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刘源 《数字通信》2009,36(5):88-91
无线mesh网络(wireless mesh networks,WMN)是下一代网络中的新型技术,和传统网络不同,它不依赖任何固定的设施,主机可以相互依赖保持网络连接,WISP可以利用它提供快速、简单、低廉的网络部署,然而存在一个主要的问题是容易遭受攻击。介绍了无线mesh网络的体系机构以及特点,分析并研究其存在的安全性威胁以及现有的关键安全解决机制。  相似文献   

无线mesh网络中可信协同信道资源分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效提升无线mesh网络信道资源的利用率和网络服务质量,提出基于可信协同的信道资源分配策略.针对节点自适应特点,引入博弈理论、建立节点的信誉机制以实现节点可信协同并优化信道分配结果.仿真实验分别对节点服务等级、网络收益结果作相应评价.实验结果发现节点服务等级对节点网络收益有直接影响,当协同服务等级达到3时,网络收益状况最佳,此时节点跳数与服务等级呈协同关系;对比经典协同算法,在相同网络拓扑环境下,可信协同信道资源分配策略分别是UACRR算法、DMP-MBA算法的1.04倍、1.069倍,明显占优.  相似文献   

无线mesh网络以其鲁棒性、覆盖区域广、低成本,接八便利等特点日益成为无线接入网络的主要形式,在无线通信技术中扮演越来越重要的角色。针对无线mesh网络的特点,本文提出一种基于动态拓扑的多路径自适应流量分配算法。此算法根据路径质量的权值动态地给各路径分配数据流量比例。仿真结果表明,此算法保证了数据包的稳定传输以及提高了数据包的投递率。  相似文献   

无线ad hoc网络中,提高网络容量的一个重要的方法是增加网络的空间复用。增加网络的空间复用主要有两种途径:减小节点的发送功率和增大节点的载波监听阈值。但是减少发送功率和增大载波监听阈值分别使得接收到的信号强度降低和累积干扰水平增高,使得接收节点处的信噪比(SINR)降低,从而导致数据传输率降低影响了网络的空间复用。文章首先建立合理的干扰模型,该模型能够检测到所有的隐藏终端。并结合香农定理,建立了网络空间复用同节点发送功率和载波监听阈值的数学模型。当传输距离为200m,路径衰减指数为3时,发送功率/载波监听阈值=1.7×108,网络的容量达到最大。  相似文献   

基于统计网络演算的无线mesh网络流量模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于无线mesh网络的基本特征,利用统计网络演算理论,构造了新型的无线mesh网络单节点和多节点的流量模型,该模型充分体现了无线mesh网的随机特性.该流量模型的特征是其求和函数及其输入输出函数的边界函数均受限于一个最小加卷积函数.理论分析证明构造的流量模型能正确描述无线mesh网络的实际情况.  相似文献   

无线mesh网络中的信道分配会极大地影响网络的性能。为了解决无线mesh网络中的信道分配问题,提出了一种基于博弈论的信道分配(GBCA)算法。该算法将网络中每一个节点模型化为一个博弈者,每个博弈者的策略为信道的分配方案,并将整个网络的吞吐量作为效用函数的目标,效用函数的物理意义则是在给定流量需求矩阵下传输的成功率。博弈者通过相互博弈来优化收益函数,以最大化网络吞吐量。并针对GBCA算法的不足,提出了一种改进算法———GBCA-TP算法。通过NS2.34仿真分析得出,GBCA算法和GBCA-TP算法在收敛性、分组丢失率和吞吐量上都要优于当前的算法。  相似文献   

三种无线分布式网络的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李鸣  刘月阳 《电信科学》2007,23(2):95-98
无线分布式网络近年来受到了越来越广泛的关注,adhoc网络、无线传感器网络和无线Mesh网络是目前无线分布式网络中最具代表性的3种类型。本文着重对这3种无线分布式网络的基本概念、技术特点和应用场合进行了分析研究和比较。  相似文献   

组播在无线mesh网络中有着重要的应用。介绍了两种基本的组播路由算法:最短路径树(SPT)和最小开销树(MCT),通过仿真对组播发送率、吞吐量以及端到端延迟等性能进行比较,找出适用于无线mesh网络的组播路由算法。  相似文献   

MIMO是一种可有效提高无线网络信道带宽的技术。将MIMO技术应用在无线mesh网络中会遇到信道干扰和无线节点之间无协同策略等问题,导致网络效率降低。基于无线mesh网络中节点的多属性特征,以节点属性和内容分发为约束,提出了基于多目标优化算法与多层分发联合的调度和优化策略。实验结果表明,该算法能有效降低无线mesh网络分发数据过程中的时延,提高网络的吞吐表现和服务质量。  相似文献   

基于传输路径质量的无线mesh网络可靠多播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种可靠多播网(RM)模型,探讨了无线链路和节点可靠性对多播路径选择的影响。首先,建立了无线链路的相关性和多播路径的可靠性模型,并提出了多播传输的可靠性判据;同时,结合首树算法和多路径树算法提出了构造可靠多播网的算法。可靠多播网具有并行的多播路径,通过在多播源节点和目的节点之间选择多播链路和节点构成了可靠的多播路径,提供了多播路径的"负荷分担"和"热备份"功能,从而支持了多播业务可靠性。  相似文献   

Opportunistic routing explicitly takes advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless communications by using a set of forwarders to opportunistically perform packet forwarding. A key issue in the design of opportunistic routing protocols is the forwarder list selection problem. This paper proposes a novel routing metric which shows the end-to-end throughput and a corresponding throughput oriented opportunistic routing forwarder-selecting algorithm throughput oriented forwarders selection (TOFS) through analyzing forwarding characteristics of forwarders. The algorithm puts forward a constraint mechanism that controls the number of forwarders by constraint of throughput for forwarders selection, achieving a better balance between number of forwarders and effective link stability by introducing the factor of transmission time. Simulation results show that the algorithm can improve the network end-to-end throughput effectively over existing methods.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have a proven record in providing viable solutions for some of the fundamental issues in wireless networks such as capacity and range limitations. WMN infrastructure includes clusters of mobile ad‐hoc networks connected through a fixed backbone of mesh routers. The mesh network can be constrained severely because of various reasons, which could result in performance degradation such as a drop in throughput or long delays. Solutions to this problem often focus on multipath or multichannel extensions to the existing ad‐hoc routing protocols. In this paper, we propose a novel solution by introducing an alternative path to the mesh backbone that traverses the mobile ad‐hoc networks part of the WMN. The new routing solution allows the mobile nodes (MNs) to establish direct communication among peers without going through the backbone. The proposed alternative ad‐hoc path is used only when the mesh backbone is severely constrained. We also propose, for the first time in WMNs, using MNs with two interfaces, one used in the mesh backbone communication and the other engaged in the ad‐hoc network. A scheme is presented for making the MN aware of link quality measures by providing throughput values to the ad‐hoc on‐demand distance vector protocol. We use piggybacking on route reply messages in ad‐hoc on‐demand distance vector to avoid incurring additional costs. We implemented our solution in an OPNET simulator and evaluated its performance under a variety of conditions. Simulation results show that the alternative ad‐hoc path provides higher throughput and lower delays. Delay analysis show that the throughput improvement does not impose additional costs. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解决无线Mesh网络中的信道分配问题,提出了一种基于博弈论的信道分配算法.该算法将网络中每一个节点模型化为一个博弈者,每个博弈者的策略为信道的分配方案,并将整个网络的吞吐量作为效用函数的目标,效用函数的物理意义则是在给定流量需求矩阵下传输的成功率.博弈者通过相互博弈来优化收益函数以最大化网络吞吐量.通过NS2.34仿真分析得出,GBCA算法在收敛性、丢包率和吞吐量上都要优于当前的算法.  相似文献   

提出一种新的基于网络编码的负载均衡路由量度CRM-LB(coding-aware routing metric with load balancing),CRM-LB在CRM(coding-aware routing metric)的基础上增加了对路径p上所有节点通信密集程度与网络拥塞程度的考虑。进一步提出了基于CRM-LB的无线mesh网络多播路由CLR(coding and load-balancing routing)。该协议可以增加网络编码机会,同时考虑到网络中的负载均衡。通过性能分析和仿真实验表明,该协议在提高多播吞吐量的前提下,不仅能更好地支持网络编码,而且网络负载基本均衡。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络路由中的能量预测及算法实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于无线传感器网络中路由协议高效合理利用能量的要求,提出一种基于剩余能量预测的地理位置路由(EPGR,energy prediction and geographical routing)算法。算法通过建立传感器网络节点运作模型,及相邻节点剩余能量预测机制,优化路由选择。仿真和分析表明,EPGR算法能够有效地优化数据传输路径,均衡传感器网络节点的能量消耗,延长网络寿命。  相似文献   

Support of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services in wireless mesh networks requires implementation of efficient policies to support low‐delay data delivery. Multipath routing is typically supported in wireless mesh networks at the network level to provide high fault tolerance and load balancing because links in the proximity of the wireless mesh gateways can be very stressed and overloaded, thus causing scarce performance. As a consequence of using multipath solutions, lower delay and higher throughput can be supported also when a given path is broken because of mobility or bad channel conditions, and alternative routes are available. This can be a relevant improvement especially when assuming that real‐time traffic, such as VoIP, travels into the network. In this paper, we address the problem of Quality of Service (QoS) support in wireless mesh networks and propose a multipath routing strategy that exploits the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) metric to select the most suitable paths for supporting VoIP applications and performing adaptive load balancing among the available paths to equalize network traffic. Performance results assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach when compared with other existing methodologies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The definition of wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has been used in the literature to connote and epitomize the ideal, ubiquitous, pervasive, and autonomic networking technology. An increasing interest has been emerging on the development of 802.11‐based WMN testbeds to test the new ideas and approaches more realistically as opposed to relying solely on simulations. Although the developed testbeds have provided several insights to researchers for furthering the technology, there are still several issues that need to be addressed, particularly, with the approval of new standards, such as IEEE 802.11s, IEEE 802.11n, and IEEE 802.16, and upcoming protocols, such as IEEE 802.11ac, 802.11ad, 802.11ah, and 802.11af TV White Space efforts. In this paper, our goal is to provide a taxonomy and insightful guidelines for the creation of 802.11‐based WMN testbeds as well as to identify several features that future WMN testbeds should possess. Utilizing these features, we evaluate the existing WMN testbeds. Finally, in addition to the existing WMN testbed experiments conducted at several layers of the protocol stack, we provide a list of open future research issues that can benefit from experiments on WMN testbeds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无线网状网中基于D-S证据理论的可信路由   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨凯  马建峰  杨超 《通信学报》2011,32(5):89-96
结合Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据理论,提出了一个信任评估模型;同时,在AODV的基础上,给出了一个可信的路由协议T-AODV,该路由协议根据节点的信任值选择可信的路由进行数据传输。仿真结果表明,所提机制能够有效地监测和隔离恶意节点,抵御攻击,能够提高网络的可靠性、顽健性以及安全性。  相似文献   

In wireless mesh networks (WMNs), real time communications (e.g., Voice over IP (VoIP) and interactive video communications) may often be interrupted as packets are frequently lost or delayed excessively. This usually happens due to the unreliability of wireless links or buffer overflows along the routing paths. The mesh connectivity within the WMN enables the capability to enhance reliability and reduce delay for such applications by using multiple paths for routing their packets. The vital components in multi‐path routing for achieving this are the pre‐determined formation of paths and the technique that the paths are deployed for packet traversal. Therefore, we propose a novel multi‐path routing protocol by introducing a new multi‐path organization and a traffic assignment technique. The designed technique dubbed as FLASH (Fast and reLiAble meSH routing protocol) discovers one primary path between a pair of source and destination based on a new proposed metric, and thereafter selects mini‐paths, which connect pairs of intermediate nodes along the primary path. The primary path and mini‐paths are concurrently deployed, as multiple copies of packets are routed through. This technique compensates for possible outage at intermediate wireless nodes or their corresponding wireless links along the primary path. Routing along mini‐paths is performed in such a way that redundant copies do not cause an excessive congestion on the network. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated analytically and through extensive simulations under various load conditions. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed multi‐path organization in terms of reliability and satisfactory achievements of the protocol in enhancing delay and throughput compared to the existing routing protocols, especially for long distances and in congested conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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