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Clinicians often encounter patients who have comorbid alcoholism and depression. The presence of both disorders makes treatment especially challenging. Among individuals seeking treatment for alcohol dependence, depression and depressive symptoms are associated with poorer treatment outcomes, and depressed mood may play an important role in relapse to drinking. Results of a recent study suggest that adding cognitive-behavioral treatment of depression to alcohol treatment can be an effective means of reducing depressive symptoms and improving drinking outcomes in alcoholics with elevated levels of depressive symptoms. This approach may be particularly useful for clinicians seeking a nonmedical intervention to reduce depression during alcohol treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article discusses conducting psychotherapy with alcoholics in light of the controversy about whether alcoholism is a disease. The belief that alcoholism is a disease forces many clinicians to offer abstinence from alcohol as the only option for alcoholics who seek treatment. From this perspective, the alcoholic must be helped to accept the idea that he or she has a disease and that to recover from this problem, drinking must stop. Others maintain that alcoholism may not be a disease and view alcoholic drinking as maladaptive behavior. From this vantage point, helping the patient to control or to moderate drinking might be considered. These two distinct paradigms lead to divergent treatment goals, which leaves the clinician in a quandary about how best to treat an individual who experiences a drinking problem. To resolve this dilemma, it is suggested that the clinician who works with alcoholics entertain a multiplicity of perspectives and should not be blinded by any one paradigm. While control of alcohol intake must take place if such patients are to improve their functioning, the author argues that recovery can occur either by abstinence or through moderating drinking.  相似文献   

Little is known about the lifetime course of alcohol problems, especially during late adulthood. Many individuals with a history of alcohol problems achieve remission of their symptoms through abstinence or controlled drinking. This study examined 135 older adults with a prior history of alcohol diagnoses who were symptom free for at least the past year. Two groups were identified based on their alcohol consumption within the past year: abstinent individuals (n = 92) and controlled drinkers (n = 43). The groups did not differ in age, racial composition, education, income, or years since their last alcohol-related symptom, but they did differ in gender composition, indices of alcoholism severity, history of formal and informal treatment, as well as lifetime alcohol consumption patterns. Abstinent individuals had more severe alcohol problems, consumed higher amounts of alcohol on drinking days, had more years of heavy alcohol consumption, and were more likely to have attended alcohol treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The controlled drinkers had a longer history of moderate social drinking, and their current consumption habits appeared to be similar to symptom-free older adult drinkers. The results suggest that gender, alcoholism severity, history of formal and informal treatment, and past consumption patterns are associated with whether older adults with histories of alcoholism attain successful outcomes through abstinence or controlled drinking.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that schizophrenia and alcoholism are associated with violent behavior. But so far there are no published studies from unselected cohorts quantifying the actual risk associated with schizophrenia both with and without comorbid alcoholism. In this study, an unselected birth cohort (n = 11,017) was prospectively followed to the age of 26, and data on psychiatric disorders and crimes were collected from national registers. The odds ratios for violent offenses and recidivism were calculated for each diagnostic group. Men who abused alcohol and were diagnosed with schizophrenia were 25.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 6.1-97.5) times more likely to commit violent crimes than mentally healthy men. The risk for nonalcoholic patients with schizophrenia was 3.6 (95% CI 0.9-12.3) and for other psychoses, 7.7 (95% CI 2.2-23.9). None of the patients with schizophrenia who did not abuse alcohol were recidivists (> 2 offenses), but the risk for committing more crimes among alcoholic subjects with schizophrenia was 9.5-fold (95% CI 2.7-30.0). This study suggests that to prevent the crimes being committed by people with schizophrenia, it is important that clinicians watch for comorbid alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

Pharmacologic management of alcoholism is only one part of the management of both alcohol dependence and withdrawal, which also includes the provision of a calm, quiet environment; reassurance; ongoing reassessment; attention to fluid and electrolyte disorders; treatment of coexisting addictions and common medical, surgical, and psychiatric comorbidities; and referral for ongoing psychosocial and medical treatment. For further discussion of these topics, the reader is referred to previously published sources. A survey of alcoholism treatment programs revealed that although benzodiazepines were the most commonly used drugs, standardized monitoring of patients' withdrawal severity was not common practice, and a significant minority of clinicians were using a variety of other drugs, some not known to prevent or treat the complications of withdrawal. Treatment should be based on the available evidence (Working Group on Pharmacological Management of Alcohol Withdrawal: American Society of Addiction Medicine Committee on Practice Guidelines: Pharmacological management of alcohol withdrawal: An evidence-based practice guideline. Unpublished draft, 1997). Patients with significant symptoms, patients with complications such as seizures or delirium tremens, and patients at higher risk for complications of alcohol withdrawal should receive benzodiazepines, particularly chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, or lorazepam, because of their safety and documented efficacy in preventing and treating the most serious complications of alcohol withdrawal. These drugs may be dosed on a fixed schedule for a predetermined number of doses on a tapering schedule over several days, or they may be administered by front-loading. An alternative approach for selected patients without seizures or acute comorbidity is symptom-triggered therapy, which individualizes treatment and decreases the duration and dose of medication administration. With either of the regimens, patients should have their withdrawal severity monitored until symptoms are resolving. Once withdrawal from alcohol is safely completed, the focus should turn to helping to prevent relapse. Disulfiram may be useful in highly motivated subsets of patients and when compliance-enhancing strategies are used. Naltrexone is useful in the broader population of patients entering treatment for alcohol dependence. These pharmacologic interventions should be given in the context of ongoing psychosocial support. There is substantial evidence that pharmacologic management of alcohol abuse and dependence is effective. As would be predicted from alcohol's myriad cellular effects, no panacea exists for alcoholism. For alcohol withdrawal, however, although treatment regimens have only recently been refined, evidence for effective treatment of symptoms and prevention of complications with benzodiazepines has been available for decades. Within the last decade, effective treatments, including naltrexone, have been shown to reduce alcohol intake in alcohol-dependent persons. Given the prevalence and cost of alcohol-related problems, all effective therapies (including pharmacologic treatments) should be considered to treat alcohol abuse and dependence.  相似文献   

This study reports on the long-term outcomes of 360 men who were hospitalized for alcoholism during 1980 to 1984 and followed at 12 months and again 10 to 14 years later. At the 10/14-year follow-up, 96 (26.7%) men were confirmed as deceased; 255 (70.8%) men participated in the assessment/interview battery completed during baseline hospitalization. The battery consisted of psychosocial, alcohol-related, and psychiatric measures. Two distinct but highly correlated outcome measures were selected: a clinical rating scale and a factor score. Overall, predictors from baseline and 12-month follow-up included age at intake hospitalization, alcoholism severity, social stability, drinking days, and antisocial personality disorder. Approximately 37% of the assessed survivors were either totally abstinent or drinking nonabusively throughout the 10/14-year follow-up, whereas another 37% continued to drink abusively. Men who abstained or reduced alcohol intake reported better physical health at follow-up than those who continued to drink. Although our findings did not directly link alcoholism to death, they strongly indicate that chronic alcohol abuse may lead to premature death.  相似文献   

Male alcoholics who were physically aggressive toward their wives in the year before alcoholism treatment (n?=?71) were compared with nonaggressive counterparts (n?=?36). Two key patterns were associated with marital aggression: (a) binge drinking linked with coercive marital conflicts and (b) markers of a severe early onset alcoholism syndrome. Maritally aggressive men were younger and exhibited more binge drinking, higher prevalence of arrest, more verbal aggression, greater alcohol problem severity, earlier alcohol problem onset, more alcoholism among male biological relatives, less maternal alcohol use, less confidence in their ability to manage interpersonal conflict without drinking, and stronger beliefs that alcohol causes marital problems. Marital adjustment levels were not associated with marital aggression, and very few differences were found between moderate and severe violence groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adolescent patients qualifying for a DSM-II-R diagnosis of alcohol use disorder were studied to determine whether a multidimensional schema could classify subjects into subgroups. The Drug Use Screening Inventory was administered to 151 subjects. To test the concurrent validity of the subtypes, subjects also received a structured diagnostic psychiatric evaluation along with measures of personality, academic achievement, and drinking behavior. Two clusters were identified for each gender. Differences between clusters were reflected primarily on indicators of severity of disorder. Young women were more inclined toward affective disturbances, whereas conduct disorder was the most frequent disorder in young men. This study underscores the heterogeneity of the adolescent population qualifying for a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder. The differential pattern of alcohol involvement and comorbid psychopathology within clusters and between genders demonstrates the need for interventions tailored to specific clinical presentation.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of alcoholism treatment research over the past 2 decades, there is a continued gap between what has been shown to be promising in the extant literature and what is commonly practiced by clinicians in the alcohol treatment field. The present article is an effort to bridge this gap by examining findings from the broad body of alcoholism treatment outcome research to determine how these findings may optimally be used by treatment providers. To this end, the authors provide clinicians with a succinct review of the current alcoholism treatment outcome literature and identify hallmarks of the most empirically supported treatments. Clinical implications of this literature for practitioners working with client with alcohol use disorders are discussed, with a focus on factors underlying effective treatments and on how these factors can be transferred from research to practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Whereas heavy alcohol consumption is known to elevate serum carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels, the contribution of drinking pattern to these effects is not completely understood. We present data on 423 men and 146 women evaluated 1 year after treatment in a large-scale alcoholism treatment study (Project MATCH). Relationships between drinking frequency (number of days drinking), intensity (drinks per drinking day), and blood levels of CDT and GGT were analyzed by using response surface regression models and thin-plate spline-smoothing techniques. Both models indicated differences between CDT- and GGT-drinking pattern relationships in men and, also, a difference between men and women in CDT drinking-pattern relationships. For men, CDT levels appeared to respond primarily to frequency of drinking, whereas GGT was influenced primarily by drinking intensity. For women, both CDT and GGT were influenced more by drinks per drinking day (intensity) than by number of days drinking (frequency). The data confirm both the independent nature of these biological markers of alcohol consumption and gender differences in alcohol-induced CDT response reported previously.  相似文献   

Although family history of alcoholism represents a major risk factor in the development of drinking problems, the available empirical literature on this topic has raised significant questions regarding the strength and breadth of this relationship. In addition, few studies have evaluated factors that can ameliorate or exacerbate risk for adverse outcomes among children of alcoholics (COAs). The current study compared the drinking, psychiatric, and psychosocial status of 84 adult COAs with those of 111 offspring of normal controls and 102 offspring of psychiatric controls. Adult COAs were differentiated from control groups regarding alcohol and drug abuse and personality characteristics associated with behavioral undercontrol. Furthermore, the drinking outcomes of female versus male offspring were most clearly differentiated across groups. Future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigates familial alcoholism effects and the comparative probability of risk for alcohol dependence in adult children of alcoholics (ACAs) with a control group of non-ACAs. A cohort of 12,686 young adults from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) is examined over a five-year period and conventional and lineal intergenerational models of alcoholism transmission are assessed. The results of multivariate logistic regression analyses indicate that the risk is relatively greater for male ACAs; sons of alcoholics drink significantly more heavily, experience problems earlier, and develop alcohol dependence more extensively than female ACAs or non-ACAs of either gender. The extent of dependence found in subjects with a lineal history of alcoholism on the father's side of the family, as well as heavy drinking, cigarette smoking and drinking onset in adolescence should be considered as critical predisposing factors of high risk for dependence at later ages. These observations corroborate clinical studies and support a growing body of biopsychosocial research literature.  相似文献   

Thirty-six hospitalized patients who were considered by emergency room physicians to have ingested medically serious tricyclic overdoses were studied. The purpose of the project was to determine if psychiatric diagnosis and associated psychiatric factors correlated with the severity of the overdose as defined by plasma drug levels. Medically serious overdoses were ingested by patients with alcoholism, primary affective disorder, undiagnosed psychiatric illness, and Briquet's syndrome. Prior psychiatric treatment, prior admissions, prior overdoses, or precipitating events did not correlate with the medical severity of the ingestion. Attempting to predict the individual medical severity of the overdose from psychiatric factors resulted in a dangerous underestimation of the risk of patients with Briquet's syndrome and an overprediction in the case of primary affective disorder.  相似文献   

Argues that the unique history of alcohol use in the US has led to the ascendance of disease theory as the dominant conception of alcoholism. Social-scientific research has consistently conflicted with disease theory, but psychological and other nondisease conceptions of alcoholism are not well-represented in the public consciousness, in treatment programs, or in policies for affecting nationwide drinking practices. Conflict in the field has intensified in the last decade, most notably surrounding the issue of controlled drinking in alcoholism treatment. It is suggested that the current cultural attitude toward alcoholism in the US, one strongly influenced by disease notions, has not led to an improvement in society's drinking problems and that there continues to be a need for psychologists to present alternative views of alcoholism. The concepts of dependence and addiction as related to alcohol and to drugs are discussed. (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study evaluated how spiritual and religious functioning (SRF), alcohol-related problems, and psychiatric symptoms change over the course of treatment and follow-up. Problem drinkers (n = 55, including 39 males and 16 females) in outpatient treatment were administered questionnaires at pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow up, which assessed two aspects of SRF (religious well-being and existential well-being), two aspects of alcohol misuse (severity and consequences), and two aspects of psychiatric symptoms (depression and anxiety). Significant improvements in SRF, psychiatric symptoms and alcohol misuse were observed from pretreatment to follow-up. Although SRF scores were significantly correlated with psychiatric symptoms at all three time points, improvement in the former did not predict improvement in the latter. When measured at the same time points, SRF scores were not correlated with the measures of alcohol misuse. However, improvement in SRF (specifically in existential well-being) over the course of treatment was predictive of improvement in the alcohol misuse measures at follow-up. These results suggest that the association between SRF, emotional problems, and alcohol misuse is complex. They further suggest that patients who improve spiritual functioning over the course of treatment are more likely to experience improvement in drinking behavior and alcohol-related problems after treatment has ended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alcohol dependence has been described as a relapsing condition and it has been proposed that alcohol lapses could potentially be explained by dynamic associations between contextual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal risk factors. Yet, few studies have tested the associations between risk factors in the prediction of lapse dynamics. The current study was a secondary analysis of data from the COMBINE study (n = 1,383; COMBINE Study Research Group, 2003). The goal of the current study was to examine static (alcohol dependence severity, treatment history, marital status, psychiatric symptoms) and dynamic (negative affect, craving, stress) predictors of heavy drinking during the course of treatment and up to one year following treatment. Results from dynamic latent difference score models indicated that higher levels of static and dynamic risk and increased dynamic risk over time were significantly associated with greater increases in heavy drinking. Likewise, more frequent heavy drinking and higher static risk predicted higher levels of dynamic risk. In addition, changes in dynamic risk factors significantly mediated the association between changes in heavy drinking and both psychiatric symptoms and treatment history. It is important to note that while the effects of static and dynamic risk factors in the prediction of heavy drinking were statistically significant, the magnitude of the effects were small. The current study provided partial support for a dynamic model of relapse; however future research using intensive longitudinal data collection and more advanced statistical techniques could further elucidate lapse dynamics and potentially improve relapse prevention planning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

AIMS: A low level of response (LR) to alcohol is a characteristic of sons of alcoholics and predicts an elevated future alcoholism risk. A 12-question Self-Rating of the Effects (SRE) of alcohol form has been shown to correlate cross-sectionally with a designation of a low LR determined by alcohol challenges. DESIGN: This study evaluates the potential usefulness of the SRE as a retrospective measure of both the response to alcohol and of subsequent alcoholism in two samples. SETTING: All subjects were studied in the United States, most in California. PARTICIPANTS: First, 94 sons of alcoholics and controls completed the SRE 15 years after an alcohol challenge, and SRE values were compared to their prior LR results and their alcoholic outcomes. Secondly, the relationship between SRE results and alcoholic status was determined in 551 men and women alcoholics, their relatives, and controls. MEASUREMENTS: Subjects were evaluated with face-to-face interviews. FINDINGS: Despite the interval of 15 years, the correlation between the SRE and the subjective high feelings on the alcohol challenge was between -0.3 and -0.4. For those 94 subjects the full SRE correlated with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence at 0.5, a figure that remained at 0.3 even when only the estimates related to the earliest drinking experiences were considered. For the 551 men and women, the correlation between the SRE and alcohol dependence diagnoses was 0.6, including 0.3 for the estimates of the first five times of drinking. All major findings in both samples remained robust when the recent drinking history or the number of items endorsed was considered, or when the most severe alcohol problem, passing out, was deleted from the analysis. CONCLUSIONS: When alcohol challenges are not possible, these retrospective reports indicate that the SRE is a potentially useful surrogate for determining a subgroup of people who might carry a low level of response to alcohol and a subsequent elevated risk for alcoholism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite recognition of the high prevalence of alcoholism among patients with head and neck cancer, the prognostic importance of alcoholism has not been evaluated adequately. Previous investigators have speculated that alcoholic patients may have a poorer prognosis than nonalcoholic patients because of more advanced stage of cancer, the immunosuppressive effects of alcohol, and an increased rate of death due to other alcohol-related diseases. PURPOSE: The goal of this population-based study was to identify the features of alcoholism that are associated with survival for patients with head and neck cancer and to develop an alcoholic severity staging system from a composite of the independent features of alcoholism. METHODS: This prospective study included 649 patients who were diagnosed with cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, or larynx during the period from September 1, 1983, through February 28, 1987, in a three-county area of western Washington state that participates in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program of the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Details on lifetime alcohol consumption, treatment for alcoholism, abstinence from alcohol prior to the diagnosis of cancer, and alcohol-related health problems were ascertained through in-person interviews near the time of diagnosis. Patients were classified as either nonalcoholics or alcoholics according to their responses to questions from the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. The measures of alcohol consumption and abuse that were found to be independently associated with 5-year survival by logistic regression analysis were combined using conjunctive consolidation to create a final composite variable, called an alcoholic severity stage. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was done to estimate the relative risk (R) of death within 5 years due to specific causes of death for each of the alcoholic severity stages. RESULTS: Alcoholism (RR = 2.06; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.43-2.98) and a history of alcohol-related systemic health problems (i.e., liver disease, pancreatitis, delirium tremens, or seizures) (RR = 2.76; 95% CI = 1.69-4.49) were associated with an increased risk of death, whereas abstinence (i.e., the consumption of fewer than one drink per week at 1 year prior to the diagnosis of cancer) (RR = 0.62; 95% CI = 0.39-0.97) was associated with a decreased risk of death. These associations were independent of age, site of cancer, anatomical stage, histopathologic grade, smoking, and type of antineoplastic treatment. Patients in the two worst alcoholic severity stages had an increased risk of dying not only of head and neck cancer but also of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and other alcohol-related causes. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol abuse, measured by alcohol consumption, functional impairment, a history of alcohol-related health problems, or abstinence, can provide important prognostic information for patients with head and neck cancer. Our results suggest that sobriety among alcoholic patients can lead to prolonged survival.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have demonstrated that pharmacotherapies may improve alcoholism treatment, when combined with traditional psychosocial therapies. Recently, the opioid antagonist, naltrexone, has been approved as an adjunct in alcoholism treatment, and several other pharmacotherapies for alcoholism are under development. Because of the abstinence orientation of many patients, we assessed attitudes regarding medications, and explored whether alcoholic patients would consider taking medication as part of their alcoholism treatment. Active patients (n = 127) in three alcohol treatment settings were surveyed with an anonymous questionnaire which asked demographics, personal alcoholism history and questions about medication use. They were asked whether they felt disulfiram and naltrexone were helpful for alcoholics and whether they would take the medications. The findings indicate that the patients were divided about the use of pharmacotherapy for the treatment of alcoholism. The strongest predictor of willingness to take medication was a belief that the medication would be helpful.  相似文献   

The current study examined alcohol expectancies and drinking motives as correlates of alcohol involvement among adolescents at high and low risk for future alcoholism. Measures of alcohol expectancies, drinking motives, presumed personality risk for alcoholism, family history of alcoholism, and alcohol involvement were completed by 979 high school students. Alcohol expectancies and drinking motives were found to vary as a function of risk status. More important, the strength of the relations between alcohol expectancies or drinking motives and alcohol involvement varied as a function of risk status. Expectancies of altered social behavior were particularly associated with low-risk drinking. Expectancies of enhanced cognitive and motor functioning, expectancies of tension reduction, expectancies of deteriorated cognitive and behavioral functioning, personal motives, and power motives were particularly associated with high-risk drinking. These expectancies and motives are of potential prognostic significance in the development of alcoholism and may be important targets for modification in primary prevention programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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