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在计算树逻辑(CTL)中引入过去时态算子,得到了表达力更强的属性规约语言CTLP,给出了CTLP 的模型检测算法及其固定点刻画.该算法的复杂性和CTL一样.固定点刻画使得CTLP的符号模型检测过程能够实现,从而有效克服了模型检测中的状态爆炸问题.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the problem of extending the temporal logic CTL so that it is more expressive and complicated properties can be expressed more succinctly. The specification language Reg CTL, an extension of CTL, is proposed. In Reg CTL every CTL temporal operator is augmented with a regular expression restricting thus moments when the validity is required. The resulting logic is more expressive than previous extensions of CTL with regular expressions. Reg CTL can be model-checked on-the-fly and the model checking algorithm is well distributable.  相似文献   

Classical logic cannot be used to effectively reason about concurrent systems with inconsistencies (inconsistencies often occur, especially in the early stage of the development, when large and complex concurrent systems are developed). In this paper, we propose the use of a paraconsistent temporal logic (QCTL) for supporting the verification of temporal properties of such systems even where the consistent model is not available. We introduce a novel notion of paraKripke models, which grasps the paraconsistent character of the entailment relation of QCTL. Furthermore, we explore the methodology of model checking over QCTL, and describe the detailed algorithm of implementing QCTL model checker. In the sequel, a simple example is presented, showing how to exploit the proposed model checking technique to verify the temporal properties of inconsistent concurrent systems.  相似文献   

We show how LTL model checking can be reduced to CTL model checking with fairness constraints. Using this reduction, we also describe how to construct a symbolic LTL model checker that appears to be quite efficient in practice. In particular, we show how the SMV model checking system developed by McMillan [16] can be extended to permit LTL specifications. The results that we have obtained are quite surprising. For the specifications which can be expressed in both CTL and LTL, the LTL model checker required at most twice as much time and space as the CTL model checker. We also succeeded in verifying non-trivial LTL specifications. The amount of time and space that is required is quite reasonable. Based on the examples that we considered, it appears that efficient LTL model checking is possible when the specifications are not excessively complicated.  相似文献   

随着系统复杂性的增加,系统中的不确定信息亟待处理,状态爆炸问题也越来越严峻,现有的模型检测技术已不能完全适用于复杂系统的验证。 对可能性测度下CTL符号化模型检测进行了研究。首先用多终端二值决策图和布尔公式分别描述系统模型和待验证性质,然后再对系统模型进行归一化和简化,最后利用不动点计算完成系统验证。该研究是对可能性测度下的模型检测技术和符号化模型检测技术的整合,不但能处理系统的不确定信息,而且保持了符号化模型检测对计算时空要求低的优点,对于复杂系统模型检测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

LSC是一种表达能力很强的顺序图建模语言,模型检验技术是验证软件模型正确性的重要方法,提出了一个对LSC模型进行模型检验的方法,并实现了相关支持工具。首先分析了LSC语言,然后基于其语义提出了生成LSC等价状态模型的方法,进而对生成的状态模型进行模型检验;最后进行了实例研究,利用给出的实现工具检验了用CTL描述的验证性质。  相似文献   

Module Checking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In computer system design, we distinguish between closed and open systems. A closed system is a system whose behavior is completely determined by the state of the system. An open system is a system that interacts with its environment and whose behavior depends on this interaction. The ability of temporal logics to describe an ongoing interaction of a reactive program with its environment makes them particularly appropriate for the specification of open systems. Nevertheless, model-checking algorithms used for the verification of closed systems are not appropriate for the verification of open systems. Correct model checking of open systems should check the system with respect to arbitrary environments and should take into account uncertainty regarding the environment. This is not the case with current model-checking algorithms and tools. In this paper we introduce and examine the problem of model checking of open systems (module checking, for short). We show that while module checking and model checking coincide for the linear-time paradigm, module checking is much harder than model checking for the branching-time paradigm. We prove that the problem of module checking is EXPTIME-complete for specifications in CTL and 2EXPTIME-complete for specifications in CTL*. This bad news is also carried over when we consider the program-complexity of module checking. As good news, we show that for the commonly-used fragment of CTL (universal, possibly, and always possibly properties), current model-checking tools do work correctly, or can be easily adjusted to work correctly, with respect to both closed and open systems.  相似文献   

Stochastic game logic (SGL) is a new temporal logic for multi-agent systems modeled by turn-based multi-player games with discrete transition probabilities. It combines features of alternating-time temporal logic (ATL), probabilistic computation tree logic and extended temporal logic. SGL contains an ATL-like modality to specify the individual cooperation and reaction facilities of agents in the multi-player game to enforce a certain winning objective. While the standard ATL modality states the existence of a strategy for a certain coalition of agents without restricting the range of strategies for the semantics of inner SGL formulae, we deal with a more general modality. It also requires the existence of a strategy for some coalition, but imposes some kind of strategy binding to inner SGL formulae. This paper presents the syntax and semantics of SGL and discusses its model checking problem for different types of strategies. The model checking problem of SGL turns out to be undecidable when dealing with the full class of history-dependent strategies. We show that the SGL model checking problem for memoryless deterministic strategies as well as the model checking problem of the qualitative fragment of SGL for memoryless randomized strategies is PSPACE-complete, and we establish a close link between natural syntactic fragments of SGL and the polynomial hierarchy. Further, we give a reduction from the SGL model checking problem under memoryless randomized strategies into the Tarski algebra which proves the problem to be in EXPSPACE.  相似文献   

The behavior of an agent is mainly governed by the specific way in which it handles the rational balance between information and deliberation. Rao and Georgeff's BDI theory is most popular among the formalisms capturing this very balance. This formalism has been proposed as a language for specifying agents in an abstract manner or, alternatively, for verifying various properties of agents implemented in some other programming language. In mainstream computer science, there are formalisms designed for a purpose similar to the BDI theory; not specifically aiming at agents, but at concurrency in general. These formalisms are known as logics of concurrent programs. In this paper these two frameworks are compared with each other for the first time. The result shows that the basic BDI theory, BDICTL*, can be captured within a standard logic of concurrency. The logic which is relevant here is Kozen's propositional -calculus. -calculus turns out to be even strictly stronger in expressive power than BDICTL* while enjoying a computational complexity which is not higher than that of BDCTL*'s small fragment CTL. This correspondence puts us in a position to provide the first axiomatization of Rao and Georgeff's full theory. Immediate consequences for the computational complexity of BDI theory are also explored, both for theorem proving and model checking.  相似文献   

周慧 《计算机工程》2009,35(23):68-70
模型检查是系统验证的有效方法,在验证过程中需要对系统待检验特性用时态逻辑公式进行刻画,然后在模型检查工具中进行检验。介绍计算树逻辑的语法及语义,根据计算树逻辑中特性模式的划分及作用范围给出计算树逻辑常见的特性模式,包括缺失性模式、存在性模式、普遍性模式、优先性模式和跟随性模式等。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a distributed symbolic algorithm for model checking of propositional μ-calculus formulas. μ-calculus is a powerful formalism and μ-calculus model checking can solve many problems, including, for example, verification of (fair) CTL and LTL properties. Previous works on distributed symbolic model checking were restricted to reachability analysis and safety properties. This work thus significantly extends the scope of properties that can be verified distributively, enabling us to use them for very large designs.The algorithm distributively evaluates subformulas. It results in sets of states which are evenly distributed among the processes. We show that this algorithm is scalable and therefore can be implemented on huge distributed clusters of computing nodes. The memory modules of the computing nodes collaborate to create a very large memory space, thus enabling the checking of much larger designs. We formally prove the correctness of the parallel algorithm. We complement the distribution of the state sets by showing how to distribute the transition relation.This research was supported by The Israel Science Foundation (grant number 111/01-2) and by a grant from Intel Academic Relations.  相似文献   

We present a formally verified and executable on-the-fly LTL model checker that uses ample set partial order reduction. The verification is done using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL and covers everything from the abstract correctness proof down to the generated SML code. Building on Doron Peled’s paper “Combining Partial Order Reductions with On-the-Fly Model-Checking”, we formally prove abstract correctness of ample set partial order reduction. This theorem is independent of the actual reduction algorithm. We then verify a reduction algorithm for a simple but expressive fragment of Promela. We use static partial order reduction, which allows separating the partial order reduction and the model checking algorithms regarding both the correctness proof and the implementation. Thus, the Cava model checker that we verified in previous work can be used as a back end with only minimal changes. Finally, we generate executable SML code using a stepwise refinement approach. We test our model checker on some examples, observing the effectiveness of the partial order reduction algorithm.  相似文献   

Given a 3-valued abstraction of a program (possibly generated using static program analysis and predicate abstraction) and a temporal logic formula, generalized model checking (GMC) checks whether there exists a concretization of that abstraction that satisfies the formula. In this paper, we revisit generalized model checking for linear time (LTL) properties. First, we show that LTL GMC is 2EXPTIME-complete in the size of the formula and polynomial in the model, where the degree of the polynomial depends on the formula, instead of EXPTIME-complete and quadratic as previously believed. The standard definition of GMC depends on a definition of concretization which is tailored for branching-time model checking. We then study a simpler linear completeness preorder for relating program abstractions. We show that LTL GMC with this weaker preorder is only EXPSPACE-complete in the size of the formula, and can be solved in linear time and logarithmic space in the size of the model. Finally, we identify classes of formulas for which the model complexity of standard GMC is reduced.  相似文献   

Model Checking Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the past, logics of several kinds have been proposed for reasoning about discrete-time or continuous-time Markov chains. Most of these logics rely on either state labels (atomic propositions) or on transition labels (actions). However, in several applications it is useful to reason about both state properties and action sequences. For this purpose, we introduce the logic as CSL which provides a powerful means to characterize execution paths of Markov chains with actions and state labels. asCSL can be regarded as an extension of the purely state-based logic CSL (continuous stochastic logic). In asCSL, path properties are characterized by regular expressions over actions and state formulas. Thus, the truth value of path formulas depends not only on the available actions in a given time interval, but also on the validity of certain state formulas in intermediate states. We compare the expressive power of CSL and asCSL and show that even the state-based fragment of asCSL is strictly more expressive than CSL if time intervals starting at zero are employed. Using an automaton-based technique, an asCSL formula and a Markov chain with actions and state labels are combined into a product Markov chain. For time intervals starting at zero, we establish a reduction of the model checking problem for asCSL to CSL model checking on this product Markov chain. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated with an elaborate model of a scalable cellular communication system, for which several properties are formalized by means of asCSL formulas and checked using the new procedure  相似文献   

We consider automatic verification of finite state concurrent programs. The global state graph of such a program can be viewed as a finite (Kripke) structure, and amodel checking algorithm can be given for determining if a given structure is a model of a specification expressed in a propositional temporal logic. In this paper, we present a unified approach for efficient model checking under a broad class of generalized fairness constraints in a branching time framework extending that of Clarke et al. (1983). Our method applies to any type of fairness expressed in a certain canonical form. Almost all ‘practical’ types of fairness from the literature, including the fundamental notions of impartiality, weak fairness, and strong fairness, can be succintly written in our canonical form. Moreover, our branching time approach can easily be adapted to handle types of fairness (such as fair reachability of a predicate) which cannot even be expressed in a linear temporal logic. We go on to argue that branching time logic is always better than linear time logic for model checking. We show that given any model checking algorithm for any system of linear time logic (in particular, for the usual system of linear time logic) there is a model checking algorithm of the same order of complexity (in both the structure and formula size) for the corresponding full branching time logic which trivially subsumes the linear time logic in expressive power (in particular, for the system of full branching time logic CTL*). We also consider an application of our work to the theory of finite automata on infinite strings.  相似文献   

Temporal logics such as Computation Tree Logic (CTL) and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) have become popular for specifying temporal properties over a wide variety of planning and verification problems. In this paper we work towards building a generalized framework for automated reasoning based on temporal logics. We present a powerful extension of CTL with first-order quantification over the set of reachable states for reasoning about extremal properties of weighted labeled transition systems in general. The proposed logic, which we call Weighted Quantified Computation Tree Logic (WQCTL), captures the essential elements common to the domain of planning and verification problems and can thereby be used as an effective specification language in both domains. We show that in spite of the rich, expressive power of the logic, we are able to evaluate WQCTL formulas in time polynomial in the size of the state space times the length of the formula. Wepresent experimental results on the WQCTL verifier.  相似文献   

We present a polytime computable state equivalence that is defined with respect to a given CTL formula. Since it does not attempt to preserve all CTL formulas, like bisimulation does, we can expect to compute coarser equivalences. This equivalence can be used to reduce the complexity of model checking a system of interacting FSMs. Additionally, we show that in some cases our techniques can detect if a formula passes or fails, without forming the entire product machine. The method is exact and fully automatic, and handles full CTL.  相似文献   

Building verified compilers is difficult, especially when complex analyses such as type checking or data-flow analysis must be performed. Both the type checking and program optimization communities have developed methods for proving the correctness of these processes and developed tools for using, respectively, verified type systems and verified optimizations. However, it is difficult to use both of these analyses in a single declarative framework since these processes work on different program representations: type checking on abstract syntax trees and data-flow analysis-based optimization on control flow or program dependency graphs.We present an attribute grammar specification language that has been extended with constructs for specifying attribute-labelled control flow graphs and both CTL and LTL-FV formulas that specify data-flow analyses. These formulas are model-checked on these graphs to perform the specified analyses. Thus, verified type rules and verified data-flow analyses (verified either by hand or with automated proof tools) can both be transcribed into a single declarative framework based on attribute grammars to build a high-confidence language implementations. Also, the attribute grammar specification language is extensible so that it is relatively straight-forward to add new constructs for different temporal logics so that alternative logics and model checkers can be used to specify data-flow analyses in this framework.  相似文献   

In this work we propose a verification methodology consisting of selective quantitative timing analysis and interval model checking. Our methods can aid not only in determining if a system works correctly, but also in understanding how well the system works. The selective quantitative algorithms compute minimum and maximum delays over a selected subset of system executions. A linear-time temporal logic (LTL) formula is used to select either infinite paths or finite intervals over which the computation is performed. We show how tableau for LTL formulas can be used for selecting either paths or intervals and also for model checking formulas interpreted over paths or intervals.To demonstrate the usefulness of our methods we have verified a complex and realistic distributed real-time system. Our tool has been able to analyze the system and to compute the response time of the various components. Moreover, we have been able to identify inefficiencies that caused the response time to increase significantly (about 50%). After changing the design we not only verified that the response time was lower, but were also able to determine the causes for the poor performance of the original model using interval model checking.  相似文献   

We introduce p-Automata, which are automata that accept languages of Markov chains, by adapting notions and techniques from alternating tree automata to the realm of Markov chains. The set of languages of p-automata is closed under Boolean operations, and for every PCTL formula it contains the language of the set of models of the formula. Furthermore, the language of every p-automaton is closed under probabilistic bisimulation. Similar to tree automata, whose acceptance is defined via two-player games, we define acceptance of Markov chains by p-automata through two-player stochastic games. We show that acceptance is solvable in EXPTIME; but for automata that arise from PCTL formulas acceptance matches that of PCTL model checking, namely, linear in the formula and polynomial in the Markov chain. We also derive a notion of simulation between p-automata that approximates language containment in EXPTIME and is complete for Markov chains. These foundations therefore enable abstraction-based probabilistic model checking for probabilistic specifications that subsume Markov chains, and LTL and CTL* like logics.  相似文献   

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