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Stanniocalcin (STC) is a glycoprotein hormone that was first identified in fish, where it regulates the calcium level in the body fluid. The cDNA which encodes human STC has recently been reported but the function has not been completely elucidated. We have prepared a monoclonal antibody against human STC using an analogous peptide of the putative antigenic domain in human STC; it was conjugated with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The monoclonal antibody specifically stained the distal convoluted tubules in human kidney which is a putative target organ of STC. The ELISA was established using the monoclonal antibody and recombinant human STC as a standard antigen. The monoclonal antibody prepared in this study provides a useful tool for clinical studies of STC in human.  相似文献   

It has been shown that peripheral T cell tolerance can be induced by systemic antigen administration. We have been interested in using this phenomenon to develop antigen-specific immunotherapies for T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases. In patients with the demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS), multiple potentially autoantigenic epitopes have been identified on the two major proteins of the myelin sheath, myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). To generate a tolerogenic protein for the therapy of patients with MS, we have produced a protein fusion between the 21.5-kD isoform of MBP (MBP21.5) and a genetically engineered form of PLP (deltaPLP4). In this report, we describe the effects of treatment with this agent (MP4) on clinical disease in a murine model of demyelinating disease, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Treatment of SJL/J mice with MP4 after induction of EAE either by active immunization or by adoptive transfer of activated T cells completely prevented subsequent clinical paralysis. Importantly, the administration of MP4 completely suppressed the development of EAE initiated by the cotransfer of both MBP- and PLP-activated T cells. Prevention of clinical disease after the intravenous injection of MP4 was paralleled by the formation of long-lived functional peptide-MHC complexes in vivo, as well as by a significant reduction in both MBP- and PLP-specific T cell proliferative responses. Mice treated with MP4 were resistant to disease when rechallenged with an encephalitogenic PLP peptide emulsified in CFA, indicating that MP4 administration had a prolonged effect in vivo. Administration of MP4 was also found to markedly ameliorate the course of established clinical disease. Finally, MP4 therapy was equally efficacious in mice defective in Fas expression. These results support the conclusion that MP4 protein is highly effective in suppressing disease caused by multiple neuroantigen epitopes in experimentally induced demyelinating disease.  相似文献   

Monoclonal Abs to the complex formed between human MHC class II molecules (DR7 and DRw11) and myelin basic protein (MBP) were produced. The specificity of these Abs was established by both FACS analysis and complement-mediated cytotoxicity of MBP- or OVA-pulsed human APC of the same or of different DR restriction. These Abs bound to and lysed only MBP-pulsed human APC of the same DR restriction (DR7 or DRw11) but not to APC of different DR restriction or pulsed with a different Ag (OVA). The physiologic role of these Abs was further investigated. They blocked the in vitro proliferative response to MBP-specific T cell clones isolated from multiple sclerosis patients in an antigen-specific and DR-restricted manner. However, the Abs did not affect the response of MBP-specific T cell clones of other DR restriction nor did they interfere with the response to other Ags (purified protein derivative or copolymer 1) presented on APC with the same DR restriction. These Abs may be useful for treating multiple sclerosis in which reactivity to MBP is implicated. Moreover, this approach may be extended to other autoantigens and their counterpart autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The role of myelin basic protein (MBP) T cell recognition in the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been well established in mice and rats. A remarkable restriction has been observed in T cell receptor (TCR) genes utilized by encephalitogenic T cell lines (TCLs) specific for immunodominant epitopes in these species. Pathological similarities between this animal model and multiple sclerosis (MS) has led to consider MBP as a major candidate autoantigen in this human disorder. Unlike in inbred strains of animals, the T cell response to MBP in humans is quite heterogenous with regard to fine epitope specificity. The existence of V alpha and/or V beta restriction in MBP-specific T cells, from MS patients and healthy controls, is still a matter of debate. In this study we generated 77 MBP-specific TCLs from nine healthy donors and showed that peptide 7-27 is one of the most frequently recognized epitopes. 37% of all epitope-specific TCLs recognized this peptide and p7-27 specific TCLs were generated from seven out of the nine subjects studied. A high level of in vivo clonal expansion was observed in p7-27-specific TCLs in several subjects, which however is not specific of this epitope since this phenomenon was also observed in p85-104- and 149-162-specific TCLs.  相似文献   

The zinc-binding proteins (ZnBPs) in porcine brain were characterized by the radioactive zinc-blot technique. Three ZnBPs of molecular weights about 53 kDa, 42 kDa, and 21 kDa were identified. The 53 kDa and 42 kDa ZnBPs were found in all subcellular fractions while the 21 kDa ZnBP was mainly associated with particulate fractions. This 21 kDa ZnBP was identified by internal protein sequence data as the myelin basic protein. Further characterization of its electrophoretic properties and cyanogen bromide cleavage pattern with the authentic protein confirmed its identity. The zinc binding properties of myelin basic protein are metal specific, concentration dependent and pH dependent. The zinc binding property is conferred by the histidine residues since modification of these residues by diethyl-pyrocarbonate would abolish this activity. Furthermore, zinc ion was found to potentiate myelin basic protein-induced phospholipid vesicle aggregation. It is likely that zinc plays an important role in myelin compaction by interacting with myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

Four rat x mouse hybridomas secreting monoclonal anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) antibodies (MAb) specific for the transgene-encoded antibody of the 207-4 transgenic mouse line, which carries the VH1/V kappa 24 gene segments of the IgA, phosphocholine-(PC) specific MOPC167 myeloma, were developed from a fusion of Ag8-X63.653 mouse cells with spleen cells from a rat immunized with MOPC167 and HPCM27 anti-PC antibodies. The anti-Id MAb were shown by ELISA to be specific for PC-binding proteins of VH1/V kappa 24 H and L chains of various isotypes. They did not bind VH1/V kappa 22, VH1/V kappa 8, or VH1/V kappa 1 PC-binding proteins or other IgA or IgM myeloma proteins. Analysis by flow cytometry demonstrated that these MAb bind to the transgene-encoded membrane immunoglobulin (sIgM) as expressed on > 95% of the B220 positive 207-4 spleen cells. All four MAb were able to inhibit the binding of MOPC167 to PC conjugated to bovine serum albumin. Differences in fine specificity of binding were demonstrated by differential staining of spleen cells of the 216-7 mu kappa delta Mem MOPC167 transgenic mice. In these mice endogenous H chains associate with the transgene encoded L chain to form MOPC167 crossreactive idiotopes. Two of the MAb, 28-4-3 and 28-6-20, stained significant numbers of cells, while MAb 28-5-15 did not bind to 216-7 cells. Three of the MAb, 28-5-15, 28-6-20, and 28-4-3, when conjugated to Sepharose beads, were able to induce DNA synthesis in cultures of 207-4 transgenic spleen cells. None of the MAb were able to induce an antibody response in vivo. These MAb should prove useful in staining PC-transgenic B cells for flow cytometry studies and in defining early cellular events in the activation of idiotype positive B cells by anti-Id antibodies.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody Leu M1 represents a highly specific marker to locate granulocyte antigen in Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin's disease. Except the L&H variants of reed-sternberg cells in lymphocyte predominance variety in which antigens are probably sialylated. All the cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were negative with this marker, because of absence of antigen. Therefore this specific marker characterizes granulocyte origin of reed-sternberg cells.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate manometric temperature measurement as a non-invasive method of monitoring product temperature during the primary drying phase of lyophilization. This method is based on analysis of the transient response of the chamber pressure when the flow of water vapor from the chamber to the condenser is momentarily interrupted. Manometric temperature measurements (MTM) were compared to product temperature data measured by thermocouples during the lyophilization of water, mannitol, lactose and potassium chloride solutions. The transient pressure response was mathematically modeled by assuming that four mechanisms contribute to the pressure rise: 1) direct sublimation of ice through the dried product layer at a constant temperature, 2) an increase in the temperature at the sublimation interface due to equilibration of the temperature gradient across the frozen layer, 3) an increase in the ice temperature due to continued heating of the frozen matrix during the measurement, and 4) leaks in the chamber. Experimental transient pressure response data were fitted to an equation consisting of the sum of these terms containing three variables corresponding to the vapor pressure of ice, product resistance to vapor flow, and the vial heat transfer coefficient. Excellent fit between the mathematical model and the experimental data was observed, and the value of the variables was calculated from the measured transient pressure response by a least squares method. The product temperature measured by MTM, which measures the temperature at the sublimation interface, was compared with product temperature measured by thermocouples placed in the bottom center of the vials. Manometrically measured temperatures were consistently lower than the thermocouple measurements by about 2 degrees C, this difference being largely accounted for by the temperature gradient across the frozen layer. The resistance of the dried product to mass transfer calculated from MTM was found to agree reasonably well with values measured by a direct vial technique. Product resistance was observed to increase with increasing solute concentration, and to increase continuously as the depth of the dried product layer increases for mannitol and potassium chloride. For lactose, product resistance increases continuously with thickness up to the onset of collapse, at which point the product resistance becomes essentially independent of depth. Scanning electron microscopy was used to explain this observation based on changes in morphology of the solid. The vial heat transfer coefficients obtained from regression analysis were on the order of 10(-3)-10(-4) cal.sec-1. degrees C-1; however, the scatter in the vial heat transfer coefficient data prevents the method from being used for accurate measurement of the vial heat transfer coefficient. The results of the study show that the manometric method shows promise as a process development tool and as an alternative method of in-process product temperature measurement during primary drying.  相似文献   

Autoimmunity has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC). Several studies have shown amplified immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibody response in UC; however the immunoreactive antigen(s) is unknown. To study this antigen(s), mucosal colonic extract was prepared by sonication, ultracentrifugation followed by ion exchange chromatography in fast protein liquid chromatography. The fraction (enriched colonic peptide), that was most reactive to a novel monoclonal antibody, 7E12H12 (IgM isotype), was isolated and used to examine the immunoreactivity against the patients' serum samples. Two hundred and thirteen coded samples from 111 patients with UC (symptomatic and untreated (63), symptomatic and treated (26), remission (22)); 47 with Crohn's disease (CD) (40 were symptomatic and untreated, and 30 had colonic disease); 29 with acute diarrhoea caused by specific pathogen(s); 10 with systemic lupus erythematosus, and 16 normal subjects were examined against the enriched colonic peptide by IgG subtype specific enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Total IgG antibody reactivity was significantly (p < 0.01) higher only in symptomatic and untreated UC patients compared with each of the non-UC group, but the sensitivity was only 50%. IgG2 and IgG3 reactivities were not different among various groups. The IgG1 antibody reactivity against the enriched colonic peptide, however, differentiated UC patients from CD and each of the other non-UC groups. Seventy nine per cent of the patients with UC, treated or untreated, symptomatic or in remission, had significantly (p < 0.0001) higher IgG1 antibody against the enriched colonic peptide when compared with each of the other non-UC groups. Only 12% of CD serum samples and none of the other control serum samples reacted. Using purified serum IgG1 and 7E12H12-IgM, by 7E12H12 reactive peptide indeed reacts with UC-IgG1 antibody but not with control IgG1.  相似文献   

A pattern of negative symptoms associated with a high rate of ongoing brain and ventricular instability has been described in a cohort of schizophrenia spectrum probands (patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder depressed and bipolar, and psychosis NOS) (Garver, D.L., Nair, T.R., Christensen, J.D., Holcomb, J., Ramberg, J., Kingsbury, S., 1999. Differential patterns of premorbid functioning, symptoms and neuroleptic response in stable and unstable ventricular-volume schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 20, in press). The present study contrasts the prevalence of negative symptoms in first- and second-degree relatives of probands with unstable ventricle volume (UnsVV) and stable ventricle volume (SVV). One hundred and sixteen first- and second-degree relatives of 10 probands were interviewed using the SANS, the 'Characterization of Course: "Pattern of Symptoms"' [from Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History (CASH)], SCID and SCID-II by interviewers blind to the status of the proband. Thirty-five of the 116 family members met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia, SA depressed, 'Cluster A' of the SCID-II (paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid personality disorder), psychosis NOS, or psychotic affective disorder. These 35 family members were defined as falling within a 'schizophrenia spectrum' as described by Farmer, A.E., McGuffin, P., Gottesman, I.I., 1987. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 44, 634-641, but with the addition of DSM-IV affective psychosis. On that basis, the 35 members were considered 'affected family members' (AFMs). The remaining 81 family members were considered unaffected. The 'predominant symptoms of illness' (during the past 2-3 years) for 25 of the 35 AFMs could be characterized according to the 'Patterns of Symptoms' derived from the CASH. Twenty-five of the 35 AFMs were found to maintain a predominant symptom pattern during the course of illness, which could be characterized according to the 'Pattern of Symptoms' as 'predominantly positive' or 'predominantly negative'. Three of the probands had UnsVV; seven had SVV. Of the 35 AFMs, 11 were related to the UnsVV probands, and 24 were relatives of the SVV probands. The nine rated AFMs of the UnsVV probands showed a trend toward higher SANS scores (7.3 +/- 5.1) (mean +/- s.d.) than the 20 rated AFMs of SVV probands (4.3 +/- 5.1) (p = 0.08) at the time of the interview. Eighty-three per cent (eight of 10) of rated affected pedigree members of the pedigrees delineated by probands with UnsVV probands had a predominantly negative symptom course of illness, and 96% (23 of 24) of rated affected pedigree members of the pedigrees with SVV probands had a predominantly positive symptom course of illness during the preceding 2-3 years (p = 0.002). None of the 12 rated affected pedigree members within pedigrees having UnsVV probands were married at the time of the interview; 45% (14 of 31) of affected pedigree members having SVV probands were married (p = 0.004). A psychiatric disorder, characterized by unstable cerebral ventricles and predominant negative symptoms (including avoidance/failure of marital relationships) appears symptomatically to breed true in pedigrees containing schizophrenia-like illnesses.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody was developed to the 20 kd major allergen of cow by immunizing mice with crude dander extract. The monoclonal antibody did not exhibit cross-reactivity to cat, dog, and horse dander extracts when studied by ELISA inhibition. The antibody was used in affinity chromatography for the purification of the 20 kd allergen from cow dander extract. Purity of the allergen was estimated to be 88%, and allergenic reactivity was verified by IgE immunoblotting and skin prick tests. After further purification with size-exclusion chromatography, the allergen was almost 100% pure. The isoelectric point of the double-purified allergen was determined to be 4.1. The amino acid composition was characterized by the predominance of acidic amino acids.  相似文献   

In experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) myelin basic protein (MBP) specific T cells differ in their encephalitogenic potential. To investigate the functional diversity of human MBP specific T cell lines, we analysed their cytotoxic activity against human astrocytes and monocytes. Five out of 14 MBP specific T cell lines killed astrocytes in the presence of MBP. Nevertheless, all lines lysed blood derived monocytes. T cell lines that lysed astrocytes efficiently in the presence of MBP, recognized peptide aa 80-99/86-105 in context with HLA-DRB5 * 0101, peptide aa 50-69/61-83 in context with HLA-DRB1 * 1501 and peptides aa 139-153, and aa 148-162 in context with HLA-DRB1 * 0101. There was no correlation of MBP-mediated lysis of astrocytes with TCR-Vbeta usage, HLA-restriction and the production of tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), lymphotoxin (LT) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Different lysis of astrocytes, however, revealed a functional heterogeneity of MBP specific T cells, which was not observed by using monocytes as targets.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA is localized to the myelin membranes of oligodendrocytes. When exogenous MBP mRNA is microinjected into oligodendrocytes in culture, it is transported along the processes and localized to the myelin compartment in a multistep intracellular RNA trafficking pathway. In the work described here, oligodendrocytes were treated with agents that affect the cytoskeleton including: nocodazole, to disrupt microtubules; taxol, to stabilize microtubules; cytochalasin, to disrupt microfilaments; and kinesin anti-sense oligonucleotide, to suppress kinesin expression. Digoxigenin-labeled MBP mRNA was microinjected into the treated cells and the extent of translocation of the microinjected RNA was determined by confocal microscopy. Nocodazole, taxol, and kinesin anti-sense oligonucleotide inhibited translocation of microinjected MBP mRNA, while cytochalasin B and kinesin sense oligonucleotide did not. These results indicate that translocation of MBP mRNA in oligodendrocytes requires intact microtubules and kinesin but does not require intact microfilaments. The results are discussed in relation to the current multistep model for intracellular RNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Pathological differentiation of oligodendroglioma and mixed oligoastrocytoma from astrocytoma is difficult, relying on morphological characteristics due to the lack of reliable immunohistochemical stains. Oligodendrocytes, the presumed cell of origin of oligodendrogliomas, highly express the genes encoding myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). We analyzed the expression of these genes to determine whether they might be useful molecular markers of oligodendrocytic tumors. MBP and PLP were highly expressed in all oligodendrogliomas and minimally expressed in glioblastomas multiforme. MBP was highly expressed in mixed oligoastrocytomas, whereas PLP expression was minimal. The association between tumor classification and expression of the MBP and PLP genes was statistically significant. Expression of these genes may serve as a useful molecular marker for some subtypes of human gliomas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro radiological prevalence of lumbar intervertebral disc calcification (IDC) in the elderly and its relation to osteoarthritis (OA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lumbar spine segments comprising L2-4 were resected from 60 cadavers (30 males, 30 females; average age 67 years) and investigated with high-contrast radiography and computed tomography (CT). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: IDC was found in 58.3% of the patients using high-contrast radiography and in 46.7% of the patients using CT. IDC prevalence and OA grades in the lumbar spine and right hand were found to increase with age. IDC prevalence and OA grades for L2-3 were not significantly different from those for L3-4. No significant sex difference was found for IDC prevalence and OA grades. The results indicate that IDC is significantly underestimated in vivo by conventional radiography and the intervertebral disc calcification may be a common phenomenon in aging. The exact relation IDC to OA remains undetermined.  相似文献   

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