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The use of induction heating in the hot-rolling of slabs,bars,billets,and blooms is presented.In today’ s world,the cost of fossil fuels and the impact on the environment is an increasing concern.Induction heating can be used to heat materials from ambient temperature or in conjunction with gas reheat furnaces to enhance flexibility, boost productivity,reduce space requirements,improve metal surface quality,increase energy efficiency,and reduce harmful emissions to the environment.Various possible locations for induction heating are shown.An example case study is presented to quantify an increase in output.Some basic concepts of induction heating are explained to provide metallurgists with a better understanding of how and where induction heating can be applied.A brief introduction to computer modeling and control is touched on.Finally,some examples of recent installations are presented.  相似文献   

Total body CT scanning may be utilized as a means of treatment planning for radiation therapy. Computer reconstruction of coronal and sagittal views from CT cross-sectional slices was accomplished by taking each of the cross-sectional images and placing them together in the specific order in the sequence in which they were scanned to form a cube. Once the cube is built, retrieving in the sagittal and coronal views is readily achieved.  相似文献   

We examined 20 actively psychotic unmedicated schizophrenic patients and 20 matched control subjects by using single-photon emission, computed tomography (SPECT) with 99mtechnetium-exametazime. Patients showed a hyperfrontal pattern of tracer uptake with significant relative increases in superior prefrontal cortex. This abnormality was less pronounced in patients with higher symptom scores for psychomotor poverty. In addition, patients showed associations between certain schizophrenic syndrome scores, such as psychomotor poverty, disorganization, and reality distortion, and tracer uptake to a number of cortical and subcortical brain regions. This syndrome-related pattern of tracer uptake was, at least in part, consistent with similar associations previously reported in chronically medicated schizophrenic patients. SPECT therefore provides a readily available method to examine the relationship between symptom pattern and regional brain metabolism in psychotic patients. Any observed patterns of association will depend on the current mental and medication status of the patients examined.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that one of the primary events in the development of essential hypertension is a growth-related process initiated as early as during fetal development. Differences in kidney size have been observed between most rat models of hypertension and their respective controls. In this study, we analyzed relative kidney size (kidney weight/body wt) in a set of rat recombinant inbred strains (RIS) (N = 27) and their progenitors, the spontaneously hypertensive rat strain (SHR/Ola) and Brown Norway congenic strain (BN.1x), at two different ages, at birth and at 15 weeks. In the progenitors, the relative kidney weight was higher in the hypertensive than in the normotensive strain of both the newborn (P < 0.001) and adult (P < 0.001) animals. In the RIS, a significant correlation was found between the newborn and adult relative kidney weight (r = 0.49, P = 0.01), indicating that the two phenotypes share some of their genetic determinants. A total genome search of newborn and adult relative kidney weight was performed with a total of 453 genetic markers. These analyses revealed several suggestive quantitative trait loci (QTL), some of which were, indeed, significant for both newborn and adult relative kidney weight (such as, D3Mit9 on rat chromosome 3; r = -0.50, P < 0.01; r = -0.47, P < 0.01; respectively). Others, such as the locus on rat chromosome 1 (Rt6; r = -0.43, P < 0.05), were significant only for the adult relative kidney size. This QTL was found in close proximity to a region previously related to susceptibility to hypertensive renal disease in the fawn-hooded rat and, similarly to that study, its effect was found to be independent of blood pressure. Furthermore, a growth pattern of the kidneys after birth, evaluated as the difference between the newborn and adult relative kidney weight, was also subjected to total genome scan. Several suggestive QTL were identified. One of the most significant loci was found at the D1a marker on rat chromosome 17 (r = -0.51, P < 0.01), which was previously related to the determination of adult heart weight in the RIS. In conclusion, the current study demonstrates the usefulness of RIS in studies of hypertension-related phenotypes, some of which are abnormal before the development of high blood pressure. To better understand their role in the pathogenesis of hypertension, studies at different ages are needed, which are uniquely feasible in RIS.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Electron beam CT (EBCT) has been devised to improve the imaging of the heart and the great vessels. Therefore, this method is expected to facilitate the imaging workup of patients referred for cardiothoracic surgery. We set out to review the most important surgical issues that can be addressed with this method. METHODS: From June, 1997 until July, 1998, more than 300 patients were referred from cardiothoracic surgery. In a retrospective analysis, diagnostic results were reviewed and compared with surgical findings and the clinical course. RESULTS: Aortocoronary bypass graft occlusions were detected with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 95%. Calcifications of the aorta, pericardium and intracardiac tumors were surgically confirmed in all instances. There was a significant association of the degree of coronary artery calcification and the progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in 50 heart transplant recipients. In EBCT of the aorta, a high degree of diagnostic confidence was found for aortic dissection, aortic wall hematoma or aortic perforation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that EBCT represents an important diagnostic tool both for surgical planning and postoperative surveillance in cardiothoracic surgery.  相似文献   

NONINVASIVE PROCEDURE: Helical CT angiography is a noninvasive procedure whose only relative contraindications are renal insufficiency and iodine allergy. MASSIVE PULMONARY EMBOLISM: If a massive pulmonary embolism is suspected, helical CT angiography is the examination of choice because of its high accuracy in detecting proximal thrombi and its safety profile. NON-MASSIVE PULMONARY EMBOLISM: If a non massive pulmonary embolism is suspected, helical CT angiography, because of its high specificity, can be the first examination instead of scintigraphy. If a thrombus is depicted by CT, the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is confirmed and treatment is started. If no thrombus is visualized by CT, pulmonary embolism can be ruled out in most cases. In case of doubt, another noninvasive procedure should be performed. Angiography should be the exception and seldom is needed.  相似文献   

The ultrafast radiograph CT scanner utilizes a scanning electron beam and semicircular tungsten targets to produce a moving radiograph source about the patient, thus eliminating mechanical motion within the gantry. This design allows scan times as short as 50 or 100 ms, as well as two levels of image resolution. The short scan time reduces the effects of motion blurring and artifacts and provides the ability to obtain high-quality images of dynamic processes and rapidly moving organs. When utilized in the SS (high-resolution) mode, the UFCT scanner provides contiguous image acquisition through a patient volume at rapid speeds, yet maintains image quality comparable with conventional CT scanners. This technology provides extremely short exposure times, rapid acquisition of multiple slices, continuous scanning without concern for anode heat storage and dissipation, and the ability to image moving organs or flowing contrast media. Many clinical applications exist that exploit these unique features.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RuvA and RuvB proteins mediate ATP-dependent branch migration of Holliday junctions during homologous genetic recombination. RuvA is a DNA-binding protein with high affinity for Holliday junctions, to which it directs RuvB (a DNA-dependent ATPase). Electron microscopic studies have shown that RuvB forms double hexameric rings on duplex DNA. To determine whether the rings are biologically active, the conditions required for their formation and activity have been analysed. The quaternary structure of RuvB appears to be dependent upon the binding of ATP, magnesium ions, and the presence of RuvA. In the presence of Mg2+ and ATP, RuvB forms hexamers; however, in the presence of Mg2+ alone, dodecamers were observed. Both forms of the protein are stable and have been isolated by gel filtration. Performed dodecamers and, to a lesser extent, hexamers assembled in the absence of DNA lack ATPase activity. Maximal ATPase activity was observed when RuvB assembled directly on DNA in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP. Moreover, under these conditions, a direct interaction between RuvB hexamers and tetramers of RuvA was observed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Studies on brain serotonin metabolism in human and nonhuman primates have indicated that dysfunction of serotonin transmission may play a role in the biological vulnerability to dependence on alcohol. Among young men, low sensitivity to alcohol intoxication predicts subsequent alcohol abuse and dependence. METHOD: The authors used single photon emission computed tomography and the radioligand [(I)123]beta-CIT ([(I)123]methyl 3beta-(4-iodophenyl) tropane-2-carboxylate) to measure the availability of serotonin transporters in 11 male rhesus monkeys, and the monkeys were genotyped for a functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene. The 11 monkeys had experienced parental separation after birth; their behavior and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentrations in CSF had been assessed regularly. RESULTS: In the 5-year-old monkeys, there was a significant negative correlation between beta-CIT binding to serotonin transporters in the brainstem and 5-HIAA concentrations in CSF. Animals with greater beta-CIT binding and low CSF 5-HIAA concentrations displayed greater aggressiveness and were less sensitive to alcohol-induced intoxication. The genetic constitution of the serotonin transporter promoter gene did not significantly contribute to the availability of brainstem serotonin transporters as measured by beta-CIT binding. CONCLUSIONS: In adult nonhuman primates who underwent early developmental stress, variables indicating a low serotonin turnover rate were associated with behavior patterns similar to those predisposing to early-onset alcoholism among humans.  相似文献   

16 patients received twice daily 60-90 mg DHC-Continus. The evaluation of the pain was done with use of visual linear scale from 1-10 (Scott-Huskisson). Four complications occurred: headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation. The authors conclude that the orally administration of DHC is an effective alternative for postoperative treatment of pain in gynecological patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether clinical parameters and neurologic scores can be used to guide the decision to obtain computed tomography (CT) head scans for ethanol- intoxicated patients with presumed-minor head injuries. METHODS: In a prospective cohort analysis, 107 consecutive adult patients who presented to a county emergency department (ED) with serum ethanol levels >80 mg/dL and minor head trauma were studied. Commonly used clinical variables were determined for each patient. Each patient also underwent an abbreviated neurologic scoring examination and a Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score evaluation at the time of presentation and one hour later, after which a cranial CT scan was done. For purposes of analysis, patients with and patients without intracerebral injuries visible on CT scans of the head were compared. RESULTS: Nine of 107 patients (8.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.9-15.4%) had CT scans that were positive for intracerebral injury. Two patients (1.9%; 95% CI = 0.2-6.6%) needed craniotomy. Five patients had hemotympanum and two patients had bilateral periorbital ecchymosis, but CT scans were negative for intracerebral injury in these patients. There was no statistically significant difference between the patients with and without CT scan abnormalities, based on the clinical variables, the GCS scores, or the abbreviated neurologic scoring examinations at presentation or at one hour. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of intracerebral injury in CT scans of ethanol-intoxicated patients with minor head injuries was 8.4%. Commonly used clinical parameters and neurologic scores at presentation and one hour later were unable to predict which patients would have intracerebral injuries and evidenced by CT scans. Our low (1.9%) neurosurgical intervention rate supports the need to develop a selective approach to CT scanning in this population.  相似文献   

Disseminated fungal infection (DFI) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among immunosuppressed patients with cancer. To determine the role of abdominal computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of DFI, we studied the records of patients treated in a pediatric oncology center over an 11-year period. A total of 35 children had CT findings compatible with fungal abscesses in the liver, spleen, and/or kidneys and had fungal infection confirmed by culture, biopsy, or at autopsy. Patients were treated with antifungal agents (median duration of treatment, 57 days) until fever resolved and repeated CT scans demonstrated that the lesions had disappeared, regressed, or stabilized. The 3-month survival rate was 86%. An additional 29 patients with similar characteristics and risk factors had characteristic CT findings, but DFI was not documented with other procedures. These patients were empirically treated for presumed DFI; their courses and outcomes were similar to those for patients with documented DFI. These results suggest that it is reasonable to make a presumptive diagnosis of DFI for patients with characteristic CT findings and clinical features. With appropriate therapy, the prognosis for pediatric patients with cancer and documented or presumed DFI is good.  相似文献   

The clinical diagnosis of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonates can be supported by radiologic studies including cranial sonography, computed tomography (CT), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. The role of cranial sonography, CT, and SPECT in term neonates with perinatal asphyxia is reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

Seventy-five newborns from multiple pregnancies with very low and extremely low birth weight are studied. 94% of the infants under 1000 g and 66% of those above 1000 g are born by vaginal way. Intrapartal asphyxia develop most often the second twins with birth weight under 1000 g--64.7%. These are the infants with higher morbidity: RDS--56.5%, IVH--100%. The survival rate of the twins of this group is notably lower than that of the infants from singleton pregnancies with equal weight and gestational age: 12.1% under 1000 g and 69% above 1000 g, against 38.3% and 77.9% respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in the clinical diagnosis of diffuse infiltrative lung disease (DILD). Diagnostic accuracy was compared using both chest radiography and HRCT. One hundred thirty-four cases of DILD, representing 21 different diseases, were selected for study, and the disease state was confirmed either histologically or microbiologically. The HRCT images and chest radiographs, available in all cases, were reviewed separately and in random order by 20 physicians who were provided only with information on each patient's age and sex. Overall, a correct first-choice diagnosis was made in 38 percent using radiographs and in 46 percent using HRCT images (p < 0.01). The correct diagnosis was among the top three choices in 49 percent when chest radiographs were used, and in 59 percent when HRCT images were viewed (p < 0.01). The correct first-choice diagnosis increased remarkably when the HRCT was used in usual interstitial pneumonia, sarcoidosis, alveolar proteinosis, bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis. High-resolution computed tomography was confirmed to be superior to conventional radiography in the accurate diagnosis of DILD in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Using Caco-2BBe monolayers as a model of the intestinal epithelium, we tested the hypothesis that reactive oxygen metabolites contribute to lactic acid-induced hyperpermeability. Compared to monolayers incubated at normal pH (i.e., 7.4) monolayers incubated in medium titrated to extracellular pH (pHo) 5.0 with 10 mM lactic acid demonstrated increased permeability to both fluorescein sulfonic acid (FS) and fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (average molecular mass = 4000 Da; FD4). Lactic acid-induced hyperpermeability to both FS and FD4 was reduced by adding either 30 microM EUK-8, a superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetic, or catalase (10(4) U/mL). Incubation of monolayers with lactic acid increased cellular malondialdehyde content, a measure of lipid peroxidation. EUK-8 (30 microM) completely abrogated this effect. Incubation with ferrous sulfate (100 microM) exacerbated both lactic acid-induced hyperpermeability to FS and lactic acid-induced lipid peroxidation. Iron chelation with 1 mM diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-trisodium calcium salt attenuated lactic acid-induced hyperpermeability, whereas iron-loaded DTPA (1 mM) was not protective. Treatment with DTPA-trisodium calcium salt also ameliorated lactic acid-induced lipid peroxidation. Incubation with lactic acid (pHo 5.0) for 16 h increased the cellular content of low molecular weight iron species. Incubation with lactic acid (pHo 5.0) for 24 h significantly increased the percentage of oxidized protein-bound thiols in Caco-2BBe cells. We conclude that lactic acidosis induces hyperpermeability in Caco-2BBe monolayers, in part, via an iron-dependent increase in reactive oxygen metabolite-mediated damage.  相似文献   

Attenuation values were obtained from 50 CT examinations of the upper abdomen. A normal range of values, obtained for the organs in the upper abdomen, was compared with patient size and age. Rank ordering according to the mean attenuation values was also performed. The most significant finding was that the liver normally had the highest attenuation value of any of the viscera measured. When another organ in the upper abdomen had a mean value greater than that of the liver, this reflected severe systemic disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of helical computed tomography (CT) versus conventional CT in the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies on axial, coronal, and multiplanar reconstruction images in clinical routine. DESIGN: Prospective comparative trial, alternate assignment of consecutive patients. PARTICIPANTS: Eighteen patients with penetrating eye injuries and suspected metallic intraocular foreign bodies were studied. INTERVENTION: Alternate patients were assigned to undergo either helical CT or conventional CT in the axial plane. Both the helical and the conventional data were transferred to a workstation, and reconstructions in the coronal and sagittal planes were performed. Additional direct coronal scanning was performed only when necessary for preoperative assessment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The quality of the directly obtained axial and coronal, as well as the reconstructed coronal and sagittal images, was assessed for each, imaging method based on the ability to detect and accurately localize foreign bodies. The size of the foreign bodies was measured and compared to the actual diameter. Total examination time and radiation dose delivered to the lens were measured for each imaging method. RESULTS: All foreign bodies were detected by each scanning method on the axial, the coronal, and on the reconstructed planes. The quality of the axial images was similar for helical and conventional CT. The helical technique provided high-quality reconstructed images comparable in quality to the directly obtained coronal planes in conventional CT. Reconstructions by conventional technique were not useful for preoperative assessment. The examination time for the total orbital volume was 18 seconds for helical CT examinations and 52 seconds for conventional CT examinations. Radiation dose delivered to the lens for the complete examination was 35 mGy for helical CT axial scanning, 56 mGy for conventional CT axial scanning, and 63 mGy for conventional CT coronal scanning. CONCLUSIONS: Helical CT multiplanar imaging offers several significant advantages for the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies compared to the conventional CT technique in clinical practice, including short examination time, reduced motion artifacts, reduced radiation exposure, and the ability to obtain diagnostically useful coronal and sagittal reconstruction images without the need for additional scanning.  相似文献   

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