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研究了胡萝卜渣对Cr6+的吸附作用及吸附过程的影响因素、热力学和动力学行为,结果表明:吸附率随胡萝卜渣粒径的减少而增大;Cr6+初始质量浓度相同时,吸附率随加入胡萝卜渣量的增加而增大,胡萝卜渣加入量相同时,吸附率均出现两次极小值且初始质量浓度为15 mg/L时吸附率最佳;正交试验结果表明:3个因素影响程度依次为温度>pH>时间,最佳吸附条件为溶液pH2、温度60℃、浸泡时间10 h;吸附等温线结果表明:胡萝卜渣对Cr6+的吸附以单分子层吸附占优势,Freundlich吸附等温式吸附热力学行为,吸附为吸热过程,胡萝卜渣对Cr6+的吸附热为53.6 kJ/mol;吸附动力曲线结果表明:二级动力学模型能较好地描述胡萝卜渣对Cr6+的吸附动力学行为.  相似文献   

工业固废高炉渣对废水中的重金属离子表现出了较好的吸附能力,为了深入了解高炉渣对Cu2+的吸附效果,在研究高炉渣的用量、pH、吸附时间和温度对废水中Cu2+吸附率的影响规律基础上,选取四因素三水平正交设计实验,获得吸附Cu2+的最佳反应条件,并利用吸附等温模型和吸附动力学探讨高炉渣对Cu2+的吸附行为.结果表明:高炉渣表面的吸附位点、较大的比表面积以及发达的孔隙结构能够促进Cu2+的吸附.在高炉渣用量为0.5 g、pH为9、吸附时间为360 min、温度为65℃时,去除率可达99.93%,吸附后溶液中Cu2+的残余质量浓度小于1 mg/L,达到了国家排放标准.高炉渣对Cu2+的吸附更符合Langmuir吸附等温模型,吸附动力学过程更符合拟二级动力学方程.  相似文献   

为了解决处理含铜重金属废水时成本高和效率低等问题,选用廉价且吸附性能较好的吸附剂成为研究中的热点问题。文章以稻壳为原料制备稻壳灰吸附剂,通过单因素实验研究Cu2+质量浓度、pH值、吸附剂投加量、时间、温度等对吸附效果的影响;通过正交实验得出吸附Cu2+的最佳条件;通过扫描电镜及红外光谱测定,对吸附前后的稻壳灰进行表征分析。实验结果表明:溶液pH对吸附效果影响极大,当4≤pH≤6时,吸附率较高,pH过低或过高均不利于吸附;在前0.5 h内吸附速度很快,1 h后吸附基本完成。稻壳灰吸附Cu2+的最佳条件为:稻壳灰投加量20.0 g/L、35 ℃、Cu2+质量浓度30 mg/L、吸附时间1 h、溶液初始pH为6。准二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型可较好地描述稻壳灰对Cu2+的吸附过程。  相似文献   

柑橘皮渣生物吸附剂对Ni^2+的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将新鲜柑桔皮渣分别经微波和气流干燥,制备了一系列柑桔皮渣生物吸附剂.将吸附剂用于吸附含镍废水,研究干燥方式对吸附剂性能的影响.结果表明:各吸附剂的吸附动力学符合二级动力学模型,气流干燥吸附剂对N i2+的二级动力学常数比微波干燥吸附剂的大.各吸附剂对N i2+的等温吸附曲线均能用Langmu ir和Freund lich等温吸附模型描述,采用微波干燥可增大饱和吸附容量,且微波强度越大,饱和吸附容量越大.  相似文献   

啤酒废酵母对Pb2+的吸附   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了开发新型生物吸附剂, 研究了啤酒废酵母对Pb2 +的生物吸附能力。初步确定了啤酒废酵母对Pb2 +的最佳吸附条件, 起始pH 为5, Pb2 +的起始质量浓度为50 mg/ L, 酵母的质量浓度为1 g/ L, 吸附温度为30 ℃,吸附时间为60 min , 在此条件下啤酒废酵母对Pb2 +的吸附率可达93.50 %。对吸附了Pb2 +的啤酒废酵母进行解吸实验, 表明浓度为1 mol/ L 的HCl 为较好的解吸剂, 其解吸率可达54.59 %。通过计算分析表明, 啤酒废酵母对Pb2 +的吸附符合Langmuir 吸附模型和Freundlich 吸附模型, 且符合Langmuir 吸附模型的程度更优。最后对未吸附Pb2 +的空白酵母和吸附Pb2 +的酵母进行了红外光谱分析, 比较了啤酒废酵母吸附Pb2 +前后的变化。  相似文献   

化学改性橘子皮对Pb~(2+)的吸附性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了经化学改性的橘子皮吸附剂对Pb2+的吸附性能.考察了溶液pH值、吸附时间及Pb2+初始质量浓度对该吸附剂吸附性能的影响.结果表明,吸附过程可以很好地用准二级动力学方程描述,吸附等温线用Langmuir方程拟合效果优于Freundlich方程.pH4.5,30℃时最大吸附容量为146.4 mg/g.经改性的橘子皮可重复使用5次以上.  相似文献   

羟基磷灰石对水溶液中Cu2+的吸附动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以氢氧化钙和磷酸为原料,利用中和沉淀反应制备了羟基磷灰石粉末(HAP)。研究了羟基磷灰石(HAP)对水溶液中Cu2 的吸附作用。实验表明,当溶液中Cu2 浓度为100mg/L时,每升水使用5gHAP,搅拌几分钟Cu2 去除率达到99%以上。HAP对Cu2 的吸附速度符合一级反应动力学方程。在22℃、PH=7.5时吸附等温式可用Freundlich公式描述。  相似文献   

介绍了天然水体中微量元素在不同pH值条件下的吸附交换及吸附等温线的研究方法,特别是离子交换pH范围和离子.配位子交换作用。  相似文献   

膨润土对废水中Cu2+的吸附性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了钙基膨润土和钠基膨润土对废水中铜离子的吸附特性.结果表明,钠基膨润土和钙基膨润土的吸附行为都依赖于溶液的pH值,初始离子浓度和吸附剂用量.在低pH值时主要是H+与Cu2+竞争吸附位.pH值在3到7时基本的吸附机制是离子交换的过程.在高pH值(>8.3)时,在膨润土颗粒表面形成氢氧化铜的吸附或沉淀.随初始金属离子浓...  相似文献   

稻壳炭对重金属Pb2+的吸附量受吸附时间、吸附剂投加量、温度、pH、稻壳炭理化性质等因素影响。实验通过单因素分析法研究了上述各影响因素对吸附效果的影响,并设计正交试验探讨了常温下稻壳炭吸附Pb2+的最佳吸附条件,采用扫描电镜(SEM)对吸附前后稻壳炭样品进行了表征分析。实验发现:吸附过程前30min为快速吸附阶段,60min后吸附过程基本完成,120min后吸附量达到最大值;相同浓度条件下,稻壳炭对Pb2+的吸附量存在一个最佳投加量;温度方面20℃时对吸附较为有利,温度高于25℃或低于15℃时不利于吸附;pH对吸附效果影响较大,pH 5-7条件下对吸附最为有利,过酸过碱均不利于吸附进行;对稻壳炭进行活化改性是提高其吸附能力的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ in leachate were adsorbed on clay-solidified grouting curtain for waste landfills with equilibrium experiment. The cation exchange capacity was determined with ammonium acetate. And the concentration of heavy metal cations in leachate was determined with atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Their equilibrium isotherms were measured, and the experimental isotherm data were analyzed by using Freundlich and Langmuir models. The results show that the adsorption capacities of the heavy metal cations are closely related to the compositions of clay-solidified grouting curtain, and the maximum adsorption appears at the ratio of cement to clay of 2 : 4 in the experimental conditions. At their maximum adsorption and pH 5.0, the adsorption capacities of Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ are 16.19 mg/g and 1.21 mg/g. The competitive adsorption coefficients indicate that the adsorption of clay-solidified grouting curtain for Pb^2+ is stronger than that for Cd^2+. The adsorption process conforms to Freundlich's model with related coefficient higher than 0. 996.  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ ions on bauxite flotation tailings was investigated to demonstrate the adsorptivity of the bauxite flotation tailings. The adsorption percentage of Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ ions as a function of adsorbent dosage, solution pH value and shaking time were determined by batch experiments. The maximum adsorption percentage of 99.93% for Pb^2+ ions and 99.75% for Cd^2+ ions were obtained by using bauxite flotation tailings as adsorbent. The methods, such as zeta potentials, specific surface area measurements and the analysis of adsorption kinetics, were introduced to analyze the adsorption mechanisms of the Pb^2+ ions on bauxite flotation tailings. The isoelectric point of bauxite flotation tailings shifts from 3.6 to 5.6 in the presence of Pb^2+ ions. The specific surface area of bauxite flotation tailings changes from 12.57 to 20.63 m^2/g after the adsorption of Pb^2+ ions. These results indicate that a specific adsorption of the cation species happens on the surface of bauxite flotation tailings. Adsorption data of Pb^2+ ions on the surface of bauxite flotation tailings can be well described by Langmuir model, and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model provides the best correlation for the adsorption data of Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ ions on bauxite flotation tailings.  相似文献   

研究在污染条件下小麦对重金属胁迫的反应,为农业生产中早期诊断重金属污染提供一些依据。用Cr3+、Pb2+及Cr3+、Pb2+混合溶液的各种浓度溶液处理小麦,研究Cr3+、Pb2+及Cr3+、Pb2+混合溶液对小麦萌发和脯氨酸含量的影响。结果表明:在Pb2+的培养环境中,各个浓度下的发芽率相差不多;在Cr3+的培养环境中,小麦的发芽率随着浓度的增加呈下降趋势,浓度越大对小麦发芽率的抑制作用越明显;在Cr3+、Pb2+混合的培养环境中,各个浓度下的发芽率随浓度的增加而呈降低的趋势,并且各个浓度下发芽率基本都相对低于相同浓度下的单一Cr3+、Pb2+的发芽率。在低浓度的重金属离子中,游离脯氨酸的含量与重金属离子浓度呈正相关。  相似文献   

Pb2+ adsorption onto a soil by irrigation of sewage in the Pearl River Delta of South China was examined as a function of the reaction time, solution pH, initial lead concentration, organic matter (humic acid) and competitive ions (Cu2+). The adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil was investigated on batch equilibrium adsorption experiments. Results show that the Pb2+ adsorption on the soil is relatively rapid in the first 30 min and reaches equilibrium at 2 h, and the kinetics of the adsorption process on the soil is well characterized by the pseudo-second order reaction rate. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isothermal models are fit for the adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil, and the maximum amount of Pb2+ adsorption (Q m) is 7.47 mg/g. The amount of Pb2+ adsorption increases with increasing the pH at the range of 1.2–4.5 and reaches a plateau at the range of 4.5–12. The presence of humic acid in soil decreases the adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil at solution pH of 8 since the negatively charged humic acid with Pb2+ is difficult to be adsorbed on the negatively charged soil surface. The adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil also decreases in the presence of Cu2+ due to the competition adsorption between Pb2+ and Cu2+.  相似文献   

A novel chelating resin with sulfonic group was synthesized by chemical modification of D401 resin with sulphonation reaction and characterized by FT-IR spectrometry. The adsorption properties of the novel chelating resin for Pb2+ were studied by batch adsorption, and the adsorption process was analyzed from thermodynamics and kinetics aspects. The adsorption mechanism of Pb2+ on the modified D401 chelating resin was discussed by FT-IR spectrometry. Experimental results show that in the Pb2+ concentration range of 200–400 mg/L, the adsorption capacities of the modified D401 chelating resin for Pb2+ increase by 77%–129%, and Langmuir isothermal adsorption model is more suitable for the equilibrium adsorption data. Adsorption is an endothermic process that runs spontaneously. Kinetic analysis shows that the adsorption rate is mainly governed by liquid film diffusion. The best pH value under adsorption condition is 4–5. The saturated resin can be regenerated by 3 mol/L nitric acid, and the adsorption capacity remains stable after five consecutive adsorption-desorption cycles. The maximal static saturated adsorption capacity of the resin is 206 mg/g at 333 K in the Pb2+ concentration range of 200–400 mg/L. The modified D401 chelating resin is an efficient adsorbent for the removal of Pb2+ from its single-metal ion solution. Foundation item: Project(708049) supported by the Important Item Cultivation Foundation of Scientific Innovation Project of Colleges and Universities of China  相似文献   

The energy transfer and upconversion of Er^3+/Yb^3+ co-doped TeO2-TiO2-K2O glasses upon excitation with 976 nm lasers diode were studied. The tellurite glasses were prepared by conventional melting methods. Their optical properties and sensitization upconversion spectra were performed. The dependence of green upconversion lu- minescence intensity on the mole ratio of Yb^3+ to Er^3+ and Er^3+ concentration were discussed in detail. When the mole ratio of Yb^3+ to Er^3+ is 25/1 and Er^3+ concentration is 0.1% (mole fraction), or when the mole ratio of Yb^3+ to Er^3+ is 10/1 and Er^3+ concentration is 0.15 %, the optimal upconversion luminescence intensity is obtained. The obtained glasses can be one of the potential candidates for lasers-diode pumping microchip solid-state lasers.  相似文献   

The adsorption properties of a novel macroporous weak acid resin (D152) for Pb2+ were investigated with chemical methods. The optimal adsorption condition of D152 resin for Pb2+ is at pH 6.00 in HAc-NaAc medium. The statically saturated adsorption capacity is 527 mg/g at 298 K. Pb2+ adsorbed on D152 resin can be eluted with 0.05 mol/L HCl quantitatively. The adsorption rate constants determined under various temperatures are k 288 K=2.22×10−5 st-1, k 298 K=2.51×10−5 s−1, and k 308 K= 2.95×10−5 s−1, respectively. The apparent activation energy, E a is 10.5 kJ/mol, and the adsorption parameters of thermodynamics are ΔH Θ=13.3 kJ/mol, ΔS Θ=119 J/(mol·K), and ΔG Θ 298 K =−22.2 kJ/mol, respectively. The adsorption behavior of D152 resin for Pb2+ follows Langmuir model. Foundation item: Project(2008F70059) supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Planning of Zhejiang Province, China  相似文献   

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