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We consider the single machine multi-operation jobs scheduling problem to minimize the number of tardy jobs. Each job consists of several operations that belong to different families. In a schedule, each family of job operations may be processed in batches with each batch incurring a setup time. A job completes when all of its operations have been processed. The objective is to minimize the number of tardy jobs. In the literature, this problem has been proved to be strongly NP-hard for arbitrary due-dates. We show in this paper that the problem remains strongly NP-hard even when the due-dates are common and all jobs have the same processing time.  相似文献   

In various industries jobs undergo a batching, or burn in, process where different tasks are grouped into batches and processed simultaneously. The processing time of each batch is equal to the longest processing time among all jobs contained in the batch. All to date studies dealing with batching machines have considered fixed job processing times. However, in many real life applications job processing times are controllable through the allocation of a limited resource. The most common and realistic model assumes that there exists a non-linear and convex relationship between the amount of resource allocated to a job and its processing time. The scheduler?s task when dealing with controllable processing times is twofold. In addition to solving the sequencing problem, one must establish an optimal resource allocation policy. We combine these two widespread models on a single machine setting, showing that both the makespan and total completion time criteria can be solved in polynomial time. We then show that our proposed approach can be applied to general bi-criteria objective comprising of the makespan and the total completion time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with setup time and learning effects simultaneously. The setup time is proportional to the length of the already processed jobs. That is, the setup time of each job is past-sequence-dependent. The objectives are to minimize the total absolute deviation of job completion times and the total load on all machines, respectively. We show that the proposed problem is polynomially solvable. We also discuss two special cases of the problem and show that they can be optimally solved by lower order algorithms.  相似文献   

We revisit the classic problem of preemptive scheduling on m uniformly related machines. In this problem, jobs can be arbitrarily split into parts, under the constraint that every job is processed completely, and that the parts of a job are not assigned to run in parallel on different machines. We study a new objective which is motivated by fairness, where the goal is to minimize the sum of the two maximal job completion times. We design a polynomial time algorithm for computing an optimal solution. The algorithm can act on any set of machine speeds and any set of input jobs. The algorithm has several cases, many of which are very different from algorithms for makespan minimization (algorithms that minimize the maximum completion time of any job), and from algorithms that minimize the total completion time of all jobs.  相似文献   

本文研究有n个作业需在5个处理机中心进行加工,处理机中心i由l1个恒速机组成的非抢占式多机flow shop调度最小和问题.每个作业有s个工序,每个工序需在对应的处理机中心的任一台机器上加工处理,作业到达前不能加工,所有作业通过处理机中心的路径相同.目标是确定一个作业在每个处理机中心机器上的可行调度序列,使所有作业在最后处理机中心的加权完成时间总和最小化.在作业处理时间需求、作业权重分别为独立同分布的有界随机变量时,通过特殊flow shop调度松弛方法,我们证明该问题在作业数趋于无穷时,一个基于有效作业最短加权平均处理时间需求的启发式算法是渐近最优的.  相似文献   

We study the benefits of coordination between two adjacent stages in a production system. A set of jobs specific to the customers’ demand are processed in a planning horizon. Each job is characterized by its processing times in both stages and a due date. Once a job is processed in the first stage it enters a buffer where it may be moved to a specific location; when all jobs are processed in the buffer, the second stage commences its operations. The objective of the first stage is to minimize the inventory cost measured by the sum of completion time, and that of the second stage is to minimize the tardiness cost and the resequencing cost in the buffer. The stages prefer schedules that minimize their respective objective functions. The performance of the system is measured by the sum of the costs associated at both stages. We evaluate each stage's cost of conflict as the relative increase in its cost as a result of using the other stage's optimal schedule. We analyze the computational tractability of the individual stage's problems and the system problem, demonstrating that the system problem is NP-hard and that individual problems can be solved in polynomial time. We designed a Genetic Algorithm based on the idea of nondominated sorting for solving the system problem. The GA provided ideal solutions quickly, and numerical studies reveal that the cost saving provided by the coordinated schedule between both stages is usually significant. Coordination is possible between stages due to this cost saving. Finally, we briefly discuss the implications on our work for how both stages negotiate, coordinate, and implement their supply chain schedules in practice.  相似文献   

G. J. Wöginger  Z. Yu 《Computing》1992,49(2):151-158
We investigate the problem of preemptively schedulingn jobs onm parallel machines. Whenever there is a switch from processing a job to processing another job on some machine, a set-up time is necessary. The objective is to find a schedule which minimizes the maximum completion time. Form≥2 machines, this problem obviously is NP-complete. For the case of job-dependent set-up times, Monma and Potts derived a polynomial time heuristic whose worst case ratio tends to 5/3 as the number of machines tends to infinity. In this paper, we examine the case of constant (job- and machine-independent) set-up times. We present a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case ratio 7/6 form=2 machines and worst case ratio at most 3/2–1/2m form≥3 machines. Moreover, for the casem=2 we construct a fully polynomial time approximation scheme.  相似文献   

We study a supply chain scheduling problem in which n jobs have to be scheduled on a single machine and delivered to m customers in batches. Each job has a due date, a processing time and a lateness penalty (weight). To save batch-delivery costs, several jobs for the same customer can be delivered together in a batch, including late jobs. The completion time of each job in the same batch coincides with the batch completion time. A batch setup time has to be added before processing the first job in each batch. The objective is to find a schedule which minimizes the sum of the weighted number of late jobs and the delivery costs. We present a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for a restricted case, where late jobs are delivered separately, and show that it becomes polynomial for the special cases when jobs have equal weights and equal delivery costs or equal processing times and equal setup times. We convert the algorithm into an FPTAS and prove that the solution produced by it is near-optimal for the original general problem by performing a parametric analysis of its performance ratio.  相似文献   

The flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is a generalization of the classical job shop problem in which each operation must be processed on a given machine chosen among a finite subset of candidate machines. The aim is to find an allocation for each operation and to define the sequence of operations on each machine, so that the resulting schedule has a minimal completion time. We propose a variant of the climbing discrepancy search approach for solving this problem. We also present various neighborhood structures related to assignment and sequencing problems. We report the results of extensive computational experiments carried out on well-known benchmarks for flexible job shop scheduling. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the best-known algorithms for the FJSP on some types of benchmarks and remains comparable with them on other ones.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of scheduling three-operation jobs in a two-machine flowshop subject to a predetermined job processing sequence. Each job has two preassigned operations, which are to be performed on their respective dedicated machines, and a flexible operation, which may be processed on either of the two machines subject to the processing order as specified. Five standard objective functions, including the makespan, the maximum lateness, the total weighted completion time, the total weighted tardiness, and the weighted number of tardy jobs are considered. We show that the studied problem for either of the five considered objective functions is ordinary NP-hard, even if the processing times of the preassigned operations are zero for all jobs. A pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming framework, coupled with brief numerical experiments, is then developed for all the addressed performance metrics with different run times.  相似文献   

Minimizing Mean Completion Time in a Batch Processing System   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We consider batch processing jobs to minimize the mean completion time. A batch processing machine can handle up to $B$ jobs simultaneously. Each job is represented by an arrival time and a processing time. Jobs processed in a batch have the same completion time, i.e., their common starting time plus the processing time of their longest job. For batch processing, non-preemptive scheduling is usually required and we discuss this case. The batch processing problem reduces to the ordinary uniprocessor system scheduling problem if $B=1$. We focus on the other extreme case $B=+\infty$. Even for this seemingly simple extreme case, we are able to show that the problem is NP-hard for the weighted version. In addition, we establish a polynomial time algorithm for a special case when there are only a constant number of job processing times. Finally, we give a polynomial time approximation scheme for the general case.  相似文献   

We consider a scheduling problem in which two agents, each with a set of non-preemptive jobs, compete to perform their jobs on a common bounded parallel-batching machine. Each of the agents wants to minimize an objective function that depends on the completion times of its own jobs. The goal is to schedule the jobs such that the overall schedule performs well with respect to the objective functions of both agents. We focus on minimizing the makespan or the total completion time of one agent, subject to an upper bound on the makespan of the other agent. We distinguish two categories of batch processing according to the compatibility of the agents. In the case where the agents are incompatible, their jobs cannot be processed in the same batch, whereas all the jobs can be processed in the same batch when the agents are compatible. We show that the makespan problem can be solved in polynomial time for the incompatible case and is NP-hard in the ordinary sense for the compatible case. Furthermore, we show that the latter admits a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme. We prove that the total completion time problem is NP-hard and is polynomially solvable for the incompatible case with a fixed number of job types.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the single-machine batch scheduling problem under batch availability, where both setup and job processing times are controllable by allocating a continuously divisible nonrenewable resource. Under batch availability a set of jobs is processed contiguously and completed together, when the processing of the last job in the batch is finished. We present polynomial time algorithms to find the job sequence, the partition of the job sequence into batches and the resource allocation, which minimize the total completion time or the total production cost (inventory plus resource costs).  相似文献   

This paper studies the identical parallel machine scheduling problem with family set-up times and an objective of minimizing total weighted completion time (weighted flowtime). The family set-up time is incurred whenever there is a switch of processing from a job in one family to a job in another family. A heuristic is proposed in this paper for the problem. Computational results show that the proposed heuristic outperforms an existing heuristic, especially for large-sized problems, in terms of both solution quality and computation times. The improvement of solution quality is as high as 4.753% for six-machine problem and 7.822% for nine-machine problem, while the proposed heuristic runs three times faster than the existing one.  相似文献   

We study a generalized version of the minimum makespan jobshop problem in which multiple instances of each job are to be processed. The system starts with specified inventory levels in all buffers and finishes with some desired inventory levels of the buffers at the end of the planning horizon. A schedule that minimizes the completion time of all the operations is sought. We develop a polynomial time asymptotic approximation procedure for the problem. That is, the ratio between the value of the delivered solution and the optimal one converge into one, as the multiplicity of the problem increases. Our algorithm uses the solution of the linear relaxation of a time-indexed Mixed-Integer formulation of the problem. In addition, a heuristic method inspired by this approximation algorithm is presented and is numerically shown to out-perform known methods for a large set of standard test problems of moderate job multiplicity.  相似文献   

We address the problem of sequential single machine scheduling of jobs with release times, where jobs are classified into types, and the machine must be properly configured to handle jobs of a given type. The objective is to minimize the maximum flow time (time from release until completion) of any job. We consider this problem under the assumptions of sequence independent set-up times and item availability with the objective of minimizing the maximum flow time. We present an online algorithm that is O(1)-competitive, that is, always gets within a constant factor of optimal. We also show that exact offline optimization of maximum flow time is NP-hard.  相似文献   

We study the problem of batching and scheduling n jobs in a flow shop comprising m, m≥2, machines. Each job has to be processed on machines 1,…,m in this order. Batches are formed on each machine. A machine dependent setup time precedes the processing of each batch. Jobs of the same batch are processed on each machine sequentially so that the processing time of a batch is equal to the sum of the processing times of the jobs contained in it. Jobs of the same batch formed on machine l become available for a downstream operation on machine l+1 at the same time when the processing of the last job of the batch on machine l has been finished. The objective is to minimize maximum job completion time. We establish several properties of an optimal schedule and develop polynomial time algorithms for important special cases. They are improvements over the existing methods with regard to their generality and time efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, the single processor scheduling problem to minimize the total weighted completion times is analysed, where the processing times of jobs are described by functions dependent on the sum of the normal processing times of previously processed jobs, which can model learning or aging (deteriorating) effects. We construct the exact pseudopolynomial time algorithm based on the dynamic programming, which solves the problem, where the processing time of each job is described by an arbitrary stepwise function. Moreover, the parallel metaheuristic algorithms are provided for the general version of the problem with arbitrary sum-of-processing time based models. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is evaluated during numerical analysis.  相似文献   

In single machine scheduling with release times and job delivery, jobs are processed on a single machine and then delivered by a capacitated vehicle to a single customer. Only one vehicle is employed to deliver these jobs. The vehicle can deliver at most c jobs in a shipment. The delivery completion time of a job is defined as the time in which the delivery batch containing the job is delivered to the customer and the vehicle returns to the machine. The objective is to minimize the makespan, i.e., the maximum delivery completion time of the jobs. We provide an approximation algorithm for this problem which is better than that given in the literature, improving the performance ratio from 5/3 to 3/2.  相似文献   

Scheduling with learning effects has attracted growing attention of the scheduling research community. A recent survey classifies the learning models in scheduling into two types, namely position-based learning and sum-of-processing-times-based learning. However, the actual processing time of a given job drops to zero precipitously as the number of jobs increases in the first model and when the normal job processing times are large in the second model. Motivated by this observation, we propose a new learning model where the actual job processing time is a function of the sum of the logarithm of the processing times of the jobs already processed. The use of the logarithm function is to model the phenomenon that learning as a human activity is subject to the law of diminishing return. Under the proposed learning model, we show that the scheduling problems to minimize the makespan and total completion time can be solved in polynomial time. We further show that the problems to minimize the maximum lateness, maximum tardiness, weighted sum of completion times and total tardiness have polynomial-time solutions under some agreeable conditions on the problem parameters.  相似文献   

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