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多储罐间歇精馏是新型操作方式,目前仅用于多组分混合物分离.为了扩大多储罐间歇精馏塔的应用,将其用于2组分物系的分离,提出了多储罐动态全回流分离方法.其特点是可分为全回流提浓和倒罐采出阶段,这2个阶段交替进行,直到分离结束.建立了该过程的数学模型,并与常规恒回流比方式比较,结果表明:动态全回流方法省时.进一步通过乙酸-水... 相似文献
提出了一种过程始终为全回流操作的间歇精馏新型操作方式,其特征在于沿塔身不同高度设置有多个中间累积罐,操作中整塔始终处于全回流状态,每隔一段时间将下一级储罐内的液体转移至上一级储罐,塔顶储罐内液体作为产品转移到产品储槽。建立了该流程的数学模型并采用Matlab软件进行模拟,当目标产品浓度相同时,新操作方式的可以节省操作时间,在最优化的中间累计罐密集程度下,可节省50%左右,与具体操作参数相关;最后采用乙酸-水二元物系对该操作方式进行了试验验证,且整塔运行稳定易于操作控制。 相似文献
提出了通过塔顶、塔中上以及塔中3个温度控制进行操作状态转换的无累积罐循环全回流间歇精馏控制方法,并以理想物系--乙醇-正丙醇混合物为分离物系进行了实验研究。通过实验确定了温度控制条件为当塔顶温度稳定后且塔顶和塔中上温差为0.3 ℃时变全回流为全采出操作,当塔中温度升高1.0 ℃时停止全采出转为全回流操作。同时还考察了在不同乙醇投料浓度条件下这种操作的运行情况,发现不同投料浓度对塔顶产品平均纯度的影响并不显著,基本能保持在0.99。最后在相同的投料浓度和操作条件下,对比了这种新型控制方式和双温度控制方式,结果表明三温度控制方式比双温度控制方式操作时间减少了23.3 min,分离效率提高了23.95%,产品浓度提高了1.06%,产品收率提高了1.08%。 相似文献
Batch extractive distillation was studied in a column with a middle vessel. The process was simulated by a constant holdup model and solved by two point implicit method. Acetone and methanol mixture was separated in such a setup using water as solvent. The simulation agrees well with experimental results. The experimental and simulation results show that the solvent at the bottom and the product at the top of the column can be withdrawn simultaneously for a long period of time. It needs more time for the solvent to reach high purity than that required for the more volatile component to reach high purity, so that the time to withdraw solvent from the bottom is delayed. 相似文献
间歇精馏循环全回流操作是一种具有前景的新型操作方式。文中在循环全回流操作的基础上,首次提出了无累积罐循环全回流新操作方式。通过数学模型对其进行模拟,模拟计算比较了新方式、恒回流比间歇操作和塔顶储罐一次全回流操作3种操作方式。模拟结果表明:无累积罐新操作方式的全回流阶段时间由2个因素决定,全回流开始时精馏塔内的浓度梯度情况和精馏塔内持液的平均浓度。随着全回流-全采出操作的进行,后续循环中的全回流阶段的时间增加,全采出阶段时间减少。当进料浓度低时,新操作方式的分离效率比恒回流比方式高26.4%—30.1%,并通过模拟揭示了新操作方式的特点。研究表明:无累积罐循环全回流操作方式是一种新型高效的分离操作。 相似文献
Cyclic total reflux (CTR) batch distillation is a promising mode of the process but lacking of appropriate modeling for the period of filling the reflux drum. A new dynamic modeling method for the simulation of CTR batch distillation is proposed in this work, in which the changes in column holdup and liquid flow rate during the filling of the drum, and the consequent change in valid number of theoretical plates are considered. The effect of drum holdup on operation time is investigated and the optimal drum holdup is obtained from the simulation. The dynamic modeling is compared to the conventional modeling without consideration of change in liquid flow rate. The experimental result shows that the present modeling is more reliable and more accurate, especially for the col-umn with large liquid holdup. 相似文献
Cyclic total reflux batch distillation with two reflux drums 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present work proposes a novel cyclic total reflux (CTR) operation of batch distillation with two reflux drums working alternatively. A mathematical model is set up for the process. The computational comparison of the novel policy with the regular constant reflux and non-cyclic total reflux (NCTR) operations is also presented. The experimental runs of the new mode show that it can be operated and controlled more easily. The novel operation is significantly time saving compared to the mode of regular constant reflux theoretically and experimentally. The two reflux drum mode of CTR is also suitable for the separation of the mixture containing a large amount of light component. 相似文献
A short-cut explicit expression is presented for distillation at total reflux that predicts the time it takes to shift the reboiler composition from an initial charge composition to the final steady state composition. The prediction is of interest when handling low relative volatility mixtures, as in isomeric or isotopic distillations, where the startups involve times in the order of a day or more. 相似文献
理想操作条件下二元提馏式间歇精馏优化操作的汽化总量与最小汽化总量的计算是约束函数优化问题。本文采用罚函数法,将此约束函数优化转变为无约束函数优化,并采用固定双步长因子梯度法数值求解该函数的极值。计算表明:固定双步长因子梯度法具有良好的收敛性,同时,降低分段数较多时,数值截断误差积累对计算结果的影响。二元提馏式间歇精馏优化操作较恒残液组成操作的能耗低的原因如下:在理论板数相对较少(接近二元提馏式间歇精馏恒残液组成操作所需的最少理论板)时,优化操作通过控制再沸比提高了能耗效率;在理论板数相对较多时,优化操作通过控制再沸比,在保证过程的能耗效率较高的同时,可尽可能快地将物料移出系统,减少了精馏过程中塔顶贮槽内液体的混合熵产。通过对计算结果的归纳与外推,得到了理想操作条件下理论板数为无穷多时二元提馏式间歇精馏优化操作再沸比的变化方式以及最小汽化总量的计算公式。 相似文献
机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)热泵技术是把低品位的蒸汽通过压缩转变为高品位的蒸汽,循环用于热源的供热以减少能耗。而热集成技术则是合理的匹配冷热物流的换热,以提高物流的有效能利用率。鉴于精馏过程的高能耗和低热力学效率,本文以四元混合醇的分离为研究对象,把基于MVR热泵技术的热集成精馏工艺应用于该体系的分离,提出并研究了该体系带热集成与不带热集成各种MVR精馏工艺;以能耗和年总费用(TAC)为评价指标,采用Aspen Plus 软件对各分离工艺进行模拟与优化,确定各分离工艺的操作参数与设备参数。研究结果表明,与常规顺序分离工艺相比,MVR精馏工艺节约能耗50%以上,节约年总费用约61%。带热集成MVR精馏工艺与不带热集成MVR精馏工艺相比,在能耗和年总费用方面,优势相当,但前者热力学效率提高了约9.5%。 相似文献