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This paper studies the bounded consensus tracking problems of second‐order multi‐agent systems with fixed and Markovian switching topology in a sampling setting. It is assumed that all the agents can only obtain the approximative value of the leader's acceleration instead of the actual value. Moreover, only a portion of agents can have the access to the leader and obtain the leader's position and velocity directly. By virtue of matrix analysis and perturbation theory, we present necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of tracking error system and show the ultimate bound of tracking errors under fixed and Markovian switching topology, respectively. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Deming Yuan 《Asian journal of control》2013,15(5):1295-1303
This paper studies the consensus protocol using the information of second‐order neighbors in undirected and connected networks of linear systems with communication delays. The feedback matrix which guarantees consensus under both the proposed and the traditional protocol is given; it is shown that with this matrix, the networks under the proposed protocol converge faster than the traditional protocol. Based on this result, the delay sensitivity of the proposed protocol is considered under an assumption about the communication topology. The maximum allowable upper bound of the delays is obtained by solving certain linear matrix inequalities. Two simulation examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. 相似文献
Firstly, guaranteed cost consensus for multi‐agent systems is introduced based on state errors among neighboring agents and control inputs of all agents, where a tradeoff between the consensus regulation performance and the control effort is considered. Then, a sufficient condition for guaranteed cost consensus is given by the state‐space decomposition approach and the Lyapunov method, where an upper bound of the cost function is determined and an approach is proposed to determine the control gain. It is worth mentioning that the criterions for guaranteed cost consensus are only dependent on the maximum eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrices of switching topologies. Finally, numerical simulations are given to demonstrate theoretical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the semi‐global cooperative output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear uncertain multi‐agent systems under switching networks. At first, we study the nonadaptive case when the exosystem has no parametric uncertainties and construct a common Lyapunov function to achieve the output regulation for general switching connected networks. Next, we study the case when the exosystem contains some parametric uncertainties. To solve the problem, we establish a stability result for a class of time‐varying system, which is then used in the design of distributed adaptive internal model‐based control. Then we construct multiple Lyapunov functions for the switching signal with its average dwell time lower bounded by a given constant. Throughout the paper, we treat the closed‐loop multi‐agent system from the viewpoint of singular perturbation. In fact, the singular perturbation‐based method provides an effective tool to handle the multi‐agent system under switching networks. Finally, we give numerical simulations based on Duffing systems and flexible manipulator systems to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Tingting Yang 《Asian journal of control》2013,15(5):1516-1523
In this study, consensus problems for second‐order multi‐agent systems with nonuniform and switching topologies are investigated. Each agent has a self‐delay, and each delay is independent of the others. As a measure of the disagreement dynamics, a class of positive semi‐definite Lyapunov–Krasovskii functions are introduced. Using algebraic graph theory and these Lyapunov–Krasovskii functions, sufficient conditions are derived by contradiction under which all agents asymptotically reach consensus. Finally, the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results is demonstrated through numerical simulations. 相似文献
Time‐varying output formation control problems for linear multi‐agent systems with switching topologies are studied, where two types of switching topologies are considered: (1) the topology is undirected and jointly connected, and 2) each topology is directed and has a spanning tree. An output formation protocol under switching topologies is constructed using the outputs of neighboring agents via dynamic output feedback. Two algorithms are proposed to design the dynamic protocols under both jointly connected topologies and switching directed topologies. Time‐varying output formation feasibility conditions are given to describe the compatible relationship among the desired time‐varying output formation, the dynamics of each agent, and the switching topologies. The stability of the closed‐loop multi‐agent systems under the proposed two algorithms is investigated based on the common Lyapunov functional theory and the piecewise Lyapunov functional theory, respectively. In the case where the topologies are jointly connected, time‐varying output formation can be achieved for multi‐agent systems using the designed protocol if the given time‐varying output formation satisfies the feasible constraint. For the case where the switching topologies are directed and have a spanning tree, the time‐varying output formation can be realized if the output formation feasibility constraint is satisfied and the dwell time is larger than a positive threshold. Moreover, approaches to determine the output formation references are provided to describe the macroscopic movement of the time‐varying output formation. Finally, numerical simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the consensus problem of fractional‐order multi‐agent systems with a reference state is studied under fixed directed communication graph. At the beginning, the convergence speeds of fractional‐order multi‐agent systems are investigated based on the Mittag‐Leffler function. Then, a common consensus control law and a consensus control law based on error predictor are proposed, and it is shown that the consensus tracking can be achieved using the above control laws when a communication graph has a directed spanning tree. Finally, the convergence speeds of fractional‐order systems are compared, and it is discovered that the convergence of systems is faster using the control law based on error predictor than using the common one. 相似文献
Bo Liu Tianguang Chu Long Wang Zhiqiang Zuo Guanrong Chen Housheng Su 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
This paper addresses the controllability of a switching network of multi‐agent systems with a leader obeying nearest‐neighbor communication rules. The leader is a particular agent acting as an external input to control other member agents. Some computationally efficient sufficient conditions for such multi‐agent systems to be controllable are derived. The results show that a multi‐agent system can be controllable even if each of its subsystem is not controllable, by appropriately selecting one of the agents as the leader and suitably designing the neighbor‐interaction rules via a switching topology. The fixed topology case is analyzed and new controllability conditions and formula of inputs for the desired formation of the network are presented. The controllability of a switching network of multi‐agent systems in the presence of communication delay is also investigated. Examples with numerical simulations are given to illustrate the theoretical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we study distributed rotating consensus in networks of second‐order agents using only local position information in three‐dimensional space. We propose a protocol to make the multi‐agent system finally move together around a common point and present corresponding conditions for rotating consensus of the system. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The problem of second‐order consensus is investigated in this paper for a class of multi‐agent systems with a fixed directed topology and communication constraints where each agent is assumed to share information only with its neighbors on some disconnected time intervals. A novel consensus protocol designed based on synchronous intermittent local information feedback is proposed to coordinate the states of agents to converge to second‐order consensus under a fixed strongly connected topology, which is then extended to the case where the communication topology contains a directed spanning tree. By using tools from algebraic graph theory and Lyapunov control approach, it is proved that second‐order consensus can be reached if the general algebraic connectivity of the communication topology is larger than a threshold value and the mobile agents communicate with their neighbors frequently enough as the network evolves. Finally, a numerical example is simulated to verify the theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper addresses the distributed observer‐based consensus problem of second‐order multi‐agent systems via sampled data. Firstly, for the case of fixed topology, a velocity‐independent distributed control law is proposed by designing a distributed observer to estimate the unavailable velocity, then a sufficient and necessary condition of consensus on design parameters and sampling period is obtained by using the matrix analysis method. Secondly, for the case of stochastically switching topology, a sufficient and necessary condition of mean square consensus is also proposed and proven, and an algorithm is provided to design the parameters in the consensus protocol. Two simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed consensus algorithms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper investigates consensus problems of networked linear time invariant (LTI) multi‐agent systems, subject to variable network delays and switching topology. A new protocol is proposed for such systems with matrix B that has full row rank, based on stochastic, indecomposable, aperiodic (SIA) matrix and the predictive control scheme. With the predictive scheme the network delay is compensated. Consensus analysis based on the seminorm is provided. The conditions are obtained for such systems with periodic switching topology to reach consensus. The proposed protocol can deal with time‐varying delays, switching topology, and an unstable mode. The numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. 相似文献
This paper addresses the observer‐based consensus tracking problem of multi‐agent systems with intermittent communications. The agent dynamics are modeled as general linear systems with Lipschitz nonlinearity. Under the assumption that each agent can intermittently share its relative output with neighbors, a class of an observer‐type protocol is proposed, and the consensus tracking problem can be converted further into the stability problem of the nonlinear switching systems. Using a combined tool from M matrix theory, switching theory and the averaging approach, a multi‐step algorithm is presented to construct the observer gains and protocol parameters, and the sufficient criteria established not only can ensure the state estimates convergence to the real values but also can guarantee the follower states synchronize to those of the leader. The obtained results reveal the relationships among the communication rate, the convergence rate, and the dwell time of switching topologies. Finally, the theoretical findings are validated by a numerical example. 相似文献
Yi Guo 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
We consider distributed estimation on a directed graph with switching topologies. Motivated by a recent PI consensus filter, we modify the protocol and remove the requirement of bidirectional exchange of neighboring gains for fixed topologies. We then extend the protocol to switching topologies and propose a new hybrid consensus filter design. Convergence results under both balanced directed, and general directed graphs are given for switching graphs. Consensus error bounds are analytically derived in the case of time‐varying inputs. Satisfactory simulation results are shown. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the exponential second‐order consensus problem of a network of inertial agents with time‐varying coupling delays and variable balanced topologies. The passive decomposition approach is employed to incorporate the agents' inertial effect into the distributed control design. The sufficient conditions for the exponential second‐order consensus are provided, both when the topology is switched arbitrarily (without dwell time between consecutive switches) and when it is switched with average dwell time. The results present conditions that must be satisfied by the controller design parameters and performance requirements. Furthermore, an approach to the design of consensus protocol is presented, which is robust to the time delays and the dynamically changing interaction topologies. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our theoretical results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, a novel consensus protocol for second‐order multi‐agent systems is elegantly designed, and it relaxes the common requirement of the velocity information of the agents. An interesting consensus criterion is explicitly derived in terms of the proposed cooperation law provided that the dynamical equation for each agent is linear. As an extension, the proposed cooperation rule is further extended to a general scenario, where the coupling weights characterizing the relationships among the neighboring agents are time‐varying. Accordingly, two distributed cooperative algorithms (node/edge‐based scheme) are explicitly designed. Moreover, we study the case of network with switching communication setting. It shows that edge‐based law is capable with the time‐varying topology, while the node‐based scheme is not. In addition, the proposed coordination strategies are applied to the tracking problem as well. Finally, these obtained consensus results are well supported in the light of the pendulum models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the consensus control problems for multi‐agent systems under double integrator dynamics with time‐varying communication delays are investigated. We assume that the interaction graphs among agents are directed. Two kinds of protocols are considered. One is an absolute damping protocol, and the other is a relative damping protocol. For the first protocol, Lyapunov–Razumikhin functional techniques are used. We derive sufficient conditions that guarantee that all agents asymptotically reach consensus under fixed topology and switching topology, respectively. Moreover, the allowable upper bound for communication delays is given. For the second protocol, Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional techniques are used. Linear matrix inequality (LMI)‐form sufficient conditions are obtained to guarantee the consensus problems to be solved under fixed topology and switching topology, respectively. The allowable upper bound for communication delays is given as well. The feasibilities of the demanded LMIs are also discussed. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our theoretical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper investigates consensus strategies for a group of agents with discrete second‐order dynamics under directed communication topology. Consensus analysis for both the fixed topology and time‐varying topology cases is systematically performed by employing a novel graph theoretic methodology as well as the classical nonnegative matrix theory. Furthermore, it is shown that the necessary and sufficient condition for the agents under fixed communication topology to reach consensus is that the communication topology has a spanning tree; and sufficient conditions for the agents to reach consensus when allowing for the dynamically changing communication topologies are also given. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the consensus of second‐order multi‐agent dynamical systems with exogenous disturbances is studied. A pinning control strategy is designed for a part of agents of the multi‐agent systems without disturbances, and this pinning control can bring multiple agents' states to reaching an expected consensus track. Under the influence of the disturbances, disturbance observers‐based control (DOBC) is developed for disturbances generated by an exogenous system to estimate the disturbances. Asymptotical consensus of the multi‐agent systems with disturbances under the composite controller can be achieved for fixed and switching topologies. Finally, by applying an example of multi‐agent systems with switching topologies and exogenous disturbances, the consensus of multi‐agent systems is reached under the DOBC with the designed parameters. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献