,改变3个影响因素的输入条件,对照明能耗、采暖能耗、空调能耗和总能耗进行敏感性分析,结果发现照明功率密度和照明运行方式是主要的影响因素,而灯具控制方式几乎不产生影响,提出照明功率设计和控制方式的建议。  相似文献   

随着城市化的迅速发展 ,建筑能耗占到总能耗的 35 %以上 ,建筑能耗在社会总能耗中的地位越来越重要。同时从控制城市污染和环境质量达标考虑 ,也必须封住建筑能耗这张大口。  相似文献   

按照第三阶段节能设计标准(节能65%)设计建造的济南市某节能住宅为研究模型,采用清华大学建筑环境设计模拟工具包DeST(Designer's Si mulation Toolkit),对其进行了建筑能耗模拟和经济性分析。研究结果表明,比起原来的非节能设计方案,新的节能设计标准的实施,不仅有非常好的节能效果,而且投资回收期也较短,值得推广。  相似文献   

近年来,我国建筑数量持续增加,导致建筑能耗占总能耗比重急剧上升,在全国能耗中充当重要角色.与此同时,建筑气密性逐渐成为建筑能耗的主要影响因素.总结了国内外关于气密性的研究,并概述气密性影响下,通风方式及热回收系统对建筑能耗影响的研究现状,提出国内目前缺少严寒地区气密性及相关因素对能耗的影响分析.总结了气密性对建筑能耗的...  相似文献   

林志明  黄兴  张珂 《节能》2014,(1):4-7
对我国建筑能耗现状进行详细分析,在介绍国内外建筑能耗监测概况的基础上,针对目前我国缺乏有效建筑能耗统计数据的情况,并结合国内外建筑能耗监测系统的应用,阐述研发建筑能耗监测平台的目的,具体介绍该能耗监测平台的结构、软硬件系统构成、实现功能等,并成功运用到具体的项目中。应用建筑能耗监测平台可以得到建筑实时能耗数据,有助于进一步分析这些数据,以便更好地制定节能改造方案。  相似文献   

中国的建筑照明节能标准   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了《建筑照明节能标准》的编制过程,给出了标准的表达方式,详细阐述了该标准规定的照明节能措施,最后提出了制定该标准预期要达到的目标。  相似文献   

在调研的基础上,指出农村建筑电气照明存在的问题。在设定的照明条件下,测算出节能荧光灯和白炽灯的能耗;定量分析了节能荧光灯等设备的节能效果;介绍了确定照明光源功率、优选高效低耗灯和推广使用电子镇流器等问题。  相似文献   

以上海市黄浦区中小学校为调研对象,调查分析教室照明的能耗现状及节电潜力。调查结果表明:1)学校教室的平均照度、功率密度和能耗密度三个指标均存在不达标现象;2)学校教室年耗电量差异较大,未改造教室灯光系统改造势在必行;3)应用模型模拟教室灯光系统改造,经济和环境效益明显提高;4)以绿色照明理念推进学校灯光亮化工程,倡导节约用电。  相似文献   

The principal reason for introducing (and extending) daylight saving time (DST) was, and still is, projected energy savings, particularly for electric lighting. This paper presents a literature review concerning the effects of DST on energy use. Simple estimates suggest a reduction in national electricity use of around 0.5%, as a result of residential lighting reduction. Several studies have demonstrated effects of this size based on more complex simulations or on measured data. However, there are just as many studies that suggest no effect, and some studies suggest overall energy penalties, particularly if gasoline consumption is accounted for. There is general consensus that DST does contribute to an evening reduction in peak demand for electricity, though this may be offset by an increase in the morning. Nevertheless, the basic patterns of energy use, and the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment have changed since many of these studies were conducted. Therefore, we recommend that future energy policy decisions regarding changes to DST be preceded by high-quality research based on detailed analysis of prevailing energy use, and behaviours and systems that affect energy use. This would be timely, given the extension to DST underway in North America in 2007.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of daylight saving time (DST) on electricity consumption in southern Norway and Sweden. As DST was implemented in both the countries in 1980, we do not have a clear counterfactual in the form of a control period to identify the impact of DST directly with before and after or with and without analysis. This problem in the study is resolved by using “equivalent day normalization technique” to identify the impact of DST. The difference-in-difference (DID) average treatment effects model suggests an annual reduction of at least 1.0 percent in electricity consumption for both Norway and Sweden due to DST. The average annual electricity consumption reduction corresponding to DST effects equals 519 and 882 GWh for southern Norway and Sweden, resulting in an annual financial saving of 16.1 million Euros and 30.1 million Euros, respectively. The distribution of treatment effects across different hours of the day indicates a small but significant reduction in electricity consumption during the morning and a steep decline during the evening hours in both countries.  相似文献   

The focus of this work is an investigation of the effect of prevailing time regime on energy consumption. In particular we perform analysis demonstrating potential energy savings which could be obtained were Great Britain to maintain daylight savings time (DST) over winter, instead of reverting to Greenwich mean time (GMT). We review the literature on the effect of DST on energy consumption and show that this indicates a justification for considering the issue. Our headline result is in agreement with many related studies in that advancing the clock by an hour in winter would lead to energy savings of at least 0.3% of daily demand in Great Britain. In deriving this result we have adopted methodologies currently used in load prediction, in particular Support Vector Regression, to estimate energy demand on a half-hourly basis.  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of daylight saving time (DST) on electricity consumption in Jordan. Two types of analysis were done: the first analysis examines the impact of DST on the lighting loads based on a survey study made for residential and commercial sectors. The second examines the impact of DST on the over all electricity generation through analyzing the daily load curves (DLCs) before and after the DST onset and removal in 2000 and 2007. The results show that the application of DST during the year 2000 saves the electricity used for illumination by −0.73% but it increases the overall generation at the onset and removal of DST by 0.5% and 1.4% due to increase in the heating and cooling loads. The analysis of DLCs during the year 2007 shows similar effects as in the year 2000 except during the early morning period at the DST onset where DST decreases the demand during this time. The analysis shows that DST decreases the electricity demand at DST onset by 0.2% and increases it at DST removal by 0.3%. A possible decrease in the electricity consumption may take place if the DST is implemented from April to end of August.  相似文献   

重庆市酒店类建筑能耗调查及节能潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对重庆市5家典型三星级以上酒店年用电量及空调系统运行调研的基础上,分析重庆市酒店类建筑的能耗特点,探讨空调系统及管理方面各分项节能潜力,为解决重庆市酒店类建筑能耗问题提供一些基础性数据。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to quantify the daylight factors produced inside a room for different models of windows, and to conduct an analysis of the results obtained. All trials were performed under overcast sky conditions, as these represent the worst case scenario for calculation. The shape, size and position of the window are variable, as is the reflectance of the inner surfaces of the room. A total of 28 simulations are provided by the lighting simulation program Daylight Visualizer 2.6, validated by the CIE test cases. After trials it was concluded that square windows produce daylight factors slightly higher than those obtained with horizontal windows and noticeably higher than those measured with vertical windows, considering the same surface of openings. It is confirmed that the daylight factors are directly proportional to the glass surface, except in the area near the window. It is also concluded that the windows in the upper position allow higher luminance at the back of the room than those in centered locations. Finally, the energy savings produced by the different models of windows is calculated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of mass on both the annual energy consumption and the maximum rate of energy consumption. There have been recent references in the literature to such effects as ‘mass resistance’, ‘capacity insulation’, and ‘thermal inertia’, suggesting that mass can actually resist the flow of energy through a wall. In this study it is shown that the annual energy comsumption is dependent on the R-factor and the heat capacity per unit area. An example compares two buildings, one with walls that are 400 times as massive as those of the other, and yet the annual energy consumption is identical; hence, the idea of ‘mass resistance’ is to be avoided. The real effect of increased mass is typically to increase the heat capacity. The effect of increased heat capacity in a building is shown to lead to a slight decrease in the annual energy consumption and a significant decrease in the maximum rate of energy consumption.  相似文献   

Most of the developed countries in the world use Daylight Saving Time (DST) as an energy conservation method. This study focuses on the effects of DST on electrical lighting in the buildings in Turkey. Turkey might adjust its daylight saving time to decrease energy consumption. For this purpose, five scenarios are considered and compared to status quo. The scenario with a 30-minute forward shift to single DST from April to October, stands out as the best solution to conserve electricity across the entire country. The results of the study show that maximum saving is obtained in this scenario by at least 0.7% on the consumption of lighting electricity.  相似文献   

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) has traditionally been seen as a cost effective means of promoting energy conservation. Recently, however, the magnitude of energy savings associated with CFLs has been called into question. Specifically, recent findings suggest an “interactive effect” associated with the replacement of incandescent light bulbs with CFLs in the residential sector. In this scenario, the reduced wattage of CFLs, relative to incandescent bulbs, generates less heat, which in turn, requires additional natural gas usage during the heating season. Engineering studies suggest the magnitude of the effect is significant in energy terms, which implies that the energy savings associated with CFLs may be significantly overstated. In this paper, we use billing analysis to test for the presence of interactive effects. Our analysis is based on a comprehensive dataset that includes monthly household electricity and natural gas usage, the number of CFL bulbs installed, the installation date, and a set of household characteristics. Our results suggest that CFLs do indeed save electricity. However, we do not find any support for the hypothesis that CFLs cause increased usage of natural gas.  相似文献   

李江 《节能》2005,(10):44-46
面对目前量大面广的村镇住宅建设,本文从生产节能建筑材料和构建节能建筑体系两个层面,分析了现存的不利于节能的因素,指出因地制宜,就地取材是村镇住宅建筑节能行之有效的途径,并提出降低各项能耗的方法与措施。  相似文献   

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