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随着甜菜种植面积不断扩大,不可能把甜菜全都种植在灌溉条件良好的耕地上,这样就必然要有一部分甜菜种在灌溉条件差、或者没有灌溉条件,依靠自然降雨维持甜菜生长的耕地上,对于这种甜菜叫做雨水甜菜、节水甜菜或旱地甜菜,以下暂称为旱地甜菜。  相似文献   

内蒙古是我国甜菜重要产区,种植甜菜已有60多年的历史.调查发现,在甜菜生产中,影响农民种植意愿的影响因素依次为甜菜收购价格、甜菜产量、人工成本、土地成本、种植其他农作物的收益,其次才会考虑生产资料成本、资金成本、气候条件和糖厂服务等因素,农民能够接受的甜菜最低价格为500元/t.甜菜种植户希望获得的甜菜生产技术依次为甜...  相似文献   

甜菜种植区划与糖厂布局是紧密联系的,甜菜种植的科学区划是糖厂合理布局的前提。甜菜区和糖厂不按照科学区划的原则结合起来,就谈不上甜菜的制糖工业的一体化,也不可能实现甜菜糖业的现代化。在制定甜菜区划的同时,就应当确立或调整糖厂的布局,使甜菜种植和制糖工业都符合自然规律和经济规律,产生最好的经济技术效益。  相似文献   

综述了我国甜菜生产机械化的发展历程,讨论了新形势下甜菜种植机械化的发展趋势,提出了发展甜菜种植机械研究和产业化的策略与建议.  相似文献   

黑龙江省是我国甜菜制糖的主要原料基地,近年来甜菜的播种面积迅速扩大,过去种植甜菜多在人民公社,现在一些国营农场大面积种植甜菜和兴建糖厂。但由于国营农场地多人少,能否实现甜菜生产机械化是扩大稳定种植面积的重要措施,甜菜化学除草又是实现机械生产的重要一环。通过试验感到:进行土壤处理的化学除草剂,受土壤水分和自然降雨影响很大,土  相似文献   

苏联是世界甜菜种植面积最多的国家。七十年代以后甜菜播种面积保持在250—270万公顷,平均单产20—22吨/公顷,种植甜菜的农庄和农场有10,500多个,分布在10个加盟共和国,46个州。主要甜菜产区有:乌克兰、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、哈萨克、格鲁及亚、立陶宛、莫尔达维亚、拉脱维亚、吉尔吉斯和亚美尼亚等共和国。其中乌克兰共和国甜菜生产占的比重最大,每年种植甜菜达180万公顷。产量占全苏甜菜总产量的60%,其次是俄罗斯共和国,种植面积为160万公顷,产量占全苏甜菜总产量的28%。  相似文献   

甜菜象(虫甲)是全国甜菜主要产区的重要害虫之一。山东省从种植甜菜以来,在全省十三万亩甜菜均有不同程度的发生与为害。而且随着甜菜种植年限增加和面积的扩大,甜菜象(虫甲)的发生数量和为害程度也有逐年加重的趋势。  相似文献   

甜菜是我省一大优势作物,其种植面积、总产占全国的45~50%左右。但由于我省甜菜单产多年来始终在800~900公斤上下徘徊,对制糖工业的稳定发展及农民种植甜菜的积极性影响很大。因此提高甜菜单产、稳定总产,提高农民种植效益,保持制糖工业稳步发展,是我省甜菜生产的中心任务。我省甜菜单产低、含糖不稳的原因是多  相似文献   

我国甜菜糖业发展现状与对策   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
对比世界甜菜糖业和我国制糖业发展情况,分析了我国甜菜糖业发展中存在的主要问题,根据产业生命周期理论和价值理论,提出了依靠技术创新,提高甜菜种植生产和制糖工业水平、完善甜菜收购价格机制、加快建设甜菜种植基地等对策。  相似文献   

新疆223团农田土地条件差,土壤盐碱重,每年甜菜直播出苗率低,保苗难,采用纸筒育苗移栽可大幅提高保苗率,保苗率从直播的65%提高到95%,保证了甜菜种植密度,从根本上解决了直播甜菜缺苗断垄和出苗难的问题,提高了土地利用率。在甜菜种植老区,由于种植时间长、轮作年限短,已造成土壤养分严重偏耗,致使甜菜含糖率难以提高而且病虫害加剧。223团中低产田多,甜菜是耐盐能力较强的作物,利用盐碱地种植甜菜可以改良盐碱地,使盐碱地充分利用。  相似文献   

以抗病性不同的4个甜菜品种为材料,分别接种BNYVV,研究甜菜与BNYVV互作过程中几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性和诱导几丁质酶、β—1,3-葡聚糖酶基因表达及其与抗丛根病的关系。结果表明:BNYVV不同程度地诱导了4个甜菜品种几丁质酶、β—1,3-葡聚糖酶活性的提高,抗病品种比感病品种具有较高的几丁质酶和β—1,3-葡聚糖酶活性,并且抗病品种的酶活性高峰出现的时间早于感病品种;抗病品种的几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因的表达均早于感病品种,表达量大于感病品种,且持续的时间较感病品种长。BNYVV不同程度地诱导甜菜病程相关蛋白基因的表达,从而有效激活了甜菜抗病防御反应系统,提高了甜菜抗病性。  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to culture red beet cells via plant tissue culture techniques and to compare the pigment levels produced in callus culture with pigment levels of natural beet root. A modified Murashige and Skoog medium was used to maintain red, yellow and nonpigmented cell lines. It was found that the red pigment, betanin, content of the red cell line has to be increased 2–6 times to match levels found in natural beet root.  相似文献   

Lactic acid fermentation can have preservative effect on red beet juice. The behavior of the pigment in the fermented juice was investigated and the results were compared with those of non-fermented juice. Two red beet varieties (Czerwona Kula and Chrobry) were used in our experiment. Three probiotic bacteria and three infant intestinal microbiota of Lactobacillus sp. were selected for beet juice fermentation.Lactic acid fermentation influenced both red and yellow pigments. In the two beetroot varieties (Chrobry and Czerwona Kula) studied, the dominant red-violet pigment components were betanin, isobetanin, while vulgaxanthin I was the major yellow pigment. Betanin was the main red-violet component in juices before fermentation. After fermentation also betanidin and isobetanidin were observed. Huge amounts of betanidin were found especially in fermented Chrobry juice.It was observed that fermented juice from Chrobry cultivar contained higher betanidin than betanin levels. Contrarily, in juice from Czerwona Kula cv., betanin level was much higher than betanidin level.  相似文献   

The nitrate and nitrite content of leaf vegetables (Swiss chard, sea beet, spinach and cabbage), “inflorescence” vegetables (cauliflower) and fruit vegetables (eggplant and vegetable marrow) grown with organic fertilizers have been determined by a modified cadmium–Griess method. Samples were purchased from organic food stores as well as collected directly from an organic farm in Madrid (Spain). Nitrate levels were much higher in the leaf vegetables (especially Swiss chard species; average over the different samples and species of 2778.6 ± 1474.7 mg kg? 1) than in inflorescence or fruit products (mean values between 50.2 ± 52.6 and 183.9 ± 233.6 mg kg? 1). Following Swiss chard species, spinach (1349.8 ± 1045.5 mg kg? 1) showed the highest nitrate content, and nitrite was found above the limit of detection in some samples only (spinach, 4.6 ± 1.0 mg kg? 1; sea beet, 4.2 ± 0.7 mg kg? 1 and Swiss chard, 1.2 ± 0.4 mg kg? 1). Some vegetables (spinach, cabbage and eggplant) had lower nitrate content in the samples harvested in summer, showing the influence of climatic conditions on the nitrate levels in a plant. The samples taken directly from the organic farm, with the exception of eggplant, had higher or slightly higher average nitrate values than samples purchased in the organic food stores, ranging from 117 to 1077%.  相似文献   

Low DC electrification (up to 40 V/cm) of a system composed of cylindrical red beet tissue samples sandwiched between agarose, agar or alginate cylindrical layers yielded extraction of pigments and minerals into the gels. Separation of different charged ions was detected in the different gel layers, i.e. cations in the gel near the cathode and anions in the gel near the anode. During the short electrification, the gel layers as well as the beet tissue developed higher pH values near the cathode and lower values near the anode, with a minor temperature elevation of less than 4.5 °C in both the tissue and the gel. As a result of the extraction and separation, the gel layer close to the anode was red and that close to the cathode was yellow. This was demonstrated by higher measured a* values in the gel closer to the anode and higher b* values in the gel near the cathode. The occurrence of yellow and red pigments was presumably not due to the separation between red betanin and yellow vulgaxanthin, but rather to a separation between betanin and its reduced form, as evaluated by spectrophotometric measurements. The stiffer the gel, the lower the amount extracted by the method and the smaller the weight loss of the red beet specimens due to fluid loss. This simple method and apparatus appear to constitute an easy way to extract and separate pigments and minerals from vegetative tissues, mainly for research purposes. The tissue with reduced soluble solids, minerals and pigments can still be utilized in other food applications (for baking, filling, etc.), whereas the ground tissue obtained using the more traditional extraction procedures is of almost no use in food products.  相似文献   

Isoascorbic acid was investigated as a stabilizer for red beet pigments. Sterilized samples of red beet juice containing 0.05–1.0% isoascorbic acid, with the pH adjusted to 3, 5, or 7, were stored under artificial light or in darkness at 25°C or at 5°C. The best pigment preservation was obtained with 0.1% added isoascorbic acid. After 30 days storage at 25°C, samples at pH 5 containing 0.1% isoascorbit acid retained 52% (under light) and 65% (in darkness) of the red beet pigments, whereas the controls faded to yellow within 6 days under the same conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impact of heating at 85°C during 8 h on overall color and betalain pattern of red beet ( Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris ) juice was investigated. Although the hue angle of 358° in fresh juice was indicative of the typical red-purple appearance, heating for 8 h induced an unexpected shift to 62° resulting in a yellow-orange solution. To monitor the underlying structural alterations of betalains, a new high-performance liquid chromatography separation compatible with mass spectrometry was developed. Applying this method, 2 novel yellow neobetanin structures and 2 orange-red betanin degradation products were preliminarily identified, and neobetanin formation resulting from heat exposure was proven for the 1st time. These 5 compounds were held responsible for the orange shift of red beet juice during thermal treatment. The relevance of these findings for industrial beet processing was demonstrated by comparison of pigment patterns of heated red beet juice samples and a commercial concentrate. On the basis of these results, a scheme for the thermal degradation of betanin is proposed.  相似文献   

The distribution of betalains in peel, flesh, and petioles of yellow and red beetroot cultivars has been investigated using an High‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with electrospray mass spectrometry. Differences in the levels of betacyanins and betaxanthins between different colored cultivars were individually determined for 3 plant parts. The content of almost all analyzed compounds decreased in the following order: peel > flesh > petiole. Betanin/isobetanin pigments comprised a major portion of the relative peak area measured in red beetroot peel. Isobetanin relative peak areas were also high in leaf petioles (68.94% to 74.16%) of red colored cultivars. However, betacyanins were completely absent from the extracts of all analyzed parts of yellow beet. Glutamine‐bx represented a very high relative peak area (59.54% to 64.18%) in flesh of red‐colored cultivars analyzed in the study. Our results indicate that red beet cultivars can be utilized as a potential source of red and yellow natural colorants. However, differences in pigment composition among different beetroot parts must be considered and in order to maximize the pigment yields petioles can also be used as a source rich in specific betalain compounds.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effects of cooking on the total, soluble and insoluble oxalate contents in six different types of locally consumed vegetables and beans (spinach, carrots, beet root, white bean, red bean and soybean). The foods were cooked in water until they reached the soft consistency (12–15 min for vegetable and 2 h for beans). The raw and cooked samples were analyzed for their soluble and insoluble oxalate contents using the HPLC techniques. The total oxalate content of raw spinach, carrot, beet root, white bean, red bean and soybean, were found to be 978 ± 5, 49 ± 7, 67 ± 12, 158 ± 16, 113 ± 15, and 497 ± 22 mg/100 g of fresh weight respectively. The total oxalate contents of these foods after boiling were 477 ± 8, 16 ± 9, 52 ± 14, 47 ± 17, 72 ± 17, and 224 ± 25 mg/100 g of fresh weight respectively. The results showed that boiling significantly (P < 0.05) reduced both soluble and insoluble oxalate contents. More losses were observed in the soluble than the insoluble oxalates. The reduction in soluble oxalate in different vegetables ranged from 16 to 66% whereas in beans ranged from 40 to 77%. The data suggests that the use of boiled vegetables can be an effective strategy for reducing the dietary intake of oxalates in individuals predisposed to the development of kidney stones.  相似文献   

Betalaine recoveries from Mono-King Explorer, Mono-King Burgundy and Ruby Queen table beet cultivars were studied in a continuous solid-liquid extraction system. Roots of Mono-King Explorer and Mono-King Burgundy contained more betacyanines and betaxanthines than those of Ruby Queen and also showed a higher betacyanine recovery from the extraction system (P < 0.05). Similar results for betacyanine recoveries were found in the second year study (P < 0.01). Storage of raw beet roots at 1°C and 85% RH for 5 months resulted in a 32–34% moisture and trimming loss prior to processing; however, the usable raw beet tissue showed similar recovery characteristics to those processed immediately after harvest. The red/yellow ratios reflected a less intense red-violet color in juices extracted from long-term stored roots. Small roots (4.6–6.4 cm diameters) tended to yield higher betacyanine juices than those from large roots (6.4–9.0 cm diameters. P < 0.05). Raw beet roots treated by the abrasion peeling method resulted in initial pigment losses and also contributed to further pigment losses during extraction.  相似文献   

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