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正一、性能指标方面1.催化燃烧型可燃气体检测报警器(以下简称"报警器")对所有可燃气体具有光谱性,定量准确度高,重复性好,传感器输出与气体浓度成正比,在100%LEL以下输出信号接近线性,且传感器结构简单,响应快速,成本低,寿命较长(3-5年)。2.报警器按采样方式分为扩散式和吸入式两种,按结构可分为便携式和固定式两种。报警器具有声、  相似文献   

本文简述了可燃(包括微可燃)制冷剂的发展历史,并结合相关法令,介绍了近年来欧盟和北美对此类制冷剂的准入和研究动态.并运用这些地区和国家的制冷类器具相关安全标准对该类制冷剂的测试方法做出了总结和比较.  相似文献   

目前,低GWP值制冷剂的发展趋势是制冷空调暖通行业热门话题之一。一些环保人士只关注制冷剂的GWP值,但是没有意识到即使GWP值够低,如果制冷剂应用系统效率很低,能耗则不可避免会很高。因此,GWP值并不是决定环境友好度的唯一因素。对于制冷剂还需考虑安全性,例如毒性和可燃性。  相似文献   

根据保护臭氧层的相关国际环境公约的要求,R22等制冷剂将会被逐步替代。目前可获得的制冷剂中,可燃制冷剂具有不破坏臭氧层、温室效应低等环保性能上的优势。然而,可燃性使得这些制冷剂的推广遇到了不少困难。出于安全角度考虑,在进行推广时必须要对制冷系统使用可燃制冷剂的风险进行评估,以便采取针对性的措施。本文对制冷剂常见的风险评估方法及提高制冷系统安全性能的方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

从爆炸极限的定义、爆炸容器、点火方式、流动状态、选择性扩散等方面,阐述了实验研究的进展;从可燃物的爆炸极限预测方法出发,概述了估算研究的成果.到目前为止,实验测定的方法还没有统一的标准,理论估算的误差也比较大.指出了颇有争议性的问题和亟待研究的空白,并对进一步的研究工作提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

采用球形瓶法和柱形管法进行R161的燃烧极限和燃烧速度研究,并分别以R22,R134a和R125等不燃制冷剂为阻燃剂,研究其对R161的燃烧抑制情况。一方面,考查R22/R161,R134a/R161和R125/R161混合工质不同摩尔比、不同空气含量下的燃烧极限,获得各体系的燃烧范围和临界抑爆比;另一方面,考查各混合工质不同摩尔比、不同化学当量比下的燃烧速度,获得各体系的2L燃烧等级临界配比。从而为开发零ODP,低GWP的新型环保制冷剂提供重要的燃烧安全特性数据。  相似文献   

制冷剂R32具有良好的环保特性和热工性能,但其可燃性限制了它的应用推广,因此需要对R32的安全性进行分析。实验研究了分体壁挂式空调用制冷剂R32在空调运行时,蒸发器不同泄漏位置和不同泄漏速度对室内R32浓度分布的影响,得出R32在空调运行时的泄漏扩散特性。研究表明:可燃性制冷剂R32在室内机蒸发器处发生泄漏时,泄漏过程可分为快速泄漏阶段和低速泄漏阶段;蒸发器出口泄漏比蒸发器入口泄漏危险性高;仅在蒸发器出口大流量泄漏时,室内机附近区域R32浓度最大值为16.79%,超过可燃下限(14.4%)16.6%。可燃浓度持续了22 s,存在着火的可能性,但概率较低;排风作用对各测点的浓度衰减影响强烈,可有效降低室内R32的浓度。  相似文献   

目前,进一步提高太阳能电池的光电转换效率,降低其度电成本,是实现“双碳”目标的必行之路.全钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池兼备光电转换效率高和成本低廉的优势,近几年取得了巨大的发展,在国际上备受关注,是一种新兴的光伏技术.在展现出巨大潜力的同时,全钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池也面临着多方面的挑战.本文综述了近年来全钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池在宽带隙子电池、窄带隙子电池和隧穿结方面的研究进展,展望了全钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池在效率提升、稳定性改善以及大面积制备等方面的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

正2016 Sino-German City-to-City Standardization Cooperation Seminar2016 Sino-German City-to-City Standardization Cooperation Seminar was held in Chengdu,China Southwest city of Sichuan province to enhance the standardization cooperation and share relevant experience between the two nations.Presided over by SAC Vice-Administrator Guo Hui,the meeting was attended by ISO President Zhang Xiaogang,SAC  相似文献   

正Tian Shihong attends GS1 General Assembly 2018 The GS1 General Assembly 2018 was held from May 14 to 17 in Hangzhou,welcoming nearly 300 representatives from the member organizations and enterprises in over 80 countries and regions.  相似文献   

<正>Tian Shihong Attends 102~(th) ISO Council MeetingOn behalf of SAC,permanent member of ISO,SAC Administrator Tian Shihong attended the 102~(th) ISO Council meeting in Geneva,Switzerland from December 13 to 14,2016,which centered on the election of next ISO Secretary-General.  相似文献   

正Enhanced cooperation with Belt and Road countries The Chinese delegation led by Tian Shihong, SAMR Vice-Minister and SAC Administrator, visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos on November 10-19, 2019 to enhance cooperation in such fields as standardization, metrology and conformity assessment for serving the Belt and Road Initiative. In Vietnam, Tian held talks with Pham Cong Tac, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Vietnam, and made  相似文献   

<正>78th IEC General Meeting Held in TokyoThemed as"integration for a smarter world",the 78th General Meeting of the IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission)was held from November 10 to 14 in Tokyo,Japan.More than 2,200 global technology leaders and experts were coming together for this week-long meeting to focus on practical solutions to make the world safer and more sustainable.According to the agenda,industry leaders and experts presented concrete examples  相似文献   

<正>Tian Shihong Meets the BMWi Delegation SAC Administrator Tian Shihong met Dr.Janssen,Deputy-Director of Innovation and IT Technology Department of German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy(BMWi)and German Chairman of Sino-German Cooperation Committee for Standardization in Beijing on February 6,2015.The two sides exchanged opinions on how to fulfill the consensus on e-mobility reached by leaders of both countries and to further strengthen the cooperation in the field.  相似文献   

<正>Continued Cooperation through Communication and Exchange with CEN/CENELEC SAC Administrator Tian Shihong met the visiting delegation led by Vincent Laflèche,CEN President and Elena Santiago Cid,CEN and CENELEC Director General.The two sides briefed on their own standardization progress,held in-depth exchanges on the fields of common interests such  相似文献   

<正>ISO Vice President Applauds China's Active Role SAC Administrator Tian Shihong held a teleconference with Bronwyn Evans,ISO Vice-President(finance)in February.The two sides held extensive and thorough communication with broad consensus reached on key strategic issues including ISO development goal and work initiatives in 2017,ISO governance,sustainable ISO business model and financial policies,etc.  相似文献   

<正>THE PLAN FOR ESTABLISHING THE NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM(2016-2020)the State Council The reform shall be deepened and the standardization strategy will be implemented according to the plan.By 2020,the national standardization system shall be basically established to support national governance with effective,advanced and adaptable standards,greatly improving the influence of Chinese standards in the global arena.  相似文献   

正Enhanced standardization cooperation between China and FranceThe Third China-France Standardization Cooperation Seminar was held in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province from December 11 to December 13, 2018, which attracted over 100 experts from the standardization bodies,  相似文献   

正China Joins the 99~(th) ISO/CSC/FIN Meeting On behalf of SAC,ISO member for China,SAC Administrator Tian Shihong attended the 99th meeting of ISO Council Standing Committee on Finance(ISO/CSC/FIN)in Geneva from January 27 to January 28,2016.The meeting reviewed the financial budget of ISO Central Secretariat in 2015,together with the Risk Assessment Report on ISO information technology projects as well as the Business Plan of Singapore Office.  相似文献   

<正>In the long river of time,the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia,Europe and Africa,collectively called the Silk Road by later generations.  相似文献   

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