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铜渣熔融还原回收铁试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以铜浮选尾渣为原料,采用直接熔融还原—磁选的方法回收铁,探讨了在焙烧温度为1 350℃时,碳粉、氧化钙用量及焙烧恒温时间对还原渣磁选过程铁回收率与铁精矿品位的影响。结果表明,在碳粉和氧化钙添加量分别为铜渣质量的32%和10%、恒温100min的条件下对浮选尾渣进行熔融还原,焙烧后的产物破碎磨细至-0.074mm占85%,再进行弱磁选,可获得铁品位为67.47%的还原铁精矿,铁回收率为92.32%。  相似文献   

An approximate amount of 2 million tons of copper slag has been lying on the northern part of Turkey from ancient time. This slag contains 0.43% cobalt and 1% copper. This paper reports work carried out to process this slag for recovery of cobalt and copper.  相似文献   

 According to the mechanism of sulfur removal easily through oxidation, the process of smelting oxidation desulfurization of copper slags is studied, which supplies a new thinking for obtaining the molten iron of lower sulfur content by smelting reduction of copper slags. Special attention is given to the effects of the holding temperature, the holding time and CaF2, CaO addition amounts on the desulfurization rate of copper slags. The results indicate that the rate of copper slags smelting oxidation desulfurization depends on the matte mass transfer rate through the slag phase. After the oxidation treatment, sulfur of copper slags can be removed as SO2 efficiently. Amount of Ca2+ of copper slags affects the desulfurization rate greatly, and the slag desulfurization rate is reduced by adding a certain amount of CaF2 and CaO. Compared with CaF2, CaO is negative to slags sulfur removal with equal Ca2+ addition. Under the air flow of 0. 3 L/min, the sulfur content of copper slags can be reduced to 0. 00467% in the condition of the holding time of 3 min and the holding temperature of 1500 ℃. The sulfur content of molten iron is reduced to 0. 0008% in the smelting reduction of treated slags, and the problem of high sulfur content of molten iron obtained by smelting reduction with copper slag has been successively solved.  相似文献   

主要试验研究了铜冶炼炉渣浮选后尾矿中铁的富集回收.经过试验对比,一段弱磁选可获得48%左右的铁精矿,再经过弱磁精选,铁精矿品位仅能提高至49.73%,产率25.39%,回收率30.23%;一段磁选精矿经过再磨,并添加分散剂,再进行一次磁选,精矿含铁可达51.56%,产率22.08%,铁回收率27.14%.  相似文献   

反射炉炼铜渣综合利用技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在铜熔炼反射炉渣中铜铁赋存状态分析基础上,采用火法贫化和磁选技术对炉渣进行综合利用探索。此反射炉渣含1.06%Cu和36.41%Fe,其中32.5%的Fe以Fe3O4形式存在,53.5%的Fe以2FeO.S iO2形式存在,铜、铁、硅矿物紧密共生,相互交织。研究结果表明,转炉渣返回贫化作业会导致反射炉渣含铜较高,添加一定量黄铁矿精矿,采用火法贫化工艺能有效降低渣含铜。将贫化后铜渣脱硅缓冷、磁选,所得铁精矿品位62%,回收率达70.2%,实现了反射炉熔炼渣的综合利用,可用作炼铁原料。  相似文献   

铜冶炼渣选铜尾矿还原焙烧—磁选回收铁工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以炭粉为还原剂,通过还原焙烧—磁选工艺从铜冶炼渣选铜尾矿中回收铁,考察了影响铁回收效果的主要工艺参数,并通过试验验证。结果表明,在炭粉用量为铜渣量的25%、氧化钙用量为铜渣量的10%、焙烧温度1 300℃、焙烧时间1.5h、焙烧产物磨细度为-0.074mm占55%的条件下,磁选精矿(即还原铁粉)铁含量可达92.16%,尾矿铁含量可降低至3.91%,铁回收率87.65%。  相似文献   

金通公司采用炉渣缓冷、浮选回收铜,再磁选回收选铁工艺。经过生产组织及关键工艺控制指标优化,并加以技术攻关,在保障炉渣有效回收选铜各项指标后,产出了 50% 以上的铁精矿,熔炼渣与吹炼渣混合磁选铁精矿较原矿产率达到 35%,大幅度实现了尾矿减量化,更为公司增创了大额效益。  相似文献   

铜钴冶炼渣还原造锍熔炼回收铜和钴   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从试验上验证了铜钴硫化矿冶炼新工艺的可行性,并着重研究了新工艺中铜钴冶炼渣还原造锍熔炼阶段还原剂焦炭用量、硫化剂黄铁矿用量、熔炼温度和保温时间对铜钴回收率的影响。结果表明,加入铜钴冶炼渣质量分数6%的焦炭和20%的黄铁矿,在1 350℃熔炼3h,弃渣含铜、钴可分别降至0.12%和0.074%,产品铜钴锍中铜、钴回收率分别达到92.95%和89.95%。贫化渣主要物相为铁橄榄石(Fe2SiO4)和磁铁矿(Fe3O4),铜钴锍主要物相为硫化亚铁(FeS)、钴铁硫化物(Fe0.92Co0.08S)、吉硫铜矿(Cu8S5)。  相似文献   

以铜阳极泥熔炼渣为原料,采用还原熔炼工艺回收渣中有价金属。探究渣型、Na2CO3用量、焦粉用量和保温时间对金属回收率的影响。结果表明,在冶炼温度1 150℃,渣相m(Fe)/m(SiO2)=0.72,m(CaO)/m(SiO2)=0.65,Na2CO3用量5%,焦粉用量2%,保温时间60 min的最优条件下,渣中Au、Ag、Pb、Bi的回收率分为97.15%、97.78%、91.27%和99.61%。实现了铜阳极泥熔炼渣中有价金属的综合回收。  相似文献   

试验采用造锍熔炼工艺流程综合回收处理黄钠铁矾渣,在温度1 250℃,时间2 h,还原剂碳与炉料质量比10%,黄铁矿与铁矾渣量比22%,石英石与铁矾渣量比20%,石灰石与铁矾渣量比0.5%的条件下,铜、镍等有价金属能较好的富集在镍锍中。通过造锍熔炼试验表明:采用造锍熔炼工艺综合回收处理黄钠铁矾渣,镍直收率可达到90%以上,铜直收率可达到91%以上。  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on a system with artificially prepared slags in a graphite crucible, in order to examine the possibility of recycling BOF slags produced in the steelmaking process. More than 80% of FeO and P2O5 was reduced within 20 minutes and the FeO reduction rate was greater than that of P2O5. P2O5 reduction began after more than 60% of FeO was reduced. Increasing slag basicity enhanced the reduction of FeO and P2O5. Temperature also improved slag reduction. The overall reduction rate was controlled by the chemical reaction at the slag/carbon interface. The reduction rates of FeO and P2O5 were second and first order with respect to their respective contents. Most of the reduced phosphorus is believed to vaporize in the form of P2 gas.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in a system with BOF slags from industrial operations in order to optimize the conditions of recycling BOF slags produced in the steelmaking process. Reduction reactions of FeO and P2O5 proceeded steadily and the FeO reduction rate was almost identical to that of P2O5. The reduction reaction of FeO and P2O5 in BOF slag at the slag/gas interface is the rate‐controlling step. The reaction rates of FeO and P2O5 by dissolved carbon in molten iron are of first order with respect to their respective concentrations. The reduction reactions of FeO and P2O5 by dissolved carbon in iron are much closer to the equilibrium state compared with the reduction by solid carbon. It is necessary to control the portion of phosphorus vaporization during reduction treatment in order to obtain efficient operational conditions for BOF slag reduction.  相似文献   

采用萃取工艺从黄金冶炼废水中回收铜,考查了萃取剂浓度、相比O/A、混合时间、pH值等因素对铜萃取率的影响,获得优化工艺条件:萃取剂浓度为20%,相比O/A=2:1,混合时间为3 min,pH值1.5~2。在优化工艺条件下开展了工业试验,铜萃取率可达95%以上,反萃液铜离子浓度可达到36 g/L以上,满足铜电积工序要求,实现了铜的高效回收。  相似文献   

对某含铜物料进行常压通氧酸浸研究,考察液固比、加酸量、温度、浸出时间对含铜物料中镍、铜浸出率的影响。结果表明,在常压条件下通过酸浸能够将含铜物料中的铜浸出,镍部分浸出,在下述最佳浸出条件下,铜、镍、铁的浸出率分别为96.65%、7.63%、39.84%:液固比8∶1、温度85℃、加酸量120g/L、时间6h。  相似文献   

采用氰化法提取冶炼尾渣中的金,采用单因素和正交试验考察各因素对金浸出的影响。试验结果表明:在7‰NaCN溶液、液固比为3、搅拌浸出36小时,浸出溶液pH=11的条件下,金的浸出率达82.6%。预先分离伴生组分铜锌后,金的提取率可达到达88.6%。  相似文献   

Zhou  Shiwei  Wei  Yonggang  Shi  Yu  Li  Bo  Wang  Hua 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2018,49(5):2458-2468
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Converter copper slag can be viewed as an important secondary resource for valuable metals, considering its high commercial value. The current research...  相似文献   

Metallurgist - In view of deterioration of the raw material base it is necessary to optimize autogenous smelting of copper sulphide raw materials, to intensify the heating regime, and to increase...  相似文献   

铜冶炼白烟尘综合回收研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了铜冶炼白烟尘在不同浸出体系下的浸出效果。结果表明,酸浸体系较水浸、碱浸体系效果更好。在H2SO4浓度2mol/L、液固比4:1、温度50℃、浸出时间2h、搅拌速度400r/min的最佳酸浸条件下,铜、锌、砷、镉和铁的浸出率分别为99.75%、99.81%、86.85%、95.85%和57.83%。采用铁粉置换-铁盐沉砷-中和沉锌镉的方法从酸浸液中回收Cu、As、Zn和Cd,在最优条件下,铜、砷、锌和镉回收率分别为99.70%、98.81%、99.47%和99.98%。  相似文献   

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