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李娜 《计算机工程与应用》2014,50(18):75-78
将Caputo分数阶微分算子引入到非线性的Duffing振子方程中,运用同伦扰动变换法--一种同伦扰动法和Laplace变换相结合的方法来求解分数阶的非线性方程,借助Mathematica软件的符号计算功能得到了分数阶非线性Duffing振子方程的近似解,研究了振子运动过程与分数阶导数之间的关系。 相似文献
刘艳芹 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(16):30-32
将分数阶微分算子引入到黏弹性介质中的阻尼振动中建立分数阶非线性振动方程。利用Adomian分解方法借助Mathematica软件的符号计算功能求解了该类分数阶阻尼振动方程的近似解,研究了振子运动与方程中分数阶导数的关系。 相似文献
将变分迭代法、同伦扰动法和Laplace变换相结合应用于分数阶非线性发展方程近似解的求解,其中Laplace变换可准确方便地求得分数阶的Lagrange乘子,而He的多项式可简单地处理方程中出现的非线性项,将新的处理方法应用到分数阶耦合的MKdV方程,结果表明该方法具有较高的精度和收敛性。 相似文献
张菊梅 《计算机与数字工程》2013,41(7)
分数阶微积分方程的应用逐渐受到广大研究者的重视.论文以Haar小波基函数来逼近线性分数阶微积分方程,通过数值算例的数值解与精确解进行比较,结果表明论文方法是有效的且具有较高的精度. 相似文献
首先介绍了带有两个辅助参数的改进同伦分析方法,然后用该方法得到了推广Kuramoto-Sivashin-sky方程的同伦近似解.所得近似解与精确孤立波解进行比较,发现本文得到的近似解更有效地逼近真实解.因为该解包含了两个辅助参数,所以能够更有效地调节和控制其收敛区域和速度.研究表明带有两个辅助参数的改进同伦分析方法对复杂非线性系统的研究更有它的优点. 相似文献
刘艳芹 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(24):7-9,19
从推广的Fick扩散定律出发研究了一类时间分数阶Fisher单种群扩散模型。利用变分迭代法求解了三种不同情况下的近似解,对结果进行了讨论和数值模拟。 相似文献
结合同伦摄动理论和Sumudu变换方法,提出了一种简单有效的摄动方法,并应用该方法求解了Jumarie’s修正的Riemann-Liouville(R-L)分数阶的方程,该方程带有分数阶的初值条件,而以前的文献中很少讨论分数阶的初值条件。结果表明该方法具有较高的精度和有效性。 相似文献
对于变系数的时间分数阶子扩散方程,提出了一种数值方法,该方法在时间方向使用由Lagrange插值函数所得的递推公式,在空间方向,利用二次样条插值函数做为基函数,构成了最优紧二次样条配置法。理论分析和数值例子证明了该方法在配置点处具有超收敛性。 相似文献
宋传静 《动力学与控制学报》2019,17(5):446-452
研究受迫Birkhoff系统的分数阶变分问题,建立具有这两种分数阶微分算子的广义分数阶受迫Birkhoff方程.〖JP〗然后,给出具有这两种分数阶微分算子的分数阶Hamilton方程和分数阶Lagrange方程.最后,讨论广义分数阶Lotka 生化振子模型和广义分数阶Hojman Urrutia模型. 相似文献
In this paper, the approximate analytical solutions of the mathematical model of vibration equation with fractional-order time derivative β (1<β≤2) for very large membranes are obtained with the help of powerful mathematical tools like homotopy perturbation method and homotopy analysis method. Both the methods perform extremely well in terms of efficiency and simplicity. The validity and applicability of the techniques are shown for obtaining approximate numerical solutions for different particular cases which are presented through figures and tables. 相似文献
A new scheme, deduced from He's homotopy perturbation method (HPM), is presented for solving nonlinear differential-difference equations (DDEs). A simple but typical example is applied to illustrate the validity and great potential of the generalized HPM in solving nonlinear DDE. The results reveal that the method is very effective and simple. 相似文献
In this study, homotopy perturbation method (HPM) is used to obtain analytic and approximate solutions of the space- and time-fractional telegraph equations. The space- and time-fractional derivatives are considered in the Caputo sense. The analytic solutions are calculated in the form of a series with easily computable terms. Some examples are given. The results reveal that HPM is very effective and convenient. 相似文献
In this paper, a new homotopy perturbation method (NHPM) is introduced to obtain exact solutions of system of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Theoretical considerations are discussed. Two examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency of NHPM to the classical HPM and variational iteration methods. 相似文献
In this paper, He's homotopy perturbation method is applied to fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations with variable coefficients to obtain the analytic solution. The method is tested on six examples, which reveal its effectiveness and simplicity. 相似文献
This paper investigates singular nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs). The numerical solutions are developed by combining He's homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and reproducing kernel Hilbert space method (RKHSM). He's HPM is based on the use of traditional perturbation method and homotopy technique. The HPM can reduce a nonlinear problem to a sequence of linear problems and generate a rapid convergent series solution in most cases. RKHSM is also an analytical technique, which can solve powerfully singular linear BVPs. Therefore, we solve singular nonlinear BVPs using advantages of these two methods. Three numerical examples are presented to illustrate the strength of the method. 相似文献
A fully analytical solution of the steady, laminar and axisymmetric flow of a Newtonian fluid due to a stretching sheet when there is a partial slip of the fluid past the sheet has been derived using the extended homotopy perturbation method. The solution differs from that obtained by the classical homotopy perturbation method in that it is capable of generating a totally analytical solution up to any desired degree of accuracy and is not limited to the first-order correction terms. For an eight-decimal accuracy, it is sufficient to take 12 terms in the power series in the perturbation parameter, provided that use is made of Shanks’ transformation. Unlike other similar problems involving mass transfer across the sheet and/or the presence of a transverse magnetic field, the solution for the present problem is relatively insensitive to the velocity slip parameter. 相似文献
The extended homotopy perturbation method (EHPM), which is an extension to the well-known homotopy perturbation method (HPM) due to He, is applied to derive the analytical solution of the boundary layer flow of falling vapour due to the condensation on a cold, porous vertical plate. The EHPM calculates the solution automatically by adjusting the scaling factor of the independent similarity variable normal to the plate. The results obtained by the EHPM are in excellent agreement with the exact numerical solution. Also an asymptotic solution, valid for a large suction parameter is developed which matches very well with the exact solution even for moderate values of the suction velocity. Finally, it is shown that the EHPM solution is also applicable to the moderate values of blowing across the plate. 相似文献