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A survey undertaken by the British Paediatric Association (BPA) in 1985 highlighted deficits in the services and facilities provided by accident and emergency (A & E) departments for children. Following this survey several documents were published by professional and voluntary organizations advising on the care of children in such departments. The current study, conducted as part of a larger project, involved the distribution of questionnaires (by post) to the nursing managers of a total of 193 general A & E departments in England, Scotland and Wales. The overall response rate of 87% was very encouraging. This article explores the nurse managers' perceptions of the personnel required to meet the needs of children in A & E. It looks especially at the role of Registered Sick Children's Nurses (RSCNs). The findings suggest that the need for RSCNs is not always accepted. RSCNs seem to be employed in some departments as a token presence. Factors seen by nurse managers as limiting their recruitment are discussed. According to the responses given, the role of the RSCNs currently employed in A & E, varies considerably. The findings give some insight into the degree to which current staffing for children in A & E meet the guidelines published by professional and voluntary bodies.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in the health care delivery system afford ideal opportunities for call centers to expand their essential functions. Two obvious and timely services that can be adapted to the call center are outcomes management and disease management. These services benefit from the central role that telephonic nurses can play in clinical assessment and data collection and analysis. Other new services, such as gate-keeping functions, may also be relevant to call centers. The information and technology specialization of expert clinicians who practice "sightless" nursing make call centers the new clinical epicenter in the service capabilities of health care networks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since 1991, all general practices have been encouraged to undertake clinical audit. Audit groups report that participation is high, and some local surveys have been undertaken, but no detailed national survey has been reported. AIM: To determine audit activities in general practices and the perceptions of general practitioners (GPs) regarding the future of clinical audit in primary care. METHOD: A questionnaire on audit activities was sent to 707 practices from 18 medical audit advisory group areas. The audit groups had been ranked by annual funding from 1992 to 1995. Six groups were selected at random from the top, middle, and lowest thirds of this rank order. RESULTS: A total of 428 (60.5%) usable responses were received. Overall, 346 (85%) responders reported 125.7 audits from the previous year with a median of three audits per practice. There was no correlation between the number of audits reported and the funding per GP for the medical audit advisory group. Of 997 audits described in detail, changes were reported as 'not needed' in 220 (22%), 'not made' in 142 (14%), 'made' in 439 (44%), and 'made and remeasured' in 196 (20%). Thus, 635 (64%) audits were reported to have led to changes. Some 853 (81%) of the topics identified were on clinical care. Responders made 242 (42%) positive comments on the future of clinical audit in primary care, and 152 (26%) negative views were recorded. CONCLUSION: The level of audit activity in general practice is reasonably high, and most of the audits result in change. The number of audits per practice seems to be independent of the level of funding that the medical audit advisory group has received. Although there is room for improvement in the levels of effective audit activity in general practice, continued support by the professionally led audit groups could enable all practices to undertake effective audit that leads to improvement in patient care.  相似文献   

We report a case of a depressed patient who received a full course of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 2 weeks post four-vessel coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). ECT was well tolerated, and a full remission was induced. In spite of the lack of information in the literature concerning guidelines for administering ECT to a patient with recent postoperative status, we were encouraged by this patient's response. This case suggests that ECT may be considered a viable treatment option for refractory depression associated with severe medical comorbidity and recent post-operative status such as in CABG.  相似文献   

Out-of-hours work has been identified as a major concern for registrars, and as contributing to the steady decline both in the number of applicants to vocational training schemes and in those practising as principals on completion of their training. Until now, little has been known about registrars' views about their experience of working out of hours and how this might be improved. The present study describes general practitioner (GP) registrars' current patterns of out-of-hours working and their perceptions about training needs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the training that accident and emergency (A&E) senior house officers (SHOs) receive in dealing with eye emergencies, their own perceived level of confidence and competence in managing such cases, and the availability of appropriate equipment in their departments. METHODS: Prospective telephone survey using a standardised structured questionnaire. One SHO from each United Kingdom A&E department listed in the BAEM directory of 1993 was chosen at random and interviewed. RESULTS: 226 A&E departments were contacted and 192 SHOs were successfully interviewed (response rate 84.9%); 26.0% received no training in the management of eye emergencies, 68.8% had only a little or no confidence in dealing with these cases, and 42.2% worked in A&E departments which had no slit lamp. CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of adequate basic ophthalmic training for A&E SHOs, leading to a lack of confidence on their part in the management of eye emergencies. In just over 40% of A&E departments in the United Kingdom, the management of these cases may be less than optimal because of the absence of a slit lamp.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors are called upon to treat chronic debilitating fatigue without the help of a protocol of care. AIMS: To estimate the incidence of chronic debilitating fatigue in Irish general practice, to obtain information on management strategy and outcome, to explore the attitudes of practitioners (GPs) towards the concept of a chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and to recruit practitioners to a prospective study of chronic fatigue in primary care. METHOD: A total of 200 names were selected from the database of the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP); 164 of these were eligible for the study. RESULTS: Altogether, 118 questionnaires were returned (72%). Ninety-two (78%) responders identified cases of chronic fatigue, giving an estimated 2.1 cases per practice and an incidence of 1 per 1000 population. All social classes were represented, with a male to female ratio of 1:2. Eleven disparate approaches to treatment were advocated. Many (38%) were dissatisfied with the quality of care delivered, and 45% seldom or hardly ever referred cases for specialist opinion. The majority (58%) accepted CFS as a distinct entity, 34% were undecided, and 8% rejected it. Forty-two (35%) GPs volunteered for a prospective study. CONCLUSION: Chronic fatigue is found in Irish general practice among patients of both sexes and all social classes. Doctors differ considerably in their management of patients and are dissatisfied with the quality of care they deliver. Many cases are not referred for specialist opinion. A prospective database is required to accurately assess the scale of this public health problem and to develop a protocol of care.  相似文献   

In a study to investigate the association between alcohol consumption, unemployment and social deprivation and assault in individuals, 70 victims of assault attending a Scottish accident and emergency department were identified and matched with 70 paired age, sex and time of attendance controls. Seventy per cent were male and 30 per cent female. Cases were more likely to have been drinking (p < 0.001) and to admit to previous assault (p < 0.001), as reported in other studies. Despite living in the same geographical area (p = 0.353), the cases were more likely to be unemployed (p = 0.011) and had a higher mean deprivation score (p = 0.043). These results indicate that violence is associated with unemployment and socio-economic status of the individual and they compliement studies based on population data which have linked rates of violence with low income and social deprivation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the practice of routine postnatal check-ups, many women experience problems in the months after childbirth. General practitioners (GPs) are involved in routine postnatal care, yet little research has been undertaken to explore this role. AIM: To report the views of Australian GPs as to what physical examination and discussion should take place at the routine six week postnatal check-up and to determine the influence of gender on the approach to the check-up. METHOD: Postal survey of 1104 Australian GPs, yielding an eligible sample of 1022. RESULTS: A total of 715/1022 (70%) usable surveys returned. Over 65% of GPs recommend routine examination of the abdomen, blood pressure, perineum, vagina, pelvic floor, and breasts at the six week check-up. Fewer than a half the sample believed that physical problems (urine and bowel symptoms, back problems), sexual issues, relationship and parenting issues should be routinely discussed. After controlling for age, practice location, obstetric practice, and qualifications, the sex of the GP remains an important factor influencing the GP's approach to postnatal care. Female GPs are three times more likely to believe that maternal feelings should be discussed routinely and about twice as likely to believe that infant sleeping/behaviour, maternal sleeping/diet/tiredness, coping with other children, relationship with partner, and household work should form part of the routine discussion with all recent mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Sex of practitioner and older age (60 years or more) are the two most important influences on a GP's approach to postnatal care. This study indicates a need for GPs to shift their focus from routine examination to indicated examination to allow more time to discuss common postnatal problems.  相似文献   

Mitral regurgitation (MR) is a common, frequently asymptomatic valvulopathy that can ultimately lead to left ventricular failure. With the objective of forestalling MR progression, a prospective, placebo controlled, double-blind study was conducted. It measured the effectiveness of lisinopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, in reducing the echocardiographic signs of MR severity over a one-year period. Severe coronary disease was excluded by stress echocardiography. Treatment effectiveness was estimated to be proportional to the reduction in MR fraction and cardiac chamber dimensions, compared with baseline, according to intention-to-treat analysis. A final patient population of 23 asymptomatic adults aged 53.3 +/- 2.4 years (mean +/- SEM), with moderate, organic MR and normal left ventricular function was selected from the echocardiographic database. All baseline patient characteristics were comparable in the two treatment groups, including the MR fraction (55 +/- 3%). Twelve patients received lisinopril (18 +/- 1 mg) and 11 received placebo. After one year of treatment, a statistically significant difference in the MR fraction was observed between the two groups. For the lisinopril group the MR fraction dropped by 6.4 +/- 3.5% and for the placebo group it increased by 3.7 +/- 3.2% versus baseline (P < 0.05). No differences in left atrial or ventricular dimensions were observed. The study drug was stopped in four patients after one patient presented with rapid atrial fibrillation and angina while three patients were intolerant to lisinopril. Only one patient receiving placebo was taken off therapy. In conclusion, treatment with lisinopril indicates some reduction in the severity of chronic moderate MR in asymptomatic patients with normal left ventricular function. This approach appears to be safe, but side effects are not uncommon, warranting regular follow-up.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The improvement of general practitioner (GP) availability has been suggested as a factor influencing the rise in attendance rates at accident and emergency departments (AEDs) in the United Kingdom, particularly in innercity areas. However, previous studies suggest that only 3-6% of patients attempt to contact their GP before attending the AED, and measures of the availability of appointments in the surgery are not associated with AED self-referral rates. AIM: To examine the overlap of services between general practice and AEDs, and the characteristics of patients who attend at both sites. METHOD: A prospective observational study, set in east London, of all AED attendances from two group practices located within two kilometers of the Royal London Hospital, over a seven month period in 1994. RESULTS: Of 1785 attendances analysed, 80% were self referrals. Rates of hospital admission (18.1%) and outpatient referral (9.5%) reflect national figures. There was a significantly higher proportion of attendance from those of white ethnicity among children under 16. Using the Sheffield process-based classification, 43% of adult attendances were categorized as primary care attendances. Within this category the rate of attendance declined with age. Twenty-five point eight per cent of primary care attendances occurred between 10.00 pm and 8.00 am. Among self-referrals to the AED, 16% were seen by their GP in the previous two weeks for a similar problem. Frequent attendance at the AED was associated with a significantly higher consultation rate at the GP surgery (F = 19.6, df = 5, P < 0.0001). Less than 2% of attendances were recalled to the AED for follow-up. A minority (14%) of attendances resulted in a communication with the GP. The seven-month AED attendance rates for the two practices were significantly different (72 per 1000 (95% CI 67-78) and 111 per 1000 (95% CI 105-116), despite similar practice organization and markers of social deprivation. CONCLUSIONS: AED attendance rates were below the national average. GP referral and admission rates to AEDs from inner urban practices mirror national rates. High rates of primary care attendance occurred in younger age groups, with more than expected occurring out of hours. The reduction in case follow-up within the AED must be supported by improvements in communication with GPs, and an expansion of practice-based nursing. Practices that are geographically close, and with similar sociodemographic features, may have different AED attendance rates. This has important implications for resource allocation in primary care.  相似文献   

Even in the era of rapidly emerging cross-sectional imaging techniques (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) the chest radiograph remains the most frequently performed diagnostic imaging procedure and has not lost any importance to other modalities. After technical considerations the value of chest radiography will be discussed based on the most widely applied indications in emergency and routine clinical settings and the link to subsequent imaging modalities will be outlined.  相似文献   

A survey of Queensland general practitioners was carried out to assess their needs and attitudes regarding obstetric practice. Less than half of the respondents now practise obstetrics, and many general practitioners felt a lack of support from specialist obstetricians, paediatricians, and anaesthetists. Many of the respondents expressed needs for further obstetric training, especially in labour ward management and neonatal care; however, few were able to attend extended courses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that bereaved individuals suffer increased rates of physical and mental ill health. Bereavement support has recently been advocated as an area of prevention in primary care, with suggestions that general practitioners (GPs) should adopt protocols for the active follow-up of their bereaved patients, which relies on the early notification of deaths by hospitals and hospices. Little is known about the routine care currently provided by GPs and primary health care teams (PHCTs) to support their bereaved patients. AIMS: To explore GPs' perceptions of patient death notifications by hospitals and hospices. To describe practice policies relating to patient deaths and the provision of bereavement support. METHOD: Postal questionnaires were sent to senior partners of a random sample of 500 general practices in South Thames Health Region. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-three practitioners responded (71%). Hospitals were perceived to be significantly slower than hospices in notifying deaths (P < 0.0001). One hundred and ninety-six practices (56%) kept death registers, 230 (65%) discussed deaths together, and 142 (40%) identified bereaved relatives. One hundred and thirty-seven practices (39%) routinely offered bereaved relatives contact with a PHCT member; while 133 (38%) supported only those who asked for help. Routine support was significantly more likely to be provided by practices that kept a death register, discussed deaths together, identified bereaved relatives, and had a special interest in palliative care. CONCLUSIONS: GPs perceive hospitals to be slower than hospices at notifying deaths, particularly in the first 24 hours. They are divided over whether bereavement support should be proactive or reactive. Keeping a practice death register, discussing deaths together, and identifying newly bereaved relatives are activities related to providing routine bereavement care.  相似文献   

The absolute right to refuse medical treatment, even if the reasons are irrational, is confined to competent adults. Children under 16 years can give legal consent to treatment in the absence of consent from those with parental responsibility. Children under 18 years do not, however, have an absolute right to consent, or refuse to consent, to treatment. The views of children assume increasing importance with age and maturity. Accident and emergency medical and nursing staff may face difficult decisions when children, or those with parental responsibility, refuse to consent to medical treatment. This paper presents guidelines designed to guide the decision making process in immediately or potentially life threatening conditions and in non-life-threatening conditions.  相似文献   

The authors describe a supernumerary muscle in each orbit of an elderly male subject. There appear to be no previous reports of this muscle; most reports of anomalies of extraocular muscles describe hypoplasia or aplasia. Thirty-five formalin-fixed cadavers assigned to medical students for dissection were studied. The orbits were dissected by a superior approach which involved removal of the orbital plate of the frontal bone and the superior orbital margin. A supernumerary extraocular muscle was seen in each orbit of one cadaver, located between the superior oblique and levator palpebrae superioris muscles. It originated on the inferior surface of the lesser wing of sphenoid bone and was inserted into the skin of the medial one-third of the upper eyelid. It was innervated by a branch from the superior division of the oculomotor nerve. The insertion of the muscle into the upper eyelid produced a crease running obliquely upwards and medially, from the junction of the medial one-third and lateral two-thirds of the lid margin, towards the medial part of the superior orbital fold. The authors suggest the name levator palpebrae superioris accessorius for this muscle in view of its topography and action as tested in the cadaver. The significance of the findings is discussed and the literature on the development of the muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve is reviewed.  相似文献   

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