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Breakup dynamics for high‐viscosity droplet formation in a flow‐focusing device: Symmetrical and asymmetrical ruptures

Wei Du Taotao Fu Chunying Zhu Youguang Ma Huai Z. Li 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2016,62(1):325-337
The breakup mechanism of high‐viscosity thread for droplet formation in a flow‐focusing device is investigated using a high‐speed digital camera. Aqueous solution of 89.5%‐glycerol is used as the dispersed phase, while silicone oil as the continuous phase. The breakup process of the dispersed thread presents two categories: symmetrical rupture and asymmetrical rupture. Furthermore, the rupture behavior could be divided into two stages: the squeezing stage controlled by the squeezing pressure and the pinch‐off stage controlled by viscous stresses of both phases and surface tension. Specifically, it suggests that the differences in the shape of the liquid–liquid interface and the dynamics in the two breakup processes are caused by the disparity of the strain field at the point of detachment. Moreover, the thinning rate and the dynamics of the dispersed thread change with the viscosity of the continuous phase, but are less dependent of the flow rate of the continuous phase. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 325–337, 2016 相似文献
Odile Carrier Denis Funfschilling Hélène Debas Souhila Poncin Patrick Löb Huai‐Zhi Li 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(7):2679-2685
Microreactors are very promising tools for the design of future chemical processes. For example, emulsions of very narrow size distribution are obtained at much lower energy consumption than the one spent with usual processes. Micromixers play thereby an eminent role. The goal of this study is to better understand the hydrodynamic properties of a split‐and‐recombine Caterpillar micromixer (CPMM) specially with regard to handling viscoelastic fluids, a topic hardly addressed so far in the context of micromixers in general, although industrial fluids like detergent, cosmetic, or food emulsions are non‐Newtonian. Friction factor was measured in a CPMM for both Newtonian and non‐Newtonian fluids. For Newtonian fluids, the friction factor in the laminar regime is f/2 = 24/Re. The laminar regime exists up to Reynolds numbers of 15. For shear‐thinning fluids like Carbopol 940 or viscoelastic fluids like Poly Acryl Amide (PAAm) aqueous solutions, the friction factor scales identically within statistical errors up to a generalized Reynolds number of 10 and 0.01, respectively. Above that limit, there is an excess pressure drop for the viscoelastic PAAm solution. This excess pressure drop multiplies the friction factor by more than a decade over a decade of Reynolds numbers. The origin of this excess pressure drop is the high elongational flow present in the Caterpillar static mixer applied to a highly viscoelastic fluid. This result can be extended to almost all static mixers, because their flows are generally highly elongational. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 2679–2685, 2013 相似文献
New experimental results on pressure loss for the single and two‐phase gas‐liquid flow with non‐Newtonian liquids in helical coils are reported. For a constant value of the curvature ratio, the value of the helix angle of the coils is varied from 2.56° to 9.37°. For single phase flow, the effect of helix angle on pressure loss is found to be negligible in laminar flow regime but pressure loss increases with the increasing value of helix angle in turbulent flow conditions. On the other hand, for the two‐phase flow, the well‐known Lockhart‐Martinelli method correlates the present results for all values of helix angle (2.56‐9.37°) satisfactorily under turbulent/laminar and turbulent/turbulent conditions over the following ranges of variables as: 0.57 ≤ n′ ≤ 1; Re′ < 4000; Rel < 4000; Reg < 8000; 8 ≤ x ≤ 1000 and 0.2 ≤ De′ ≤ 1000. 相似文献
Xiaoda Wang Chunying Zhu Taotao Fu Youguang Ma 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2015,61(3):1081-1091
Bubble breakup with permanent obstruction in an asymmetric microfluidic T‐junction is investigated experimentally. The breakup process of bubbles can be divided into three stages: squeezing, transition, and pinch‐off stages. In the squeezing stage, the thinning of the bubble neck is mainly controlled by the velocity of the fluid flowing into the T‐junction, and the increase of the liquid viscosity can promote this process. In the transition stage, the minimum width of bubble neck decreases linearly with time. In the pinch‐off stage, the effect of the velocity of the fluid flowing into the T‐junction on the thinning of the bubble neck becomes weaker, and the increase of the liquid viscosity would delay this process. The evolution of the minimum width of the bubble neck with the remaining time before the breakup can be scaled by a power–law relationship. The bubble length has little influence on the whole breakup process of bubbles. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 1081–1091, 2015 相似文献
Self‐similar breakup of viscoelastic thread for droplet formation in flow‐focusing devices

Wei Du Taotao Fu Qindan Zhang Chunying Zhu Youguang Ma Huai Z. Li 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(11):5196-5206
The self‐similarity of the breakup of viscoelastic dispersed thread for droplet formation in flow‐focusing devices is investigated experimentally. A high‐speed camera is used to capture the evolution and angles of the cone‐shaped liquid‐liquid interface. The self‐similar profiles for the liquid‐liquid interface are obtained by normalizing the interface with the minimum width of the dispersed thread. The breakup of the dispersed thread transfers from a self‐similar power law scaling stage with an exponent of 0.36 to a self‐similar exponential scaling stage. The asymptotic cone angles prior to final breakup are consistent with the value of 125.5° and 151°, respectively. The viscoelasticity inhibits the development of finite‐time singularity for the breakup of the liquid‐liquid interface at microscale, similar to the capillary breakup at macroscale. The results demonstrate that the breakup of the viscoelastic dispersed thread for droplet formation exhibits self‐similarity at microscale. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2017 相似文献
Many slurry rheograms do not follow the Bingham model, but are curved (convex upwards) at low‐strain rates. Alternate models such as the yield‐power law (YPL), provide a good fit to the low‐strain rate data, but they tend to underestimate apparent viscosities at high‐strain rates. The current paper considers a hybrid rheological model consisting of a cubic‐spline fit to the low‐strain rate data merging into a Bingham linear model above a limiting strain rate. This model predicts turbulent flow well, depending only on the area difference between the Bingham rheogram and the cubic spline. 相似文献
Tomography images to analyze the deformation of the cavern in the continuous‐flow mixing of non‐Newtonian fluids

Dineshkumar Patel Farhad Ein‐Mozaffari Mehrab Mehrvar 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2014,60(1):315-331
Tomography, an efficient nonintrusive technique, was employed to visualize the flow in continuous‐flow mixing and to measure the cavern volume (Vc) in batch mixing. This study has demonstrated an efficient method for flow visualization in the continuous‐flow mixing of opaque fluids using two‐dimensional (2‐D) and 3‐D tomograms. The main objective of this study was to explore the effects of four inlet‐outlet configurations, fluid rheology (0.5–1.5% xanthan gum concentration), high‐velocity jet (0.317–1.660 m s?1), and feed flow rate (5.3 × 10?5?2.36 × 10?4 m3 s?1) on the deformation of the cavern. Dynamic tests were also performed to estimate the fully mixed volume (Vfully mixed) for the RT, A310, and 3AM impellers in a continuous‐flow mixing system, and it was found that Vfully mixed was greater than Vc. Incorporating the findings of this study into the design criteria will minimize the extent of nonideal flows in the continuous‐flow mixing of complex fluids and eventually improve the quality of end‐products. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 315–331, 2014 相似文献
Nabil Ben Khelifa Zineddine Alloui Hassen Beji Patrick Vasseur 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2012,58(6):1704-1716
Numerical and analytical study of natural convection in a vertical porous cavity filled with a non‐Newtonian binary fluid is presented. The density variation is taken into account by the Boussinesq approximation. A power‐law model is used to characterize the non‐Newtonian fluid behavior. Neumann boundary conditions for temperature are applied to the vertical walls of the enclosure, while the two horizontal ones are assumed impermeable and insulated. Both double‐diffusive convection (a = 0) and Soret‐induced convection (a = 1) are considered. Scale analysis is presented for the two extreme cases of heat‐driven and solute‐driven natural convection. For convection in a thin vertical layer (A ? 1), a semianalytical solution for the stream function, temperature, and solute fields, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are obtained using a parallel flow approximation in the core region of the cavity and an integral form of the energy and constituent equations. Numerical results of the full governing equations show the effects of the governing parameters, namely the thermal Rayleigh number, RT, the Lewis number, Le, the buoyancy ratio, φ, the power‐law index, n, and the integer number a. A good agreement between the analytical predictions and the numerical simulations is obtained. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 1704–1716, 2012 相似文献
Bubble splitting under gas–liquid–liquid three‐phase flow in a double T‐junction microchannel

Yanyan Liu Jun Yue Shuainan Zhao Chaoqun Yao Guangwen Chen 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2018,64(1):376-388
Gas–aqueous liquid–oil three‐phase flow was generated in a microchannel with a double T‐junction. Under the squeezing of the dispersed aqueous phase at the second T‐junction (T2), the splitting of bubbles generated from the first T‐junction (T1) was investigated. During the bubble splitting process, the upstream gas–oil two‐phase flow and the aqueous phase flow at T2 fluctuate in opposite phases, resulting in either independent or synchronous relationship between the instantaneous downstream and upstream bubble velocities depending on the operating conditions. Compared with two‐phase flow, the modified capillary number and the ratio of the upstream velocity to the aqueous phase velocity were introduced to predict the bubble breakup time. The critical bubble breakup length and size laws of daughter bubbles/slugs were thereby proposed. These results provide an important guideline for designing microchannel structures for a precise manipulation of gas–liquid–liquid three‐phase flow which finds potential applications among others in chemical synthesis. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 376–388, 2018 相似文献
An attempt has been made to study the mixing of yield‐pseudoplastic fluids with a Scaba 6SRGT impeller using electrical resistance tomography (ERT) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The ERT system with four sensor planes, each containing 16 equispaced stainless steel electrodes, was used to measure the mixing time. The multiple reference frames (MRF) technique and the modified Herschel–Bulkley model were applied to simulate the impeller rotation and the rheological behaviour of the non‐Newtonian fluids, respectively. To validate the model, the CFD results for the power consumption were compared to the experimental data. The validated model was then employed to obtain further information regarding the averaged impeller shear rate, impeller circulation, and pumping capacities. The CFD and ERT data were utilised to investigate the effect of the impeller power, fluid rheology, and impeller size on the mixing time. The mixing time results obtained in this study were in good agreement with those reported in the literature. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 相似文献
Three‐dimensional numerical simulation of coalescence and interactions of multiple horizontal bubbles rising in shear‐thinning fluids

Jingru Liu Chunying Zhu Xiaoda Wang Taotao Fu Youguang Ma Huaizhi Li 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2015,61(10):3528-3546
The dynamics of multiple horizontal bubbles rising from different orifice arrangements in shear‐thinning fluids was simulated numerically by three‐dimensional Volume of Fluid method. The effects of bubble size, rheological properties of shear‐thinning fluids, and orifice structure arrangements on multiple bubbles interaction and coalescence were analyzed, and the mechanisms of bubble coalescence and breakup were fully discussed and elucidated. The variation of bubble rising velocity during coalescence process and freely rising processes for different orifice arrangements was also deeply investigated. The critical initial horizontal intervals for coalescence of multiple horizontal bubbles with various orifice arrangements were attained by simulation, which could serve as the critical criterion of bubble coalescence or noncoalescence. Furthermore, the critical bubble interval was predicted based on the film drainage model, the prediction accords well with the simulation result and is quite conducive for the design and optimization of perforated gas–liquid contact equipment. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 3528–3546, 2015 相似文献
Experimental and computational study of microfluidic flow‐focusing generation of gelatin methacrylate hydrogel droplets

This work presents the experimental and computational study of droplet generation for hydrogel prepolymer solution in oil using a flow‐focusing device. Effects of different parameters on hydrogel droplet generation and droplet sizes in a flow‐focusing device were investigated experimentally and computationally. First, three dimensional (3D) computational simulations were conducted to describe the physics of droplet formation in each regime and mechanism of three different regimes: squeezing, dripping, and jetting regime of hydrogel were investigated. Subsequently, the effects of viscosity, inertia force, and surface tension force on droplet generation, and droplet size were studied through these experiments. The experiments were carried out using different concentration of gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogel (5 wt % and 8 wt %) as the dispersed phase and two different continuous phase liquids (light mineral oil and hexadecane) with various concentrations of surfactant (0 wt %, 3 wt %, and 20 wt %). All experimental data was summarized by capillary number of dispersed phases and the continuous phases to characterize the different regimes of droplet generation and to predict the transition of dripping to a jetting regime for GelMA solution in flow‐focusing devices. It is shown that the transition of dripping to a jetting regime for GelMA happens at lower capillary numbers compared to aqueous solutions. Moreover, by increasing the viscous force of continuous phase or decreasing the interfacial force, the size of GelMA droplets was decreased. By controlling these parameters, the droplet sizes can be controlled between 30 μm and 200 μm, which are very suitable for cell encapsulation. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 43701. 相似文献
Use of an areal distribution of mixing intensity to describe blending of non‐newtonian fluids in a kenics KM static mixer using PLIF

F. Alberini M. J. H. Simmons A. Ingram E. H. Stitt 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2014,60(1):332-342
The performance of KM static mixers has been assessed for the blending of Newtonian and time‐independent non‐Newtonian fluids using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF). A stream of dye is injected at the mixer inlet and the distribution of dye at the mixer outlet is analyzed from images obtained across the pipe cross section. The effect of number of mixing elements, fluid rheology, and apparent viscosity ratio for two‐fluid blending have been investigated at constant mixture superficial velocity of 0.3 m s?1. Aqueous solutions of glycerol and Carbopol 940 are used as the working fluids, the latter possessing Herschel–Bulkley rheology. The PLIF images have been analyzed to determine log variance and maximum striation thickness to represent the intensity and scale of segregation, respectively. Conflicting trends are revealed in the experiments, leading to the development of an areal‐based distribution of mixing intensity. For two‐fluid blending, the addition of a high viscosity stream into the lower viscosity main flow causes very poor mixing performance, with unmixed spots of this component observable in the PLIF image. © 2013 The Authors AIChE Journal published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 332–342, 2014 相似文献
K. Wang Y. C. Lu J. H. Xu J. Tan G. S. Luo 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2011,57(2):299-306
This work focuses on the dispersion of micromonodispersed droplets and bubbles in the capillary embedded T‐junction microfluidic devices. The effects of the microchannel structure, operating conditions, and physical properties on the dispersion rules were carefully investigated. It was found that the extended capillary could greatly affect the dispersion rules, which was favorable for reducing the dispersed size. The dispersed size was mainly dominated by the Ca number, and the effects of dispersed phase flow rate and viscosity ratio of the two phases were also very important. The dispersion mechanism and size rules in the capillary embedded microfluidic devices were discussed seriously by comparing the similarities and differences of the liquid/liquid and gas/liquid dispersion processes. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011 相似文献
Static or motionless mixers have received wide application in chemical and allied industries due to their low cost and high efficiency. The pressure drop and mixing behaviour of such mixers have been widely studied. However, the available information for non‐Newtonian fluids is scanty. The results of pressure drop and mixing studies conducted with a locally made motionless mixer (MALAVIYA mixer) and four non‐Newtonian fluids—aq. CMC, PVA, and PEG solutions are reported in this article. The new mixer causes less pressure drop compared to some of the commercial mixers. Mixing behaviour of the unit is more closer to plug flow and a two‐parameter model correlates the dispersion data. 相似文献
Coalescence of air bubbles is important in gas–liquid reactors and food processing operations. Bubbles can be stabilized by using non‐ionic surfactants. Binary coalescence of air bubbles in ethylene glycol and aqueous glycerol solutions were studied in this work in presence of Span 80. A novel set‐up was developed to study long coalescence times. Coalescence time was observed to follow broad stochastic distributions in all systems. The distributions were fitted with a stochastic model developed earlier. The surface tension of ethylene glycol and glycerol solutions was measured at various concentrations of Span 80. These data were fitted using a surface equation of state derived from the Langmuir isotherm. The effect of surfactant concentration on coalescence time was explained in terms of the surface excess of the surfactant and the repulsive force generated at the air–liquid interface. The results from this work illustrate the stochastic nature of bubble coalescence in viscous liquids. This work also demonstrates how non‐ionic surfactants can stabilize bubbles in such liquids. 相似文献
Local hydrodynamic parameters of bubble column reactors operating with non‐Newtonian liquids: Experiments and models development

Amin Esmaeili Christophe Guy Jamal Chaouki 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2016,62(4):1382-1396
The effects of liquid phase rheology on the local hydrodynamics of bubble column reactors operating with non‐Newtonian liquids are investigated. Local bubble properties, including bubble frequency, bubble chord length, and bubble rise velocity, are measured by placing two in‐house made optical fiber probes at various locations within a bubble column reactor operating with different non‐Newtonian liquids. It was found that the presence of elasticity can noticeably increase the bubble frequency but decreases the bubble chord length and its rise velocity. The radial profiles of bubble frequency, bubble chord length, and bubble rise velocity are shown to be relatively flat at low superficial gas velocity while they become parabolic at high superficial gas velocity. Moreover, the bubble size and gas holdup are correlated with respect to dimensionless groups by considering the ratio between dynamic moduli of viscoelastic liquids. The novel proposed correlations are capable of predicting the experimental data of bubble size and gas holdup within a mean absolute percentage error of 9.3% and 10%, respectively. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1382–1396, 2016 相似文献