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As one of the most promising localized drug delivery systems for enhancing therapeutic efficacy and reducing systemic toxicity, supramolecular hydrogels self-assembled from natural products have recently attracted tremendous attention. However, the intricate drug loading process, limited drug entrapment efficacy, and lack of stimulus responsiveness considerably impede their potential for biological applications and raise the need for advanced hydrogel-based delivery systems. Therefore, the development of updated materials that integrate localized delivery and drug activity into a single system is extremely desired and has great potential to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings. In this study, a pH-responsive dual-functional isoG-based supramolecular hydrogel with both localized delivery and anti-cancer activity in one molecule is successfully developed in one pot by following a simple and green procedure. The isoguanosine-phenylboronic-guanosine (isoGPBG) hydrogel exhibits exceptional stability (more than one year), outstanding pH-responsiveness and excellent sustained release capability. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate that the isoGPBG hydrogel not only shows acceptable biocompatibility and biodegradability but also significantly inhibit tumor growth (approximately 60% inhibition of tumor growth) and improve overall survival, especially in preclinical patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Therefore, the isoGPBG hydrogel, to the best of our knowledge, is the first example of pH-responsive dual-functional isoG-based supramolecular hydrogel integrating localized delivery and anti-cancer activity in one molecule. It is implied that the isoGPBG hydrogel could act as a smart dual-functional localized delivery system in the future for clinical cancer therapy. 相似文献
《Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science》2023,27(4):101091
The solution of instrumented indentation inverse problems by physically-based models still represents a complex challenge yet to be solved in metallurgy and materials science. In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) tools have emerged as a feasible and more efficient alternative to extract complex microstructure-property correlations from instrumented indentation data in advanced materials. On this basis, the main objective of this review article is to summarize the extent to which different ML tools have been recently employed in the analysis of both numerical and experimental data obtained by instrumented indentation testing, either using spherical or sharp indenters, particularly by nanoindentation. Also, the impact of using ML could have in better understanding the microstructure-mechanical properties-performance relationships of a wide range of materials tested at this length scale has been addressed.The analysis of the recent literature indicates that a combination of advanced nanomechanical/microstructural characterization with finite element simulation and different ML algorithms constitutes a powerful tool to bring ground-breaking innovation in materials science. These research means can be employed not only for extracting mechanical properties of both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials at multiple length scales, but also could assist in understanding how these properties change with the compositional and microstructural in-service modifications. Furthermore, they can be used for design and synthesis of novel multi-phase materials. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2019,30(12):2957-2963
Regularly ordered polymer nanoparticle (PNP) assemblies incorporating gold nanoparticle (Au NP) clusters into the PNP interstices were fabricated by a simultaneous deposition of PNPs and Au NPs on a glass substrate. Monodisperse PNPs with an average size of 66 nm were employed as a template in the co-assembly to create the sub-100 nm periodic Au nanostructures on the substrate. First, mono-layering of PNP array with incorporation of 14 nm Au NPs was performed by a drop-casting to examine the number ratio of Au NPs to PNPs for multi-layering. Absorption spectra of the mono-layered co-assemblies of PNPs and Au NPs were employed to characterize the clustered state of Au NPs in the interstices of mono-layered PNPs. The number ratio suitable for homogeneous incorporation of Au NPs clustered in the interstice was found to be ranged from 6 to 8 in the characterization. Then, multi-layered co-assemblies of PNPs and clustered Au NPs were fabricated by a vertical deposition method with the Au NP number ratio of 8 to PNPs. Lifting rate of the substrate on which the PNPs were deposited was varied in the vertical deposition method to tune the film thickness of NP co-assembly. A decrease in the lifting rate to 1 μm/s could thicken the film to 0.71 μm corresponding to 13 layers of PNPs, resulting in the fabrication of periodic structures of Au NP clusters with a high packing density. Signal-to-noise ratio in the Raman measurement using p-mercaptobenzoic acid as a target molecule was successfully enhanced by multi-layering of the co-assembly, indicating that Au NP clusters were homogeneously incorporated into the interstices of PNPs in the co-assemblies. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2022,33(11):103627
Naringin (NAR), a major flavanone (FVA) glycoside, is a component of food mainly obtained from grapefruit. We used NAR as a food additive to improve the solubility and permeability of hydrophobic polyphenols used as supplements in the food industry. The spray-dried particles (SDPs) of NAR alone show an amorphous state with a glass transition temperature (Tg) at 93.2 °C. SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols, such as flavone (FVO), quercetin (QCT), naringenin (NRG), and resveratrol (RVT) were prepared by adding varying amounts of NAR. All SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols with added NAR were in an amorphous state with a single Tg, but SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols without added NAR showed diffraction peaks derived from each crystal. The SDPs with NAR could keep an amorphous state after storage at a high humidity condition for one month, except for SDPs of RVT/NAR. SDPs with NAR enhanced the solubility of hydrophobic polyphenols, especially NRG solubility, which was enhanced more than 9 times compared to NRG crystal. The enhanced solubility resulted in the increased membrane permeability of NRG. The antioxidant effect of the hydrophobic NRG was also enhanced by the synergetic effect of NAR. The findings demonstrated that NAR could be used as a food additive to enhance the solubility and membrane permeability of hydrophobic polyphenols. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2020,31(5):2161-2177
The present research work has concentrated to synthesize nanocrystalline (NC) Cr0.26Fe0.24Al0.5 (medium entropy alloy, 3E-MEA) and Cr0.15Fe0.14Al0.30Cu0.13Si0.28 (high-entropy alloy, 5E-HEA) non-equiatomic (equal weight fraction) alloys through mechanical alloying (MA); which studied the influence of entropy effect on structural properties, microstructural characterization, and mechanical behaviour. Further, the same non-equiatomic ratio of two coarse grain alloys (CGAs) was manufactured by conventional powder metallurgy (PM) route (blending method, 3E-CGA, 5E-CGA) for comparison. All synthesized powders were hot-pressed (HPed) at 723 k for 30 min subsequently mechanical properties in terms of compressive stress-strain and hardness were examined. The samples of as-milled powders, HPed, and fractured were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and advanced electron microscopes. The HPed sample of 3E-MEA of Cr0.26Fe0.24Al0.5 produced 94% BCC and 6% FCC crystal structures due to more dissolution of Al atoms in the stronger bonding atoms of Cr-Fe lattice. Whereas 5E-HEA of Cr0.15Fe0.14Al0.30Cu0.13Si0.28 sample has exhibited 72.1% FCC phase and 27.9% BCC phase due to balance between the dissolution of FCC elements (Al, Cu, Si) and BCC elements (Cr, Fe). Further, 3E-MEA and 5E-HEA have exhibited the ultimate compressive strength (UCS) of 1278 ± 6.75 MPa and 2060 ± 2.8 MPa respectively whereas the corresponding conventionally blended alloys produced 268 ± 5 MPa and 615 ± 3 MPa for 3E-CGA and 6E-CGA respectively. Vicker’s hardness strength (VHS) of 5E-HEA of Cr0.15Fe0.14Al0.30Cu0.13Si0.28 has exhibited 68% more when compared to 3E-MEA of Cr0.26Fe0.24Al0.5, 3.26 times higher compared to blended alloys. Further, several strengthening mechanisms on the mechanical behaviour of MEA and HEA were investigated in which dislocation strengthening mechanisms followed by solid solution strengthening mechanisms have influenced more as compared to grain boundary strengthening mechanisms. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2019,30(10):2422-2429
Carrier-free method is an alternative approach for dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations, which overcome poor drug mobility and distribution. Here we investigated the properties of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) within composite particles. We used highly-branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD) as the excipient matrix that was prepared using a spray-drying technique. 4-Aminosalicylic acid (4-ASA) and 4-dimethylaminobenzonitrile (DMABN) were selected as a hydrophilic second-line antitubercular agent and a surrogate for 4-ASA as a model compound, respectively. The spray-dried particles (SDPs) containing 4-ASA or DMABN with HBCD had geometric median diameters (D50) of 2.34 ± 0.07 μm and 2.26 ± 0.10 μm, respectively. Further, the in vitro aerodynamic properties were similar for SDPs containing 4-ASA and DMABN with HBCD. To determine the properties of APIs within composite particles, we performed solid-state fluorescence spectroscopy of DMABN. As a candidate excipient, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) was compared to HBCD. We determined the intensity ratio of twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) emission to locally excited emission within the excipient matrix environment. The HBCD matrix environment was better than HPMC to trigger a more robust TICT reaction of DMABN. A potent state-changing interaction of APIs occurred in the HBCD matrix environment versus another excipient environment. 相似文献
Ni-rich layered oxides (NRLOs) and Li-rich layered oxides (LRLOs) have been considered as promising next-generation cathode materials for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) due to their high energy density, low cost, and environmental friendliness. However, these two layered oxides suffer from similar problems like capacity fading and different obstacles such as thermal runaway for NRLOs and voltage decay for LRLOs. Understanding the similarities and differences of their challenges and strategies at multiple scales plays a paramount role in the cathode development of advanced LIBs. Herein, we provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art progress made in NRLOs and LRLOs based on multi-scale insights into electrons/ions, crystals, particles, electrodes and cells. For NRLOs, issues like structure disorder, cracks, interfacial degradation and thermal runaway are elaborately discussed. Superexchange interaction and magnetic frustration are blamed for structure disorder while strains induced by universal structural collapse result in issues like cracks. For LRLOs, we present an overview of the origin of high capacity followed by local crystal structure, and the root of voltage hysteresis/decay, which are ascribed to reduced valence of transition metal ions, phase transformation, strains, and microstructure degradation. We then discuss failure mechanism in full cells with NRLO cathode and commercial challenges of LRLOs. Moreover, strategies to improve the performance of NRLOs and LRLOs from different scales such as ion-doping, microstructure designs, particle modifications, and electrode/electrolyte interface engineering are summarized. Dopants like Na, Mg and Zr, delicate gradient concentration design, coatings like spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 or Li3PO4 and novel electrolyte formulas are highly desired. Developing single crystals for NRLOs and new crystallographic structure or heterostructure for LRLOs are also emphasized. Finally, remaining challenges and perspectives are outlined for the development of NRLOs and LRLOs. This review offers fundamental understanding and future perspectives towards high-performance cathodes for next-generation LIBs. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2023,34(11):104204
We developed a stable OpenFOAM solver for Immersed Boundary Method based on direct forcing and regularized delta function. The soft-sphere model and a lubrication model were implemented to consider particle–particle collision in a viscous flow. We proposed a fluid–structure interaction (FSI) coupling method to accurately calculate the fluid forcing term and particle velocity. Our solver was validated for fixed and moving bodies, including rotation. The accuracy of various FSI schemes was evaluated in predicting the solid and fluid flow behavior in a viscous flow. It was demonstrated that neglecting or simplifying the fluid momentum change affects the accuracy of the solid velocity and fluid flow dynamic; for higher solid-to-fluid density ratios, a larger deviation was predicted. Furthermore, the FSI schemes highly influenced the behavior of the formed vortices.The solver was validated to predict the effective restitution coefficient of particles in a viscous flow as a function of the Stokes number. We also thoroughly analyzed the dynamic flow behavior of colliding particles through the pressure and velocity field and fluid force. This analysis helped us accurately determine the rebound velocity of particles in case of high Stokes numbers when the effect of viscous force is significant. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2023,34(10):104152
The purpose of this study was to develop a site targeting montelukast sodium (MTK) microparticles as a respiratory drug delivery system using the spray freeze drying (SFD) process. A range of sugars and cyclodextrins (CDs) were screened as carrier in order to find compatible excipients for the preparation of dry powder inhalers (DPIs). The physical characteristics of collected powders were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser light scattering, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The aerodynamic behavior of the particles was also assessed using twin stage impinge (TSI). In the presence of simple sugars as carriers, highly porous particles in irregular shapes were produced. The use of CDs resulted in the formation of spherical particles with high porosity. Among all carriers that were used during the preparation of powders, raffinose had the best aerodynamic behavior with a fine particle fraction (FPF) of 60 % in sugar groups, while the lowest FPF was related to trehalose as carrier. Powders containing CDs mostly showed proper aerodynamic behavior, especially in formulations containing alfa-cyclodextrin (A-CD), beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD), and highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD). Overall, data indicated that the CDs were excellent excipients for use with MTK for respiratory drug delivery. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2023,34(7):104042
The importance of granulation is paramount for tablet manufacturing, and is based on the fact that granulated powders are characterized by improved flowability, compressibility, segregation, and dust reduction. The aim of this study was to prepare and characterize continuous granules of high drug content by using a continuous-spray granulator (CTS-SGR). Ibuprofen (IBU), a drug of low-flowability, was selected as the model drug. As IBU has a low melting point and cannot easily granulate on its own, we employed isonicotinamide (INA) as a coformer that would allow us to prepare co-crystal granules containing 60 % IBU. The results of the undertaken differential scanning calorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction revealed that the IBU and the INA in the granules formed co-crystals. The granulation conditions affected the particle size and the yield of the granules; in fact, a low air supply temperature, a low atomizing air rate, and a high solution flow rate ensured a high granulation efficiency. Moreover, continuous granulation increased the yields of the formulations compared to those obtained through a short-run granulation, and high yields were obtained after applying a low atomizing air rate. The circularity of the granules exceeded 90 %, and their flowability improved when compared to that of the IBU bulk. The undertaking of dissolution studies revealed no change in the elution amount of IBU as a result of the co-crystallization. Our study shows that it is possible to produce high-content IBU granules in a direct and continuous manner through the co-crystallization of IBU and the use of a CTS-SGR. 相似文献
In this present review, the current status of the intrinsic mechanical properties of the graphene-family of materials along with the preparation and properties of bulk graphene-based nanocomposites is thoroughly examined. The usefulness of Raman spectroscopy for the characterization and study of the mechanical properties of graphene flakes and their composites is clearly exhibited. Furthermore, the preparation strategies of bulk graphene-based nanocomposites are discussed and the mechanical properties of nanocomposites reported in the literature are analysed. In particular, through the analyse of several hundred literature papers on graphene composites, we have found a unique correlation between the filler modulus, derived from the rule of mixtures, and the composite matrix. This correlation is found to hold true across a wide range of polymer matrices and thus suggests that the common assumption that the filler modulus is independent of the matric is incorrect, explaining the apparent under performance of graphene in some systems. The presence of graphene even at very low loadings can provide significant reinforcement to the final material, while the parameters that affect the nanocomposite strongly are thoroughly reviewed. Finally, the potential applications and future perspectives are discussed with regard to scale up capabilities and possible developments of graphene-based nanocomposite materials. 相似文献
Under water-rich conditions, small amphiphilic and hydrophobic drug molecules self-assemble into supramolecular nanostructures. Thus, substantial modifications in their interaction with cellular structures and the ability to reach intracellular targets could happen. Additionally, drug aggregates could be more toxic than the non-aggregated counterparts, or vice versa. Moreover, since self-aggregation reduces the number of effective “monomeric” molecules that interact with the target, the drug potency could be underestimated. In other cases, the activity could be ascribed to the non-aggregated molecule while it stems from its aggregates. Thus, drug self-assembly could mislead from drug throughput screening assays to advanced preclinical and clinical trials. Finally, aggregates could serve as crystallization nuclei. The impact that this phenomenon has on the biological performance of active compounds, the inconsistent and often controversial nature of the published data and the need for recommendations/guidelines as preamble of more harmonized research protocols to characterize drug self-aggregation were main motivations for this review. First, the key molecular and environmental parameters governing drug self-aggregation, the main drug families for which this phenomenon and the methods used for its characterization are described. Then, promising nanotechnology platforms investigated to prevent/control it towards a more efficient drug development process are briefly discussed. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2020,31(10):4365-4375
To address the mixing uniformity of multiple organic hydraulic (MOH) mixtures in a continuous mixer, three types of mixing parameters and their coupling effects were studied by the discrete element method (DEM) and response surface methodology. To achieve the research goal, only one parameter was selected for each type of parameter, and the corresponding model was established. Numerical simulations and optimization were implemented. A three-level, three-factor Box-Behnken Design method combined with response surface methodology was applied for the numerical design. The influence of the parameters on the mixing uniformity of the mixture was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA results show that the rotation speed, the installation angle, the filling ratio and the coupling between the rotation speed and the filling ratio have a significant effect on the mixing uniformity of the mixture, that the rotation speed and the filling ratio have the strongest effect on the response, and that of the fitting model of the mixing uniformity can fit the simulation data well. The coupling effect results show that the influence of coupling between the revolution and installation angle on the mixing uniformity is consistent with that between the filling ratio and installation angle and that the coupling effect between the rotation speed and the filling ratio is different. It is also found that the optimal parameter range under one factor is different from that under multivariable coupling. The optimization results show that when the discrete coefficient is the smallest, the optimal combination of the parameters is a revolution of 350 r/min, an installation angle of 25°, and a filling ratio of 70%. The experimental results are consistent with the optimization results, which indicate the correctness of the parameter optimization results. 相似文献
Over the last three decades, a variety of additive manufacturing techniques have gradually gained maturity and will potentially play an important role in future manufacturing industries. Among them, direct ink writing has attracted significant attention from both material and tissue engineering areas, where the colloidal ink is extruded and dispensed according to a pre-designed path, usually in the X-Y plane with suitable increments in the Z direction. Undoubtedly, this way of disassembling geometries, simple or complex, can facilitate most of the printing process. However, for one extreme case, i.e. pillar arrays, the size resolution can deviate from both nozzle and design if the common way of slicing and additive manufacturing is used. Therefore, a different printing path is required – directly depositing pillars in a converse gravitational direction. This paper gives multiple examples of printing viscoelastic colloidal ceramic and metal inks uniaxially and periodically into free-standing and height-adjustable pillar arrays. It is expected to inspire the additive manufacturing community that more versatile degrees of freedom and complex printing paths, not confined within only complex shapes, can be achieved by ink-based 3D printing. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2020,31(2):770-781
Tablets can be manufactured using a rotary tablet press, which consists of a feed frame followed by the compression and compaction of the powder and subsequent ejection of the tablets. From Quality by Design (QbD) perspectives the feed frame plays a critical role and effects products critical quality attributes (CQAs). Thus optimizing this stage is of huge interest. It is preferable to achieve narrow residence time distributions of the powder in the feed frames as well as homogeneous tablets with respect to their height, weight and tensile strength. In the present study three design approaches of feed frames are simulated using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). We investigate the influence of operational input parameters (i.e., rotational rates) on the behaviour of a free flowing and a cohesive material. The detailed simulation data allows us to compare the mentioned setups in terms of residence times, tablet masses and occurring deviations. Therefore, we are able to determine the optimal feed frame and process settings for both free-flowing and cohesive powders. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2022,33(3):103452
A combination of an electrospray setup and a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) was employed to study the drying of droplets of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) dissolved in dimethylformamide (DMF). A novel variant of the QCM was used, which interrogates the resonance frequency and the resonance bandwidth on four overtones at the same time, achieving a time resolution of 2 ms. This instrument allowed to elucidate the mechanism of β-phase formation in electrospray deposition of PVDF. When the distance between the nozzle and the substrate was small, the droplets landed in a partially wet state, as evidenced from an increase in the resonance bandwidth. No such increase in bandwidth was observed when the distance was large. From the flight time (milliseconds) and the drying time on the substrate (seconds), one concludes that drying in the plume is faster than drying on the substrate. IR spectra show that the β–phase content is close to 100 % for particles, which dried in the plume. It is less than 50 % for particles having dried on the substrate. Fast drying promotes the formation of the β-phase. Follow-up experiments with thicker films on steel substrates also show increased β-phase content for larger distances. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2022,33(1):103373
A cobalt-based metal–organic framework was used as a precursor to synthesize Co3O4 catalysts exhibiting a hexagonal layered morphology by calcination at varying temperatures. Various characterization techniques, such as XRD, SEM, Raman, H2-TPR, O2-TPD and N2 adsorption–desorption, were used to study the effects of calcination temperature on the grain size, surface area, and pore volume of the catalysts. The Co3O4 catalyst obtained by calcination at 350 °C (Co3O4-350) exhibited the highest catalytic activity for the total oxidation of propane. Furthermore, the small grain size and layered structure of Co3O4-350 allowed it to possess a high specific surface area, a highly exposed {1 1 2} facets, and abundant oxygen defects that facilitated a favorable low-temperature reducibility and oxygen mobility, thereby improving catalytic activity. This research offers a simple strategy for synthesis of Co3O4 with layered structure, highly exposed {1 1 2} facets and rich oxygen defects. 相似文献
Laboratory diagnosis of pathologies caused by virus plays a critical role in outbreak response efforts and establishing safe and expeditious testing strategies. Detection of pathogenic virus using commercial solutions require specific tools and laborious laboratory procedures. This makes the day-to-day on time detection of virus infections the limiting step in any outbreak. The need for new diagnostic tools easily available to poor and rural underdeveloped areas where health infrastructure and trained personnel are scarce is highly desirable. The widely known intrinsic properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) embody them with the potential to overcome some of the challenges inherent to virus detection. MOFs are already components of functional devices capable of perform an uninterrupted detection of molecular targets in real time. In this review, we summarise the few studies concerning the reported MOFs used as sensors for pathogenic virus. We emphasise the structural and physical properties of these materials which can open the possibility for their use in this type of sensors and conclude on how the field can progress to envisage the usage of MOFs by the pharmaceutical industry to develop new sensors for these sub-microscopic infectious agents. 相似文献