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In this study, we consider the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem of type-II (ALWABP-2). ALWABP-2 arises when task times differ depending on operator skills and concerns with the assignment of tasks and operators to stations in order to minimize the cycle time. We developed an iterative genetic algorithm (IGA) to solve this problem. In the IGA, three search approaches are adopted in order to obtain search diversity and efficiency: modified bisection search, genetic algorithm and iterated local search. When designing the IGA, all the parameters such as construction heuristics, genetic operators and local search operators are adapted specifically to the ALWABP-2. The performance of the proposed IGA is compared with heuristic and metaheuristic approaches on benchmark problem instances. Experimental results show that the proposed IGA is very effective and robust for a large set of benchmark problems.  相似文献   

We present an efficient parallel algorithm for building the separating tree for a separable permutation. Our algorithm runs in O(log2n)O(log2n) time using O(nlog1.5n)O(nlog1.5n) operations on the CREW PRAM and O(log2n)O(log2n) time using O(nlognloglogn)O(nlognloglogn) operations on the COMMON CRCW PRAM.  相似文献   

The arrangement of courses at universities is an optimal problem to be discussed under multiple constraints. It can be divided into two parts: teacher assignments and class scheduling. This paper focused primarily on teacher assignments. Consideration was given to teacher's professional knowledge, teacher preferences, fairness of teaching overtime, school resources, and the uniqueness of the school's management. Traditional linear programming methods do not obtain satisfactory results with this complex problem.In this paper, genetic algorithm methods were used to deal with the issue of multiple constraints. As a global optimal searching method, the results of this study indicated that genetic algorithms can save significant time spent on teacher assignments and are more acceptable by the teachers.  相似文献   

We investigate a special case of the graph partitioning problem: the partitioning of a sibling graph which is an ordered tree augmented with edges connecting consecutive nodes that share a common parent. We describe the algorithm, XS, and present a proof of its correctness.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel algorithm for task assignment in mobile cloud computing environments in order to reduce offload duration time while balancing the cloudlets’ loads. The algorithm is proposed for a two-level mobile cloud architecture, including public cloud and cloudlets. The algorithm models each cloud and cloudlet as a queue to consider cloudlets’ limited resources and study response time more accurately. Performance factors and resource limitations of cloudlets such as waiting time for clients in cloudlets can be determined using queue models. We propose a hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) - Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm to minimize mean completion time of offloaded tasks for the whole system. Simulation results confirm that the proposed hybrid heuristic algorithm has significant improvements in terms of decreasing mean completion time, total energy consumption of the mobile devices, number of dropped tasks over Queue based Random, Queue based Round Robin and Queue based weighted Round Robin assignment algorithms. Also, to prove the superiority of our queue based algorithm, it is compared with a dynamic application scheduling algorithm, HACAS, which has not considered queue in cloudlets.  相似文献   

In this paper we perform extensive computational experiments solving quadratic assignment problems using various variants of a hybrid genetic algorithm. We introduce a new tabu search (simple tabu). We compared the modified robust tabu and the simple tabu as improvement algorithms in a hybrid genetic algorithm with other tabu searches (concentric tabu, ring moves, all moves, robust tabu) with superior results. We also tested several modifications of the hybrid genetic algorithm and all of them produced good results.  相似文献   

The mode-based finite element formulation of the equations of motion is usually adopted for linear random vibration analysis (RVA). In general, the RVA of large systems requires a large number of numerical integrations which is very time-consuming for a reasonable level of desired accuracy. Moreover, conventional numerical integration methods may fail to converge when the integrands are highly oscillatory due to slow propagation velocities. In this paper, a robust general-purpose RVA integration technique which can overcome these drawbacks is presented. Multi-point base and nodal excitations including wave passage effect and frequency-independent spatial correlation can be taken into account in the analysis. The proposed technique is based on the closed-form solutions for polynomial-type power spectral density functions and has been verified to be efficient and accurate for many engineering problems. This paper describes the implementation details, presents two examples taken from engineering applications and demonstrates the dramatic time-saving in the computation compared to numerical integration solutions. Response statistics, such as standard deviation of structural responses, are computed and displayed over the entire structures for these examples.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于大型数据库管理系统Oracle的化学结构数据存储模式,并实现了相应于此模式的高效化学结构检索方法。结构检索方法建立在图子图匹配算法VF2的基础上,对其进行了必要的改造和扩展,使之适合于化学结构检索。在此基础上,针对美国NCl(National Cancer Institute)25万个化合物的2D结构建立了数据库,成功进行了结构检索试验。结果表明,这种实现方法不仅能高效存储并准确检索化合物的结构信息,而且也容易实现与药物研发过程中所产生的大量其它数据(如生物筛选数据和DNA芯片基因表达数据等)进行高效整合。这个设计的改进版已经集成于微芯公司的药物研发生化信息学软件系统——TASS(Target Activity Structure System)中。  相似文献   

The warehouse is one of the essential components of logistics and supply chains. The efficiency of the whole chain is affected by the performance of warehouse operations and, more particularly, the storage and retrieval of goods. This paper considers a storage and retrieval problem in a real warehouse with random storage and different types of forklifts, depending on the locations they can access. The problem deals with selecting locations to store/retrieve a predefined set of pallets, assigning an adequately skilled forklift to each operation and determining the order in which each forklift will perform its operations so that the total employed time is minimized. The problem is solved heuristically by decomposing it into three subproblems, each one handling one of the three key decisions of the problem, and taking into account congestion considerations. The paper also studies two modifications of the problem, adding secondary objective functions. Computational results compare the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for the different problems in a stochastic environment via simulation.  相似文献   

Given a planar setS ofn points,maxdominance problems consist of computing, for everyp S, some function of the maxima of the subset ofS that is dominated byp. A number of geometric and graph-theoretic problems can be formulated as maxdominance problems, including the problem of computing a minimum independent dominating set in a permutation graph, the related problem of finding the shortest maximal increasing subsequence, the problem of enumerating restricted empty rectangles, and the related problem of computing the largest empty rectangle. We give an algorithm for optimally solving a class of maxdominance problems. A straightforward application of our algorithm yields improved time bounds for the above-mentioned problems. The techniques used in the algorithm are of independent interest, and include a linear-time tree computation that is likely to arise in other contexts.The research of this author was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Grants N00014-84-K-0502 and N00014-86-K-0689, and the National Science Foundation under Grant DCR-8451393, with matching funds from AT&T.This author's research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DCR-8506361.  相似文献   

We consider a single-machine scheduling problem with equal-sized jobs. The objective is to minimize the maximum weighted earliness–tardiness and due-date costs. We present an algorithm to solve this problem. Our algorithm makes use of bottleneck jobs and priority queues, and has a computational complexity of O(n4logn)O(n4logn). This complexity is a significant improvement of the existing algorithm in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an interesting variant of the facility location problem called uncapacitated facility location problem with penalties (UFLWP, for short) in which each client can be either assigned to some opened facility or rejected by paying a penalty. Existing approaches [M. Charikar, S. Khuller, D. Mount, G. Narasimhan, Algorithms for facility location problems with outliers, in: Proc. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001, p. 642] and [K. Jain, M. Mahdian, E. Markakis, A. Saberi, V. Vazirani, Greedy facility location algorithms analyzed using dual fitting with factor-revealing LP, J. ACM 50 (2003) 795] for this variant of facility location problem are all based on primal-dual method. In this paper, we present an efficient linear programming (LP) rounding based approach to show that LP rounding techniques are equally capable of solving this variant of facility location problem. Our algorithm uses a two-phase filtering technique (generalized from Lin and Vitter's [?-approximation with minimum packing constraint violation, in: Proc. 24th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, 1992, p. 771]) to identify those to-be-rejected clients and open facilities for the remaining ones. Our approach achieves an approximation ratio of 2+2/e (≈2.736) which is worse than the best approximation ratio of 2 achieved by the much more sophisticated dual fitting technique [K. Jain, M. Mahdian, E. Markakis, A. Saberi, V. Vazirani, Greedy facility location algorithms analyzed using dual fitting with factor-revealing LP, J. ACM 50 (2003) 795], but better than the approximation ratio of 3 achieved by the primal-dual method [M. Charikar, S. Khuller, D. Mount, G. Narasimhan, Algorithms for facility location problems with outliers, in: Proc. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001, p. 642]. Our algorithm is simple, natural, and can be easily integrated into existing LP rounding based algorithms for facility location problem to deal with outliers.  相似文献   

Boolean networks provide a simple and intuitive model for gene regulatory networks, but a critical defect is the time required to learn the networks. In recent years, efficient network search algorithms have been developed for a noise-free case and for a limited function class. In general, the conventional algorithm has the high time complexity of O(22k mn k+1) where m is the number of measurements, n is the number of nodes (genes), and k is the number of input parents. Here, we suggest a simple and new approach to Boolean networks, and provide a randomized network search algorithm with average time complexity O (mn k+1/ (log m)(k−1)). We show the efficiency of our algorithm via computational experiments, and present optimal parameters. Additionally, we provide tests for yeast expression data. Editor: David Page  相似文献   

Bin packing problems are NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems of fundamental importance in several fields, including computer science, engineering, economics, management, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics. In particular, the non-guillotine version of the single-objective two-dimensional bin packing problem with rotations is a highly complex scheduling problem that consists in packing a set of items into the minimum number of bins, where items can be rotated 90° and are characterized by having different heights and widths. Recently, some authors have proposed multi-objective formulations that also consider additional objectives, such as the balancing the bin load in order to increase its stability. The load imbalance minimization, which depends on the distribution of the items packed in them, is a critical point in many real applications. This paper analyzes how to solve two-dimensional bin packing problems with rotations and load balancing using parallel and multi-objective memetic algorithms that apply a set of search operators specifically designed to solve this problem. Results obtained using a set of test problems show the good performance of parallel and multi-objective memetic algorithms in comparison with other methods found in the literature.  相似文献   

Product family optimization involves not only specifying the platform from which the individual product variants will be derived, but also optimizing the platform design and the individual variants. Typically these steps are performed separately, but we propose an efficient decomposed multiobjective genetic algorithm to jointly determine optimal (1) platform selection, (2) platform design, and (3) variant design in product family optimization. The approach addresses limitations of prior restrictive component sharing definitions by introducing a generalized two-dimensional commonality chromosome to enable sharing components among subsets of variants. To solve the resulting high dimensional problem in a single stage efficiently, we exploit the problem structure by decomposing it into a two-level genetic algorithm, where the upper level determines the optimal platform configuration while each lower level optimizes one of the individual variants. The decomposed approach improves scalability of the all-in-one problem dramatically, providing a practical tool for optimizing families with more variants. The proposed approach is demonstrated by optimizing a family of electric motors. Results indicate that (1) decomposition results in improved solutions under comparable computational cost and (2) generalized commonality produces families with increased component sharing under the same level of performance. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 2007 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialists Conference.  相似文献   

This paper describes an enhanced negative selection algorithm (NSA) called V-detector. Several key characteristics make this method a state-of-the-art advance in the decade-old NSA. First, individual-specific size (or matching threshold) of the detectors is utilized to maximize the anomaly coverage at little extra cost. Second, statistical estimation is integrated in the detector generation algorithm so the target coverage can be achieved with given probability. Furthermore, this algorithm is presented in a generic form based on the abstract concepts of data points and matching threshold. Hence it can be extended from the current real-valued implementation to other problem space with different distance measure, data/detector representation schemes, etc. By using one-shot process to generate the detector set, this algorithm is more efficient than strongly evolutionary approaches. It also includes the option to interpret the training data as a whole so the boundary between the self and nonself areas can be detected more distinctly. The discussion is focused on the features attributed to negative selection algorithms instead of combination with other strategies.  相似文献   

This study introduces the problem of minimizing average relative percentage of imbalance (ARPI) with sequence-dependent setup times in a parallel-machine environment. A mathematical model that minimizes ARPI is proposed. Some heuristics, and two metaheuristics, an ant colony optimization algorithm and a genetic algorithm are developed and tested on various random data. The proposed ant colony optimization method outperforms heuristics and genetic algorithm. On the other hand, heuristics using the cumulative processing time obtain better results than heuristics using setup avoidance and a hybrid rule in assignment.  相似文献   

In the event that big-sized complex products (containing a large number of assembly tasks most of which have long task times) are produced in simple or two-sided assembly lines, hundreds of stations are essentially required. Long product flow time, a large area for establishment of the line, a high budget for the investment of equipment, and tools in stations and several work-in-process are also required for these kinds of products. In order to avoid these disadvantages, assembly lines with parallel multi-manned workstations can be utilized. In this paper, these lines and one of their balancing problems are addressed, and a branch and bound algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is composed of a branching scheme, some efficient dominance and feasibility criteria based on a problem-specific knowledge. A heuristic-based guidance for enumeration process is included as an efficient component of the algorithm as well. VWSolver algorithm proposed for a special version of the problem in the literature has been modified and compared with the proposed algorithm. Results show that proposed algorithm outperforms VWSolver in terms of both CPU times and quality of feasible solutions found.  相似文献   

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