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建立支持信息系统不断进化的集成化开发平台是提高信息系统对需求变化的快速适应能力(即敏捷性)的有效途径。开发平台由参考系统及相关的开发工具(集)构成。参考系统是由系统构件构成的、满足一般需求的原型系统,相关开发工具(集)在对系统构件、参考系统进行管理与维护的基础上,根据需求或需求的变化,对参考系统或应用系统进行客户化或适应性维护,实现信息系统的敏捷性。  相似文献   

VISIONONE公司在2008年6月至7月进行了关于敏捷开发的问卷调查,根据得到的来自80多个国家的超过2300份问卷反馈得知,95%的公司在软件开发中使用了敏捷方法,其中超过60%的公司使用超过了一年时间。  相似文献   

姚晰 《程序员》2008,(2):21-23
严格地说,笔者对于传统测试并没有太多经验。从2006年进入游戏测试行业开始,笔者所在的团队就在尝试向敏捷方式转变,自成功敏捷至今,已一年有余。而这近一年半的经历给了笔者很大的冲击,让笔者每天对自己的工作都有新的认识和体会,这和以前在学校时对软件开发和软件测试的理解有很大不同。  相似文献   

杨娜  周溢辉 《福建电脑》2008,24(12):138-138
敏捷开发是一种以人为核心、选代、循序渐进的开发方法。重构是敏捷开发中不可缺少的部分,通过重构,可以优化程序代码.让代码更加容易理解,更容易维护。本文主要阐述敏捷开发的概念和优点,重构的必要性以及重构时所要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

该文主要介绍了敏捷软件开发的几种主要方法以及在维护性开发中的实际应用,并与传统重型开发法进行了对比,表明敏捷软件开发方法在软件开发中的一些先进之处及存在的一些问题;同时介绍了软件的维护及维护性开发的重要意义,在此基础上提出将敏捷方法用于软件的维护性开发中,对该应用的可行性和具体的实现过程给出了分析,并给出开发过程的实例说明,证明了该方法的有效性,说明敏捷方法在软件维护性开发中的应用具有非常强的实际应用研究价值。  相似文献   

近日美国ThoughtWorks公司邀请北京市科委、中国软件行业协会的相关领导以及来自北京大学,北京航空航天大学等学府的教授,同世界五大软件开发教父之一的Matin Fowler一起.就目前西方软件开发领域的新趋势。以及其在中国的应用展开讨论。  相似文献   

EldenNelson  熊节 《程序员》2002,(12):23-25
敏捷开发大帅Martin Fowler谈论如何选择开发方法、如何执行、如何应对遇到的问题。每个人都在谈论敏捷开发(Agile Development)。但是,你是否选择了正确的方法学?你所选的方法是否正常运转?你是否应该请求顾问的帮助?你应该如何管理开发的过程?还有,如何修补那些“先天不足”的代码?轻量级方法等的大师Martin Fowler将回答这些问题。  相似文献   

李默 《程序员》2006,(5):129-131
“敏捷软件开发宣言:我们正在通过亲身实践和帮助其他人实践,揭示更好的软件开发方法,通过这项工作,我们认为:人和交流胜过过程和工具可工作的软件胜过面面俱到的文档客户协作胜过合同谈判响应变化胜过遵循计划虽然右项也有价值,但是我们认为左项更重要。”——Kent Beck, Mike Beedle, Arie van Bennekum, Alistair Cockburn, Ward Cunningham, Martin Fowler, James Grenning, Jim Highsmith, Andrew Hunt, Ron Jeffries, Jon Kern, Brian Marick, Robert C. Martin, Steve Mellor, Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland, Dave Thomas敏捷软件开发这个词在2006年的中国软件界听起来仍然显得有些陌生。自2001年敏捷联盟被发起以来,  相似文献   

透明 《程序员》2004,(2):83-86
一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特。对于“什么是 Eclipse”这个问题,也会有形形色色的答案。你可以说它是一个出色(而且免费)的 Java IDE,也可以说它是一个用于开发 IDE 的平台,阴谋论者甚至可以对着它启动画面上的“Copyright IBM Corp”字样说它是 IBM 侵蚀 open source社群的一匹特洛伊木马。不过我不打算在这里纠缠。于我,一个 J2EE 的敏捷开发者而言,Eclipse 就是一件称手的工具,是开启敏捷之门的那把钥匙。  相似文献   

孙德刚 《福建电脑》2021,37(6):100-103
敏感开发模式是一种将多种语言的高级设计工具和手段集合起来的应用型技术,是将程序的控制逻辑作为基础,利用计算机的信息化处理水平开发的综合性系统.随着计算机科学的发展,传统软件开发已经无法满足现代社会的需要,敏捷开发模式应运而生.本文主要阐述敏捷开发模式在应用型本科院校软件开发课程项目中的应用,并结合学生的特点,让学生在实...  相似文献   

Agile approaches highly values communication between team members to improve software development processes, even though, communication in globally distributed agile teams can be difficult. Literature proposes solutions for mitigating the challenges encountered in these environments. These solutions range from general-level recommendations and practices to the use of communication tools. However, an approach covering the whole development process for identifying challenges, and improving communication in globally distributed agile development projects, is missing. In order to address this, we conducted a case study within a globally distributed agile software development project focused on using the concept of waste as a lens for identifying non-value producing communication elements. In order to achieve this, we constructed a waste identification approach through which we identified five communication wastes, and solutions to mitigate them. These wastes can help companies identify communication issues that are present in their development efforts, while the presented waste identification technique gives them a mechanism for waste identification and mitigation. This work contributes to the scientific community by increasing the knowledge about communication in globally distributed agile development efforts.  相似文献   

地震多属性分析(Seis2A)系统采用现代数学、信息学工具,实现了多种地震属性提取分析方法,是用于高精度地震勘探和油藏描述的自主研发软件.基于面向对象的设计分析方法,介绍了需求分析、系统框架设计,类详细设计和C++/Qt/Coin3D代码实现的全过程.项目管理采用敏捷开发过程,进行了以人为中心、结对编程、快速原型、单元测试、代码重构、多次迭代、持续集成、小型团队的开发实践.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, agile software development (ASD) has garnered much attention in both research and practice. Several ASD methods and techniques have been developed and studied. In particular, researchers have provided several theoretical perspectives on ASD and contributed rich insights to the ASD practice. Still, despite calls for a more unified theoretical understanding of ASD, a theoretical core of ASD has not been identified. This paper offers a theoretical core of ASD research, clarifying what is essential and what is less essential for IS agility, hoping to spark a scholarly discussion, and provides implications of such a core for understanding method tailoring.  相似文献   

ContextCommunities of practice—groups of experts who share a common interest or topic and collectively want to deepen their knowledge—can be an important part of a successful lean and agile adoption in particular in large organizations.ObjectiveIn this paper, we present a study on how a large organization within Ericsson with 400 persons in 40 Scrum teams at three sites adopted the use of Communities of Practice (CoP) as part of their transformation from a traditional plan-driven organization to lean and agile.MethodsWe collected data by 52 semi-structured interviews on two sites, and longitudinal non-participant observation of the transformation during over 20 site visits over a period of two years.ResultsThe organization had over 20 CoPs, gathering weekly, bi-weekly or on a need basis. CoPs had several purposes including knowledge sharing and learning, coordination, technical work, and organizational development. Examples of CoPs include Feature Coordination CoPs to coordinate between teams working on the same feature, a Coaching CoP to discuss agile implementation challenges and successes and to help lead the organizational continuous improvement, an end-to-end CoP to remove bottlenecks from the flow, and Developers CoPs to share good development practices. Success factors of well-functioning CoPs include having a good topic, passionate leader, proper agenda, decision making authority, open community, supporting tools, suitable rhythm, and cross-site participation when needed. Organizational support include creating a supportive atmosphere and providing a suitable infrastructure for CoPs.ConclusionsIn the case organization, CoPs were initially used to support the agile transformation, and as part of the distributed Scrum implementation. As the transformation progressed, the CoPs also took on the role of supporting continuous organizational improvements. CoPs became a central mechanism behind the success of the large-scale agile implementation in the case organization that helped mitigate some of the most pressing problems of the agile transformation.  相似文献   

敏捷软件开发与计划驱动开发的概述比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏显鄂  梁洪峻 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(16):4035-4037,4062
人们在设想、确定以及创建软件时,身边的环境不断在变更.敏捷是为了在动荡的业务环境中获益而创造变革和响应变革的能力.极限编程是最著名的敏捷软件开发方法.传统的开发侧重于计划和架构,计划驱动开发关注的是软件的质量和过程的可预见性.计划驱动开发最佳范例是能力成熟度模型.两种表面上有不同观点的方法在争夺着软件开发的主导权,对敏捷软件开发与计划驱动开发进行了概述,并就特征、擅长领域和关键要素等进行比较.  相似文献   

指纹识别算法研究平台的设计与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计和开发指纹识别算法研究平台,对指纹识别算法的研究具有重要意义.利用MVC设计模式、工作流思想和插件软件开发思想,设计和开发了一个指纹识别算法研究辅助平台.该平台根据工作流思想将算法体系抽象成算法链路模型,使指纹识别算法同平台之间松耦合,因此新算法容易集成到平台中.在实现上,该平台使用了插件技术,所有算法都是在平台运行时动态加栽,因此算法链路中的算法模块容易被替换.平台采用MVC设计模式将算法链路同平台操作和结果视图紧耦合,使不同的算法研究工作者面对的是统一的界面和操作流程.  相似文献   

Bridging knowledge boundaries among project team members is essential to prevent delays or complete failure of software development projects. Prior researchers have reported that software prototypes can be used to help bridge knowledge boundaries between team members in traditional software development settings, yet their use in an agile development setting remains unexplored. Agile development centers the interactions between team members on emerging representations of the prototype whose properties are prone to change over time. Therefore, we conducted an in‐depth study of an agile development project to enhance our understanding on how software prototypes are used as boundary objects in a distributed team setting. Our analyses of team member interactions during 46 virtual meetings that took place over a period of 6 months revealed four different prototype use practices (exemplifying, contrasting, relating, framing) that were effective in bridging syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic knowledge boundaries. We also provide empirically grounded evidence of how variations in object properties can afford different use practices, how the use practices take advantage of these properties, and how object properties are reshaped through these use practices as different types of knowledge boundaries are bridged. These findings bear important implications for research on prototypes as boundary objects in software development in particular and boundary object use in general.  相似文献   

软件测试的实施效果直接影响到软件的质量,目前出现了一些测试模型,并且有一定的实用性,例如V模型、W模型、X模型等,其中X测试模型正受到越来越多的关注.对当前颇为流行的敏捷开发模式进行了一定的研究之后,适当地调整模块任务分配的粒度,软件开发过程中采用了X测试模型,并根据具体开发情况对X测试模型进行了相应的调整与改进,体现出其较好的应用效果,对中小型软件开发的测试有着很好的适用性.  相似文献   

基于构件的可重构软件开发平台技术研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
研究了可重构软件开发平台技术。提出了单一建模数据源技术,并基于这一技术设计了同时支持C/S和B/S两种软件体系结构的可重构软件开发平台及其关键业务构件。分析了基于构件化软件开发平台应用软件系统的构造过程。  相似文献   

刘东飞  李晓艳 《微机发展》2006,16(9):195-197
互联网的迅猛发展使得基于网络的商业活动成为越来越多的公司和个人的首选交易方式。J2EE是一套可以用来解决多层式企业解决方案的开发、布署以及管理上的技术架构。文中采用了敏捷开发的设计思想,结合J2EE相关组件技术,为一个大型钢铁物流中心设计了网上交易的平台。通过网上钢铁交易平台,买、卖双方可以安全、快捷、公平、高效地进行交易,该系统的技术解决方案同样也适合其他类似的交易平台。  相似文献   

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