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热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
建立热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机实验装置.通过实验,系统研究了交变流动工质的工作频率和平均工作压力对热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机性能的影响,详细报道并分析讨论了实验结果.以氦气作为工质,在优化工作频率和平均工作压力条件下,热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机获得了13.52 K的无负荷制冷温度.  相似文献   

Scheduling can be defined as the allocation of available resources over time while optimising a set of criteria like early completion time of task, holding inventory, etc. The complexity of the scheduling problem, already known to be high, increases if dynamic events and disruptions are considered. In addition, in production and logistics, designers of scheduling systems must consider sustainability-related expectations. This paper presents an energy-efficient scheduling and rescheduling method (named Green Rescheduling Method, GRM). GRM aims at the solving of the dynamic scheduling problem under the condition of a certain level of routing flexibility enabling the reassignment of tasks to new resources. The key performance indicators integrated into the proposed GRM are effectiveness and efficiency-oriented. Applications concern the domains of production and logistics. In order to assess the proposed approach, experimentations have been made and results illustrate the applicability of GRM to build efficient and effective scheduling and rescheduling both for flexible manufacturing systems and inventory distribution systems in a physical internet network. A mathematical formulation for flexible job shop problem with energy consumption is also proposed using mixed Integer programming to evaluate the performance of the predictive part of GRM.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) are among the most hazardous substances generated in surface coating operations. Hence, VOC emission must be strictly controlled. In this paper, we introduce a CFD-based system modeling and analysis approach to investigate VOC emission mechanisms and to identify the key design and operation parameters of a general surface coating application system for energy-efficient emission reduction. A case study on paint spray in different design environments demonstrates the efficacy of the introduced modeling and analysis approach. It shows that a redesign of the ventilation system of a spray booth and an adjustment of the operational parameter can reduce VOC emission to the level below the threshold limit value; meanwhile, the energy efficiency can be improved significantly. The introduced modeling and analysis technique for energy-efficient VOC reduction is applicable to various industrial practices.  相似文献   

高速列车耦合大系统动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高速铁路结构和技术特点,把高速列车以及与之相关并影响其动力学性能的线路、气流、供电和接触网等耦合系统作为一个统一的大系统,通过建立高速列车、线路、弓网及供电等子系统动力学模型,以及轮轨、弓网、流固和机电等耦合关系模型,形成高速列车耦合大系统动力学模型。针对高速列车运行模拟要求,给出基于循环变量方法的列车动力学建模及计算方法、基于滑移模型的车线耦合计算方法、基于松弛因子的流固耦合计算方法,实现高速列车耦合大系统动力学仿真。  相似文献   

结构-声场耦合系统声压响应优化设计研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了减小结构振动产生的噪声,基于结构-声场耦合有限元模型,对其在简谐力激励下的声响应进行了计算。在此基础上,以结构厚度为设计变量,保持结构重量相对不变并以设计变量的上、下限为约束,以设计域点在各频率响应声压平方和的平方根为目标函数,对其进行了优化设计研究。用软件N astran计算声响应及声敏度,基于iS IGHT对N astran的集成用可行方向法实施了优化。以一矩形板结构-立方体声场耦合系统为实例,得到了优化的结构厚度分布。优化后,设计域点的峰值声压级均有不同程度的降低,声压级降低最大值达32.8dB。结果表明声压响应优化设计,在保持结构重量相对不变的情况下,通过对结构重量的重新分布能达到较明显的降噪效果。  相似文献   

A novel coupled thermo‐mechanical nonordinary state‐based peridynamics is proposed to study thermally induced damage in rocks. The thermal expansion characteristics of solid material are introduced into the coupled thermomechanical model to consider the influence of temperature. The deformation gradient tensor is obtained by the temperature fields, which is solved by peridynamic heat conduction theory. By introducing the deformation gradient tensor into the force state function of the nonordinary state‐based peridynamics, the coupling of thermal and mechanical is realized. A failure criterion is developed to investigate the thermally induced cracking of rocks. Then, the validity of the coupled thermo‐mechanical model is demonstrated by a numerical simulation. The correctness of the coupled model is validated by a benchmark example with analytic solution. Moreover, the thermal cracking progress in rocks is simulated using the proposed coupled nonordinary state‐based peridynamic model, and it is found that the numerical results are in good agreement with the previous experimental observations.  相似文献   

车桥耦合系统非平稳随机振动分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了车桥耦合系统受轨道高低不平顺激励而产生的垂向非平稳随机振动。车辆采用具有两系悬挂10个自由度的四轮模型,桥梁采用Bernoulli—Euler梁单元有限元模型。系统激励源为轨道高低不平顺,假设其为均匀调制演变随机过程,并考虑车轮承受轨道激励相位差,采用虚拟激励法(PEM)将其精确地转化为一系列虚拟垂向简谐不平度的叠加,大大简化了运动方程的求解。同时采用精细积分法(PIM)的简单分解格式来进行数值积分计算,更真实地模拟了车辆与桥梁作用力在时间域和空间域上连续变化。最后通过两个算例给出了耦合系统响应统计值变化的时程曲线,分析了车辆运行速度和轨道不平顺对于系统随机响应的影响。数值计算表明:发展的虚拟激励一精细积分法能够高效精确地进行车桥耦合垂向系统的非平稳随机振动分析;车辆运行速度和轨道不平顺对系统随机振动都有较大影响。  相似文献   

液/液膜吸收过程中伴生渗透蒸馏的抑制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
着重探讨了抑制液/液膜吸收过程中伴生渗透蒸馏的方法及其影响因素、实验结果表明,采用加热浓溶液、冷却稀溶液的方法,可以有效抑制住液/液膜吸收过程中伴生的渗透蒸馏作用.实验发现,实际所需的浓溶液和稀溶液间的最小抑制温差要高于理论值1.2~2.8倍.膜材料性能、温差极化以及温度对渗透通量的影响是造成这种偏差的主要原因.  相似文献   

The effect on heat transfer produced by injection of solid microparticles with high thermal capacity in turbulent channel flow is analyzed. Convection is forced by letting the fluid flow between a hot plate and a cold plate under zero-gravity conditions. An Eulerian?CLagrangian approach based on direct numerical simulation of turbulence (shear Reynolds number Re*?=?150 and molecular Prandtl number Pr?=?3) and on point-particle tracking is used. Full momentum and energy coupling between fluid and particles is considered. Different particle sizes and different particle concentrations are examined.  相似文献   

膜蒸馏海水淡化研究   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
研制了聚偏氟乙烯中空纤维微孔膜,并用减压膜蒸馏技术进行了海水淡化实验室试验及中间试验.海水温度在55℃,经一次过程,脱盐率大于99.7%,膜通量大于5kg/(m2·h).试验数据表明,微孔膜的孔径与孔隙率,以及膜组件和膜装置的结构设计对膜蒸馏过程有重大影响.同时,研究了海水温度、真空度、流量等因素对膜蒸馏过程的作用.  相似文献   

The odd—even permutation and associated unitary transformations for reordering the matrix coefficient A is employed as a means of breaking the strong seriality which is characteristic of closely coupled systems. The nested dissection technique is also reviewed, and the equivalence between reordering A and dissecting its network is established. The effect of transforming A with odd—even permutation on its topology and the topology of its Cholesky factors is discussed. This leads to the construction of directed graphs showing the computational steps required for factoring A , their precedence relationships and their sequential and concurrent assignment to the available processors. Expressions for the speed-up and efficiency of using N processors in parallel relative to the sequential use of a single processor are derived from the directed graph. Similar expressions are also derived when the number of available processors is fewer than required.  相似文献   

级间热桥的传热特性对于热耦合型多级脉管制冷机的制冷温度和制冷效率均具有重要影响。采用铜丝编织带和铜箔连接的3种热桥进行对比实验,研究了热桥的传热特性对热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机性能的影响。采用改进后的热桥,以氦气作为工质,在总输入电功率为400W,以及优化的工作频率和充气压力条件下,热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机实现了12.96K的无负荷制冷温度,并可同时在23.1K和100.8K分别提供0.4W和6W的制冷量。  相似文献   

In many experiments, a flow-through heating arrangement is needed to reduce reaction time. Often the reaction conditions require inertness of the wetted material. Heated reactors based on polymeric tubing, notably PTFE, are the most common, and such reactors are typically used in a manner in which they are put in a heated bath or an otherwise thermally conductive potting in which a heater and a temperature sensor are embedded for heating and temperature control. Polymeric tubes are poor conductors of heat; as such, most reactors of this type have very poor energy utilization. We describe here heated flow-through reactors where a wire runs through the entire length of the tubular reactor and where the wire is directly electrically heated. The wire may or may not be electrically insulated. If the exterior of the tube is well insulated, the energy efficiency of such a reactor in heating the fluid of interest is nearly unity. This makes it most suitable for battery-powered applications. If an appropriate wire with a significant temperature coefficient of resistance is chosen, monitoring the current through the device at constant applied voltage indicates the effective mean temperature of the device and thus allows effective temperature control without an additional sensor/controller with essentially instantaneous response. Temperature control within +/- 0.4 degrees C at a mean temperature of 65 degrees C and within +/- 0.9 degrees C at 87 degrees C have been achieved.  相似文献   

介绍本课题组利用正渗透技术处理页岩气废水的研究进展,对正渗透膜材料的制备、驱动液的选择和回收等关键问题进行阐述.分别利用界面聚合法和浸入沉淀相分离法制备正渗透膜材料用于页岩气废水处理,并与商业的HTI膜进行比较.结果显示:界面聚合膜具有更高的通量和盐截留率.页岩气废水经絮凝沉淀和超滤等前处理后,通过FO-VMD集成技术得到可饮用的纯净水,同时对驱动液进行回收并循环利用,实现零排放.  相似文献   

In the framework of the finite element method, a temperature‐based thermally coupled flow formulation including phase‐change effects is proposed to study melting processes. The governing equations of the problem, written in terms of its primitive variables, are solved using a generalized streamline operator technique that enables the use of equal interpolation functions for the unknowns: velocity, pressure and temperature. Moreover, a unique fixed finite element mesh is used to avoid the difficulties related to moving meshes. This methodology is applied and assessed in the numerical analysis of a benchmark problem known as the melting process of gallium in a differentially heated recipient using distinct geometric aspect ratios. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new partitioned solution procedure for the direct time integration of second order coupled-field systems is presented and it is applied to the problem of soil–pore fluid interaction. The necessary convergence analysis for the iterative method is carried out and the fulfilment of the convergence condition is achieved with the introduction of two suitable auxiliary matrices in the basic equations governing the dynamic phenomena. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the versatility of the proposed solution procedure.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the effects of production scheduling policies aimed towards improving productive and environmental performances in a job shop system. A green genetic algorithm allows the assessment of multi-objective problems related to sustainability. Two main considerations have emerged from the application of the algorithm. First, the algorithm is able to achieve a semi-optimal makespan similar to that obtained by the best of other methods but with a significantly lower total energy consumption. Second, the study demonstrated that the worthless energy consumption can be reduced significantly by employing complex energy-efficient machine behaviour policies.  相似文献   

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